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Lets Make Nezha Amazing


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So, ive been playing Nezha recently and it saddens me cause he has a lot of potential, so lets fix that!


Passive: its kay, no need to change it, keep speedy slidy boy speedy and slidy


Base stats: Energy is fine, shields dont really matter that much, armor wont need a boost with the changes i'll propose, but he could use a boost to base HP(about 100 for a total of 325 base hp)


now, abilities:


1- Firewalker: its pretty good for a 1, no need to change the ability itself, BUT the augment, Pyroclastic Flow, could use some boost to the shape and duration of the fire carpet created, i'd suggest a trail that spreads on a 90º angle with the same length it currently has AND boost its duration by 5 seconds or so, this would be enough to make the augment amazing at giving nezha AoE scaling dmg


2- Blazing Chakram: probably nezhas weakest skill currently, but one reason is cause it just doesnt fit his kit since nezha currently isnt meant to be taking HP dmg, lets fix that!


1st, lets make chakram affected by melee mods, this wont make it overpowered or anything as long as we make its 100% chance to apply heat status separated from normal status chance, this would just make it soften targets to be killed via other means to trigger the healing explosion


2nd, lets keep the healing gimmick, this will come in hand for the changes to the next ability


3rd, lets improve the distance it can travel and its flight speed, also we'll keep the teleporting gimmick which would be improved by this boost to range/speed


3- Warding Halo: probably the ability i'd change the most


1st, scrap the discount iron skin way it currently works as, instead transform it into a damage resistance ability: 70% at rank 3 and caps at 90% via use of power strength mods


2nd, lets keep the silly stun thing it currently has


3rd, keep the Safeguard augment but change it give allies 100% of warding halos effect with a maxed mod, this boost is simply cause when you look at gara's splinter storm existing, giving allies a weaker version of the halo would be, well, pretty bad


4th, make it a duration based ability(20 seconds at base?) that cant normally be refreshed and instead can be refreshed by performing the blazing chakram teleport or using divine spears(cant decided which is more balanced)


now warding halo is no longer discount iron skin AND the healing powers of blazing chakram can benefit nezha a lot more


4- Divine Spears: honestly? this ability only needs some minor QoL tweaks, it should remain a wide CC ability and not be meant for dmg at high levels


1st, remove the slam animation on nezha, just have enemies get slammed at the end anyways(keep our ability to slam manually too, just no extra animation)


2nd, let us re-impale enemies who are still recovering from ragdolls or other animations(for those who dont know, enemies who arent fully standing up wont be impaled by the spears and will just take the initial puncture dmg, also they wont be slammed at the end) the reason for this change is just... well consistency, anything that ragdolls or knockdowns(including divine spears itself) interferes with this skill, which is specially annoying if u have teammates using abilities or weapons that cause ragdolls or knockdowns



and as a general QoL change for his abilities in general: faster animations, please DE, i know hes meant to be flamboyant because of the deity he's based on, but his animations are just so slow


thats it for my suggestions to improve nezha, give me some feedback!

Edited by TKDancer
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I'm not sure I would go the DR route with Warding Halo. Not that it's a terrible idea, but then Nezha becomes more of a discount Gara instead of a discount Rhino - needing the augment to cast on teammates and lacking the other advantages of Splinter Storm while also costing more energy. I see what you're getting at though, using DR to synergize with Nezha's 2.

I think it would be better if Nezha could simply cast to refresh on himself and allies innately, and maybe reduce the cost when casting on allies and objectives compared to himself. Then it becomes more like Icy Avalanche from Frost, needing more effort to refresh, but stronger at base and not dependent on hitting enemies. Perhaps it might also be better if Blazing Chakram created a decently sized healing field rather than a burst heal, and possible grant some DR to enhance the protection of Warding Halo.

Edited by Neightrix
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4 minutes ago, Neightrix said:

I'm not sure I would go the DR route with Warding Halo. Not that it's a terrible idea, but then Nezha becomes more of a discount Gara instead of a discount Rhino - needing the augment to cast on teammates and lacking the other advantages of Splinter Storm while also costing more energy. I see what you're getting at though, using DR to synergize with Nezha's 2.

