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Kavat or Kubrow?



Hi everyone

my little poor nice and friendly Valkyr Prime used to walk around with her little puppy Helminth Charger (and also Broke War and some other shooty stuff like Soma Prime and Zakti... but really who cares about shooting stuff with Valkyr Prime?)
If you whant to give a look she's the one
with this broken war

(as you can see i have 2 different config for broken war: one is built around higer basic damage stat while the other built around crit damage and stats; at the moment i'm trying this one but dunno which one is actually better)

I used to walk her around with her cutey and nicey Helminth Charger named Tindalos, and you can see him here

They where fellow mate since before Second Dream quest, and the two of them works fine together: hunter recovery (and his insane damage) let him keep alive the warfame and viceversa with Pack Leader. There is room for improvement by increasing Maul and also using another Forma to let me increase Link Armor and/or Link Health, even if both of them are high enough thanks to high stats for Valkyr. (Scavenge here can easily be removed for something more useful, i just did'nt found anything that can fit inside...)

Honestly i don't feel the need to change it, but you know this game is all about doing experiments on different building and searching for best fit with your playstyle (plus sometime you just whant to try something different). Then i found enough dna and i bred a Kavat. And i also applied a couple forma to this one just to put her more useful stats.

Kavat give buff to critical chance so it's a good thing to have around for critical build. Yay. Also, stripping armor and stunning attack are good and armor+health is still high cause of Valkyr's high stats. However, her dps is way lower than charger one (or any other kubrow, i suppose) and she's not keeping me alive enough.

So... it's just me that did something wrong in my build? or honestly kubrow is better than kavat for my valkyr's build?

ty for your advices :)

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18 answers to this question

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Where's bite, tho?

On low level missions, Kubrow will  perform better, but on higher levels the armor stripping from kavats is much superior to most, if not all, kubrows performance, regarding dps.

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your build is pretty wrong. i mean really wrong. im at work so sorry for text version

for eternal war i recommend this: steel charge, spring boost, gladiator resolve, vitality, steel fiber, gladiator aegis, hunter adrenaline, blind rage, primed continuity, eternal war

for weapon i recommend venka prime, hirudo, war, galatine prime, prisma dual cleavers, or basically anything if you have maiming strike. depending on your play style. fo hirudo, venka and cleavers it gonna be like ppp, berserker, corrosive, blood rush, drifting\bodycount, organ shatter, true steel, for heavy blades and whips - standard maiming build would be best.

as for you pet, i use kavat all the time, so i can advice only for that one - you need to swap out shelter and swipe for bite and pack leader.


i play valkyr at sortie and kuva flood level nonstop with galatine and took her for 2h orokin survival without much problem using condition overload lesion. the only mission where physical build struggles( a bit) is enhanced armor corpus sortie 3 survival. it also takes like 5 seconds to dispatch lvl 90ish noxes using broken bull, which is pityful but nessesary delay.


if you are valkyr (and general melee) fan, i recommend working toward arcane fury and arcane strike after you get maiming strike.

Edited by Sqecmi
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As you learned for yourself: Kavats deal less damage than kubrows. You can check their damage in the table on the left side of the mods. Your kubrow deals 1124 slash damage and 168 toxin damage, so you got a damage total of 1292 raw damage. Your kavat only has 296 slash damage.

Kavats are more supportive and really good to buff your weapons. As you are using a crit build with valkyr, you probably don't need any more crit chance. The armor strip of the kavat is imo way to rare that you can predict it and use it good in missions. (edit: and in higher levels you have 4x Corrosive Projection so the enemys don't have armor anyways, so give your Valkyr another forma in the aura and change it to Corrosive Projection :P ) I only use my adarza cat, when I need more crit.

I would definitly go for a kubrow. I got a "Hunter Mag" as I call her. She is using a kubrow aswell and I think it is way more comfortable.

Personally I would replace Shelter with Medi-Pet Kit, as you can just use your Tenno in void mode if you need to revive someone in a tricky place, but then again, you are Valkyr and unkillable anyways ;)

Edited by Nigolasy
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7 минут назад, Nigolasy сказал:

Quality answer
Give some arguments and I can re-think what I wrote.


orange and red crit section.

it feels pretty awkward when someone states that there may be enough  critical chance.

