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Show nova's Null Star some love


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Aside from Null Star, nover is perfect. 
Add some kind of triggering to the "Seeking Out" effect of Null Star so you can use its damage reduction. It's kind of annoying when your way of survival literally flies off into the distance to barely damage enemies. Even a minimal range of 5 meters, it drops off rather quickly. 

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5 minutes ago, Kadishia said:

Null Star is a form of defense as well. 5% damage reduction with upwards of 90% damage reduction on health.

This post right here reminds me of those automatic e-mail replies, where it saw a keyword, and then doesnt answer your question, but plainly states what you were already talking about...

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That's why I use this in my build


And to be honest I feel that that is the better way. Nova got this resistance but by base she is meant to be squishy. Using a augment to turn it into a tanking ability kind of fits the purpose of an augment.

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1 minute ago, Airwolfen said:

That's why I use this in my build


And to be honest I feel that that is the better way. Nova got this resistance but by base she is meant to be squishy. Using a augment to turn it into a tanking ability kind of fits the purpose of an augment.

It works the opposite though. If Nova meant to be squishy and the augment meant to make her Tanky. Then Null Star should have innate knockdown while Neutron Star give the ability damage reduction. At this moment Null Star already give tanking ability, while Neutron Star is basically just a band aid to refresh the damage reduction. It's a very roundabout way to achieve something that can be easily simplified.

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90% damage reduction on demand from neutron star is not enough?

8 минут назад, Rekkou сказал:

It works the opposite though. If Nova meant to be squishy and the augment meant to make her Tanky. Then Null Star should have innate knockdown while Neutron Star give the ability damage reduction. At this moment Null Star already give tanking ability, while Neutron Star is basically just a band aid to refresh the damage reduction. It's a very roundabout way to achieve something that can be easily simplified.

yes, please give ability to refresh rino skin. would help too.

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14 minutes ago, Rekkou said:

It works the opposite though. If Nova meant to be squishy and the augment meant to make her Tanky. Then Null Star should have innate knockdown while Neutron Star give the ability damage reduction. At this moment Null Star already give tanking ability, while Neutron Star is basically just a band aid to refresh the damage reduction. It's a very roundabout way to achieve something that can be easily simplified.

Well the augment is not "supposed" to make her tanky. I do believe she did not even have the 5% at the point of the augments release. Its function is the ability to blow up null star on your own. augmenting its function.

A side effect is that the damage reduction becomes a manageable thing unlike its base function.

Making the reduction manageable by baseline however changes the base Nova to an off-tank by default.

Edited by Airwolfen
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The only thing that really bothers me about this ability is that there's a noticeable delay before you can cast anything else after using it. So it makes it annoying to use a few abilities in succession. 

Also the range reduction of narrowminded usually is enough to keep my orbs from firing off. especially when the whole room is slowed down to a crawl

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As much as I acknowledge that Null Star's issue is fixed with an augment, I do not appreciate that the fix IS an augment. Augments are supposed to enhance an ability, not be a fix where playing without it makes it damn near useless. At least Ash's Teleport still opens enemies to finishers and Fatal Tele just makes the finisher an automatic after-action. For Null Star, we can't refresh it, throw all our orbs away at once for a recast, anything. NOPE. Even with one orb, you have to wait for it to seek an enemy or fall off the map (you're dead either way in a sortie).

TL;DR: Augment mods should be enhancements, not necessary fixes. Make Null Star a better defensive tool, please @DE.

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8 hours ago, Sqecmi said:

90% damage reduction on demand from neutron star is not enough?

considering it keeps going away while enemies are nearby without doing good dmg, yes, its not enough


either remove the part where the orbs fly at enemies and make it a timer-only ability, or make each orb disappear after X number of hits(regardless of how much dmg each hit does)


OR make the orbs actually do good damage

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14 минут назад, TKDancer сказал:

considering it keeps going away while enemies are nearby without doing good dmg, yes, its not enough


either remove the part where the orbs fly at enemies and make it a timer-only ability, or make each orb disappear after X number of hits(regardless of how much dmg each hit does)


OR make the orbs actually do good damage

considering rhino iron skin going away when enemies are shooting at you, it's not enough.

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Just now, Sqecmi said:

considering rhino iron skin going away when enemies are shooting at you, it's not enough.

yay, ridiculous false equivalances



rhino can give us dozens of thousands of buffer HP


null star give us orbs, number depending on duration, that give us 5% DR each, but while enemies are in range orbs fly at them for basically no reason since their dmg is pitiful


ur equivalence would have worked if iron skin gave DR instead of buffer HP and if it lost its power over time while near enemies

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1 минуту назад, TKDancer сказал:

yay, ridiculous false equivalances



rhino can give us dozens of thousands of buffer HP


null star give us orbs, number depending on duration, that give us 5% DR each, but while enemies are in range orbs fly at them for basically no reason since their dmg is pitiful


ur equivalence would have worked if iron skin gave DR instead of buffer HP and if it lost its power over time while near enemies

as you say. maybe you are just not into nova? she is not good at sliding, just so you know.

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They could always make another Augment that changes null star to be defensive in nature. The current augment linked is more of a offensive or panic CC option for null star. Another interesting option would be that the stars stay orbiting until absorbing a set amount of damage to "charge up" before shooting off to a target and dealing a modified amount of damage for the damage it absorbed. So in essance turns null star into some type of Ablative, or reactive armor.

Edited by Andaius
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Am 30.3.2018 um 12:13 schrieb ShortbusGangster:

Add some kind of triggering to the "Seeking Out" effect of Null Star

At that point you might as well just rework the ability to a basic damage-reduction buff, which isn`t particular interesting. If you want to help the ability it should just do something more helpful if it hits. 

If this would be changed everybody would just activate it and most likely ask for the mode where null stars stay to be default setting - never using the ability actively.

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Nova already makes the game a snoozefest with her free 200k nukes and "make all enemies suck" abilities.  Maybe Null Star should be totally changed to something more interesting but DE isn't going to do this either way, especially now that people discovered quasi godmode that only works when you use the most popular build anyway.  

Edited by RealPandemonium
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