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Why Inaros Passive is kinda useless


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12 minutes ago, Almagnus1 said:

It's also a really good stance to take

its really not but okay


also im not shaming u, im stating that ur attitude of "the game should care about team play 1st and foremost even at the expense of solo players" and how talking about solo-play balance isnt valid is really... well its poopy

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20 minutes ago, TKDancer said:

its really not but okay


also im not shaming u, im stating that ur attitude of "the game should care about team play 1st and foremost even at the expense of solo players" and how talking about solo-play balance isnt valid is really... well its poopy

And yet, catering to soloers is how many an MMO (like SWTOR which is rumored to be shut down later this year) have bled population like you wouldn't believe - and it's not just SWTOR either, LotRO and arguably WoW has done just that, and yet MMOs (like FFXIV) that force people to group up and make it impossible to solo through the game (you will be blocked before level 20 by a mandatory instance in the main story quest chain) are thriving - which shows that you don't cater an MMO towards solo gameplay, instead, you focus on giving good content and good group play options.

So are you stating my experience in other MMOs is invalid?

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u dont get to say "we shouldnt care about solo players" my dude, and u cant act like WF plays like typical MMOs

Let's see... it's got group content that can be cleared with a group or solo (much like world quest content in MMOs); a platinum economy (like MMOs); endgame content (mainly Tridolon and Sorties now, but formerly raids); the warframes are classes; cities/towns being relays and the literal town of Cetus; a massive population of over 50k concurrent players on PC at peak time.

Whatever Warframe may have started life as, it has evolved into an MMO with three shards/servers/realms - PC, Xbox, and PS4.

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So getting back to the OP....

What many tend to forget is that Inaros actually has two passives:

  1. Sarcophagus on death/insta rez mechanic
  2. Killing with Stealth Finishers/Counterattcks restores 20% of Inaros' HP

Personally, I understand the derpiness of the first because that second one is bonkers, especially with a Zaw Dagger using Stinging Thorn and a Covert Lethality/Blood Rush build.

See http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Inaros/Abilities for more info

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5 hours ago, Almagnus1 said:

Let's see... it's got group content that can be cleared with a group or solo (much like world quest content in MMOs); a platinum economy (like MMOs); endgame content (mainly Tridolon and Sorties now, but formerly raids); the warframes are classes; cities/towns being relays and the literal town of Cetus; a massive population of over 50k concurrent players on PC at peak time.

Whatever Warframe may have started life as, it has evolved into an MMO with three shards/servers/realms - PC, Xbox, and PS4.

i meant gameplay


warframe is nowhere near SWTOR or FF14 in terms of gameplay and balancing


freaking keeping solo players and those who mainly just do pub games in mind when making balance changes wont destroy this game, dont be dramatic

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You don't need to kill allies.... it just absorbs health from all surrounding things. So it'll absorb hp from more than 2-3 people. 

But yeah, would be nice if it was more useful in higher lvls

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43 minutes ago, TKDancer said:

freaking keeping solo players and those who mainly just do pub games in mind when making balance changes wont destroy this game, dont be dramatic

Which is the same dichotomy as solo or group... cause if I'm running a pub game, I'm still in a group and not solo.

35 minutes ago, Maka.Bones said:

You don't need to kill allies.... it just absorbs health from all surrounding things. So it'll absorb hp from more than 2-3 people. 

But yeah, would be nice if it was more useful in higher lvls

It's only that way because Inaros actually has two passives, the second being a 20% HP heal when you kill with a stealth finisher or counterattack - which is arguably one of the best passives in the game.  I'm fine with the derp one because of the second one.

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23 hours ago, TKDancer said:

yes it is useless for solo play cause it doesnt scale, if u try to drain mid-high level enemies u will never kill them alone, and u need 2 full health bars drained to revive


how is it not useless???


also, whether or not someone should be going down is besides the point, the thing being discussed is that part of inaros's passive(the sarcophagus one) is not good in solo and either redundant or harmful in team play when it is in play

Once again Sentinel...etc. can kill enemies.

Did you really think you could dodge the fact that Inaros' passive drain comes with its own CC?

On 3/5/2018 at 2:33 AM, TKDancer said:

without inaros to draw fire sentinels die instantly

On 3/5/2018 at 4:06 AM, ComradeHX said:

Or you can keep enemy in panic animation.