PS my galatine prime is at 605% critical chance.

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Pure DPS of the companion : Kubrow > Kavat > Sentinel

Utility : Kavat > Sentinel > Kubrow (or Sentinel > Kavat if you're a Vaccum addict)

Loadout switching confort : Sentinel >>>>>>>>>> Kavat/Kubrow


As someone already said, in high level mission, Utility > DPS. And in low level, DPS of Kubrow is just overkill most of the times

If you play Valkyr most of the times, go for Kavat. If your like me and switching loadout often, go for Sentinel

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vor 14 Minuten schrieb Sqecmi:


orange and red crit section.

it feels pretty awkward when someone states that there may be enough  critical chance.

PS my galatine prime is at 605% critical chance.

Now that is what I was looking for. Warframe is a huge game and you can't know everything.

Anyways the crit buff of the kavat is 60% maximum and as you only get a damage boost every 100%, the crit buff would not give you an advantage with your 605% crit, as it would only be 665%. So as long as he is not reaching such a 100% key marker, the crit buff is not usefull.

Personally I have never felt a huge difference for crit melees with Blood Rush using my Adarza kavat.

But I have never used either a kubrow or a kavat in high level missions, only sentinels.

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6 минут назад, Nigolasy сказал:

Now that is what I was looking for. Warframe is a huge game and you can't know everything.

Anyways the crit buff of the kavat is 60% maximum and as you only get a damage boost every 100%, the crit buff would not give you an advantage with your 605% crit, as it would only be 665%. So as long as he is not reaching such a 100% key marker, the crit buff is not usefull.

Personally I have never felt a huge difference for crit melees with Blood Rush using my Adarza kavat.

do you often hang out in kuva flood or sortie3 defence\survivals using melee only? because i defintely feel power levels there.

PS sadly galatine rivens are hard to find, but im working on the next threshold, but kavat boosts it over that.

PSS crit buff from kavat is flat 60%. just like maiming strine, and it's multiplied by blood rush, not added

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4 hours ago, Sqecmi said:


orange and red crit section.

it feels pretty awkward when someone states that there may be enough  critical chance.

PS my galatine prime is at 605% critical chance.


little digression:
i use Galatine Prime build with my Rhino (the warframe i use the most for sortie and endless) and of course i use crit build. critical chance (on the stat block at the left) is way lower than 605% ;_; (however with blood rush and gladiator set you can't know for sure... after some swing i start doing red crit so i guess it's working a little :) )
However i don't have all your fancy primed mod. I have just some, and not yet maxed out; i primarily ask questions on this forum so i know what i need to farm more and what i need to focus on

Back on topic (well, slightly off topic :D ) to the Valkyr build: i know is not really maxed out, but it's the one i primarily used for fun; the build you suggest looks cool, and i can try it because i have all those mods (except for Spring Boost, i don't know what is it... there are a Sprint Boost but is another aura mod so probably you are suggesting something else? or did you suggest Rush?)
As for weapon i like the broken war 'cause is fast and quick and i like the cool animation :) but i have also Galatine Prime with standard critical build (blood strike, gladiator set, etc. i miss only one of the yellow gladiator mod. And maiming strike... x_x )

Besides, coming back to the topic, Kavat vs Kubrow.
I guess kavat is better for a crit build 'cause give a flat critical bonus, but as i said before, with kubrow (charger) i almost never go down except maybe on unlucky sortie 3 situation where i face a lot of nullifier and can't go hysteria, while the one time i was using kavat i gone down a lot of time on the sortie 2 and while facing grineer (that should be the best situation to go with a kavat thanks to her armor stripping...)

I did'nt think about uselessness of Shelter after The War Within (i use it since before TWW) even if i mainly use void mode to rez people :)
I'll swap for Med-Pack or for Pack Leader then i'll do another try

besides: ty everyone for suggestion :)

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Shelter is a wasted mod slot on the pets, that obviously needs to change to bite ASAP. 

