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Uranus is leaving a bad taste in my mouth


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Tired jokes aside, the fact that this is the ONLY spot in the game to try and farm Condition Overload, yet every single mission save 2 or 3 turn into the unbelievably horrible sharkwing makes me really, really hate what I used to think was a really cool tile-set.  The submersible parts are probably the worst part of the game for me.  I have legitimately just aborted exterminate missions when I realized I was going to have to get in the water for the last 2/3 of the kills.  It's an absolutely miserable slog, not made any better by the fact that I'm going on over a month of farming for Condition Overload.  I want the mod, I'm not paying real money for it (including platinum, though I have supported the game through platinum.) and the fact that it just NEVER drops is completely ridiculous.  I know the rarity is probably there for artificial longevity, but honestly, it's having the opposite effect.  I need it for a build, and the fact that I can't complete that build without this insane RNG grind is making me log in less and less.  I pop in a couple times a week to run Ophelia a few times, don't get anything that I want, and quit.  I used to play every single day, and this is killing the game for me.  If you put in the work, you should get what you worked for.  It's been months of almost daily grind, and I've got nothing but frustration to show for it.  Meanwhile, I've got clanmates that just happened across one on accident just doing star chart.

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Join Polymer farm groups, Do survival runs on uranus, Farm prime parts and sell them for plat and then buy the mod. It's not that hard. 
You in no way have to go through submersible missions on that planet for the mod.  Welcome to Warframe, meet your host, RNGesus.

SaltFrame Intensifies.

Edited by RayxAyanami
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That's all anyone can say these days.  Farming for one mod for longer than some entire games last is BS, and anyone that can't see that is blind.  I'm not paying for it.  I need platinum for slots, not for mods that should drop after over a month of farming.

"join groups durr, do survival durr"

What do you think I mean by farming?  Can you not read?  I'm doing all that.  It.  Will.  Not.  Drop.  For.  Me.

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Just now, Whooohooo said:

CO farm... i always do ophealia and it only about 5 sec at the start... where are u farming ?

my problem with Ophelia, and why sharkwing got mentioned, is that Ophelia is the ONLY place you can farm for it because of sharkwing being everywhere.  I am so tired of farming the same mission over and over and over for literally nothing to show.


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1 minute ago, (Xbox One)TehChubbyDugan said:

my problem with Ophelia, and why sharkwing got mentioned, is that Ophelia is the ONLY place you can farm for it because of sharkwing being everywhere.  I am so tired of farming the same mission over and over and over for literally nothing to show.


Farm prime parts, sell them, get platinum, ????, profit.

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as long as l00t Multiplication Abilities are present when playing Sealab Survival, then the next step is to double up on your Nekros to cover the weaknesses of Desecrate, and start using Slash to divide Enemies for more Chances at Condition Overload.

one can also make Sharkwing much more pleasant by using Itzal.

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1st tip of farming, never farm said item. Yes, sounds dumb, but you'll get it eventually. Actively grinding for one thing makes you burn out faster.

Second, transmute/RNG. Honestly, that's where I got mine.

Third, nekros/ivara/hydroid in one team, if able.

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Just now, (Xbox One)TehChubbyDugan said:

I need the platinum for slots, I'm not spending it on something that should just drop after a month of farming.

you can farm prime parts for a week and that should be enough plat to buy CO?

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2 minutes ago, (Xbox One)TehChubbyDugan said:

I need the platinum for slots, I'm not spending it on something that should just drop after a month of farming.

How many slots do you really need though, its only like what 100p on Xbox One? that's not much to be honest


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Just now, p3z1 said:

1st tip of farming, never farm said item. Yes, sounds dumb, but you'll get it eventually. Actively grinding for one thing makes you burn out faster.

Second, transmute/RNG. Honestly, that's where I got mine.

Third, nekros/ivara/hydroid in one team, if able.

The problem with the first piece of advice is that I have literally everything I could need from Uranus, aside from CO.  I ran the spy mission until I had the entire drop table.  I'm in an Ivara right now, and have the pieces for a second in my inventory.  I have an Equinox sitting in my foundry.  Considering it only drops from here, and from one enemy, if I don't farm for it, I'll never come across it. 

I've never gotten anything but trash from transmutes.  Half the time I put in rares and get bronzes.  Cores don't help either.  I don't have luck.

I can only manage that team when my clan feels like polymer farming, which is never.

Thank you for at least responding with advice that wasn't something already covered in the OP.

