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Petition To Get Rid Of Solo Mode.


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Can we get this topic locked already? I think we've all come to a concensus that the thread is stupid and that solo should NOT be removed, so leaving the thread here on the front page is just going to confuse DE when they see it.

If I had locking powers I would do so, but I do not. So until such time as this thread is locked I, and probably others, will continue to derail it.

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At least until we get some major rebalancing work done on it.  I am sick and tired of being forced to rush, or end up dying, or if I'm playing a lowbie planet (Which even though with a Rank 27 Rhino, maxed Iron Skin and fully reactored, I can still die on) having to slog through and murder a little more than a Company and a half of respawning soldiers (That's over 300 per mission.)  And then there are the bosses, which are nothing more than bullet sponges, for the most part, and some of which have single hit kill attack (like Jackal and that 'grenade launcher' thing, which I never get to see because I'm running scared trying to outpace it.  Which apparently it impossible.)


This is not fun.  This is tedium.


So get rid of Solo, and make this a truly MMO game.



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i dont want to brag, but i spent 90% my first 200 hours of playing solo.. and able to clear all the planet missions and finding any warframe bp by myself. (heartbroken by my hosting connection, random people's host connection, and random people's bad gameplay) 

... until i realized that orokin void added to the game and mobdef mission give tons of exp and mods... i started to be more social

Edited by valkrein
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Now I will make a compromise.



If you make Private and/or Invite Only so it can be paused, you can totally ditch Solo mode for all I care.


I just need the ability to pause my game.  That is all.

Honestly, Invite Only should be able to be paused until someone joins.  I think there's a big jump in programing between Solo and the other options, though, so that's why it's the only one able to pause.

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Honestly, Invite Only should be able to be paused until someone joins.  I think there's a big jump in programing between Solo and the other options, though, so that's why it's the only one able to pause.


I think there might be a difference in coding. Only games I've seen that on was Borderlands 1 and 2. Haven't played much else.

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Either way, this is a completely different discussion than the topic of this thread.  We're talking about [not] removing the "Solo" option. What you're bringing up is a low-level balancing issue.

you will note I quoted someone that = me not bringing up low level balance just replying to it. 

and the entire topic of "getting rid of or not getting rid of solo" is an exercise in futility, why? its simple DE will only remove stuff based on data none of us have.

why do you think there removing "raid"? because there data shows it to be the lesser played between raid and capture, not that we hated it and *@##$ed about it.

 so if one where to look at the data DE has, (solo would probably be the most played) therefor it will not be removed. someone *@##$ing and moaning that they suck at something won't make a difference if DE's data says they are a minority. 

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I am going to try real hard not to flame on. Apologies in advance if you get offended, but I will speak the truth as I see it, in my opinion.

or if I'm playing a lowbie planet (Which even though with a Rank 27 Rhino, maxed Iron Skin and fully reactored, I can still die on)

I don't mean to be offensive, but what are you running for mods? My Rhino has over 900 over-shield, well over 600 health and with my latron prime and 2 stared death-cube I can run solo missions in the Pluto map and most T3 void missions (not defense). I must respectfully as possible say, you're doing it wrong. Rank as little to no meaning, what are your mods and your stats? There is no reason a half way equipped Rhino should go down on low planets.


I love to Solo.  It's just nigh impossible on higher planets unless you rush.  And I am mentally incapable of rushing.  I want to loot everything.  If it's green I want to open it and see what's inside!

Of course, anyone who claims that they have no issues doing so are probably younger than me and have Call of Duty level reflexes (Which don't kid yourself, to play a twitch shooter requires a LOT of skill) or have the God Tier Warframes, and the RNG Gods love.

I'm 32 years old and don't have a problem doing solo on Excali Prime, Rhino, Saryn, even squishy Vauban. No I don't rush, just the opposite. I take my time and kill everything. Move from cover to cover. It   is   doable   !  Ash nd Loki are not "gods" it's just a different play style. I started on a Loki and decided I'd rather use abilities that actually damage enemies.


You don't get it, do you.  Casuals often cannot do solo past maybe Venus.  With a Rhino.  They aren't hardcore.  They're here cuz they want to be space ninja, see the flashy lights and throw daggers or sword people.

Forcing them to run through at top speed

There is no mode for us Casuals.  Solo does not exist as anything other than a name tag.

As detailed above in solo mode (which I have spent hundreds of hours in) I do not recommend moving fast, especially post U9. Be a casual gamer all you want. Take your Rhino, put in fully leveled fast deflection, steel fiber, vitality, and redirect and then come back and tell me you died on Earth or less. Casuals CAN play, it's just going to take more than 5 minutes to get the mods you need. You may have to repeat a planet a few times while you gather the necessary mods and materials for good weapons.