Because you tried to switch topic to multiplayer right after:

On 3/5/2018 at 10:14 AM, TKDancer said:

as i said, redundant cause most frames have CC or powers/weapons strong enough to wipe anything near u from existence

On 3/5/2018 at 12:37 PM, ComradeHX said:

>most frames
>implying you need such passive if teammates are actually around, aren't sleeping, or you aren't playing solo


No, whether Inaros should be going down has everything to do with the point, which is your opinion that it's not useful.
Inaros is a tanky frame, why should Inaros be able to pick itself up easily when literally no other frame has that option?
Passives of warframes CAN be either inconsequential or very useful depending on rest of the kit; rest of Inaros' kit is great, passive can be completely inconsequential and it would be FINE.

Not to mention Inaros' passive is great, because it lets you get revived even if teammates are just meme-spinning around without paying attention.

Once again:

In solo play Inaros can self-revive by draining enemies while pet/sentinel kill enemies(never tried it but I bet specters, allies...etc. will work as well).
Sentinel/pet will NOT die instantly(contrary to your claim) if you use the built-in CC of the drain to keep enemy(or multiple enemies) stuck in panic animation(or whatever animation is played when they're being pulled).

Finally, you don't need to worry about passive(aside from the finisher-heal part) if you don't go down, that's it.
If you can't stay alive as Inaros in solo play then you deserve to eat the loss of exp(which is more irrelevant than Inaros' passive).

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On 3/3/2018 at 11:12 AM, Deatrone said:

It's kind of useless because he's nearly immortal, and has both selfhealing and good cc. So maybe a completely different passive would be actually better, like a little scarab swarm around him stealing hp from his enemies and healing inaros at the same time. Maybe it can be tied to his ultimate, and at 100% you'd have 5 scarabs that would heal you 25hp/second and deal same finisher damage to enemies in a 6m radius around you. Also his another pretty useless ability Sandstorm could triple the amount of scarabs and their damage/healing, and make them attack enemies inside it.

I think he should have built in quik thinking for sarcophagus passive... Keep the finisher healing one.

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1 hour ago, ComradeHX said:

Once again Sentinel...etc. can kill enemies.

Once again:

In solo play Inaros can self-revive by draining enemies while pet/sentinel kill enemies(never tried it but I bet specters, allies...etc. will work as well).
Sentinel/pet will NOT die instantly(contrary to your claim) if you use the built-in CC of the drain to keep enemy(or multiple enemies) stuck in panic animation(or whatever animation is played when they're being pulled).

Finally, you don't need to worry about passive(aside from the finisher-heal part) if you don't go down, that's it.

as i said, these flying goblins will insta die without a frame drawing fire, and stunning a couple enemies out of a horde wont do much, i didnt ignore this as u literally quoted me saying this too


NOT ONLY THAT, most sentinel guns are REALLY freaking weak and not fit for killing even mobs past the level 40-50 range, same for pets(unless u have many hunter set mods)


passive is bad, needs to be reworked/scrapped for smth new(the sarcophagus part, heal on finisher kill is fine)

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2 hours ago, TKDancer said:

as i said, these flying goblins will insta die without a frame drawing fire, and stunning a couple enemies out of a horde wont do much, i didnt ignore this as u literally quoted me saying this too


NOT ONLY THAT, most sentinel guns are REALLY freaking weak and not fit for killing even mobs past the level 40-50 range, same for pets(unless u have many hunter set mods)


passive is bad, needs to be reworked/scrapped for smth new(the sarcophagus part, heal on finisher kill is fine)

Once again no they won't instantly die, not only because Inaros can CC multiple enemies(maybe you should try "git gud" to CC more than one enemy, or even just press 1 or 4 before you die), but also because Sentinels can be modded to be more durable(or at least get an extra life).

Who says you're allowed to easily resurrect yourself every time if you screwed up and died in a large horde of enemy?
Sarcophagus is your chance to recover from your own mistake, not guaranteed get-out-of-jail card.
Not to mention Solo play gets less enemy spawns, so your imaginary scenario is even less likely.

