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Livestream #12 - Dev Q&a On August 14 @ 2 Pm Edt!


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Livestream #12: August 14th at 2 PM EDT!


What? A Dev Q&A session! Join us as we talk Update 9.5, and the upcoming Update 10! We will take questions from the forums and chat!


We will also be giving away three 1000 Platinum Prizes!



Who? Steve, Scott, Geoff & Rebecca! Maybe Sheldon will join too...



When? August 14th at 2 PM EDT! Find your timezone here: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/



Where? http://www.twitch.tv/warframe


Thread will close Wednesday, August 14 @ 10:00 AM EDT. Get your questions in!

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Is it known whether sentinel weapons will be changeable?

Maybe with innate faction specific buffs I.E. Fire,Electric,Armor pierce or even a higher chance to stun,

if only to give more strategy to sentinel implementation. (other then floating noise makers that rely on mods to be of any use)

-Imagion a sentinal firing sticky flaming Torid projectiles at enemies-

I only ask because when you go into the sentinels customization options

and click on its Weapon Icon,

You are brought to a weapon selection screen that's completely empty.

Whether or not this is a cleaver spoiler or just something that has yet to be removed, it would be nice if this was cleared up.

Thank You

Edited by MakeLuvNotWerFrame
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First off, we need one very important question answered:  will Sheldon be saved in the next livestream?

Okay, so my serious question pertains to Warframe's endgame.  I know nightmare mode was supposed to be a psuedo-endgame, and it’s a step in the right direction (I mean, it’s more difficult) but, well, it's still a bit grindy and rushy.

In nightmare mode you can complete the mission by rushing past everyone with ghost or some other invisibility, effectively making it more risky to fight than to just run.  That leaves you running through a level attempting to dodge as many enemies as you can and fighting (probably with an ultimate which one-shots everything) only when absolutely necessary, and your reward?

Your reward is a mod which potentially makes you more adept at killing things or being survivable, something which isn’t actually needed since you can just run through anyway.  And running isn’t a challenge.  It’s a thoughtless task that essentially adds more grinding to the game.

I know that might be a little harsh, but I know you all appreciate constructive criticism as well.  And anyway, I have faith that you’ll address these problems and continue to make Warframe better than it already is.

So my main question is this:

What plans do you have, if any, for creating a challenging and rewarding endgame in Warframe?

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The last couple of events (and Nightmare mode) have really pushed rushing as the most efficient means of getting things done.  Are you planning to make events/mission types that encourage exploration instead?  Being practically forced to rush (especially during events when I have to pug to get the points I need) is starting to ruin the game for me.

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Will you guys talk about the RNG of the Oceanic/Asian player having a lot more defense and hard missions for the datamass and cyphers?

Competitive players in Oceanic and Asian time got a very big disadvantage to North American players.

This event is one of the funnest event in Warframe yet just saying.I got in a lot of points because i'm from North America.My clan did well even thought most of them were from Asia they farmed in prime time U.S.

Also why did we have different types of mission when we only needed cyphers and datamasses?This doesn't fit the lore well.


Edited by Crimson_Plate_Of_Nulgath
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Is it possible to separate Depth of Field and Motion blur graphic options? You guys did really good job with that gorgeous tilt-shift DOF, but Motion blur just causes nausea for me and many other players. Please, give us option to turn on Depth of Field without Motion blur!

Edited by Khranitel
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About 3/4ths of the people who discuss melee want more to the melee combat.


Will there be any improvement to the melee system, for those who my not want to focus strictly on guns at later levels?


About 9/10ths of the people who discuss trading between players of some sort.


I understand that players buying and selling items to other players destroys the value of items, by inflation or deflation, but is it possible we could see some sort of galactic courrier service in the future so that players can send excess blueprints or resources to other players.

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Will the net code ever be changed to not be peer-to-peer?



Will you ever host dedicated servers or give players dedicated servers to rent?



Will it be possible to craft the same item more than one at a time?    (Craft 5 fieldtron blueprints at once if you have required materials)



Will nightmare mode be buffed to yeild better rewards depending on the difficulty?

Edited by SmashingYourFace
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First off, we need one very important question answered:  will Sheldon be saved in the next livestream?

Okay, so my serious question pertains to Warframe's endgame.  I know nightmare mode was supposed to be a psuedo-endgame, and it’s a step in the right direction (I mean, it’s more difficult) but, well, it's still a bit grindy and rushy.

