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[PC] Beasts of the Sanctuary: Sanctuary Onslaught Feedback Megathread


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33 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

No the basic concept of the game INCLUDES 4 revives.... taking it out just to punish mistakes/bad luck, not to mention lag/bugs, is artificially making something harder for no reason.  If you don't want to be revived then just quit after you die, simple job done, because clearly based on below you don't need the rewards etc.


So... you're basically saying DE should take the only reason to go to onslaught out of onslaught... just to make it 'harder'.... so why would 'hardcore' players bother with onslaught, and don't say focus because these same 'hardcore' players have likely focus farmed to max it out already.

For fun and challenge. The extra relics or other resources gained on the side are just cherry on top, they are secondary. 

The reason to introduce a hardcore mode is for challenging content anyway, not as another meta farming spot. Keep the 4 revives in regular mode for farming or whatever. Let the hardcore mode be hardcore, no revives. 

Edited by Checht
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Righty'o. New update, new issues. On many tiles, enemies stop noticing you, or even stray from you as you shoot/grind/chop the rest of spawns. Wish I kinda don't need to run whole map like lunatic only to find that some enemies are not interested in fighting, they just wanna stroll.

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Just a suggestion:

Hello, I know you are busy with fixing bugs and stuff but a thing to consider maybe if people like the idea I have a suggestion for the Sanctuary Onslaught mode, Instead of killing enemies as fast as possible wouldn't it be more interesting to kill then in diverse ways to gain stability.
Example: "x amount of kills with melee grants x amount of stability slowly gives out less and less then change to secondary and get more stability then kills with primary and so on..." and somehow balance all this in a way where you should have to constantly switch between weapons not to the point where it gets annoying but somehow balanced and enjoyable to keep the mode stable and as such make it more diverse.

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As of today, 100% of host migrations in onslaught have failed - removing time, effort and rewards every time. Mostly in rounds 6-7 which it particularly bitter. Why release a mode that fails host migrations this often? It doesn't seem to happen in other modes.

Why release a mode where you continue on and have NO FREAKING IDEA if the host is moving on with you or not? The first person through the gate is hung out to dry if he is not the host and the host chooses not to move on. No warning, just mission crash.

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Now that things are taking shape and a few hotfixes have come out, I think you guys are on the right track with sustaining an endgame activity within the classic Warframe setting.

My one main comment or suggestion has to do with that sustainability - I feel like there should be a progression system to Sanctuary Onslaught, beyond just RNG drops.

I see the current system as being a source of frustration, getting tons and tons and tons of relics (Radiant or otherwise) that can really be obtained elsewhere... and then just a few, very low chance drops for discontinued weapons/the Peculiar.

Even if it is another Syndicate, or a Currency that is associated with Sanctuary Onslaught, I feel like there should be a vendor with a longer list of rewards. These could be both equipment and cosmetics, like most vendors. This would give people goals to set and reasons to keep grinding, when they are done with these weapons or arent interested in praying to RNGesus for these drops.


I feel like you guys have alot of tools within your existing game template (such as Sorties) from which you could expand the high level endgame, within classic Warframe. I feel like adding more lvl 100+ missions to the star chart, with whatever rewards seem suitable, would be a good way for players to challenge all the weapons and frames they have maxed and forma'd. That would keep people on an endgame grind once the absolutely sea of "midgame" in Warframe is completed. This Onslaught is a good step in that direction from a gameplay perspective, but I believe progression systems are a tried and true treadmill to keep us coming back even when we are like "screw rng".


As I, like many others, gnash our teeth at the bugs and such that we encounter.. still, I want to thank you guys. You keep us more informed than any game developer I've ever seen, you bring new content out super quick, and you patch out problems constantly. This iterative process of constant content is refreshing, and I hope you are not discouraged by the blowback of this recent patch. You guys have a pattern and a process that is unique and cool, just like Warframe as a whole.

