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Braton and Lato Vandal suggestion


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3 minutes ago, (XB1)ZenithLord 42 said:

The OP brings up a good point. Please, take the time to read and comprehend what they actually said as opposed to jumping to conclusions They are asking for something to commemorate their involvement in the Beta now that the Vandal variants of the Lato and Braton are available to everyone. 

The OP is not displaying a sense of entitlement because of these weapons are no longer Beta exclusives. They want others to have them! Maniac523 is simply saying that it would be nice to have another form of recognition for those Tenno involved in the Beta because it was a special time. Anyone who has stayed with DE some the Beta should be recognized and respected! 

Any Tenno who has responded negatively to the OP stating that it is special for those who were involved in the Beta to still have some form of recognition should apologize to Maniac523 and should apologize to the Warframe community at large for making the rest of us look like idiots! 

I'm of these kind of attitudes being present on this forum! I don't want it in a game I enjoy and I'm sure everyone else doesn't either! 

Grow-up, admit you acted like jerks, and let's have a decent time discussing how we can make things better for everyone here. Otherwise get lost! 

"Yeah, let's have a good time, you just have to do what I say. If you don't agree, then get lost"


Wow, the hypocrisy. Shame we've already reached ad hominem attacks.

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It isn't what I say and you know it! It's about respecting time spent in the game and being a part of an exclusive Beta. The same can be said of the Tenno involved in the Anniversary every year, or Tennocon. Don't play stupid and assume that you don't get anything exclusive for being a part of those events! 

Of course the Anniversary items return every year and I'm glad they do! Limited time cosmetics though like the armor contained within the recent Tennocon pack though are just that, limited time cosmetic items! 

The Lato and Braton Vandals both were presented as exclusive gifts to Beta testers and it would be nice to reward those involved by giving them a glyph or something special to still say that their involvement was important! 

I'm sorry, if you think that my wanting to support each other and that protecting a community that is special is wrong, but it is important to reward and provide recognition to those who were involved in something that no one else can now be! It isn't about my version of respect it's about respecting players regardless of subjectivity. 

Maybe I'd like to have a decent constructive thread on an issue that really isn't all that big a deal every once in awhile instead of dealing with others whose only goal is to insert their own versions of reality and disregard, hatefully, others who might not be as informed, but are interested in the community and providing special incentives to be a part of this community! 

Maybe we should get the mods involved on this thread because I'm only seeing hateful attacks against the OP and nothing constructive to be had? 

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24 minutes ago, SinKershel said:

huh ? Games always been 50-80 bucks. Whutchu talking a bout ?

40 $ for a game is cheap.

Maybe now, but umm... things cost differently just a few years ago! It's only been within the last 7 years in which a game has been priced $60 or more! Much of that is paying for the development of the game now because games now include much more content now than a few years ago! 

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1 hour ago, Denpoman said:

"Yeah, let's have a good time, you just have to do what I say. If you don't agree, then get lost"


Wow, the hypocrisy. Shame we've already reached ad hominem attacks.

Nice strawman argument you got their, he said he wants a decent time discussing and less jerks. He never said anything bad about disagreeing, he's probably just disappointed at all these people neglecting to read posts and just saying "Wow wot a f*** snowflake!"

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34 minutes ago, LabMan95 said:

I mean, with how incredibly rare the parts are (braton vandal parts have like a 3% drop chance) they're still for the most "elite" of players. I suspect even after 2 weeks not many people will have it or the lato vandal

That doesn't address the issue. Knowing DE drop rates will probably be changed anyway. Saying 'at least you don't have to farm it' isn't a valid argument because regardless of what the drop rates are we wouldn't have to farm it to begin with.

I'm saying that we had an exclusive thank you gift, it was taken away from us, and we want to have it back. Not by stealing the guns away from everyone else, but by being given something to fill in the space that was already filled.

I'm just asking for something to replace what we've lost. We lost something physical, I want it to be replaced by something else that's still physical. That's not unreasonable.

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I joined on March 25th 2013. The exact day of open beta release and I have nothing to show for it.

Literally one week difference out of over 5 years entitles you to something over me?

During Damage 1.0 Braton Vandal actually made a difference. You got to enjoy that. Now it's junk. You're mad about junk.

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1 minute ago, Xzorn said:

I joined on March 25th 2013. The exact day of open beta release and I have nothing to show for it.

Literally one week difference out of over 5 years entitles you to something over me?

During Damage 1.0 Braton Vandal actually made a difference. You got to enjoy that. Now it's junk. You're mad about junk.

I mean, not really an entitlement more like a Trophy. Like the things you put in the dojo for doing each event in the past that hasn't came back.