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Just now, --Kyber-- said:

How many slots do you really need though, its only like what 100p on Xbox One? that's not much to be honest


It's 20p a slot for warframes and 12p for 2 weapon slots.  I'm not waiting 84 hours to make a warframe, leveling it up all the way, then trashing it just because I need the slot.  Same basic idea for any weapons that are not MR fodder (unless they're fun.).  I have a foundry full of stuff waiting to get pulled, and when I get slots, I pull it out.  I only delete something if I hated it.  Getting all the slots I'd need, then buying CO would be ridiculous.  That's a gigantic amount of relic popping, followed by lurking in trade chat so that I can get the slots I need, so that I can justify spending the excess on a mod that, again, should have already dropped.  Because it should have already dropped.  Ice Spring has the same chance to drop from the same enemy, and I've gotten several of those.

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First rule of Warframe, if you want something it never dorps, it always drops nearby if you do other things, you have it earleir probably by doign rnadom alerts there or random missiosn out of boredom instead of wanting it, bad RNG is bad luck as always.

Some are more lucky then others, and the mdo like msot are not mandatory, you want it, farm it till your cotnrols bleed or buy it of others, complainign you need oyur platinum for slots is pointless and only showsa closed mind to not the alternatives, eather you farm it for months or farm prime and get it for sure that way atleast.

With trading you atleast havea fixed goal of gainign platinum with the mod itself hoping it to drop is gambling at its best, at best try atleast to combine fissures with Uranus if they pop there.

ALl i can advice and as others did advice, options are open, you only need ot accept them.

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Statistically speaking, that mod should never drop, realistically. It's a 0.02% chance from a single mob. You may "always get garbage" from transmuting but it's still a better chance, with cores, than 0.02%. Waiting on that miraculous jackpot drop is never going to work out well. 

So you've only got two options, keep stubbornly grinding away for a mod that mathematically could never drop and it'd make statistical sense for that to be the case, or you could skip frame/weapon slots for a bit to pay platinum for it, especially since you said that you're only playing to get that mod in order to finish a build you're making, so you don't even need the slots until you get CO, based on your own comments. And if you don't want to sit in trade chat, use warframe.market, it's way quicker. 

Beyond that, I don't know what you're looking to hear, the community can't change the drop rate and you're just lashing out at people that are trying to offer suggestions. 

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1 hour ago, LQWP-Mesix said:

you can farm prime parts for a week and that should be enough plat to buy CO?

he can farm corrupted mods for an hour sell them and buy CO... Yet he is stubborn af. RNG doesnt mean mod should drop after month of farm. it means RANDOM. its likely to drop after month of farm yet not guaranteed. 

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2 hours ago, (Xbox One)TehChubbyDugan said:

The problem with the first piece of advice is that I have literally everything I could need from Uranus, aside from CO.  I ran the spy mission until I had the entire drop table.  I'm in an Ivara right now, and have the pieces for a second in my inventory.  I have an Equinox sitting in my foundry.  Considering it only drops from here, and from one enemy, if I don't farm for it, I'll never come across it. 

I've never gotten anything but trash from transmutes.  Half the time I put in rares and get bronzes.  Cores don't help either.  I don't have luck.

I can only manage that team when my clan feels like polymer farming, which is never.

Thank you for at least responding with advice that wasn't something already covered in the OP.

Even the complete parkour mods (let's assume they don't drop from jesters) and those stances from manic bombards (vermillion storm IIRC)? Dayyum son, you must know how burnout feels.

Transmute was never reliable, because RNG. If your luck in making CO drop is horrible, I'd rather really just wait for it to drop some other time. No, I never used transmute cores.

I only do polymer farms in the DSS node there (forgot the name), yields more polymers especially with the right tactic.

Last suggestion: Do Uranus 1 hour daily at most. Use secura lecta + nekros maybe if you can manage it. Extra mods go into the transmuter (preferably melee mods, rare/gold types). I think I rolled mine from stance mods, just saying. Secura Lecta should pay off transmuting costs this way. Not the best, not the ugliest, but at least it's a manageable way of farming.

Edited by p3z1
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I got mine on a fissure defense mission there. Stephano i think the map is? The one you have to change place every few waves. No sharkwing at all on that map and a relitively common neo fissure location. Try just entice a nekros or two to join your group and you should be set to farm in peace

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59 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Mythical Warden said:

This title makes me feel uncomfortable.

You know what is the worst?

Fissures in Uranus, those literally hurt from the inside.


Lame jokes aside, this is one of the worst maps in the whole game. I rather not try to get anything from there if possible.

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