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Hunting eidolons is far more cancerous than a trip to chernobyl


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Lemme tell you an infuriating story and also one of the reasons i wont be touching eidolon hunts even with a stick (inb4 "HURR DURR GIT GUT NOOB XDXD U ONDT KNOI HOW 2 PLAY UNINSTALL") #*!% off

- First try

Bring dudes from recritment chat

Trini, rhino and chroma (me)

A****** trini invites his leech friend an MR 6 excal with a lvl 0 Hek

Call trini on his bs and tell excal to leave

Excal is prolly 8 yrs old cuz his only insults are %&^git and *@##$ tits


Ecal pms me telling me they failed the cap and its my fault


Second try

Forget recruit chat and just join pub hunt (bad idea)

squad consist of zephir p, me another damn excal and a limbo

Im killing the eidolon with limbo cuz the other guys ARE #*!%ING MINING

We doing good just one limb left 

host disconnects proceed to host migration

we join again, the #*!%er has full shields

4 mins left


I swear to god this #*!%ing game is  #*!%ing my liver  worse than a retail job

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Its not that i mean you can do a cap with a crap team, what bothers me is all those guys that just join or carry their Friends and the rest of the squad has to do the job for them and they contribute nothing, or just thos prick hosts that abandon at the worst moment

Edited by L0ngr4ng3r
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4 minutes ago, L0ngr4ng3r said:

Its not that i mean you can do a cap with a crap team, what bothers me is all those guys that just join or carry their Friends and the rest of the squad has to do the job for them and they contribute nothing, or just thos prick hosts that abandon at the worst moment

Sounds like networking problem and matchmaking problem.

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Maybe instead of recruiting chat, you should try using the forums that you are on right now to coordinate something more substantial. And by your description, there's nothing wrong with the mechanics of the hunt itself. The problem is just the people you are doing it with.

Edited by Miraluka
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Boohoo, i had a bad experience and Boohoohoo im never doing it again because of it.

Get friends and go hunt Eidolons.

Also, its not every Pug team that ends up being bad. I had the luck last Sunday to grab a team that was rekting Eidolons, we managed to kill 2 Hydrolysts in a single night. I didnt know them and neither did they know each other, we just had the luck of meeting at the right time.

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23 minutes ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

Boohoo, i had a bad experience and Boohoohoo im never doing it again because of it.

Get friends and go hunt Eidolons.

Also, its not every Pug team that ends up being bad. I had the luck last Sunday to grab a team that was rekting Eidolons, we managed to kill 2 Hydrolysts in a single night. I didnt know them and neither did they know each other, we just had the luck of meeting at the right time.

It hasn't been that rare for me to find a good team in public. Worst thing that happens is someone leaving early because they don't feel that the team is meta enough to their standards

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OK firstly never go pub unless  you're just doing tera and have no problem soloing. Cuz you're always gonna get crap matches in it. Secondly when you're going recruiting join a squad already established lowering your chances of getting leaches and also make sure to enter with a full squad. Ad finally leaching isn't always bad. In your given example it was terrible and I hope you never see him again. However there are occasions where people!e bring their friends to show them the ropes and what to do and it may seem like leaching however is unintentional. For example I brought my friend on his first eidolon hunt, he had a rank 0 note amp and got called all sorts of names by our party. However once he knew what he was doing he not only held his own but did pretty damn well. In our second hunt he was straight out of the gate getting and charging lures. BTW he was excalibur. My point being leaches aren't always bad because everyone has to learn sometime. Those are just some of my opinions though.

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1 hour ago, lukinu_u said:

So, you basically say Eidolon hunt is a bad thing because a decent team is required and you didn't found this decent team.

It is the same reason many players didn't do raids.

Taking down a Teralyst mirrors the tactics of a Trial in terms of teamwork and communication, but can also be done as a lower-level player if properly prepared.

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It's honestly genuinely amazing to me that the exact community that let raids get deleted have become The Exact Thing they whined about to people defending raids (IE still whining about elitism) and then have the Audacity to talk back to people confronting the ""Elitism"" that had a hand in raids getting deleted :facepalm:

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1 minute ago, The_NecroMaster said:

It's honestly genuinely amazing to me that the exact community that let raids get deleted have become The Exact Thing they whined about to people defending raids (IE still whining about elitism) and then have the Audacity to talk back to people confronting the ""Elitism"" that had a hand in raids getting deleted :facepalm:

Who needs elitism if there are is no content to be elite in.


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48 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

It hasn't been that rare for me to find a good team in public. Worst thing that happens is someone leaving early because they don't feel that the team is meta enough to their standards

^This.  As long as you have a healer and a buff who gives a **** what the rest of the team is?  If you want to cap 4 hydrolysts a night pugs are not for you.  I pretty consistently have found pug teams that can at least do one cap a night, expecting more than that is silly.

Edited by Aggh
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I pub tridolon hunts.  Do I have to back out sometimes because I see Loki or Ash, etc.? Yes.  Just be patient or use recruitment again, that situation you experienced is not the norm.  Most people in recruitment won't accept any frames other than Rhino, Chroma, Volt, Trin, Oberon and Harrow.

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