I don't care what your opinion on sentinel weapon is, it's your fault for not equipping the good ones.  Deconstructor Prime isn't the only one that can kill enemies.  And it's almost like there's a cost in opportunity when equipping something like Artax.
Hunter mods aren't the only things that work. (at the very least you can fit Munition on primary, and maybe Synergy/Recovery on pet).
If you fail to invest in sentinel weapons/pets, that's your fault, not the fault of Inaros' passive.

Your ideas are bad.  Passive is fine; it absolutely works in solo play if you didn't have a major screwup that landed you in a terrible position.
Almost every other frame have inconsequential(as in both not essential for its kit to work and weak) passive, Inaros has a chance to revive himself(in addition to getting hp back from finisher).  That passive is perfectly fine if not already op.

You don't like sarcophagus? Fine, don't use it.  For vast majority of people there was no need to use it at all since the other part of Inaros' passive keeps Inaros from going down, alongside 1, 3, 4 CC and 2, 3 invincibility.

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2 hours ago, TKDancer said:

passive is bad, needs to be reworked/scrapped for smth new(the sarcophagus part, heal on finisher kill is fine)

If you don't like the sarcophagus... why don't you just suicide when you die?

Or maybe the better question: If you're solo, why are you even dying in the first place?

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14 minutes ago, ComradeHX said:

You're bad.  Passive is FINE.
Almost every other frame have inconsequential(as in both not essential for its kit to work and weak) passive, Inaros has a chance to revive himself(in addition to getting hp back from finisher).  That passive is perfectly fine if not already op.

You don't like sarcophagus? Fine, don't use it.

omggggggggggg why are the people in these forums like thissssssssss



like do u think i dont freaking play the game enough to know what happens to my sentinels if i go down? and i like that u just assume what sentinel weapons i use, like lmao where did u get the idea that i use deconstructor prime? also where did you get the idea that pets can reliably kill high level enemies without the hunter set of mods


even a sweeper prime isnt good enough(unless u have a riven, then idk how strong it can get)


the sarcophagus cant stun everything, and all it takes to down a sentinel is a few shots


the passive is bad, i agree that getting free revives is OP, but we dont get free revives when we need them most(that is, when we facing high lelvel content that actually threatens inaros) so i say: rework this part of the passive into something new


and other(mostly the older) passives being bad doesnt justify inaros getting a 2 part passive where 1 part is not really usable

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2 minutes ago, Almagnus1 said:

If you don't like the sarcophagus... why don't you just suicide when you die?

Or maybe the better question: If you're solo, why are you even dying in the first place?

do u guys think before hitting submit reply


i dont force respawn cause i mostly play pub games and trust teammates to get me up, something sarcophagus cant do(not that they always pick me up, but randoms tend to at least try), also those are limited and id rather not risk running out


and srsly? "why are u dying in the 1st place? i am very intelligent har har" 

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17 minutes ago, TKDancer said:

omggggggggggg why are the people in these forums like thissssssssss



like do u think i dont freaking play the game enough to know what happens to my sentinels if i go down? and i like that u didnt address them being bad at killing


even a sweeper prime isnt good enough(unless u have a riven, then idk how strong it can get)


the sarcophagus cant stun everything, and all it takes to down a sentinel is a few shots


the passive is bad, i agree that getting free revives is OP, but we dont get free revives when we need them most(that is, when we facing high lelvel content that actually threatens inaros) so i say: rework this part of the passive into something new


and other(mostly the older) passives being bad doesnt justify inaros getting a 2 part passive where 1 part is not really usable

Of course you would cry like that when you're not allowed to have your way.

I know you don't play game enough to know what happens to sentinels if you go down.
Either that, or you're purposefully ignoring reality in attempt to push your narrative.

Both possibilities make your ideas terrible.

Why don't you go test how many enemies Inaros can stun before posting more drivel?

Sentinel still has an extra life, and if you wasted that then it dies...so what? Sh*t happens.

The passive is fine, once again the other part of the passive is what matters most of time(and when it's used, it generally prevents you from going down in first place; Sarcophagus is less relevant by design of Inaros' entire kit).

Inaros has two part passive; that in itself is either op or just fine(when your sarcophagus fails).

Have you ever heard of bleedout time mod?  Time to try one if you don't have enough time to suck "high" level enemies.