Also to claim that "Casuals often cannot do solo past maybe Venus" is very very presumptive unless you have interviewed or polled at least half a million players in the game. Have you done that? Then your statement is speaking for other people than yourself, which is kind of narcissistic and or arrogant. Such tactics are not a strong way to support your thesis. Just sayin.



Larger point:


Of course none of this matters at all. As stated previously in this thread several times, just because you don't like X or can't get past Y does not mean that X or Y should be removed from the game for everyone. You talk about people "younger than you" with CoD reflexes but your post premise is so narrow minded and selfish I find it hard to believe that you're out of your teenage years.


The very concept that "I don't like solo, remove it from the game" is the logic of a child. I know that sounds kind of harsh, but it's true. If you do have some years behind you, stand back for a second, take a deep breath and please explain why the game should be lessened for millions of players because you as an individual do not like solo.

Edited by Carcharias
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At least until we get some major rebalancing work done on it.  I am sick and tired of being forced to rush, or end up dying, or if I'm playing a lowbie planet (Which even though with a Rank 27 Rhino, maxed Iron Skin and fully reactored, I can still die on) having to slog through and murder a little more than a Company and a half of respawning soldiers (That's over 300 per mission.)


I easily solo Pluto missions using an Ember... or a Loki... or a Volt... Bro, seriously, if I have any problem with this game, it's that it's too easy! (And the fact that all they're doing to make things harder is increasing their armor thus creating sponges.) As for the bosses... they are currently being reworked. Kril got done, then Vor got done. Now theyre doing the Golem.

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Honestly, Invite Only should be able to be paused until someone joins.  I think there's a big jump in programing between Solo and the other options, though, so that's why it's the only one able to pause.



That was precicely my point.  Diablo 3 also lets you pause if you're alone, but not if you're with other players.



Invite Only should be the new 'Solo' mode.  Because the spawn count doesn't change.


It's like some guy at a convention with a name tag, and every time he wants to go to a special room or exhibit, all he does is swap his tag.  That's all that's happening with Warframe.  Whenever you choose Solo or Invite or Online, that guy swaps his name tag, and nothing else changes.

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So I just got back from a solo run, partly for you, but mostly because I'm farming for Ash parts. Here is the game that just went down.


Uranus    Titanis  40 - 42

Boss  Tyl Regor


Vauban  495 / 300   Rank 30

Energy Sphion






4 abilities

All of those mods are max level, and my Redirect is 2 shy of max. (i have not leveled bounce cause I don't care about that one)


Wyrm 1 star    laser rifle 4 star


Flux rank 15  1 star

Acrid rank 20  2 star

Jaw sword rank 22


Made it through, no revives used, not a problem, not even really all that challenging. This frame has less than HALF of the armor, health and shielding that my Rhino does. This game is do-able. There are a few things that I would not trouble my self with in a solo situation. Even if you could solo a defense mission, why bother? Point is there is nothing wrong with solo. It does not need to be removed.

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With a God Tier suit of course you're going to beat it.


And I've never died on Mercury and I rarely do on Venus.  But I kill over 300 Spar-er, Grineer or Corpus troopers every damn time.


On Solo.  With either my Excalibur or Rhino.

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At least until we get some major rebalancing work done on it.  I am sick and tired of being forced to rush, or end up dying, or if I'm playing a lowbie planet (Which even though with a Rank 27 Rhino, maxed Iron Skin and fully reactored, I can still die on) having to slog through and murder a little more than a Company and a half of respawning soldiers (That's over 300 per mission.)  And then there are the bosses, which are nothing more than bullet sponges, for the most part, and some of which have single hit kill attack (like Jackal and that 'grenade launcher' thing, which I never get to see because I'm running scared trying to outpace it.  Which apparently it impossible.)


This is not fun.  This is tedium.


So get rid of Solo, and make this a truly MMO game.

Went to bed laughing. Thanks for this post.

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Invite Only should be the new 'Solo' mode.  Because the spawn count doesn't change.


It's like some guy at a convention with a name tag, and every time he wants to go to a special room or exhibit, all he does is swap his tag.  That's all that's happening with Warframe.  Whenever you choose Solo or Invite or Online, that guy swaps his name tag, and nothing else changes.

Do not say "this" when you completely missed the point.  The point is that solo is there becuase the time it would take to set up a system that lets you pause the game while you're alone, but also lets you bring other people into that same game is much more complicated and time consuming to create than it is for them to have Solo set up how it is now.  There have also been many reports of there being more enemies per player in the group, and I'm pretty sure they're not unrequited.

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With a God Tier suit of course you're going to beat it.


