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Warframes and Abilities to be Nerfed


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19 hours ago, Kotsender_Quasimir said:

i remember reading some rework idea for smoke screen making it an actual smoke bomb / throwable invisibility area with a bit of cc on impact and a certain duration during which no other instances of it could be casted. i really thought that would've been quite brillant: 1. it would've been unique, not just the poor man's invisibilty. 2. it would've been more stategic to use 3. it would have made ash more of a team player.

that being said i don't even know what's the actual problem, ash being a "stealth" (invisibility is actually more anti stealth gameplay than anything) and DPS frame at the same time or just how poorly the former is implemented atm. DE made enemies more aware of it over the years but it's still not quite enough imo. some ppl expressed the idea of introducing enemy animal units who would be able to still sniff you out while invisible. this might be another way to go at it but they'd have to be careful not to handle them like scrambuses with their invisible auras which are plain bs.

Not sure if you heard but the scrambi are getting a visual aura that they charge up to activate.  and you see them doing such.

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On 2018-05-08 at 4:01 AM, BL4CKN0ISE said:

Oh sorry. I just assumed you were a new player because you play with builds you don't like. I had to teach my friend to just do his own thing. A lot of players will complain about a frame and not even think about building it differently than the most popular build. 

Anyways, it's not about self-fabricating your own challenge. It's about doing what you want. You can build however you want and you shouldn't feel forced to use the most optimal build and then blame DE for not balancing properly. If you want to talk about enemy balancing, I can understand where you're coming from. We can't control how enemies scale. We can control how our frames perform tho. That's not bad game design IMO. I think it's actually really good because you and I can both use Ash, but we can mod and use him very differently. I'm not sure why you see that as a negative. 

saw this and wanted to confirm this point.


my mirage prime is built for prism. i love my slow moving, high power, mini death disco ball of terror.

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Well I think Sortie 3 don't seem to be end game for me...
In that video there still have not much enemies spown in the mission...

However I still agree with you that so many warframe power was OP...

- Invicible skill
: I can't refuse that all Invicible skill is really powerfull sine no one can point and attack me but I can't refuse that all frame that have this skill will die in the horde of enemies if they don't use this skill (I may use it all time in the hell of survival alone) in time as they need. So I thins we may change just some mechanic like the enemies in 15m (maybe) will see me when you attacking so at lest they can counter me for more challenging.

- Link of death (trinity)
: I have no idea about this... its completely OP like some OP BUGS... just fix it. (May be add some line of sight condition or less the enimies to affected affected affected)

- CC skill
: Well... as you said some of them just make the shooting duck game but I can't survive with out them in the horde of enemies that spawn all time in endless mission but is you talk about spaming or energy ecosystem I think that the energy don't be enought for spaming for the little amount enemies but I can do for the horde of enemies that I really need to do for survive untill the end. So think of it... the root of it was not CC that OP skill but it was the OP of zenurik that over come the energy ecosystem.

However I disagree with radial blind... I still meet death with 1 shot sniper and new coming enemies while I just rise my hand in the horde of enemies for CC... so GG for me...
But I still to meet half-way so I think they may change this skill to build the area fix at 12m (maybe) that will avoid the bullet outside and buff some ex armor and the area will disappear after some duration (15-20s maybe) or recast...

Yeah I like to feel Indestructible but I still can't refuse your shooting duck is true.

You may not agree with someone with low MR like me but I want to know how do you think about my Idea sir.

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2 hours ago, T004 said:

Well I think Sortie 3 don't seem to be end game for me...
In that video there still have not much enemies spown in the mission... 

Well, the idea is if we want to make endgame happen at some finite level, nerfs are needed. I'm just using Sortie 3 as an example, as it's the highest level mission that we can choose "naturally", alongside Kuva flood and ESO. Having endgame be at Sortie 3 doesn't necessarily mean you need Godlike reflexes etc just to survive Sortie 3. It should mean that you at least face some challenges in trying to survive, even with an optimized build.

2 hours ago, T004 said:

- Invicible skill
: I can't refuse that all Invicible skill is really powerfull sine no one can point and attack me but I can't refuse that all frame that have this skill will die in the horde of enemies if they don't use this skill (I may use it all time in the hell of survival alone) in time as they need. So I thins we may change just some mechanic like the enemies in 15m (maybe) will see me when you attacking so at lest they can counter me for more challenging.

I don't think stealth frames without invisibility will die right away in the current relevant content (level 80-100). At this level range, with some Health/Shield mods, you should be able to survive with parkour skills alone. If you're talking about higher levels, then maybe.

Enemies within a certain range still being able to see "invisible" frames is an interesting idea. It depends on what you want invisibility to be. If you want invisibility to function as a panic button, it would work well for Smoke Screen as a panic button, but maybe not so much for Loki's invisibility and others. Having enemies within 15 m range still being able to see you kinda defeats it's purpose as a panic button when you're overrun by enemies. Smoke screen's stagger allow you to retreat to a safe range while enemies within 15 m range (if modded for range) are mini-stunned after cast. Loki's invisibility wouldn't really function as a panic button then though. If you just want stealth frames to still need to be mindful about enemies close to you, then this is okay I think. Hard to judge how it fits with the gameplay without actual play-testing though.