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14 minutes ago, TKDancer said:

do u guys think before hitting submit reply


i dont force respawn cause i mostly play pub games and trust teammates to get me up, something sarcophagus cant do(not that they always pick me up, but randoms tend to at least try), also those are limited and id rather not risk running out


and srsly? "why are u dying in the 1st place? i am very intelligent har har" 

I can't speak for others but I'm pretty sure you don't.

Just like you don't force respawn.
Who cares if you blow a respawn?
There's literally no difficulty in vast majority of Warframe to require all those lives wasted.
Actually, if you go down so fast to need them, you should probably be playing something else.

Yes, why are you dying in first place when Inaros' entire kit is designed aroun increasing defense, heal, being invincible during 2/3, and lots of CC(literally every active skill is a CC)?

I don't know about "very intelligent" but I bet they're more intelligent than you are.

Why don't you go test how many enemies Inaros can stun before posting more drivel?
Actually, don't bother.  It's literally every enemy you have LOS to as long as you can move mouse fast enough.

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28 minutes ago, ComradeHX said:

Of course you would cry like that when you're not allowed to have your way.

I know you don't play game enough to know what happens to sentinels if you go down.
Either that, or you're purposefully ignoring reality in attempt to push your narrative.

Both possibilities make your ideas terrible.

Why don't you go test how many enemies Inaros can stun before posting more drivel?

Sentinel still has an extra life, and if you wasted that then it dies...so what? S#&$ happens.

The passive is fine, once again the other part of the passive is what matters most of time(and when it's used, it generally prevents you from going down in first place; Sarcophagus is less relevant by design of Inaros' entire kit).

Inaros has two part passive; that in itself is either op or just fine(when your sarcophagus fails).

Have you ever heard of bleedout time mod?  Time to try one if you don't have enough time to suck "high" level enemies.

lmao u really are amazing


clearly i never played WF so i know nothing, clearly u are right about everything


clearly inaros can stun the hordes we face in this game at infinite ranges, and clearly enemies with AoE attacks that deal heavy dmg to our sentinels when we are the ones being targeted dont exist(also i just tested it, seems to be around 4-6? or maybe its purely a range thing but either way enemies not being drained only get stunned if they are within a 1-2 meter radius and trying to pull enemies close via drain has its limits as the enemies already close will block u from pulling others, but outside of infested enemies most corpus and grineer units use firearms so they wont be getting that close to u on their own)


clearly 1 extra life of being one shot is gonna save the day, also i love the "so what?" the so what means u're gonna die, cause sarcophagus cant kill anything on its own, and neither can sentinels, kats or kubrows at any level range where inaros could actually die


and do u actually think anyone in this game actually wastes a mod slot for longer bleedouts? bleed out timer mod and bleed out dmg mods were already discussed in the thread, 2 wasted mod slots that dont make a difference


"Sarcophagus is less relevant by design" gee i didnt know i was talking to someone from DE who designed inaros


this discussion has basically been reduced to you defending this part of the passive cause of a magical scenario where one could possibly self res with sarcophagus via pets while at the same time saying its meant to be bad cause the other part is strong

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23 minutes ago, TKDancer said:

lmao u really are amazing


clearly i never played WF so i know nothing, clearly u are right about everything


clearly inaros can stun the hordes we face in this game at infinite ranges, and clearly enemies with AoE attacks that deal heavy dmg to our sentinels when we are the ones being targeted dont exist(also i just tested it, seems to be around 4-6? or maybe its purely a range thing but either way enemies not being drained only get stunned if they are within a 1-2 meter radius and trying to pull enemies close via drain has its limits as the enemies already close will block u from pulling others, but outside of infested enemies most corpus and grineer units use firearms so they wont be getting that close to u on their own)


clearly 1 extra life of being one shot is gonna save the day, also i love the "so what?" the so what means u're gonna die, cause sarcophagus cant kill anything on its own, and neither can sentinels, kats or kubrows at any level range where inaros could actually die


and do u actually think anyone in this game actually wastes a mod slot for longer bleedouts? bleed out timer mod and bleed out dmg mods were already discussed in the thread, 2 wasted mod slots that dont make a difference


"Sarcophagus is less relevant by design" gee i didnt know i was talking to someone from DE who designed inaros


this discussion has basically been reduced to you defending this part of the passive cause of a magical scenario where one could possibly self res with sarcophagus via pets while at the same time saying its meant to be bad cause the other part is strong

Yep, I'm amazing.