Edited by Rahlgrim
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2 hours ago, Ktro said:

My constructive feedback is as follows

1. Give reward every round

2. Start focus booster from round 1

3. Increase focus gain a bit more (60s instead of 45s). This is the only proper way to earn focus which itself is a broken system and now scaling down enemy level is bummer

4. Dilute pool with maybe arcanes, kuva which will diverge the gameplay options and reduce burnout



Things done right

1. Khora parts distribution as u need people to buy khora with plat acting as currency gain and plat sink

2. Lato vandal should be rare as all things should not be easily available and showd player determination to get them by playing. Fyi can u make the 2% to a more reasonable but still rare 4% chance


Your 4 and things done right section are as wrong as possible. NO thanks to even worse grinding.

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Well, as of v22.18.7, I have no reason or incentive to do Onslaught again. GG devs. Despite the migration bugs and loss of rewards / progress when it first released and the fact that efficiency wasn't scaled on the number of players (i.e. punishing solo players), it was actually decent and fun.

Arguably, these latest changes to Onslaught only serve to further promote cheese builds and punish solo players even more. You even made the grind for stuff on the drop tables arguably WORSE.

So much for having a fun alternative to the usual focus grind.

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Dear DE,

I must say, I am quite in love with the game you've shapen over the past 5 years. We've had our issues and differences, but overall I am quite content with what warframe has become. The way the last update has been handled so far does disappoint me quite a lot, and as I scroll through reddit I see that I am not the only one. I am quite fearful of what is to come if this manner of handling stuff is kept up. It's high time to adress what the community feels, and have an open conversation about it. Seeing how your team is growing, it might be useful to recruit a community scout who keeps up to date with what the community thinks, and conveys their messages (without all the senseless anger) to all of you. 

The players can be quite like kids who don't know what's good for them, but the turns you've taken with the past content update is quite frankly, not fun. The gamemode is cool, but should have been delayed further, because that would have avoided the buggy mess we received now. I'm not that good at putting my own vision on this into words, but what I do know is that the outrage and complaining I see now is of a different level from what it has been on other updates. Plains of eidolon had it's complaints too but it wasn't near as bad as this time.

Please listen to the community on this part, because I would hate to see warframe's playerbase plummet in the near future. I would very much like to play this game with the love and enjoyment for another 20 years.

Kind regards,


P.S. I realise this is quite ramble-like but the heart of it is that the community is more pissed off than usual, and should be looked into more. Ramping up the difficulty on this new mode (eff drain wise) was a bad call, because it was fine the way it was. I get that you wouldn't want it endless, but the less invested player got screwed over here.

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Reposting here...

Oi... those of us not on the meta list just got kicked out of this mode.

Day before yesterday, I was able to solo "normal" Onslaught to zone 9, I was thrilled! I actually got an amount of focus that felt like I might eventually be able to unlock the next rank of the node I'm working on (305,000... ugh...). I haven't got a single Khora part yet while I have collected 15,000 endo and waaaay too many copies of the Captura scenes, but that's just RNG, right?

But now? If I can make it to level 4, it's a miracle. I think I'll ignore her, pretend the two "Vandals" are still exclusive, and go back to pub-hunting Eidolons - at least I can get arcanes, not yet another copy of a Captura scene I already have.


(And yes, Onslaught RNG hates me: I tried one run this morning before work to see if I still hated it. Got to zone 5 with Atterax spin spam that left my fingers sore, got two copies of the same Captura scene :P )

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5 hours ago, Checht said:

If you make mistakes or bad judgements, you die. That's the essence of a game. Where's the fun when you cannot fail? 

This is not artificial, this is the basic concept of a game. If you run out of health in Megaman, you die. What happened to "game over" in games? 

Thank you.

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3 hours ago, FreeWilliam said:

I think it's important to realize that many of us are playing this game for different reasons and shooting for different experiences.  I'm excited about sanctuary because it allows for the creation of games/environments/etc. that don't cater to some universal cluster of metas.  I hope this mode starts expanding and adding team events, target shooting contests,  races (Parkour 2.0 races and melee races through the thickest masses of Grineer we can find that force us to use everything from Handspring to Channeling), and whatever other crazy stuff they can come up with.

