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Nezha Improvements


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It's no surprise that with the Nezha Deluxe on its way (soon?), some have been taking the chance to suggest a Nezha rework. It's also no surprise that he's seen as a much flimsier Rhino. Yes, he's fast, but his survivability doesn't compare well to Rhino's. When his kit does the same things as Rhino's kit...why play Nezha?

Nezha is advertised as a sort of supportive, protector kind of frame. Sadly, he struggles in this department. A bit strange how a speedy support frame is compared to Rhino...Anyways, my aim here is to improve his speedy protector theme a bit and to give him a different niche than "Faster Rhino"




As more of an interesting idea, Firewalker's fire range now scales with movement speed.

The faster Nezha is moving while Firewalker is active, the larger the fire spots are and the higher they reach. Unaffected by range mods

This would work well with his passive, since he can give himself bursts of speed. Nezha could actually run into enemies and burn them easily, rather than having to get awkwardly close to hit them. And since Pyroclastic Flow's path spreads out quickly, it would also increase it's size and make it easier to hit more enemies with. 


Blazing Chakram:


 Right now, Blazing Chakram is bad. Pretty much everything about it is just bad. It needs mechanical improvement more than anything, in my eyes.

Blazing Chakram will fly out straight, and if it bounces off of a wall or enemy it targets as many nearby enemies as it can before returning to Nezha. On death, nearby affected enemies will heal a portion of Warding Halo's health. Performing a hold-cast will throw the chakram through enemies, and if it hits a surface it explodes similar to a glaive with power throw and quick return, procc'ing heat on enemies, giving allies a burst heal, and quickly returning to Nezha. Physically hitting an ally with a charged Chakram will heal them for even more (to reward good aim). Teleporting will not turn off Firewalker. Give it some melee mod scalings and Blazing Chakram is good to go.

All Chakram needed was reliability, for it to not just go everywhere except where you want it. The heal is also much easier to pull off, since Nezha would simply have to throw a charged chakram at an ally's feet rather than requiring an enemy to activate a heal.


Warding Halo: 


Halo gets pretty thin on high levels, depleting very fast. Some enemies will even 1-shot Nezha's halo, maybe even taking out Nezha with it. It's also a selfish skill without the augment, which is strange for a protector frame...

While Firewalker is active, Warding Halo will take less damage from enemies. Safeguard is now innate to the skill, but allies still have weaker halo's that cannot benefit from Firewalker's damage reduction. They can have their Halo healed by Nezha's Blazing Chakram though.

Warding Halo Augment - Warding Meteor: Running into enemies at high speeds will deal more damage and knock over/ragdoll enemies


Divine Spears: 


Possibly Nezha's most solid skill... REMOVE THE ENDING ANIMATION OF DIVINE SPEARS.

I think enough is said there, but how about Spears that touch Firewalker light up into flames, burning the enemy until they die, or until Divine Spear's duration runs out? It'd help out Pyroclastic Flow a bit and allow Divine Spears to do a bit more damage. I don't want to go too overboard with this skill, as I think it's mostly fine, it could just use a removal of the ending animation (which can interrupt a lot of things) and maybe just a slight touch of synergy for fun.




I think that's about it for my Nezha rework. I tried to not get too crazy with it and stay relatively tame. Mostly just mechanical improvements to Nezha's kit, with a couple of easy synergies to help him out a bit. I did want to encourage his speediness a bit, so I think scaling Firewalker's range with movement speed was an interesting and potentially fun idea. I also didn't realize until now, but I definitely gave him some offensive options as well with Blazing Chakram and Warding Meteor. I feel like Blazing Chakram really wants to deal more damage though, since it's basically just a big glaive, and Warding Meteor is just an alternative to help out Nezha's speedy playstyle even more. Idk, but I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts about these ideas.

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The Ideas I had for him:

1. Fire Walker : This skill is pretty good as it is. CC, cleanses status, and has potential to deal damage with its augment. The only issue I have is that the width is too skinny and the energy cost is too high.

Request: As well as the reduced drain, have fire width and sprint speed scale with range and strength respectively ( Sometimes when I run around or through enemies to cc with fire walker I sometimes miss an enemy due to how skinny fire walker's radius is. I'd like to see if be affected by range and unfurl..more like a wave of fire behind him, or at least in a cone.)

2. Blazing Chakram: This is where most of Nezha's issues lie. Blazing Chakram can inflict a heat proc, knock down an enemy, heal nearby allies if enemies hit are killed, and Nezha can teleport to his Chakram while it's mid-flight, causing a fire explosion if Firewalker is active. Sadly, almost every part of this has issues.

  • The heat proc/Knockdown is okay CC, but a lot of times the Chakram just becomes impossible to aim. It seems to just bounce off enemies without doing anything at times, and other times an ally being a little too close will cause it to bounce off of them and go anywhere else. 
  • If Nezha does manage to hit an enemy, allies have to be within (a small) range of the enemy to receive the heal
  • When Nezha hits an enemy with Chakram, they often ragdoll a bit, often moving out of range for a heal
  • There's no indicator of what enemies are hit by Blazing Chakram other than the heat proc, but when Firewalker is a thing is becomes hard to tell.
  • Pretty much nobody enjoys Firewalker being turned off when teleporting. It then costs more energy to turn Firewalker back on
  • The Teleport explosion doesn't really do much other than a heat proc. The damage is pitiful.

Request: Give Blazing Chakram the "bladestorm treatment". Allow us to mark enemies then the Blazing Chakram will auto target the enemies we mark. If we choose not to target enemies we can still use it to teleport. Also make the teleport a bit more smooth, and make this ability scale with range. Hold 2 to mark enemies and release to launch it. This will allow for fun, cc, and mass healing once allies kill the targets.

3. Warding Halo: Another good skill. While not as strong as Iron Skin, it has some CC and can be put on allies with the augment. It'd be nice if there were a way to restore it's health though. Rhino is already tankier than Nezha, but he also has a way to restore his Iron Skin. Nezha has to wait for his Halo to run out (if running out of bounds is not an option), then use a decently long cast time to regain Warding Halo. This makes Nezha much more vulnerable, and in higher levels he gets shredded easily. 

Request: make it bigger , scale with range mods,change it from an iron skin effect to a self centered area of effect damage mitigater that works on self and allies in the radius while scaling up to 95% with some strength mods. This would give him a good bit of survivability because his health and shields are already low. This will also serve to make him a better supportive player with his wading halo augment.

Why change that ability so much? Well rhino's iron skin is way better then Nezha's warding halo. Iron skin works really well with its near instant 0.5 cast time.  The augment allowing for mid skin recasts and aoe stun are good. Iron skin also scales with armor so, Health conversion, steel fiber and Rhino charge augment get you some nice 100,000-300,000 skins. Warding halo is ..ehm a bit broken. It's like a broken version of the same skill, with 1.5 seconds cast time means it can't be used in combat to take advantage of the scaling as death is almost always the outcome in high leveled content.

4. Divine Spears: Pretty good CC, even if the casting time is a bit long. However, that ending animation...either remove it or make it a 1-handed action. Too many times has it been a nuisance. It stops the player from firing their weapons and reloading, which can leave them a sitting duck and force them to restart their reload timer. Also I find it hard to keep up the cc when another enemy enters the vicinity.

Request: scrap the second animation (where he drops enemies to the ground or the ability ends) and instead of keeping that we can make it to where casting it again picks up new enemies that are in the area, similar to Equinox's sleep.

Cool suggestion : let us shoot the tip of the speaker that imaple enemes to kill them.

Edited by Trickst3rGawd
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