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too many people leave defense at 5 Waves


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On 2.4.2018 at 2:15 AM, nefrai said:

I've noticed a lot of people leave at wave 5, always found it odd. Usually I only leave at wave 5 if there is a Banshee being annoying or a bad Frost player...or those people that run off and kill things at the far end of the map, like WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? lol. But if people are decent players, I usually run at least 15 waves. Leaving at 10 I can see, if they just had short time to play. Normally I'm in defense missions just to level formad gear, and I can solo to wave 30+ where I go, but it's nice to have a group so I don't have to use my formad gun, and can still get XP for it while using melee. 

Always so disappointing when you get a decent looking group that actually stays in the center of the defense mission together, and they warp out at wave 5, lol.

How can a Banshee be annoying?

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reasons i have left after 5 waves:


Duplicate frames in group.

rank 28 weapon/frame that just needs one round.


3 good reasons right there...... 


happens to me all the time but if you can't carry yourself to at least wave 15, you're doing it wrong ?

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On 4/1/2018 at 7:56 PM, AEP8FlyBoy said:

When rewards don't scale

When the reward is affinity for your weapons, it DOES scale, and it scales a LOT.  The affinity you get between waves 15-20 is more than you'd get between 1-15.  Granted, most leveling groups only need to go to 10-15 to max their gear.  Very little can be achieved going only to wave 5 on popular nodes like Hydron.

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On 4/1/2018 at 7:56 PM, AEP8FlyBoy said:

There's nothing wrong with players leaving in the first 5 waves, and I don't think that DE needs to allocate resources to alleviate this "issue" when it's easy enough to get a group willing to go more than 5 waves if you just look around a bit.

Things come up sometimes, and for some players they only need to stay 5 waves to finish leveling or take a lucky wave 5 reward before they run the risk of disconnecting because of internet issues. That's personal experience for me.

When rewards don't scale, and if players don't deliberately say they're leaving at wave 20 or more, there is nothing wrong with them leaving right away if needed.
Implementing functions to assist players to find groups that will stay longer than 5 waves is unnecessary because those methods already exist.

Says the guy with a Loki glyph.


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On 4/1/2018 at 7:52 PM, Daskrieg said:

At the rate im seeing groups break up on defense maps at wave 5, I don't think it would be a bad idea to impliment a wave selection option just before entry that lets you pick if your staying for 5, 10, 15 or more waves so that you get paired up with people who plan on staying as long as you are for the random groups. true it can be avoided by forming a group in the looming for group chat but for times when you do not want to be spending time looking for more people amongest the mass of others doing the same this would not be a bad idea.

Make friends or go into the recruiting channel.  99% of the time you'll find people fairly quickly that will go for 20 waves in X mission.  Bring along a great frame for what you're doing and tell them that - you'll get lots of people coming aboard.

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5 hours ago, (PS4)TheDrift- said:

You don't happen to main a Limbo do you ;) 

no i don't main limbo, he is kind of a situational frame in my opinon and from my experience slows down defense waves with how i have mine set up, that said i like him on MD runs but for sake of not annoying my teammates i don't really drag him out very much, he is kind of a collection item for me. I have tried using looking for group chat a few times as well but its like trying to sell stuff in trade chat, post your comment and watch it drown in a sea of other LFM posts.

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I know the only time I tend to leave at wave 5 is generally because. 

  1. Someone else decided to leave first, more than likely because of 2.
  2. my gear was almost leveled when I started and it was 30 by wave 5, tho sometimes I'll stick around.
  3. people are running to the far corners of the map to get "all teh killz", which tanks the group affinity gains and I do not have the time or patience for that. If a group is getting me efficient XP I don't care who is doing what but if the XP is bad you better believe I'm out at 5. 


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For weapon levelling, by removing all other weapons, it usually takes around 10 to 15 waves to max, depending on how low the % damage the person has and if there is a booster. The lower the faster because party member affinity sharing is fastest way to level a weapon.

However, people tend to leave at wave 10.