In nightmare mode you can complete the mission by rushing past everyone with ghost or some other invisibility, effectively making it more risky to fight than to just run.  That leaves you running through a level attempting to dodge as many enemies as you can and fighting (probably with an ultimate which one-shots everything) only when absolutely necessary, and your reward?

Your reward is a mod which potentially makes you more adept at killing things or being survivable, something which isn’t actually needed since you can just run through anyway.  And running isn’t a challenge.  It’s a thoughtless task that essentially adds more grinding to the game.

I know that might be a little harsh, but I know you all appreciate constructive criticism as well.  And anyway, I have faith that you’ll address these problems and continue to make Warframe better than it already is.

So my main question is this:

What plans do you have, if any, for creating a challenging and rewarding endgame in Warframe?


i hope this game gets big enough that they dont need an endgame. I mean its an mmo, it should constantly grow.


Other than the fact that all the tards are already playing wow, I dont see why this game couldnt be as big or bigger, if they take advantage of what the players want, and keep pumping out new levels.

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Off the top of my head.

Will the corpus laser barriers be more sensible? Run after run of the corpus void, there is no teamwork as we see rhinos and fast frames activating the lasers and preventing their allies from keeping up. The lasers encourage an im gonna do it without u approach. I think the lasers shud be effected asoon as the camera light falls on u. This would encourage a more stealthy element to teamwor

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Dear DE_Steve & Co I have some questions for you! Q:1 What happened to the hook-shot/grappling hook idea can we expect this? Q:2 Are forma'd weapons going to receive any cosmetic/visual appearances and if so is this a 'soon' thing or a Soon™ thing?

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I want to know about the devs thoughts on armour, powers and ammo.

1. What is the reasoning behind the armour mechanic?

Although I've read the hot topics about armour in its current state being the intended effect. There are many complaints because this mechanic diminishes many weapons, encouraging only the armour-ignoring guns. This also has a detrimental effect on powers as they become even more redundant in the late-game.

2. About powers, can we expect proper scaling for non-percentile abilities?

Seems strange to 1 hit ko hordes of enemies with ease at low levels and then suddenly become absolutely useless against high levels opponents. Sucks the fun out of the warframes that have dealing damage powers.

3. Can we expect some kind of overhaul to ammo?

I know the recent ammo mutation mods has somewhat alleviated this problem but I feel like the game would be more polished if every weapon had different ammo capacities and also gained different amounts on ammo pickup.

Edited by Liacu
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-The recent weekend event has reminded us all of how clunky and frustrating (and sometimes plain buggy) the game's lobby and invitation interfaces are, particularly when dealing with Keys. When are we going to get proper social interfaces?


-Managing mods across multiple frames or weapons is a lot more laborious and annoying than it needs to be-- why can't I equip the same mod on different pieces of gear simultaneously, so that I don't have to constantly unequip and re-equip them every time I change my loadout? Are players expected to spend millions of credits having multiple sets of leveled mods in order to circumvent an interface problem?


-Nyx's body mesh is just a feminized version of Excalibur. She's the only frame in the game that is just a minor spinoff of another frame-- when Is she going to get her own proper original body mesh?


-Connectivity issues have always been and continue to be a problem due to the nature of the game's peer to peer hosting setup. Is there any point on the horizon you guys might consider switching over to dedicated hosting?


-Can we ever expect more "metagame" stuff to manage or play with between actual missions? Sending your sentinels to gather intel for you, managing a personal tenno-spaceship, individual research projects?

Edited by Barnago
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When will we get Vor's prise? Is it related with unlocking Grineer settlements?

What's happening with adding new planets? Are you working on it right now?

14th august matches Arid Fear event end, so we will probably already get some answers about grineer settlements by this time, so asking about it is useless?

If it isn't, then how do we get acces to the grineer settlements? They gonna be added as planet-type missions or secret-type like Void so we need to search for access key? Will we see some new bosses in the grineer settlements?

What dobyou think about new sentinel pet? Can you make it melee-type like grineer roller or make it animal-like (wolf, cougar). Don't you think it would be Really Awesome to watch your loyal pet running behind or tearing enemies in shreds? I think it is!

Thats all. Thank you.

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Q1) Will there be Dojo Gardens/Parks in the future? Both decoration and actual rooms.


Q2) We now have the two extremes. A frozen and desert Planet. Now can we expect a Temperate planet? Perhaps one with a Jungle/Rainforest look to it. Possibly with Tenno-eating plants.


Q3) Also, Catframe? :D

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