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What do you just HATE about Warframe?


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ill bite... the fact that plat costs 4 times more than it should... it pump money DEs way more often if i didn't have to fish for discount, i might even buy prime access for 80-100$ if i wasn't being jipped for the "added value" of the plat in it.


Beyond that not having a "i want to host" option for Pub "prefered latency" helps but... the US is laggy because it's and ocean away and russians are laggy because... russians.

Edited by PowerofTwo
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1 hour ago, Recel said:

Yes I already got corrected on the design council part.

Also, the first thing I did was to test if I can only not use abilities on the target or none at all in a mission. I used Mesa, and the second I activated shatter shield to test it the challenge failed. At which point it didn't really mater what frame I pick.


Not sure what to tell ya, I Ironskined it.  

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I would tell low focus on new features, but that is no more a costant, since they worked very well with PoE and keep it alive with frequent updates and events.

I would tell trade chat, but luckily there is warframe market which can let me easily skip all that toxic spam and time lost.

I would say the amount of absurd grind that rivens require but if you consider that those mods have gamebreaking results it may be justified

so at the moment I don't really "hate" anything , I just know that there are lot of things which could be improved, as a token system for sorties, many qol , more focus into the always ignored archwing or just (as was decided with raids) their retirement to come back in a more polished and enhanced form , changes in some warframe ability and so on...

The latest updates gave me great trust in DE, I think they are doing a great job, I hope they will keep their direction and focus.

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11 minutes ago, (PS4)BattleCry1791 said:

Not sure what to tell ya, I Ironskined it.  

With the amount of weirdness some Riven challenges have, I'm not surprise some things work while others don't.


Anyway, another thing I hate is ledges. Small ledges on every wall, pillar, box, piece of rock, bus, sign, decoration, tower, fence and everything, making you stuck if you jump too close and also making it impossible to hop directly up a wall...

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Theres a long list but my #1 thing would be rivens, first you got to get lucky to get one, then you got to unlock it, then you got to get it to be a gun you like to use, not only do you got to get the right combo of stats but they have to be high rolled stats, kuva farm for a .00000000000000000001 chance that you will be satisied with it is a joke to me. Just make it always have 3 or for 4 stats, and each stat is ranked up to 5 stars and make it so you can lock in a stat if you want and reroll the others. Eventually you will have 3 or 4 whatevers balanced be 5 star rank max and the correct stats you want. Its still a grind but atleast you can lock a stat in and its tiered between 5 ranks.  

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  • Founders who act like entitled brats
  • New players who act like entitled brats
  • That strange situation on corpus crash tileset where the objective indicator is not where you actually have to go
  • Rivens in general
  • Lack of Catalyst alerts
  • Overabundance of Reactor alerts or "gifts"
  • Limited Warframe or Weapon inventory space (like seriously. the whole point of the game is to grind for these weapons and Warframes, why the hell do you limit the amount of them we can collect. its just there to milk money out of people)

    and as a side note. why is there no good farming spot for certain resources? i want a good place to farm polymer bundles, because Uranus defense or survival is bunk
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4 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I know this is selfish, but I kind of hate how the game has to cater to low low end PCs. Devs have still done an amazing job though. I don't like the idea that future landscapes will have to be limited. 

there is no reason why they shouldnt? it just lets more people play the game if they find ways to allow old computers to run it

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On 2/26/2018 at 9:31 AM, SilentMobius said:

Forced teaming content awarding unique rewards was my big one, but with the Trials going away that is solved.

I suppose the next would be: using an unbounded random distribution for notable reward generation.

This means that it is by design that a player can simply never get a specific reward, there is nothing in the game that ever says "you have done enough" which means that there will always be some players who are just completely shafted for no reason.

It also means that there is no progress at all, (in these areas) which devalues the content. E.G. if you complete a fissure mission (Run missions until you get the relic, run other fissure missions until you have enough traces, upgrade the relic and happen to have a suitable mission available) there is no difference between run 1 and run X, you haven't improved, you didn't do anything different if you are finally given the drop, it's just that everything up until you happen to get the drop might as well not have happened, an evening spent running fissures that doesn't get you the reward you wanted gets you no closer at all (and no, trading isn't a replacement for a sensible drop mechanism)

Imagine if Mario, had levels where you complete the level but only get a 10% chance of progressing to the next level, completely random, just sent back to do it again? It would suck!

This doesn't mean that "it takes too long to get prime parts" what I'm saying is there should be progress: if you've run X times you should have something to mark that and if you haven't gotten the drop by (say) the 90% mark (which is ~21 runs of a "rare" 10% drop rate item, for example) the game should give it to you.

It doesn't need to be hard, just a "scanner"-like counter that records a %age "found" that goes up but a factor of the drop chance each time you don't get the drop you want (And have set the scanner for) and evaporates giving you the part if it hits 100% or if you get the drop early.