I think it would be better if Nezha could simply cast to refresh on himself and allies innately, and maybe reduce the cost when casting on allies and objectives compared to himself. Then it becomes more like Icy Avalanche from Frost, needing more effort to refresh, but stronger at base and not dependent on hitting enemies. Perhaps it might also be better if Blazing Chakram created a decently sized healing field and possible grant some DR to enhance the protection of Warding Halo.

thing is, even being able to refresh warding halo wouldnt be enough to even think of competing with iron skin, and id much have discount splinter storm than discount iron skin as it would, as u noticed, allow a synergy with blazing chakram's healing, also itd be considerably less clunky


we could add in a reduced energy cost or greater base duration or smth else to compete with splinter storm tho, im open to ideas

Edited by TKDancer
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The longer you look on splinter storm the less it becomes a reference for balancing other warframe abilities. It alone may be stronger than the whole Nezha skillset.

I like the damage reduction idea for warding halo.

Blazing chakram needs help. Faster flightspeed, more range. Targetting a zone without enemies should teleport you there in an nearinstant, fluid animaion. The healing should be a HOT with a good duration and range to make it an viable alternative to gunplay.

Perhaps a nice synergy when targetted at impaled enemies?

Nezha sorely lacks any group interactions (warding halo augment aside). Perhaps a nice speed/mobility group buff somewhere?

Edited by Sahansral
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4 hours ago, TKDancer said:

thing is, even being able to refresh warding halo wouldnt be enough to even think of competing with iron skin, and id much have discount splinter storm than discount iron skin as it would, as u noticed, allow a synergy with blazing chakram's healing, also itd be considerably less clunky

Having used Splinter Storm, I vehemently disagree. Maintaining it on multiple allies is incredibly clunky, even with the ability to refresh it via Mass Vitrify (because allies have to actually touch the wave). Having that same clunky ability also provide a tiny fraction of the protection (36% DR provides only 15.625% of the EHP of 90% DR) would not be remotely worthwhile. I'd sooner put Nezha back on the shelf and play Gara with a high attack speed Sancti Magistar. Warding Halo having no duration and being easy to track via squad health/buff info is vastly superior.

The better solution would be to allow Blazing Chakram (and only that) to heal Warding Halo like Reinforcing Stomp. The fact that Rhino has two augments to help him maintain Iron Skin, while Nezha as a defensive support oriented frame has no access to that functionality at all, is quite vexing.

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1 No idea, never use it. Not because it's bad but because it's not my style of ability and the few times I used it, it didn't seem to be worth the drawbacks of a channeled ability or the energy I spent. People will want it channeled still because of the augment mod so maybe just remove the energy gain limitation from it being a channeled skill and maybe it will get more use (from me, maybe it's fine as is and I'm just picky).

2 After the first hit that you have to skillfully aim for, it auto targets the nearest enemies and bounces to them. Increased Flight speed (doesn't have to increase range like flight speed does with weapons but a little extra range wouldn't hurt either). If damage is to be a focal point of this skill at all, allow melee mods to work with it, including glaive specific mods. Only give it melee mods OR auto targeting after the first hit, or else you have a team healing skill that can kill decently well and be spammed. 

3 Give Warding Halo a repulsion/blind/stun effect on expiration of Warding Halo that has more range than its melee damage ring. If that's not an option, simply reduce its casting animation. Add to the current augment that the heal from Chakram will heal the Halo (no overhealing the Halo). 

4 Remove Slam animation or make it a 1 handed action. Give it an augment mod that increases armor for each enemy skewered for the full duration of the ability (even if everyone skewered dies). Or, an augment that heals the Halo for each enemy killed while skewered. 

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32 minutes ago, DreamsmithJane said:

Having used Splinter Storm, I vehemently disagree. Maintaining it on multiple allies is incredibly clunky, even with the ability to refresh it via Mass Vitrify (because allies have to actually touch the wave). Having that same clunky ability also provide a tiny fraction of the protection (36% DR provides only 15.625% of the EHP of 90% DR) would not be remotely worthwhile

The better solution would be to allow Blazing Chakram (and only that) to heal Warding Halo like Reinforcing Stomp.

