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Stalker Perma Invisible/ out right invincible?


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 Hi there,

so I have been playing Warframe for about 3 weeks now, and in that time I have had the stalker come and visit me 3 times. I have a really big problem when he does visit me because everytime I face him, he is perma invisible so I never know where he his and I can't fight back or defend myself and the just randomly die because I don't know where he is nor can any of my squad mates I get matched with see him. According to the wiki, this is a known problem and I just wanted to make another case to fix it because as a new player, it has been very frustrating to have him in the game with no explaination as to why or how and then on top of that, he seems to be god like. The main reason why he seems god like is because of the permanent inisibility he apparently has (in my experience) and as far as I am aware he could be invincible as well.

Edited by DJNova
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Stalker moves very fast and may be very similar to teammates. He is very dangerous to inexperienced or not properly fitted players (Staler wil 1-hit kill most frames without proper mods). Stalker encounter was always supposed to be deadly. You can be always revived by your teammates. 

Just stay cool and ignore him for a while. I still get killed by Stalker occasionally myself.

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Just had this happen to me. He appeared for perhaps half a second and I was able to tag him before he went invisible. The tag wouldn't show him and he never left his invisibility after he started. Seemed to favor melee but also seemed to spam Reckoning. I've fought quite a few stalkers and this is the first time this particular bug has happened.

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I'm new player. too. Started to play around month ago. In this whole time i have managed to kill stalker only once. And that's not because i don't have firepower to kill him. I literary don't know how to get him out of the invisibility. The biggest problem is even when he is invisible, he seems to be totally immune to damage. For me he just jumps around with his cloud, he doesn't come out of it. All i see is white cloud. Then he sometimes hits me while staying totally invisible. If i tank him for some time he comes visible for 1 second maybe. I can't face tank him. He is so annoying for me, not because he hits hard or is strong in general. This mechanic of him staying invisible for i don't know how long time is just terrible. Once i was jumping around in room for 15 minutes just watching his white cloud appearing in disappearing not seeing him even for a second.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Encountered this issue in a pub where the pre stalker constantly spammed invisibility, attempts to shoot the smoke did nothing and only melee made contact. I highly doubt a new player can deal with the pre WW stalker in melee while it remains invisible and being able to cast slash dash while spamming invisibility.

A new player with excalibur may only do so much against the stalker as their only liable option would be to use slash dash that homes into the stalker while granting invincibility, but that depends if they would even have energy left to rid of the shields.

This should be fixed as it's even more harder to deal with the WW stalker as it's much more easier to track and predict while... it just goes invisible and avoids my shots completely despite it being stationary and spamming invis.

While overseeing someone playing, I took control and noticed how it feels unintended for stalker to work this way, I encountered pre WW stalker by myself once and I'm certain that the stalker doesn't spam invisibility to the point my bullets/projectiles phase through him. https://gfycat.com/TeemingLastingIndri


Edited by Inanegrain62
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I've recently started playing, and this has happened every time that I've encountered the stalker while solo (about 4-5). 
As described above, he seems to be stuck in a loop of spamming his smoke cloud, where he's both invisible and invincible.
He moves very slowly if at all, in little spurts around the room, never coming towards me or doing much of anything.
Occasionally I'll see a flashing red projectile come out of his invisible body while in the smoke cloud, but it doesn't hit me and he continues to stay in the smoke.
I've attempted to try to mess with him in melee, as hitting him there sometimes shows a blue outline of his form, but this doesn't really accomplish anything, and he eventually catches me with his own melee when I get that close.
If Shadow Stalker isn't bugged like this, hopefully getting to him will be a work-around.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am getting really sick of Stalker.  He's sucking all the fun out of the game with this unfair perma-invisibility/invulnerability mechanic.  He killed me once last night on PS4 and once this morning on PC.  I couldn't see him, and firing all around me didn't seem to injure him, nor did ability spam.  This is not a situation where he is "hard to see" - he used to be that, but now he is permanently invisible and invulnerable even while attacking.

I am not a new player.  I have fought him many times before.  He's killed me half a dozen times like this recently. At first I thought I was just being sloppy, but no - he is impossible to see or injure and it is definitely a bug.

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Reviving thread. 


He continually casts Smoke Bomb with a very long duration, and it's near impossible to retaliate with ranged weapons. 

Being so low level, I can't confront him with melee, he cancels Exalted Blade as well as being entirely unaffected by Radial Blind, Slash Dash and Radial Javelin while invisible since I can't have LoS on someone I can't see. He also casts Reckoning every fifteen seconds. It's not like it does anything, however being taken out of the game to sit and do nothing constantly while his shield regenerates his shield is not fun. The engagement isn't hard when he worked like he was supposed to, years ago the last time I remember facing a regular stalker. 

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Still buggy after today's patch . I recently introduced a friend into the game and he faced Stalker 3 times, he really can't fight back so he just dies to invisible, near invincible enemy. This bug sucks big time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still currently a bug. Seems if someone in the group is relatively new (I'm guessing it has to do with not completing The Second Dream), there's a chance he'll spawn and stay permanently invisible during the fight.

Edited by SASenfield
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I just got a Defence alert that spawned this joker in on me. Thankfully it was a large open tileset, so I was able to simply avoid him by jumping around. The whole mission took me ~20 minutes and Stalker only became visible twice during that time, so yeah... this is stupid.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have completed 2nd dream. And he still is invisible. Just been with Mirage Prime in Eris. Was locked with him in a room. He was invisible, I was runnin and after 5 min running in that room and constantly smashing melee he successfully managed to hit my already drowned health (had to deal with him AND a Juggenaught) and I died.

Trust me: I was alone in that room, nothing visible. He allways went back into invisibility and then... well...

I just wanna beat this (Insert worst accuses here) of a (also insert them here) since he (another bad word here) gets me in bad spots like allways. Pluto, spy, inside the vault while I was surrounded by lasers; lvl 12 warframe; this fight while juggernaut. I just wanna stab my staff into his eyeballs until his brains come out. Damn. 

Edit: Worst thing about him - HE DISPELLED MY ILLUSIONS. Just DISPELLED them... I mean... come on... perma invis, dispell, war, abilities

Edited by Scythwolf
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I'm also new to the game. I have fought him three times. I have never actually seen him. There's a cloud of smoke, I get teleported over and over to the same spot as if rubberbanding, and after a few minutes I die in one hit.

This isn't fun. It isn't tense. It isn't challenging. It just makes me think less of the game. If it weren't for a friend who has played for years (and is also baffled by this new behaviour) I wouldn't have a clue what is meant to be going on. Every time the encounter just feels like the game is broken and falling apart.

What's the point?

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  • 1 month later...

Fought him four times, killed him on the fourth by spamming cataclysm. But true to what everyone is saying, he is acting like a cloud walker wu kong. I only see smoke and get teleported for free damage. Sonicor seems to do nothing (not sure for other aoe weapons) and he went out of invisibility once, to cast absorb. Otherwise, it’s an unfair fight; I never even saw his escaping kneel, so no weapon blueprints or sigil. 

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