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Petition To Get Rid Of Solo Mode.


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It's been at least 7 pages.


Not a single signature that I can tell from what has been read.


OP :


Solo mode will remain. If you can't tell the differences between Solo, Invite, Private, or Online...there is no other way to explain it to you without stooping down and derailing the topic with silly ManSpider content, random gifs, or profanities.


Unless you can find undeniable proof, from DE, that there should be a difference, that had better be your next post. Otherwise this "petition" will be for naught. Just let this thread be buried amongst the other dead threads.


Getting my point across :


There has not been any sign of the game being "easier" for a player playing in solo, invite, private, or online, soloing.


Online : Meant for finding or hosting a lobby with three others across the region. Be it with a friend, or randomers.


Private : Meant for allowing only people registered to your Contacts list to be able to join your lobby. Or vice versa if they are hosting.


Invite : Nobody may join your lobby unless they get a direct invite from you. Be it inviting from your contact list, or from typing "/invite <name>" in chat to add someone.


Solo : You. By yourself. No help from Region. No help from your contacts. It's. Just. You.


Ohey you can even pause the game and get back to it later!



As the way it stands, Solo does not need to be balanced. Learn to play the warframe you have, or keep it up with your post count. At least I can say you're making progress somewhere, but not in the right direction.

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This isn't an MMO.  It's a squad based 3rd person shooter.



Please don't get rid of solo.  I use it frequently to run for materials.



I also use it to practice stealthing missions, among other things.



Petition to end these stupid petitions that are completely self-centered and stupid



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So get rid of Solo

please DON'T have my children. they would go full retard.


(also please learn the definition of MMO, you seem to know it about as well as Wargaming does, who think they make MMO's when they're 100% small instances).



let's reiterate the simple answer that's going to be said many times in this thread. if you don't like solo, don't use it. 

like most players, i can easily solo any boss, and solo many defenses if i choose to. but that can be boring, so i don't usually. 

tbh, just because you are inexperienced at Warframe and cannot accomplish what other players do consistently all day, does not mean it cannot be done. 




There has not been any sign of the game being "easier" for a player playing in solo, invite, private, or online, soloing.

actually, defenses were recently redone a bit recenty, the patch notes can find you which hotfix, where a Frost isn't a requirement anymore, in theory. still pretty important, but i've noticed it being possible to do defenses without one. so if a player so chooses to solo defense, they probably can now. 





you clearly misinterpret the point of the different privacy settings. Private allows people on your friends list to join if they so choose to. Solo, is SOLO. players cannot join at all. nobody. you will NOT get interrupted. there are four stages to privacy settings because each one is different, and further and further levels of filtering players. 

Edited by taiiat
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lol what ppl don't realize is that coop is broken, only time its viable NOT TO solo is defense rest of the time solo is way faster and stable. 


In solo mode game start faster, is way more fluid, no lag or desync issues, no FPS drop, no dealing with other ppls poor internet no matter how restrictive you set the ping.

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And that ping limit doesn't fix lag, why? Because the lag is usually caused by poor upload speeds and/or lower end computer the other person is playing on. You can have great ping, but if you have the other two issues it *will* lag. So in reality, the lower ping limit doesn't really do anything to prevent lag, just removes the outliers for the most part.

And depending on the region you are playing in it is quite easy to find stable groups of 4 that are almost always on. I PUG for a majority of my missions and usually dont have issues playing with other people. There are times I get the issues you mentioned, by they are no where near being the majority.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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What is wrong with you!! Rly, you don't need to play solo. And hell no you aint gonna get my vote. 















You aint serious about this wright? 



Dude, you almost got me..

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But seriously, I like to play solo. I need some ME time.

So set the game to Private, and don't invite anyone.  You'll get the EXACT SAME GAME.


