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An old mechanic (well, bug) that's outlived its usefulness and is killing my favorite frame (Nova)


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2 hours ago, Caelward said:

They speed up the inherent grind of the game 

If making the first few waves of a defense mission (only one of many game types) is that much of a deal maker for you, then you should consider playing other game modes more.


A few here keep criticizing the suggestion to remove speed-prime from Nova on the case that it *adds more ways to build the character.*


....I listed like eight different ways to build Nova in the beginning that all have varying uses. Speed is only good for one thing... And that's an arguable point which is why I brought it up.

2 hours ago, Caelward said:

My opinion that 'Speed Nova is fine' is just as valid as your opinion that 'Speed Nova is terrible'.

Maybe... But this point is in and of itself a problem. Some players, like you, are fine with a mechanic that makes things harder. And if at least most of the time people were ready for it and it was playable, I'd be fine with it too.


But some players, like me, are fed up with it because when we don't want it we can't avoid it. A couple people suggested asking them to stop. Have you tried it? People will do it all the more cuz now they think I'm a noob who deserves to be trolled.


It's not like this happened once or twice and I'm just complaining cuz a Speedva got me killed.

It's been this way for months.. my entire recent experience with Speedva players. I'm convinced the ones defending her here are the trolls that are trying desperately to hang onto their laughs.

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2 hours ago, Rawbeard said:

I guess the difference between doing half a million and three quarter million damage is really relevant.

It actually is when you're fighting sortie-level enemies or higher. (Esp bosses or eximus)


And it's actually a difference of 200k dmg (at 100% str) and 600k damage (at 300% str) and everything in-between.


It's the difference between being able to still oneshot them or having to cast two AMDs, and potentially die in the process. Who fought level 150+ Ambulas with Nova again? Oh that's right; I did. (I had help, of course, but our run set records for 2 clans.)

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Hot topics lead to heated discussions.

My take-away from this is that it seems you've run into more of a public-lobby/audience issue rather than a game/character issue.

A Speed-Nova is hardly 'wrong' in an ideal circumstance, which is a group active and ready for such a situation.


Instead of going on a personal inquisition to see a frame being changed, why not take to chat and attempt to let other players in the group know that a Speed Nova can be a bit of a detriment to unknowing and unprepared players? If you see people in a public lobby using a Speed-Nova in a situation that may not be ideal, let them in on what makes a situation good or bad for her and move on. If you've got the knowledge about her, spread that and let others in on how to do well with her. You'll only be helping the community at that point instead of trying to tear down something that has become somewhat of a 'fifth-ability' as it were for Nova.


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2 minutes ago, (Xbox One)RPColten said:

Instead of going on a personal inquisition to see a frame being changed, why not take to chat and attempt to let other players in the group know that a Speed Nova can be a bit of a detriment to unknowing and unprepared players? If you see people in a public lobby using a Speed-Nova in a situation that may not be ideal, let them in on what makes a situation good or bad for her and move on. If you've got the knowledge about her, spread that and let others in on how to do well with her. You'll only be helping the community at that point instead of trying to tear down something that has become somewhat of a 'fifth-ability' as it were for Nova.


TL;DR if a Speedva is speed-priming, ask them to stop and let them know why.


Again, I've tried this. Numerous times. It always results in an argument not unlike the one I've started on the forums (except it's funnier when you're actually in the match where the Speedva is getting ppl killed)


They don't listen. They troll harder cuz now they think it's funny that someone is "raging."


I made a forum post precisely because I'm tired of getting nowhere with individuals and thought I should bring this to DE's attention.

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Everyone wants to blame everything but the actual culprit....

@(Xbox One)RPColten "it seems you've run into more of a public-lobby/audience issue rather than a game/character issue."

@Mr.Snipersmiley "The problem isn’t the frames it’s the players, if they’re dying because the enemies got slightly more difficult it’s on them, then that’s their problem NOT the speedvas."

@trndr "If players die due to speed nova, it's due to not having any usefull equiptment, and they would have died anyway."

So... is it the players being noobs... or is it bringing unranked/crappy equipment? Why can I bring whatever the hell I want when Speedva isn't around and do just fine, but only have problems when Speedva is there? Maybe it's because she's partially buffing enemies? I don't know...


I don't even know with this one....

@trndr "my point is it doesn't matter if you die quick or slow, you're dead anyway."

Pretty sure the rate at which you take damage is a pretty big factor in staying alive, buddy. Just ask anyone ever who's played a game (like this one) where you have a numerical health pool.

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I've gone into a mission on hydron with a half build ember and all rank zero weapons, with a speed nova and we've been just fine. Better than fine we held down the room with no problems. Also I've never seen a speed nova that couldn't carry, so you are just getting bad match ups. Find a team to play with, build up your mods, or even better arcanes now that they aren't hard to get. We all get crap matches from time to time. 

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5 minutes ago, KadenTempes said:

We all get crap matches from time to time. 

Well then I just must always get the worst matchups because I've never seen a Speedva that could properly carry.

Almost every time I'm in a match with one, they have the lowest dmg percentage and kills (or close to it.) I'm usually the one carrying.

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5 minutes ago, KadenTempes said:

Yep really bad matchups. 

We're talking weeks worth of games tho bro. Months' worth. I've encountered Speedvas dozens of times and never seen one surpass me in kills or dealt dmg. Half the time, I was on an unranked or low-level frame too.

If the skill set required for Speedva to be decent is so niche, then this is still a point worth talking.

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vor 9 Stunden schrieb Ace4225:

So... what's the point? Speed-Nova now is annoying and frustrating to deal with when she's unwanted (which is about 95% of the time). She ruins games, toxifies the Nova player base, and devalues a great frame into a speed-running utility that actually isn't as great as people think it is.

Yeah when people try to convince you speed nova is better under all circumstances :facepalm: yes in BIZARRO-world. You regularly get complaints during normal missions for using slow nova!

This is what is wrong currently with this game. The big majority seems only concerned about how to streamline everything for farming, rather than playing or enjoying the game for what it is. I already get people yelling at me because I am not close to extraction point near the end of surivivals. Because it isn`t the most min/max time efficent thing to do!

If you try to PLAY Warframe, you have a hard time these days, there is alot more which goes into this. 




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[ Comments about Speed Nova making waves go faster. ]

So, to do the actual math, I just played about a dozen 5-wave Hydron runs. 2-3 with Speedva in pubs, and 2-3 with Slova in pubs, then a couple each solo.

Pub games varied from ~3:30 - 4:30, but I'm pretty sure this had more to do with the other players. (the ones with good Volt/Embers went faster) Got 1 person killed once too with Speedva. (Oh and we also had G3 show up in one, Stalker in another. Didn't really affect the finish time.)

I finished all the solo ones in *identical* time: just under 4 mins. (approx. 3:55) Timer ran from the moment the first wave started (paused for stage transition "waves") to the moment everyone's health turned gray at the end of wave 5.

There was also no point in going longer than 5 waves as enemies only climb in level.

Both Novas ran *Identical weapon setups* and Enemy Sense. (The Speedva also has Rejuv for aura)

This experiment proves my earlier conclusion: Speedva *doesn't actually make waves go faster.* It all depends on how active you are as a player.

@--Q--Nyu you wanted proof I wasn't trolling earlier question mark? Here you go.

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