I'm historically sort of an alt-aholic with most games (I have to try all the things, level all the classes, etc.), but in Warframe I'm in the subset that gets a cathartic joy out of melee and enjoy when we're forced to start mixing things up and playing the stance dance...so it's a constant quest to find things that you can't one-shot but don't cheat. I don't mind the challenge and being nudged into equipping speed holster to add in some gunplay, but I really don't like switching out of my stance because I lose all my dance moves.

(yeah, also super picky about stances.  I love to flow around the battlefield, not get locked into place.  Clashing Forest before any of the current Polearm stances, etc.)

From that perspective, Onslaught has been partially satisfying.  I LOVE how quickly we can ramp up the challenge, that's awesome.

I don't love the fact that the rush for affinity is nudging me towards some cheesey tactics (I really want my Atlas and Zephyr builds to do better than my Saryn in this mode).  Simaris disabling abilities seemed to help a little bit, but I'm wondering if there's a diminishing returns approach there.

I think the lore supports the idea of multiple game modes that don't have to be tuned so generically.  Warframe's a game that allows us to play to the extremes we enjoy...I've seen some hilariously fast volts, stunning fashion frames, expertly masterful limbos, and so much more in this game. 

Most of the rest is growing pains and I get that, I also am VERY cool with this mode not containing many (or any) 'must have' items.  I'm hoping it's more about letting us cater to the fun factor while Simaris uses us as angry bitcoin miners. :)



For the first time since I've ever come to these forums, never have I so truly enjoyed on various levels a single post. Simply addressing the aspect of melee, if you would like to have a dance partner sometime, add me - Clashing Forest, Astral Twilight, Final Harbinger, etc. right here!


Edited by Mach25
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1 hour ago, Mach25 said:

For the first time since I've ever come to these forums, never have I so truly enjoyed on various levels a single post.

Dude!  Crazy flattering, and the fact that you saw this on page 52 makes me think we're not alone...I mean I've only read like four of these pages!

But I kind of knew there were a whole bunch more of us, I keep getting into these hilarious conversations with people selling things like +speed +reach +channeling efficiency [MINUS] crit on slide Rivens for my Tipedo who insist I don't ever reroll their babies. 

With a good stance, more attack speed with all the accelerators just means less time spent sprinting and jumping and more time spent stancedancing!

So yeah, that's kind of my melee 2.5 until we get 3.0

(I sometimes wonder if the anti-Spin2Win meme is causing people to avoid using autoattack macros and thereby never getting to explore key-combo-movement type melee, I was even hoping a bit that this mode would get us to that point where maiming strike falls apart and doesn't make it into well optimized builds.  I mean, spinsliding is fun too, gives you a great burst of speed and looks great!  I know this style isn't for everyone, but for some of us it's gold, right?)

Heck, I STARTED all CC defense map dominant with an Mag, then Octavia, then Nyx.  

Then I got to love tap a Juggernaut to sleep with my Hamsterball Nyx...and the path to being an Atlas main was kind of set. :)

1 hour ago, Mach25 said:

if you would like to have a dance partner sometime, add me - Clashing Forest, Astral Twilight, Final Harbinger, etc. right here!

My babies! you gets it!

I'll hit you up in game!  I've even got an extra Peculiar Bloom if you want to go planting Noxgardens and making Vor all pretty!  

Same IGN, Tenno!  (and any other melee fiends that spend half their Onslaught yelling at Simaris to feed them) :)

Edited by FreeWilliam
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1 hour ago, Soribada said:

Please balance the efficiency drain for solo vs group play

Couldn't agree more. As long as host migration issues exist and trolls / try-hards continue to be a thing in pug's, solo play or instances with a friend need to be viable alternatives.