2 hours ago, T004 said:

- Link of death (trinity)
: I have no idea about this... its completely OP like some OP BUGS... just fix it. (May be add some line of sight condition or less the enimies to affected affected affected)

I think it's coming soon given how they've nerfed Nukong.

2 hours ago, T004 said:

- CC skill
: Well... as you said some of them just make the shooting duck game but I can't survive with out them in the horde of enemies that spawn all time in endless mission but is you talk about spaming or energy ecosystem I think that the energy don't be enought for spaming for the little amount enemies but I can do for the horde of enemies that I really need to do for survive untill the end. So think of it... the root of it was not CC that OP skill but it was the OP of zenurik that over come the energy ecosystem.

Nerfing energy regen is one way to reduce the "spammability" of mass hard-CC skills. However, you're reducing the usage frequency of all the other skills at the same time. The outcome that I worry is that players will just save energy for the mass hard-CC skills, and the non-overpowered skills are still overshadowed and under-utilized as a result.

2 hours ago, T004 said:

However I disagree with radial blind... I still meet death with 1 shot sniper and new coming enemies while I just rise my hand in the horde of enemies for CC... so GG for me...
But I still to meet half-way so I think they may change this skill to build the area fix at 12m (maybe) that will avoid the bullet outside and buff some ex armor and the area will disappear after some duration (15-20s maybe) or recast...

That sounds a little too similar to Snow Globe to me. I would still prefer just reducing the range and duration (mainly the range) and give Excal more default tankiness (not just tanking through Exalted Blade), he's a sword/melee frame to begin with.

2 hours ago, T004 said:

You may not agree with someone with low MR like me but I want to know how do you think about my Idea sir. 

MR doesn't matter. A discussion point should stand by itself.

Edited by Checht
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I am glad that you agree with me about invicible skill and link of death.

However for CC skill... as I did play much frame

10 hours ago, Checht said:

Nerfing energy regen is one way to reduce the "spammability" of mass hard-CC skills. However, you're reducing the usage frequency of all the other skills at the same time. The outcome that I worry is that players will just save energy for the mass hard-CC skills, and the non-overpowered skills are still overshadowed and under-utilized as a result.

So...I am out of Idea for now.

For radial blind you got me that skill like a snow globe or  mini cataclysm but you give me an idea

10 hours ago, Checht said:

That sounds a little too similar to Snow Globe to me. I would still prefer just reducing the range and duration (mainly the range) and give Excal more default tankiness (not just tanking through Exalted Blade), he's a sword/melee frame to begin with. 

I think I will be some buff for more surviable like take less 75% of damage for some duration and stunned enemies around 3-5 m around me while casting for short duration (That open my way to run or take 1-2 finisher) instead pure CC + one shot finisher skill.
- You can still survive in that horde of enemies in that rate I f you don't stand still for duck shooting (I guess).
- I don't be shooting duck with just 3-5m for short stunned or you must spam it while runing aroud the map with lignting speed all time.
- You don't lose much time for finisher enemies in 3-5m for continue on.

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On 2018-03-22 at 3:13 AM, Checht said:


Problem: Discharge is a large AoE, long-duration stun.

What?! are you crazy?

6 seconds is a long stun? Not to mention that from half range it's only 3 seconds...

WHAT to nerf?

NOVA for sure, her 4 makes the game EASY MODE, slowing down all enemies by 75% and makes them get double damage. This is the most Overpowered ability right now.

EXCALIBUR exalted blade have really good damage, but with radial blinds it makes it deals 8X damage! This is insane. I just need standard 100% power strength build and good moded melee weapon to kil everything with 1-3 swings.

MESA: Peacemaker this is still the boring Warframe to use. I don't need to AIM at all. I just using 3 to get damage reduction then everytime I see group of enemies press 4 and randomly move my mouse to kill everything without aiming properly. Repeat repeat and repeat.

Edited by IfritKajiTora
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3 hours ago, IfritKajiTora said:

What?! are you crazy?

6 seconds is a long stun? Not to mention that from half range it's only 3 seconds...

Yeah, you need to more purposely mod for Volt's Discharge in order to spam it to neutralize whole room of enemies, which is why I can still enjoy using Volt (not purposely modding for Discharge).

Moving on, pretty good list there when discussing in the context of having endgame at around level 80-100

3 hours ago, IfritKajiTora said:

NOVA for sure, her 4 makes the game EASY MODE, slowing down all enemies by 75% and makes them get double damage. This is the most Overpowered ability right now.

Yes, huge range (35 m by default). Severely slowed enemies are practically hard-stunned. Damage amplification makes it even more overpowered. It's effect in turning anything into EASY MODE is easily felt in ESO (when my wife is using Nova).

3 hours ago, IfritKajiTora said:

EXCALIBUR exalted blade have really good damage, but with radial blinds it makes it deals 8X damage! This is insane. I just need standard 100% power strength build and good moded melee weapon to kil everything with 1-3 swings.

In the context of level 80-100, it does kill very fast. Some would consider this OP.

3 hours ago, IfritKajiTora said:

MESA: Peacemaker this is still the boring Warframe to use. I don't need to AIM at all. I just using 3 to get damage reduction then everytime I see group of enemies press 4 and randomly move my mouse to kill everything without aiming properly. Repeat repeat and repeat.

I've never played Mesa nor did my wife. I've only read her kit and seen video demonstrations. But yeah, aimbot frame does look unengaging to play.

Edited by Checht
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