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Livestream #12 - Dev Q&a On August 14 @ 2 Pm Edt!


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Will the way that events are handled be looked into/modified?  


The way they are run now does not sit well with a lot of the community, mainly on how they end.  If you're going to run an event for 6 days (deadline or otherwise), the event should last 6 days even if the goal has been met.  The way they are structured now, especially with the "Top" player and clan goals causes people to rush to complete them.  With players getting upwards of 2000 points, this means that for each player that gets these high numbers, 20 players are not going to be able to hit the goal of 100 (in the case of the last event).  This effectively makes a large number of players dislike the events, and feel like they have to choose between RL and participating in the event in order to get the "exclusive" awards.  Many people work over the weekend, and many people thought they would be able to continue getting points for the 6 day duration.  Making the events last longer than "Once we hit 100%" would improve overall participation in the events and allow players who can't play over the weekend to participate in the event.

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1. Phobos: are Vor and Krill just placeholder? Can we expect some unique boss for Grineer settlement?
2. Torid: currently it shares model with Orgis - can we expect some unique infested-themed model for it?

3. J3-Golem mission uses Corpus ship tile set although it supposed to take place on millennia old Orokin ship. Will we ever be able to board actuall Orokin vessel?

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Is there any plans for buffing a Bo Staff?

Any plans to make a jungle,underwater stations lvls, missions on the moving train?

Missions with a strictly stealth goals? 

Is there any new types of puzzles for decoding and unlocking the doors planned - like simple maths or logical minigames?

Any plans for grenades (for the sake of balance they can take out not a fixed amount of hp but a fixed percent based on the range from the epicenter)?

Customisable weapons for both Tenno and sentinels (stock,handle,barrel,recoil dempfer)?

Melee sentinel?

Any plans on the new cool music?


P.S. please make a written list of Q/A after the interview for the people whose english is not so fluent

Edited by NoDisco
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There was some cheating/exploiting with at least one clan rotating players in and out from their main (larger) clan through a smaller clan in a lower bracket. This let them constantly run Corpus Void Keys and farm the component parts, as well as rotate out tired or offline players. A clear unfair advantage over smaller clans playing legitimately with just 10/30/100 players etc.

Question: Will this loophole be closed for future events and were all the top 1-3 for each bracket checked for this kind of exploit?

p.s I realise this affects the smaller brackets much more dramatically. Top down exploiting by large clans is basically assured without a fix for this.

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When are you going to take care of the global / recruitment tab in the ig chat ?!
There's no mod , no anti flood system, it's a nightmare.
My ignore list is almost as big as my friend list, you can't even have a nice conversation without people spamming S#&$. 
Seriously DE do something.

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Q1) Can we expect to see new monsters in different environments? The desert skate is a good addition to the new tile set, though it would be very interesting if there were monsters in the corpus outposts or other tile sets.

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Will we see a fix for transmutation?


I do have a bit of a recommendation, a simple number system instead of a modified RNG.


Common Mods : 1 point

Uncommon Mods : 2 points

Rare Mods : 3 points.


Since there's a requirement of four mods to be used at one time, depending on what rarity is used during the transmutation process depends on the rarity of the randomized mod.


4 points ~ 7 points : Guaranteed Common mod, but the higher the point total, the more likely an Uncommon may show up.

8 points ~ 11 points : Guaranteed Uncommon mod, but like above, the higher the point total, the better chance of getting a Rare card, but not guaranteed.

12 points (Max) : Guaranteed Rare card. Since you're already using 4 rare cards, get a random rare card in return.


For polarities, I'm not sure how that's going to work out. Perhaps only choosing among the polarities that each card that's being transmuted has? (If all four are V polarity, it should be a V polarity output. Two Vs, a D, and a = would yield a 50% chance of a V, 25% D, and 25% = (warframe skill) polarity.


Just a thought to hopefully make the system a little bit simpler.


Source + Additional details from myself (Is my post, just added more due to polarities.)



Edited by BladeMaverick
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Firstly, any ETA on the grappling hooks which were previewed on a previous livestream?


Secondly, any more hints on the upcoming 'stamina rework'? Was mentioned there was something incoming to make it actually...y'know, worth having.


Thirdly (and finally) any chances of an option to simply upgrade clan halls to the higher tier in order to upgrade capacity? It's a bit ridiculous having barren halls throughout the dojo taking up space needlessly...


Fourthly (Ok, so I lied slightly) Any news on the mod setup being saved? It was leaked a while back, so it's on the cards...additionally, please allow us to save color schemes!

Edited by Ameretat
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Here are some i can think of. Pick any of them you find relevant.


Q1. Why does Loki's invisibility not cloak his sentinel too? Oversight, coding problem, or on purpose?


(At the moment it heavily restricts the usefullness of invisibility while using Sentinels, since enemies still have a target to home in, which is especialy nasty with Napalm or Bombard troopers.)


Q1b. Any chance we might some day get the option to "put our Sentinels away" in missions to prevent it from giving our possitions away?


Q2. Can we expect a return of the old Sawman Grineer troopers with their buzzsaw weapons? Perhaps as elite troops?


(The sound is actualy more effective to suprise and confuse players than their silent version.)


Q3. When can we expect an improvement or total change of the block function?


(Currently it's just a massive stamina sink, without any notable benefit. Blocking does not stop knockback attacks and the reduction of bullet damage is useless at higher levels. Enemies can barely miss and automatic weapons still drain your shield completely in seconds, blocking or not).


Q4. How are the planned changes for Ember comming along? Any chance she might get more utility beyond burning infested with her first, third and fourth ability?


(Also what's with her Rhino-ish stout new stance? Is this any hint on what to come?)


Q5. What's the relation between the Braton's obvious Corpus design and it's sole usage by the Tenno? Are you planning to change it's design towards something more Tenno-ish ala the Latron?


(The Braton Prime indidicates it's a Tenno/Orokin based design, but it was build by the Corpus, despite the Corpus exclusively using energy based weapons. Likewise the Mk1 version seems to indicate that it's creation is fairly recent. Did the Corpus build it for the Lotus in large quantities before she woke the Tenno?).


Q6. - Stupid extra question if you guys need to fill time:


Sandworm riding level when?

Edited by Othergrunty
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-Connectivity issues have always been and continue to be a problem due to the nature of the game's peer to peer hosting setup. Is there any point on the horizon you guys might consider switching over to dedicated hosting?


No. Please, no. 


P2P has its issues, surely, but it allows players from ALL OVER THE WORLD to play properly the game, provided there's more than 3 people in their country playing it.


Dedicated servers would increase this game's maintenance cost EXPONENTIALLY and would simply kick out players from "unpopular" regions.

One of the main reasons I bought my master founder package is due to p2p gameplay - I'm from brazil, and I'm sick and tired of being unable to play awesome games (such as planetside 2) simply because I do not live in the US/UK.

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#1 What are we to do with the left over keys from arid fear?


#2 Could you please add some forma alert missions during the week?


In all you guys do a fine job with the game and it gets better with every update.Keep up the good work.

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Q1 is there any development for new warframe? such as berserker warframe with strong melee combat

Q2 new combos such as dynasty warriors style are cool can you guys make it happen? xD

Q3 can you remodel Lanka into the different one?

Q4 the grineer settlement are awesome tile set make more neutral hostile such as desert worm, wyvern, poison plant or desert hound it will be great if you add them too

Q5 we love you guys thanks for this huge update

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