This way you always make progress, even if everything you get is junk, you've set a target and your progress to it is being measured (even if a lucky drop can short-circuit that)

so you want a Pity timer?

for example. Overwatch's lootcrate system has a pity timer, upon unboxing a crate, if it does not contain a epic or legendary (they will always contain at least one rare) it will increment a pity timer. for Epic's, it takes 10 unboxings for the timer to fill and for the next uncrate to have a 100% chance of unboxing an epic. each incrementation increases the chance of unboxing an epic until at 10, you have 100%. for legendary is the same thing, except 25 is the cap.

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31 minutes ago, VerthicaSilver said:

there is no reason why they shouldnt? it just lets more people play the game if they find ways to allow old computers to run it

There is a reason...a better more robust looking game and levels. I mean, I get it, but at the same time it's a roadblock. 

There's people that don't want open levels just because they can't run it. That holds the game back to an extent. 

But again, I get it. It wouldn't be fair to a lot of people


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The seemingly endless number of mods compaired to the handful that actually get used

Limbo (I will esc + abort mission whenever I see him. say what you want, he makes the game not fun for me and I just as soon drop group and find another in order to have fun)

Steam wallet only cosmetics that we cant spend plat to get


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taking away the trails, cause they want to force us to play PoE... 
not listening to the community and blaming them on removing the trails cause there are not enough people playing it, of course they wont play it when they 
can even find it on the star map... 
and of course the fact that they want WF to be a single player game... THEN WHY DID THEY MAKE IT A TEAM GAME WHERE YOU HAVE SQUADS OF 4 PEOPLE!!???!? 
sorry to much frustration on just getting treated like ...... for all the loyalty

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exclusive tennogen item witch cant buy with plat

waste alot of time buildding a warframe, then a bombard lvl 70 1 hit u and kill anyway

 cant enjoy melee enougth: at some enemies lvls it become totally figth for survive can go into melee bcs u death before can get near them xD ( thats anoying im most melee )

companion/pets  they do no dmg and they cant hold any dmg..

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5 hours ago, VerthicaSilver said:

so you want a Pity timer?

for example. Overwatch's lootcrate system has a pity timer, upon unboxing a crate, if it does not contain a epic or legendary (they will always contain at least one rare) it will increment a pity timer. for Epic's, it takes 10 unboxings for the timer to fill and for the next uncrate to have a 100% chance of unboxing an epic. each incrementation increases the chance of unboxing an epic until at 10, you have 100%. for legendary is the same thing, except 25 is the cap.

Nah, that doesn't actually get you the item you're trying to work toward.

I think a choosable progress meter that increments each time you could get a thing when you don't get the thing. At 100% you just get the thing.

It's a hard curt off of the long tail of probability distribution that screws a subsrt of players every time.

Edited by SilentMobius
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6 hours ago, VerthicaSilver said:
  • Founders who act like entitled brats
  • New players who act like entitled brats
  • That strange situation on corpus crash tileset where the objective indicator is not where you actually have to go
  • Rivens in general
  • Lack of Catalyst alerts
  • Overabundance of Reactor alerts or "gifts"
  • Limited Warframe or Weapon inventory space (like seriously. the whole point of the game is to grind for these weapons and Warframes, why the hell do you limit the amount of them we can collect. its just there to milk money out of people)

    and as a side note. why is there no good farming spot for certain resources? i want a good place to farm polymer bundles, because Uranus defense or survival is bunk

You perfectly hit all the problems. I applaud u.

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On 2/22/2018 at 10:34 PM, o0Despair0o said:

I'm kinda curious about what you people just hate about Warframe...


personally, I made a list:

- Logging into the game and the first thing I read is "Hotfix inbound in 1 Minute".

- The low amount of Catalyst Alerts. I don't need 20 reactors, I need friggin catalysts ;-;

- The trade chat. Post your offer -> get pushed out of the chat by 30 other people in like 10 seconds -> Repeat

- Host Migrations. Join mission - host leaves - migration - lags - host crashes or something - you're all alone.


EDIT: Oh boy, this is fun. I'm going to need some popcorn with extra salt <3


EDIT 2: Just to make it clear; I'm not trying to start a war here. I asked a simple question. Geez, there's no reason to go all "yeah I hate people like you because reasons" or "threads like this are the problem". Got a problem with me or this thread? Fine, but there's no reason to act like a you-know-what.



Seriously, 5 Radshares and all 20 were forma.

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On 2/28/2018 at 4:53 AM, Recel said:

Anyway, another thing I hate is ledges. Small ledges on every wall, pillar, box, piece of rock, bus, sign, decoration, tow

er, fence and everything, making you stuck if you jump too close and also making it impossible to hop directly up a wall...

I find this aggravating too. I want to parkour as smooth as Alex Mercer and James Heller!

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Alright at this point, I don't wanna talk about imbalance anymore but-


Like that Saturn boss said, 2EZ.

I hope that the PoE: Venus ver. is actually challenging, and not cater down to newbs when they are famous for complaining no matter how you spoonfeed them. And oh, if Venus PoE can increase its player capacity to 6~8 rather than 4, that would be great.

Edited by Zerecas
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