Yep, as displayed in this entire thread.

Yep, he can stun them all since there is supposedly no range limit, as long as you can drag mouse through them.
Enemies with AOE attacks will do damage but they won't once you CC them.  It's almost like Bombards are supposed to be a threat to something...
I just tested with 8+ and it still works, just need LOS(only ones moving/firing were blocked by others).

Yes, because getting shot by bombard is rare as you can dodge the slow rocket, rest of enemies typically do not deal that much damage.
So what if you die?  Dying happens, other frames don't even have such chance.

I don't think anyone would waste a mod slot like that; but with your level of intelligence...maybe.

Actually, Inaros is already plenty tanky with just two mods(maxed vitality and steel fiber), everything else is just a bonus.
You can decide between further maximizing his tankiness(not really required) or give him more energy/damage(also not really required since he can 1 for finisher and rage/hunteradrenaline gives all the energy he needs outside energy-reduction sorties) for rest of his mods, or give some movespeed...etc.  None of those make a huge difference.
There isn't much lost if somehow you decide to use two mostly-worthless mods.

You don't need to be a designer at DE to know how a warframe's kit functions.  This is online gaming 101, it should be natural to be able analyze how a champion/hero/warframe works.  

It's quite obvious that the sarcophagus part is not supposed to be relevant often as all other abilities are supposed to prevent you from going down, thus preventing sarcophagus passive from being used.  Once again rest of Inaros' abilities are built for survivability; if all/most of them only make Inaros do more damage (being glass cannon) then you might have a case against sarcophagus mode.  But that is not the case.

I don't need to defend any part of the passive; I'm just attacking your bad reasoning.
Self-resurrection with sarcophagus isn't magical.  The mechanic is very well explained.

It's not meant to be bad because it's NOT bad.
You're able to CC all enemies within LOS while downed, that makes it easier for team to res you incase you ever not play solo.
That's op as F***.  What other warframe can do such thing when downed?  Every other warframe do nothing when "downed" during solo play.

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13 minutes ago, ComradeHX said:

Yep, he can stun them all since there is supposedly no range limit, as long as you can drag mouse through them.
Enemies with AOE attacks will do damage but they won't once you CC them.  It's almost like Bombards are supposed to be a threat to something...
I just tested with 8+ and it still works, just need LOS(only ones moving/firing were blocked by others).

Yes, because getting shot by bombard is rare as you can dodge the slow rocket, rest of enemies typically do not deal that much damage.
So what if you die?  Dying happens, other frames don't even have such chance.

I don't think anyone would waste a mod slot like that; but with your level of intelligence...maybe.

Actually, Inaros is already plenty tanky with just two mods(maxed vitality and steel fiber), everything else is just a bonus.
You can decide between further maximizing his tankiness(not really required) or give him more energy/damage(also not really required since he can 1 for finisher and rage/hunteradrenaline gives all the energy he needs outside energy-reduction sorties) for rest of his mods, or give some movespeed...etc.  None of those make a huge difference.
There isn't much lost if somehow you decide to use two mostly-worthless mods.

You don't need to be a designer at DE to know how a warframe's kit functions.  This is online gaming 101, it should be natural to be able analyze how a champion/hero/warframe works.

It's quite obvious that the sarcophagus part is not supposed to be relevant often as all other abilities are supposed to prevent you from going down, thus preventing sarcophagus passive from being used.

I don't need to defend any part of the passive; I'm just attacking your bullsh*t.
Self-resurrection with sarcophagus isn't magical.  The mechanic is very well explained.