And yes, Solo mode is a lie, false advertising because it's claiming that the game will be different if you choose to go it alone.  But it's not any different at all.  There is no scaling, none.  It's full on 30 second respawn timer for mobs, insta-kill Boss attacks, Bosses with regenerating shields that reactivate within seconds (on average, most Grineer bosses with regen shields take about 2 seconds before they do) and other things that are balanced for a four man team.


This entire game is balanced for a four man team, no matter what mode you choose.  So claiming Solo mode is for people to solo is incorrect, because all it does it allow you to pause and force you through 4 man content.


And for those of you who want to 'derail' the thread, you're definitely showing the level of maturity most gaming companies dread to have in their games.  Please, stop and be mature.

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Please tell me you got some satisfaction out of typing that, I'd hate for you to waste more of your time thinking it had no effect.  Because you clearly don't get it.


Removing Solo mode does one thing, and one thing only.  The ability to pause.  Which I admit would suck, but implementing a pause function to another mode wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility.  And it's not as hard as you people want to assume it is.

So let me get this straight. You have said there is no difference between solo and private other then the ability to pause, we should remove solo and give pause mode to something like private. Meaning private would be solo mode. That says your ONLY objection to solo mode is the name.


What you are trying to say and failing at is, "DE I am an immature asshat and can't handle the fact that a mode is labled something wrong so I want you to bend over backwards and redo your coding so that I can be happy."


You should see a doctor about having your head removed from your &amp;#&#33;. It's gotta be painful...


Edit: also solo mode is not false advertisement. It's not advertised as being any different then anything else just that you will be solo. Show us ANY proof what soever that solo mode is supposed to be different. The name just implies you will play it...solo.


Telling people to play in private does not work because you don't have to send invites to people for them to join you. If they are on your contact list they can just pop in whenever they want on private mode. DE would have to develope a way to filter out that ability...or they could just keep solo mode.


I know it's hard to grasp but hang in there you will get there eventually.

Edited by iSmeejo
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So let me get this straight. You have said there is no difference between solo and private other then the ability to pause, we should remove solo and give pause mode to something like private. Meaning private would be solo mode. That says your ONLY objection to solo mode is the name.


What you are trying to say and failing at is, "DE I am an immature asshat and can't handle the fact that a mode is labled something wrong so I want you to bend over backwards and redo your coding so that I can be happy."


You should see a doctor about having your head removed from your &amp;#&#33;. It's gotta be painful...


Edit: also solo mode is not false advertisement. It's not advertised as being any different then anything else just that you will be solo. Show us ANY proof what soever that solo mode is supposed to be different. The name just implies you will play it...solo.


Telling people to play in private does not work because you don't have to send invites to people for them to join you. If they are on your contact list they can just pop in whenever they want on private mode. DE would have to develope a way to filter out that ability...or they could just keep solo mode.


I know it's hard to grasp but hang in there you will get there eventually.

He's simply a child flailing his arms...

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So set the game to Private, and don't invite anyone.  You'll get the EXACT SAME GAME.


And yes, Solo mode is a lie, false advertising because it's claiming that the game will be different if you choose to go it alone. 


And for those of you who want to 'derail' the thread, you're definitely showing the level of maturity most gaming companies dread to have in their games.  Please, stop and be mature.

1) So if there is no difference why rock the boat by removing anything from the game?


2) Please tell me where it says that solo mode is rebalanced for the solo player. It may be to you that solo mode IMPLIES a rebalanced game, and in some other titles it actually is. But in this game I have seen no such claim. It cannot be "false advertisement" unless there is a claim somewhere stating the the game is rebalanced for solo. Implications don't count, please tell me where it says in words that solo play is rebalanced.


You probably wont find that anywhere because solo is a privacy setting, nothing more.


3) Maturity? From you? That actually made me laugh out loud. Your premise for this thread is "I don't like X so take it away from everyone." That is like an eight year old child saying "mommy if I can't have a piece of gum the others shouldn't get any either, it's not fair." The entire thesis of your debate is in itself immature, and incredibly narrow minded.

