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Features needed to play.


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I have noticed that there is no label for Prime parts which by clicking you can save the part of the weapon or warframe for yourself and not be afraid that sold surplus and there is no symbol which shows that you have ready sapaty from the forge item.

PS When a lot of things, and you're low skill but want to sell Prime stuff, and one Prime part to keep yourself and not to sell then to raise a weapon or warframe. Or if there is no place in the inventory for weapons or warframe want at least in the reserve to pick up but as long as the weapon or warframe in the reserve it can not be used, and after buying any of the slots can be taken from the reserve warframe if there is a slot empty or when there is an empty slot for weapons.

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What sort of label do you want for prime parts? 

There is a separate section in our Inventory for prime parts, and you can choose the quantity of the item you want to sell.

If you want a warframe or a weapon, but have no slots for it, you can still build it and keep it in the foundry, it won't disappear.  Once you get more slots you can claim them. The foundry acts as a reserve. 


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Мне просто надо знать, готовые вещи не продаются если я их не забрал?
И в инвентаре во вкладке прайм части мне лично хочется функцию замка чтобы я когда продаю или обмениваю видеть что я для себя оставил или просто как у многих вещей надпись не продавать, функция для каждого личная чтобы те вещи которые мы забрали не были видны при обмене или продаже.
I just need to know if things aren't for sale if I didn't pick them up?
In the inventory tab Prime parts I personally want a lock function so that when I sell or exchange to see what I have left or just how many things a sign not to sell the feature for every personal to those things that we took were not visible in the exchange or selling.

Edited by SharkBit1
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Oh so you want to be able to lock specific amounts of prime parts, so of you where selling to baro for ducats you wouldn't accidentally sell something you wanted to keep?

For example, you have a trinity prime blueprint. You lock it so when you go to sell to baro you can't sell the trinity prime blueprint, but you can still sell everything else. Or something like that?

Personally I'm very obsessive about my prime inventory but accidents happen and I don't think locking items in your inventory is a bad idea :) I've played a few games that have had that option and its always a welcome feature. 


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Вот я об этом и говорю. Я когда собираю для продажи прайм хлам я оставляю для себя по одной прайм части или чертежу, а остальное продаю что получить хоть немного платины чтобы накопить на слот. Одним словом: Я как коллекционер собираю всё и оставляю то что у меня нету, а лишнее продаю людям или на прайм волюту переделываю.
That's what I'm saying. When I collect for sale Prime stuff I leave for one Prime part or drawing, and the rest sell it to get a little bit of platinum to save up for a slot. One word: I, as a collector collect all and leave what I don't have and extra to sell people on Prime or currency alter.

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