Hence, there is always a shortage of 5 waves.

For frame levelling, it can take longer or shorter depending on how high % of kills the person has while using abilities only. The higher the better because the fastest way to level a frame is to kill the enemies yourself using only abilities.

Because of this, there is always a mismatch between some who need 15 and some who need 10, resulting in the make-up 10-5 wave match pairs that most who need 15 waves have to go through.

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If I want an endless to last beyond the first 5 waves/minutes, I usually just pug a fissure mission.

Unless the Host's internet is horrible (which it was in one case today) Scaling rewards + the need to crack multiple relics for traces usually keeps people around for at least one full rotation: Usually one more afterwards for the free relic.

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On 4/3/2018 at 2:18 AM, catastrophy said:

How can a Banshee be annoying?

Haven't been back here in a while, just saw this - It depends, when I notice Banshee, it's when I'm farming XP/loot at a defense mission, and Banshee sits in the middle using 4. So loot is dropped in a big circle and you have to go find it all. Good groups will get all the enemies to the center so the loot piles up in one spot. Farming 101, but this is lost on quite a few Warframe players.

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2 hours ago, nefrai said:

Haven't been back here in a while, just saw this - It depends, when I notice Banshee, it's when I'm farming XP/loot at a defense mission, and Banshee sits in the middle using 4. So loot is dropped in a big circle and you have to go find it all. Good groups will get all the enemies to the center so the loot piles up in one spot. Farming 101, but this is lost on quite a few Warframe players.

This. When I use banshee to speed up a defense, I do try to wait until the majority of the spawned enemies have reached the middle of the map.

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On 4/7/2018 at 5:29 PM, (XB1)mickeyjuiceman said:

Yeah, waiting for everything on every wave to get to the middle to be gunned down is much quicker than a quick run round the perimeter on the last wave, for sure.

Honestly, it depends. In early waves enemies are slower to get in, so I get it. But often you can run out of time trying to grab the loot from one side to the other, and the match timer runs out as you are trying to get everything. When I get people just killing stuff at the ends of the map, I tend to stay away from the middle and just grab loot, making sweeps more often. But it is pretty annoying to have to keep running through the back parts of the levels. One reason I generally use Akkad to farm, is due to how central it is set up, and generally I can sweep the hallways quickly for loot. For me personally, I'm usually there mostly just to re-level a formad item, and play in a group so I get the XP rate across the gear. It's easy to solo Akkad for 50, 60 rounds (or when you just get bored), but not if I want to level up a level 0 weapon. I usually toss a couple weapons on to level, then use the Atterax and a group of people to get XP to those weapons or warframe.

In general though, it's rare I actually get mad or care what the group is doing. I can find things annoying, but I almost never leave a match due to anger, and I never yell at other players. But when I play a Banshee or any warframe that can be found "annoying", I keep in mind I'm with a team and I try to make a positive impression with that frame. You wouldn't believe how many people I've seen quit Akkad mid mission due a Frost noob showing up. People would say in chat "Frost, nope" and just log out. This was a big issue when Frost Prime was free from Twitch, and you had a train of Frost's leveling at Akkad or wherever else. I always stayed, didn't matter to me.

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OP suggests a simple QoL function for endless mission matchmaking and forums S#&$ all over him because god forbid someone would want an efficient and streamlined way to be paired with people who want to play a mission as long as he does.

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Would be nice that at the very least if one were to change their vote within the last 3 seconds, the timer would add another 10 to it (only doing it once).

No more assholes trying to be sneaky and leaving some low MR person to fend for themselves that way.

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On 4/3/2018 at 9:02 AM, Formicula said:

what if 3 players  Mr1 selecting 40 waves and yu are MR 25 the 4th player in squad

party will fail , thats fine :inlove:


If you're going into pub matchmaking for 40 waves of defense, why the heck would you be running a build that can't solo that far? Besides, really long runs like that can be left to recruitment/private matches.  The functionality the OP is suggesting really probably doesn't need to go past 20, maybe 25 waves.

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