in cause u havent used safeguard yet, it doesnt requrie aiming or or chasing ur allies, as long as they were near u when u activated halo they'd get the bonus so it wouldnt really be that clunky, and for refreshing we'd keep the same formula, just be relatively near nezha


as for the shared DR, it could be higher, im not too knowledgeable about EHP math and stuff


and giving nezha a reinforcing stomp like ability wouldnt really fix the issue of nezha's healing feeling out of place unless it healed normal HP AND warding halo HP in a % way (reinforcing stomp is bad cause its a tiny flat value), and even if it did heal the halo, unless nezha got the means to get very high values via smth akin to rhino's ironclad charge(or if they buffed the hell out of warding halo's base values) it would def still not feel as worthwhile as DR(plus my suggested boost to base hp)

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27 minutes ago, TKDancer said:

in cause u havent used safeguard yet, it doesnt requrie aiming or or chasing ur allies, as long as they were near u when u activated halo they'd get the bonus so it wouldnt really be that clunky, and for refreshing we'd keep the same formula, just be relatively near nezha


as for the shared DR, it could be higher, im not too knowledgeable about EHP math and stuff


and giving nezha a reinforcing stomp like ability wouldnt really fix the issue of nezha's healing feeling out of place unless it healed normal HP AND warding halo HP in a % way (reinforcing stomp is bad cause its a tiny flat value), and even if it did heal the halo, unless nezha got the means to get very high values via smth akin to rhino's ironclad charge(or if they buffed the hell out of warding halo's base values) it would def still not feel as worthwhile as DR(plus my suggested boost to base hp)

What? Yes it does. You need to have your crosshairs over an ally to apply Warding Halo with Safeguard. I use it frequently. It's single-target. In fact, if an ally gets under your crosshairs when you press 3 and doesn't have it yet, you're forced to use it on them instead of yourself. That includes companions and any other valid target.

Gara provides 90% DR to everyone. Matching it would make Nezha redundant at best, and anything less would make him a hard pass.

Reinforcing Stomp is only "bad" because contrived Ironclad Charge combos give such exorbitantly large Iron Skin values that the benefit of Reinforcing Stomp is tiny compared with simply using Iron Shrapnel to discharge it and then reapply. Builds without those other augments are usually Stomp builds with low strength, which also makes RS perform badly. Blazing Chakram's heal per target is also better than Reinforcing Stomp already. As a percentage, the return to Warding Halo from making consistent use of Blazing Chakram would be much better. I'm also suggesting this should be done without an augment.

Edited by DreamsmithJane
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I havnt had a chance to mess around with ivaras navigator yet, but i wish when using blazing chackram, it was less like an enlarged glaive, and more like something you could actually control. Being able to slow it down, or even slow everything down with aim glide because you would technically be in the air, allowing for more precise teleportation would be nice. Having it glow and cast your energy colored light along the ground and walls to better indicate exactly where it was would be perfect. Its a really hard learning curve on that teleport, cant really get where i really want to go.

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The Ideas I had for him:

1. Fire Walker : This skill is pretty good as it is. CC, cleanses status, and has potential to deal damage with its augment. The only issue I have is that the width is too skinny and the energy cost is too high.

Request: As well as the reduced drain, have fire width and sprint speed scale with range and strength respectively ( Sometimes when I run around or through enemies to cc with fire walker I sometimes miss an enemy due to how skinny fire walker's radius is. I'd like to see if be affected by range and unfurl..more like a wave of fire behind him, or at least in a cone.)

2. Blazing Chakram: This is where most of Nezha's issues lie. Blazing Chakram can inflict a heat proc, knock down an enemy, heal nearby allies if enemies hit are killed, and Nezha can teleport to his Chakram while it's mid-flight, causing a fire explosion if Firewalker is active. Sadly, almost every part of this has issues.

  • The heat proc/Knockdown is okay CC, but a lot of times the Chakram just becomes impossible to aim. It seems to just bounce off enemies without doing anything at times, and other times an ally being a little too close will cause it to bounce off of them and go anywhere else. 
  • If Nezha does manage to hit an enemy, allies have to be within (a small) range of the enemy to receive the heal
  • When Nezha hits an enemy with Chakram, they often ragdoll a bit, often moving out of range for a heal
  • There's no indicator of what enemies are hit by Blazing Chakram other than the heat proc, but when Firewalker is a thing is becomes hard to tell.
  • Pretty much nobody enjoys Firewalker being turned off when teleporting. It then costs more energy to turn Firewalker back on
  • The Teleport explosion doesn't really do much other than a heat proc. The damage is pitiful.