It's not meant to be bad because it's NOT bad.
You're able to CC all enemies within LOS while downed, that makes it easier for team to res you incase you ever not play solo.
That's op as F***.  What other warframe can do such thing when downed?


read that part again, where enemies getting pulled in block u from pulling others, u cant CC everything,  u'll be lucky to get 4-6 in a game where being attack by at least a dozen enemies from varying ranges and directions is common



bombards arent the only threat with AoE attacks bud


stooping so low as to call me dumb? u go glen coco


u do need to be a designer to say whether an ability that is underperfoming is meant to do so, u are speculating that its meant to not be relevant and just stun enemies for allies to res u, as if this game isnt filled with old content that gets overshadowed by newer content all the time


i called your imaginary scenario where one could possibly self res with pets/sentinels magical, cause it aint happening



other frames can actually use their modded weapons to actually kill enemies near them while downed so allies can come in and res them with less of a threat


but hey, mediocre CC tho amirite


passive needs changing, i personally see the previously proposed change of absorbing loot to self res as a decent alternative, or maybe just embrace it as a team oriented passive and make the drain required to fill the bar time based but not allow us to self revive and instead reduce res time for teammates coming to save us based on how full the bar is


i have literally no idea why you and that other guy are so keen on defending this, but im tired of this pointless discussion so do me a favor and dont reply, theres a limit to the stubbornness i can handle

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Inaros's alternate bleedout state:


  1. Potential for self-revive (While inconsistent, it has more ability to do so than any other bleedout state in game)
  2. One of the best ways to allow teammates to revive: just kill enemies in the area.
  3. Spammable hard-cc attack that does not use ammo.



  1. Cannot move at the crawl of a normal bleedout.
  2. Cannot use the damage of normal secondary weapon.


Except that upside #2 essentially eliminates downside #1, because it means Inaros no longer needs to run to a spot safe for allies to revive from: they can kill enemies from whatever distance, and revive you all the same.

And I'd say that for downside #1, if you're in such a rush to deal damage, you wouldn't even bother with a normal down-state, you'd just hold USE to suicide and get back to fighting.


So, at least as far as I see it, it's a direct upgrade.

Add in that he has another, very powerful passive, and I don't think his passive as a whole needs buffing.




Yes, it is not very effective at self-rezing.

But I don't think ANY frame should have the ability to cheat death at all times.

Nidus has an ignore-being-downed, but at the cost of hard-earned stacks.

Wukong has an ignore-being-downed-for-long-periods-of-time, but it costs energy, needs to be constantly refreshed, and can be nullified, and the rest of his kit is meh.


What would be the cost of Inaros self-rezing?

Currently, the ONLY cost is that it's really unlikely to be in a situation where it will work.

I can understand if you don't like that downside, but there needs to be a reason why a player won't just always self-revive.


An Inaros alternate-bleedout that is largely the same as now, but is much easier/reliable to self-rez with, would eliminate a great deal of challenge when it came to playing that frame.



|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|ALL THE EMPHASIS=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|

Now, if you actually replace that downside with another one, of roughly equal impact, then by all means, change his passive.

|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|ALL THE EMPHASIS=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|

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3 minutes ago, chainchompguy3 said:

Now, if you actually replace that downside with another one, of roughly equal impact, then by all means, change his passive.

ergo the suggestions of having to consume loot to revive(no loot = no revive, and since we cant kill while downed as inaros it requires loot to already be there) or just make it not about self res but more about making res for teammates faster(fully loaded bar = instant res akin to vazarin instant res)

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2 hours ago, TKDancer said:

i dont force respawn cause i mostly play pub games and trust teammates to get me up, something sarcophagus cant do(not that they always pick me up, but randoms tend to at least try), also those are limited and id rather not risk running out

From my experience, the only thing coffin loses over a standard down is the ability to crawl.

Otherwise it's basically a standard defeat with more stuff, and given how awesome the finisher passive is, I'm fine with having a dumpster fire worthy passive to complement the really awesome one, and happy that Inaros has two passives.

All I'm seeing out of you is nothing but "imma lazy" type complaints about the coffin.

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3 hours ago, ComradeHX said:

I don't know about "very intelligent" but I bet they're more intelligent than you are.

Hey just scrolling through and reading all the feedback to this thread...I just would like to say that even though there is no common ground for you guys to come to..there should be no insults thrown back and forth. You guys are derailing the thread and ruining this thread for those with feedback. Also Im kind of with TK on the " why are people on the forums like this!!". Chatting in a condescending way , giving their feedback + a sneak insult. Assuming they're crying or whining when all they are trying to do is be helpful..all that just to get shut down.It's just super sad.

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