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So.. How Does Alad V. Manage To Keep His Job?


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First, his "Recommendation" that they raise the material prices on the Grineer because he thought they were joking when they threatened with their "Imaginary" Fomorian "Superships". This wound up blowing up in his face; the Corpus were forced to offer the Tenno a reward for blowing up the Grineer Fomorians.


Now, the same guy (if you click the Arid Fear link in-game, you'll see his name at the bottom) came up with another "swell" idea of placing scouts on Void Ships because the Tenno would be "hard-pressed" to find the information they want.


This, too, is blowing up in his face, because now they have Tenno crawling all over their bases, picking them apart for the coordinates of the Corpus Ships in the Void. No, the Tenno do not have to chase after them in the Void Storm; we're just going to put keys together and teleport in and grab your sorry boxheads.


So, that's two huge failures from Alad V.


You'd think at some point he'd get fired...

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Well the fomorian event could have gone alot worse for the Corpus if it wasn't for Alad's quick thinking by offering the Tenno mod Tech knowing that most of us really like new mod tech

so if it wasen't for him the Corpus would be screwed

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Well the fomorian event could have gone alot worse for the Corpus if it wasn't for Alad's quick thinking by offering the Tenno mod Tech knowing that most of us really like new mod tech

so if it wasen't for him the Corpus would be screwed


But yet at the same time he started the whole mess by incorrectly calling a bluff.

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You're so wrong on Lore...


we weren't hired.


Corpus deal with trade, the invasion of grineer give Grineer their resources, stops Corpus input from other galaxies/ systems, and therefore makes trade not so good, and drops less frequent.


They call us the betrayers possibly because we gave up on our human heritage *If these guys are supposed to be humans it's hard to tell except for the crewman capture target* and fought with the "Eyelass Hag" known as Lotus, which could be an AI like the storyline from Oblivion, the movie.

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its called a Xanatos Gambit.


A Xanatos Gambit is a trope wherein the architect of the scheme, usually the villain, baits the protagonist into a course of action that looks like its going to foil the villain, but in actuality, the gambit works because the villain has arranged the scenario to insure that there's a positive outcome for his agenda, whether the heroes succeed or fail.


His first Xanatos Gambit with the fomorians was that the grineer were bluffing. He'd either raise the prices on them and profit if they were lying, but if they weren't, the tenno go in and blow up the fomorians and weaken the grineer, which also benefits him. Then, as a door prize, he gives us goody bag of ammo mods.


The Xanatos Gambit this time is that he sends the scouts into the void for whatever dumb purpose that benefits him, (I didn't really listen to the whole video with that annoying modulated voice) and he says, "If these scouts stay here, phase 1 collect underpants, phase 2 ????, phase 3 profit!" and we don't kill the scouts, he somehow wins because evil corporate fatcat villain powers.


But what's actually happening is that if the tenno chase the corpus scouts into the orokin void, that's a giant professional force of murder junky space ninjas that are going into what is fundamentally a secret treasure dimension full of ancient alien pirate loot and cleaning it out. He can send a bajillion moas in there to do that for him, or he can just put an albatross around the neck of his scouts, sacrifice them to the army of space ninjas that will kill everything between point A and point B (unless they're rushers, naturally.) and then half the orokin void will be riddled with bullets and corpses and he'll come through with a broom to sweep all that ancient space tech into his wallet without having to fire a shot.

The scouts naturally will be dead, but come on, he's an evil corporate fat cat villain, sacrificing faceless goons is three quarters of his playbook.

And that's how he wins no matter what. And then we get presents. And nail guns.

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What's more puzzling is that why would corpus hide their scouts, they extract the intel from them, and then kill them. Since they outlived their usefulness.


Instead of doing that, corpus hid them in ships, amassed an army in each to protect them. Aren't corpus good to their kind?

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Wasn't he also the one who pretty much said Yeah the Fusion Moa invasion is a great idea?



I sense a date with a Corpus Cleric is in order, if the Church grows tire of his antics back home on Neptune.

Edited by FrostWolf
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The Corpus are rather calculating. On one hand if we fail, they keep good ties with the "dogs". on the other hand if we win, they get the apperance of trying their hardest and letting us barely scrape by which still opens up new oppertunities for buisness for them in the future. The dude's we're killing now meant as much to him as the millions of dudes stalin utalized during WW2 to fend off the german invasion. In the meantime the Tenno arent laying seige to their other more sensitive facilities, we're directed at something, our attention turned to a single target. this allows them to make unhampered progress in other areas. Mind you the dogs are likely going "... the heck are the tenno? arent they normaly raiding us by now?". if anything the dogs will just become paranoid at the sudden absense of space ninjas. I wont even get into the Infested.... I think we all know what we did to those massive ships... good idea at the time, but it's gonna come back to bite us harder than the dogs ever could.

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I think Alad's racketeering could go a step further. In future, he'd seek to betray the executive board by handing them over to us.


What happens when the board is dead? Alad becomes top dog with his stash of Orokin tech, assuming that he was the brains behind the fusion moas and the Board's right hand man.

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