Edited by Carcharias
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Most of the game play I have made on this game is mainly do in solo mode. Only time I do online mode is for bosses and defence wave missions. I do agreed this game isn't optimized to deal with single player (yet?).


Do not get rid of solo mode, I am one of many other that enjoy it. I don't like rushing through the contents like when I am involve while online.


Sometimes you don't have time or just even don't want to deal with other players while you are trying out builds. Yes, the game need to be fixed for solo gameplay but getting rid of it completely? Definately a no-no.


I may change my mind after I hit higher level tier planets at the moment I am leveling my Loki for the second time (used forma #1 working on the other 4 slot after it), it is hard trying to do it but it isn't imposible. Also I would like to know how does this game scale the content levels at earlier missions? say Mercury level? At the moment I have ran with heavy red armored and silver on the first level. (hance: I find it hard to level loki again)

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So let me get this straight. You have said there is no difference between solo and private other then the ability to pause, we should remove solo and give pause mode to something like private. Meaning private would be solo mode. That says your ONLY objection to solo mode is the name.


What you are trying to say and failing at is, "DE I am an immature asshat and can't handle the fact that a mode is labled something wrong so I want you to bend over backwards and redo your coding so that I can be happy."


You should see a doctor about having your head removed from your &amp;#&#33;. It's gotta be painful...


Edit: also solo mode is not false advertisement. It's not advertised as being any different then anything else just that you will be solo. Show us ANY proof what soever that solo mode is supposed to be different. The name just implies you will play it...solo.


Telling people to play in private does not work because you don't have to send invites to people for them to join you. If they are on your contact list they can just pop in whenever they want on private mode. DE would have to develope a way to filter out that ability...or they could just keep solo mode.


I know it's hard to grasp but hang in there you will get there eventually.

You're not getting it.  I'm bad at explaining myself.


Removing Solo would mean people who want to play alone, they'd get the same value for their time (as it stands right now) by choosing Private and not inviting anyone.  Right now, the biggest stumbling block for it is the inability to pause the game in Private.


It would also show people that the game is set for 4 players.

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Sometimes you don't have time or just even don't want to deal with other players while you are trying out builds. Yes, the game need to be fixed for solo gameplay but getting rid of it completely? Definately a no-no.

60+ Raptor runs solo'd as Frost because other people blow up and I have to revive them.


30+ Kela runs solo'd as Rhino (thats right, Nagi, RHINO) because people can't dodge rockets and I have to revive them.


20+ Tyl runs solo'd as Rhino (AMG, IT'S LIKE A TREND!) because Tyl is a pansy and Rhino says "Die."


If you can handle it, soloing some bosses is much quicker than dealing with a team.  I also like to pause and scratch my &amp;#&#33; sometimes whilst boss smashing.

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You're not getting it.  I'm bad at explaining myself.


Removing Solo would mean people who want to play alone, they'd get the same value for their time (as it stands right now) by choosing Private and not inviting anyone.  Right now, the biggest stumbling block for it is the inability to pause the game in Private.


It would also show people that the game is set for 4 players.

You are having a completely different conversation VEILED as reason to remove the solo option.  I'd wager that you don't even know what you're writing half the time, because your posts are so back and forth it's hard to keep up with you.


The game needs to be balanced to how many players are in the mission, THAT'S A GIVEN.  It's also something that DE is working on, watch livestreams (seriously, I say this to friggn' everyone, I can not express how informative those things are).


The game could be vastly benefitted by having the ability to pause during Private or Invite Only play, THAT'S A GIVEN.  It's also something that DE SHOULDN'T work on right now, because it's completely pointless while they have solo option available.  It'll be a waste of time for them to turn any attention towards this goal right now.


Those are the answers to your questions.  The reasons behind the madness.  That is it. Those are all the things.  There is nothing else.  Good day, sir. 

Edited by MeteorKing
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