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As of the last update my usual setup that I ran solo can't make it past ESO 3-4 anymore, when I could always make it to 5 or 6, which I was fine with. Guess now I have to join the meta frame train to make any decent progress with focus and just cheese it out. No way am I touching grouping up with all the host issues. The few times I've run it with friends we've thankfully only lost rewards once, but that was a bitter pill for my friend who wasted a half an hour with nothing to show.

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Can you guys FIX THE BLOODY RELIC DROPS IN ELITE ONSLAUGHT?! I've been farming for some of the vandal parts for ages and all I keep getting is nothing but relics, relics and even more relics! (endo too) I get that the vandal parts are rare and should be hard to get, but the drop tables are full of relics that get the majority of the percentage. This needs to be fixed IMMEDIATELY not only for my sanity, but also for prime part prices. Too many rad relics will cause all the rarer prime parts to drop heavily in price, and that will break the economy.

What I would suggest to do is move the endo rewards to every 1, 3, 5, etc zone, so that instead of just going 8 waves, people have more incentive to go further. As well as removing a few relics from the drop tables and replace em with something actually useful, like Ducats, maybe.

Also, the efficiency drain past zone 4 is WAY TOO FAST. Sometimes, i can barely get enough efficiency with a super powerful squad to even get past zone 6! Tone it down a tad, would ya?!

It's still a fun gamemode though :)

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12 hours ago, Ktro said:

My constructive feedback is as follows

1. Give reward every round

2. Start focus booster from round 1

3. Increase focus gain a bit more (60s instead of 45s). This is the only proper way to earn focus which itself is a broken system and now scaling down enemy level is bummer

4. Dilute pool with maybe arcanes, kuva which will diverge the gameplay options and reduce burnout


Agreed, we should be getting better and more rewards especially since the difficulty is now ridiculous both on normal and elite.
At elite, i can't even get past zone 5 due to the efficiency running out like crazy fast, i was running solo with a tank Inaros build and Maiming Strike Scoliac.

Please, either this, or decrease the difficulty.

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Its really hard to keep up efficiency on any Grinner Level, not because they are terribly hard to kill, but simply how few of them spawn.

It would be really nice more squishy melee Grinner spawned with them, just so we could have some more padding to the time.

Infested are perfect, and Corpus and Corrupted are managable at least. It is just the Grinner that needs more spawns, and hopefully not more hitscanning spawns as well.

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On 21.4.2018 at 3:32 PM, TyrianMollusk said:

Pretty much everyone else gets hard-reset on each zone.  Getting to keep most of his stacks was a gift and a relief.  Don't question it.

He loses 4 stacks in every transition which is way too much and all aoe frames makes it harder to rebuild those. 

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So is this game mode all about mindless killing? Why not just one Zone with a big portal and we just stand front of it whatever frame and weapon and kill whatever comes out of it. For example one zone we got lvl50, next one lvl 60 and so on, and some kind of boss at every 5 zone. Sounds cool right? XD

Edited by Mijuzuki
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Few points of feedback:

1: Give invulnerability to players for a few seconds after going through the portal, frames a locked in place and can't move for a few seconds meaning auto death on higher level rounds.
2: Just stop the efficiency countdown after the portal opens, can't see any reason why it needs to keep going. Of course we're not going to be madly killing things for 15 seconds whilst we sprint to it so it's a pretty harsh handy cap for no reason.
3: Don't want to complain too much, but 100% of runs today have been broken which really hurts when you get a frame part then seem some random johnny leaving the squad and knowing that it'll never migrate host and your loot is gone.

Other than those things it's a pretty cool mode, hopefully it'll be functional after a week or two.

Edit: Thanks for not stopping Banshee spam, there will always be players who prefer afk farming and it's good to see that not being restricted.

Edited by jager1000
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Newsflash DE. Fighting against timers with to few spawns to sustain them is not fun. Group play is still more likely than not to end with host-migration-limbo or another bug instead of rewards, and solo, as of the latest hotfix, it's basically impossible to reach the rotation C reward without memstrike and some luck as far as spawns go.

Affinity and with it focus gain was also reduced to maybe 40% (at best) of what it was before...

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