God tier? Really? You want me to go back and do it again (or any non defense mission) with my Rhino? That's what I have been trying to get you to understand, it's more in the mods than the frame. Yea, tesla grenades are nice but I could solo any non defense mission in the game with my Excali prime, Rhino, Vauban, Volt, Saryn, Nova, Loki, or Nyx and coming soon to my collection Ember and Ash.


Why can I sit here with confidence and say that I can run solo mission with frames I haven't even played with yet? Cause I know the game and I have maxed out mods. Each frame has it's strengths and weaknesses, some like Volt have more weaknesses than strengths. Adapt, improvise. learn and overcome. You can give me any frame in the game (although I'd rather not on Nyx or Trinity) and as long as I get to use my mods and weapons I can solo any non defense mission. Yea there's a lot of targets, but on the bright side that means there's plenty of things to shoot.




"And I've never died on Mercury and I rarely do on Venus."  <OP page 5


"or if I'm playing a lowbie planet (Which even though with a Rank 27 Rhino, maxed Iron Skin and fully reactored, I can still die on)"

^ OP first post


Yea, that thing in your OP was why I was referring to "lowbie planets" So,.. um, maybe make up your mind? Are you or are you not on a Rhino frame dying on "lowbie planets" and is that not the source of your thesis to remove solo play? Point stands, you need a lot more then just leveled up iron skin. (again: Redirect, Vitality, Steel fiber, Fast Deflection just to name a few that maight be useful for the Rhino frame)

Edited by Carcharias
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Add better scaling to solo missions so you don't have to mow through 30 waves of the same enemies every room: Support.


Removing Solo completely: HELL NO!



Solo can be unfair at times, especially when you're not carrying a maxed out set of weapons and don't intend to take on an armada of grunts every 10 feet or so, but that doesn't mean I always want to play Rushframe 24/7. Sometimes it's nice to casually play a stealth or exterminate mission by yourself, or triumphantly kill a boss single-handed.

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If you want to play with people at similar level, maybe it's time to make some friends?

Though, I agree with removing Solo option. Too many threads like "I can't solo T3 defence, make it easier!", "I want things for solo players only, since there are weapons for clan only, and I don't want to be in a clan!", "I'm antisocial and I wantz to play as ez as full teams!"


And you still can run solo using "private" mode. Since soloers don't have friends, nobody will join them, so...

Your comment is as stupid as the person who made this thread, what you said is some random sterotype on solo players, I play solo more then 50% of the time and I'm in a relativly large clan and regularly spend my time in Global Chat, but because I play solo I have no friends and no one will join me? Get out.


As for the person who made this thread.... Are you serious? You play Rhino and have issues soloing? Either you dunno how to play or your a troll that just needs to leave and go back to playing Solitair. This whole thread is pointless.

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You don't get it, do you.  Casuals often cannot do solo past maybe Venus.  With a Rhino.  They aren't hardcore.  They're here cuz they want to be space ninja, see the flashy lights and throw daggers or sword people.


Forcing them to run through at top speed or run the risk of being mobbed to death isn't fun.  It's not even ninja like.


Worse:  You can get the same result by going Invite Only or Private.  You will still have bosses that can one shot you, or have to rush through about 300+ mobs whether you're alone, or with a full group of four.


There is no mode for us Casuals.  Solo does not exist as anything other than a name tag.

If I can solo every boss and planet (Except Mobile and Endless Defense Missions) with a Loki you can sure as hell do it with a Rhino ya panzy. Oh and playing for at most 5 hours a week counts me as hardcore pretty sure playing for more then 2 hours in a day would be me a bone-a-fide no life to the extreme.

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........ How about a real petition. -> I Petition to set an Age Limit / IQ Ratio Test required prior to having any such permission in which to post on these forums, thus decreasing the "Idiocracy" which occurs here on a day to day basis. As well this will save many from having to waste precious seconds of they're lives reading things such as this, ultimately feeling obligated such as myself to reply & type such a post as I have.



You owe me 55 seconds of my life back.

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You don't get it, do you.  Casuals often cannot do solo past maybe Venus.  With a Rhino.  They aren't hardcore.  They're here cuz they want to be space ninja, see the flashy lights and throw daggers or sword people.





"Casuals" often can't do solo past Venus? WITH a Rhino? Hoh. Boy are you playing wrong. Just knowing basics : Ducking behind cover/walls, not walking into the line of fire, not using Rhino as a floatation device in any circumstance, and proper use of mods. You might as well be playing as Loki or Ash if you want to get your loot fixation. Hell, invest the 100k for Shade. Cloaking for all, long as you don't attack.


My friend, your argument is dwindling, fast. I recommend you let the thread go.

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