You are playing Valkyr so you can pick up downed players in Hysteria.  And that's not even considering that you *should* be picking up the player as your operator in void mode.  Either way you are invulnerable to damage and thus some piddly amount of shielding from shelter is pointless.

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23 minutes ago, (PS4)Agent_CHAR said:

You are playing Valkyr so you can pick up downed players in Hysteria.  And that's not even considering that you *should* be picking up the player as your operator in void mode.  Either way you are invulnerable to damage and thus some piddly amount of shielding from shelter is pointless.

Yeah and the fun fact is i always use void mode operator to ress people, save sometime when i'm with Rhino in iron skin and i'm in a rush... :awkward:
Problem with Bite mod is just one really critical: i don't have it :(

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1 час назад, Kelpie77 сказал:


but it's the one i primarily used for fun;

a Sprint Boost but is another aura mod so probably you are suggesting something else? or did you suggest Rush?)

As for weapon i like the broken war 'cause is fast and quick and i like the cool animation :) but i have also Galatine Prime with standard critical build (blood strike, gladiator set, etc. i miss only one of the yellow gladiator mod. And maiming strike... x_x )

never go down except maybe on unlucky sortie 3 situation where i face a lot of nullifier and can't go hysteria,


i use my valkyr very seriuosly though.

indeed, sprint boost

try hirudo, it's much better, and much faster.

no idea why are you not using leader of the pack, kavat never dies.you actually shouldnt use hysteria in eternal war build, unless you are getting overrun the hard way, and that never happened to me.


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2 hours ago, Sqecmi said:

i use my valkyr very seriuosly though.

indeed, sprint boost

try hirudo, it's much better, and much faster.

no idea why are you not using leader of the pack, kavat never dies.you actually shouldnt use hysteria in eternal war build, unless you are getting overrun the hard way, and that never happened to me.


Ok... sprint boost i have but it's an aura mod and i already have Blood Charge for it So i guess you mean Rush...
as for kavat i swapped out shelter for pack leader (i removed PL 'cause i found really difficult for her to die with the high armor given by valkyr...)

oh and i created a build with galatine prime and arca plasmor. I'll test as soon as possible

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I run my Eternal Warcry different from what's been mentioned, but it's worked very well for me. My build is purely focused on Warcry so it runs negative range and efficiency with a 264% ability strength for the 132% armor boost from Warcry. but I only really pay for that if Warcry drops and I'm caught in a pile of energy leech eximus units. But that's what energy pads are for amirite? I typically only loose Warcry if I fall off the map or pesky nullifiers. Growing Power for aura, Power Drift, Eternal Warcry, Blind Rage, Transient Fortitude, Gladiator Aegis, Armored Agility, Vitality, Narrow Minded and Steel Fiber. You could probably get rid of Narrow Minded if you wanted efficiency for casting.  With that amount of duration, my Warcry maxes out around 51 seconds though so it's rare I lose it and have to recast.. I also have 2100 base armor then if I wait for a Growing Power proc before casting Warcry I get that nice little 25% boost. I also only run with kavats but that's a personal preference for me. I love the crit boost and I can pull off some nasties with my zaw, blood rush and kavat boost.

My kavat build is different too but that's because I found I didn't really need pack leader if I was using Link Armor and Link Health. I also use Animal Instinct, Med-Pet Kit, Cat's Eye, Bite, Maul, Sharpened Claws, Hunter Recovery and Reflect. I like Hunter Recovery because it's only 6% less lifesteal but it has that small 25% damage boost to enemies affected with slash which is the damage the kavat deals and I usually have weapons modded for slash.

It's also worth mentioning I run with Arane Grace too. That's not a must or anything, but I basically never have to worry about health.

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first of all: thank you for any advice

i created a build pretty similar to the one advised by Sqecmi and equipped a gladiator-set critical-build Galatine. I need to be honest: is fu@#ing awesome! i was able to do 127k slash damage (with proc) to a lvl 99 grineer eximus. So yay for it :)

As for Kavat i removed the shelter and put a pack leader. Probably i'll apply a couple new forma on her next time i get an xp boost. I still love my Charger, but i'm starting having some feeling also for my kavat (who unluckily is ugly as hell, but i got a moon-something kavat skin so now looks wonderful :D )

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