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Livestream #12 - Dev Q&a On August 14 @ 2 Pm Edt!


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'D' Level bug: Sometimes don't receive cash reward for completing mission if not on the extraction trigger (ie in another room)


Not a bug. It's the way it's supposed to be. Did you think that countdown was implemented just for fun? With no repercussions whatsoever if you're not there when it ends?

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when will you guys add FILTER  when adding mods on weapons and frames.


when will you make the names on the chat . clickable and has menu to add to a game or a  friend.


when will you make chat friendly while in game. a simple beep just to inform that someone is messaging you will do.





simple things that should have been in game.

Edited by warbear3d
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1) Will Pet's weapons be exchangable in the future?

2) Can we please add a "ping" value in party menu? so we can tell whos lagging and whos the host with terrible upload.

3) Can we add "call vote switch to new host" during the game if the entire group is suffering from host's terrible upload connection?

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are you going to make a walking sentinel for the melee sentinel?  



a melee sentinel is what next sentinel  needs to be created. we have pistol and 2 rifle sentinels.


its obvious the next sentinel needs to be melee type!!! ooooh yeeaaah!!! 

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1.- You guys are working on a dedicated server ? maybe for PS4/XBOX ? Same on PC ? yes / no

2.- Can you guys put a Benchmark or something that qualify PC's rank so you can host better ? (ping/CPU speed/Ram)

3.- Fix the fusion cores

4.- More music, less paranoia music, more modern beats.

5.- Fusion cores ?

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RE: Prime Equipment
Other than adding another variant similar to common existing weapons, they don't really fit in well with the lore.
If they are too powerful than the common version, they obsolete the latter.
If they are just plus-minus of the current version, they may become a disappointment for being "Orokin Tech".

Q1: Since Prime Equipment be Orokin Era Equipment, do they even need to have a common counterpart? (I use the term Prime Equipment, not Prime VARIANT for good reasons).

Q2: Do you think the Prime Equipment is going in the right direction? If not, what will the new direction be?

Q3: Is the weapon skin feature, which seems to be more applicable for those "similar" weapons, an abandoned deadend?

RE: Mod Collection
There has been a lot of improvements (filters, sort), but the core problem is not solved: time wasted going through duplicates + inability to jump to mods that we want.

Q1: Will these features be in, and if so, the ETA?
a. Stacking mods of same type and level
b. jumping to mods by first letter in name (instead of the not helpful page number)
c. "bookmarking" favorite mods (additional filter tab, which only displays mods which are marked as favorite)

Q2: equipment/mod loadouts? (2 potentially independent issues here)

RE: System/Mission selection
Q1: Are there any plans or possibility of bookmarking system to quickly jump to some favorite spot from a list rather than finding planet, then finding the mission?

Q2: Any plans for an alternate list based system/mission selection interface (may be easier for console controllers)

Q3: Is there any plans to actually make the system REMEMBER the settings for chat window so that we can save a more seconds of our lives after every mission?


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1. will there be an overhall in the whole sentinel system?
2. what about the whole prime set of weapons .. will we be able to get the new prime's from old void keys any time soon or will they be stuck in the void defense missions?
3. hi rebecca you are awesome :D
4. what about the ninja-rope?
5. are there any plans in altering the modding-system .. because personally i hate that i mod my weapons but cant see the stats of the weapon change (allways the base stats under the weapon in the arsenal tab)

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1) Is there any chance we'll see Dual Vastos in the future?


2) Is there any chance we'll see Dual Glaives in the future?


3) Are there any plans to add any secret or hard to find areas to certain mission maps?

(Perhaps with better/rare loot drops, or rare collectibles to encourage exploring.)


4) Are there any plans to add more Stalker-like assassins to the game?

(I love the impromptu boss fights that occur when Stalker attacks, and would love to see other assassins being sent after me, possibly with whole new sets of unique weapons, etc.)


5) Will there ever be a way to add additional space for mods on Warframes?

(And by space I mean the actual spots for mod cards, not the slots received through leveling up. I would love to give my frames additional boosts, but at the moment with space being taken up by Redirection, Vitality, Flow, Streamline, Focus, Continuity, Stretch, etc. I usually don't even have room to fit all of the frames abilities in the 10 spots provided. I know that this makes for more tactical builds, but being able to add another card slot through platinum or polarizing would be great. Perhaps with a cap of up to 4 more spots or something so that someone can't just make a "monster-frame" with every mod in the game.)

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Were there any thoughts of preventing the rush game play? For example making closed doors/sections that open only if you get a temporary key from one of the enemies in the room/rooms before.


What is the current progress on the matchmaking algorithms/specifications? Will we ever be able to opt for not being the host?


How far has the development of the nightmare mode progressed? Are there any major changes coming?

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Q1: Will we get a skin for the Glaive anytime soon? I'm not talking necessarily a Dark Sector Glaive.

Q2: I know about 300 people asked already, but when's the chat update coming along? Sometimes when I press T ingame it treats the input as "roll forward" rather than "open chat".

Q3: Could you rebalance the Orthos? It seems like the melee weapon everyone picks over everything else because it's:
A) Easy to craft
B) Has the best stats among melee weapons, notable mentions being the range and charge speed and damage, as well as the large AoE on pretty much everything.

Q4: Do you plan on implementing more weapons obtainable via credits soon?

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Q1: There has been a lot of controversy regarding the Arid Fear weekend event. On your next event, what changes are you going to implement in order for the majority of the community to participate in the event?


Q2: Most of the bosses in this game are essentially "sponges", meaning that they are not very offensive and keeping a safe distance and using a decent weapon pretty much guarantees victory. In the future, are you going to shift away from creating more "sponge" bosses and perhaps, create more aggressive bosses with unorthodox styles of both offense and defense?

Edited by rangeless
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Hi guys!!! Compliments on so far Warframe's grouth! Amazing!

My question is : Before you release update 10  will u make more highlighs videos ? I love those alot...

Infact  i love them all! And also it would be great just make random videos like:  whats happening in DEV's office on a quiet Tuesday :) 

Thank you! 

You guys ROCK !

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