Request: Give Blazing Chakram the "bladestorm treatment". Allow us to mark enemies then the Blazing Chakram will auto target the enemies we mark. If we choose not to target enemies we can still use it to teleport. Also make the teleport a bit more smooth, and make this ability scale with range. Hold 2 to mark enemies and release to launch it. This will allow for fun, cc, and mass healing once allies kill the targets.

3. Warding Halo: Another good skill. While not as strong as Iron Skin, it has some CC and can be put on allies with the augment. It'd be nice if there were a way to restore it's health though. Rhino is already tankier than Nezha, but he also has a way to restore his Iron Skin. Nezha has to wait for his Halo to run out (if running out of bounds is not an option), then use a decently long cast time to regain Warding Halo. This makes Nezha much more vulnerable, and in higher levels he gets shredded easily. 

Request: make it bigger , scale with range mods,change it from an iron skin effect to a self centered area of effect damage mitigater that works on self and allies in the radius while scaling up to 95% with some strength mods. This would give him a good bit of survivability because his health and shields are already low. This will also serve to make him a better supportive player with his wading halo augment.

Why change that ability so much? Well rhino's iron skin is way better then Nezha's warding halo. Iron skin works really well with its near instant 0.5 cast time.  The augment allowing for mid skin recasts and aoe stun are good. Iron skin also scales with armor so, Health conversion, steel fiber and Rhino charge augment get you some nice 100,000-300,000 skins. Warding halo is ..ehm a bit broken. It's like a broken version of the same skill, with 1.5 seconds cast time means it can't be used in combat to take advantage of the scaling as death is almost always the outcome in high leveled content.

4. Divine Spears: Pretty good CC, even if the casting time is a bit long. However, that ending animation...either remove it or make it a 1-handed action. Too many times has it been a nuisance. It stops the player from firing their weapons and reloading, which can leave them a sitting duck and force them to restart their reload timer. Also I find it hard to keep up the cc when another enemy enters the vicinity.

Request: scrap the second animation (where he drops enemies to the ground or the ability ends) and instead of keeping that we can make it to where casting it again picks up new enemies that are in the area, similar to Equinox's sleep.

It's just my take on what he should get but I like your ideas too!

Edited by Trickst3rGawd
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1 hour ago, DreamsmithJane said:

What? Yes it does. 


yeah sorry u right, u right

1 hour ago, DreamsmithJane said:

Gara provides 90% DR to everyone. Matching it would make Nezha redundant at best, and anything less would make him a hard pass.

id be fine with redundant considering how absolutely bonkers splinter storm currently is, no DR skill can match it due to being share-able, refreshable and the infinitely scaling dmg, its just too good, only things that can light a candle to it is str8 up becoming invulnerable with valkyr/harrow or hundreds of thousands of iron skin HP


1 hour ago, DreamsmithJane said:

 Blazing Chakram's heal per target is also better than Reinforcing Stomp already. As a percentage, the return to Warding Halo from making consistent use of Blazing Chakram would be much better. I'm also suggesting this should be done without an augment.

i still cant help but feel like DR would benefit nezha better, but u make me think that safeguard switch should just give the full effect to allies or smth very close instead of around half and up the max DR to 95% instead of 90%

Edited by TKDancer
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16 minutes ago, TKDancer said:

yeah sorry u right, u right

id be fine with redundant considering how absolutely bonkers splinter storm currently is, no DR skill can match it due to being share-able, refreshable and the infinitely scaling dmg, its just too good, only things that can light a candle to it is str8 up becoming invulnerable with valkyr/harrow or hundreds of thousands of iron skin HP


i still cant help but feel like DR would benefit nezha better, but u make me think that safeguard switch should just give the full effect to allies or smth very close instead of around half and up the max DR to 95% instead of 90%

I agree with you TK. DR would fit nezha way better then an iron skin like ability, why give a frame that barely has shields and health that kind of ability when he isn't tank. They need to either buff his Halo and make the stun scale with range or scrap it and make it DR.

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