But I would not mind a like commemorative skin for the Lato/Braton that is litterally just blue materialess wrapping that just says "Closed Beta" or "Beta" on it as a replacement. It's like  something you know? Or like someone said earlier some sort of Sigil. 

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5 minutes ago, Arkken said:

I mean, not really an entitlement more like a Trophy. Like the things you put in the dojo for doing each event in the past that hasn't came back.

But I would not mind a like commemorative skin for the Lato/Braton that is litterally just blue materialess wrapping that just says "Closed Beta" or "Beta" on it as a replacement. It's like  something you know? Or like someone said earlier some sort of Sigil. 


Closed beta was a selection and referral system with limited access. That's like saying I get a trophy cuz I have a press pass.

You don't think I wasn't interested in playing? I missed the open beta weekend and waited for the game to go live.

That's why my account was made literally the day I could play the game.

Unless Closed Beta testers were REQUIRED to fill out a daily bug report and play a minimum number of hours per day like beta testers actually do then you don't deserve a thing. I used to beta test when it was a real thing requiring qualifications instead of random picks and I bet most closed beta players didn't do anything but play the game. What you want is seniority which has pretty much never existed in Warframe. Made painfully obvious recently with Events even coming back with their Trophies and Sigils.

Like I said. I have nothing to show for playing over 5 years. Why should anything else be different. Not saying it's right but that's how it's been.

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No weapon or warframe should only be for players because they knew about and played the game when it first came out. I’ve never knew about warframe or heard of it until after I got my first PS4 2-3 years ago. By the time I heard about warframe, Loki Prime was going into the vault and I missed my chance for him until last month when he got re-released from the vault. 

HOWEVER, I do agree 100% that skins, armor, and glyphs should be given to beta players and nobody else as a way to show that you are a beta player and/or founder. The skins could be applied to all warframes. So no matter which warframe you use you’ll be able to wear the beta badge. 

If showing off is that big of a deal. Me personally I wouldn’t have cared. I would be ticked if I spent money on something to be one of the first to have it and then later on it becomes free for everybody else. That is all. If the beta badge glyph or armor was cool looking I would wear it because it is cool, not to show off that I was a beta player. But that’s just me.

But nobody should ever be excluded from weapons just because they weren’t chosen by DE to be beta testers or because they didn’t hear about warframe. If anybody should be recognized it would be the players that spend so much money buying platinum and access packs which DE uses to keep this game alive. Anybody could have started something but keeping it alive is another story. 



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16 hours ago, (XB1)ZenithLord 42 said:

Seriously? Please remember to be respectful on these forums! These forums are here for furthering the Warframe community! I'm all for hearing opposing opinions as long as it continues to help and build that report between Tenno and creative solutions to new problems! 

If you have no interest in actually providing helpful feedback that adds something to the conversation and Warframe as a whole then you can kindly find another online forum to where others will show as much disrespect for you as you are currently displaying to your fellow Tenno here! 

I'd to see you stay and actually contribute something here, but if you would like to continue being disrespectful than you can leave! 

What are you trying to do, win a chance at becoming a moderator?  I'm not being disrespectful, and the fact that you interpreted it such says a lot about you.  If anyone had enough intelligence, they could read my comment and know exactly what I'm saying.  What i implied is my feedback.  Since you seem to be challenged in this area, i will break it  down for you.

If you have to make a forum thread that in a nutshell says "Hey i was/am [insert something narcissistic here], i deserve [insert selfish demand here]", then you have already declared yourself "special" and obviously have self-entitlement issues.  All i said was "explain this misguided sentiment" and then turned around and said "don't explain".  Why?  because i didn't want a response from a person like you, but i still got that.  Thus nothing you said to me in that response was helpful at all in your case, or in the case of giving "respectful feedback".  No one appreciates being spoken to the way you have to me.  I'm not in kindergarten and you are not my teacher.

For the sake of "feedback", i will respond to your other quote.

15 hours ago, (XB1)ZenithLord 42 said:

The OP brings up a good point. Please, take the time to read and comprehend what they actually said as opposed to jumping to conclusions They are asking for something to commemorate their involvement in the Beta now that the Vandal variants of the Lato and Braton are available to everyone. 

The OP is not displaying a sense of entitlement because of these weapons are no longer Beta exclusives. They want others to have them! Maniac523 is simply saying that it would be nice to have another form of recognition for those Tenno involved in the Beta because it was a special time. Anyone who has stayed with DE some the Beta should be recognized and respected! 

Any Tenno who has responded negatively to the OP stating that it is special for those who were involved in the Beta to still have some form of recognition should apologize to Maniac523 and should apologize to the Warframe community at large for making the rest of us look like idiots! 

I'm of these kind of attitudes being present on this forum! I don't want it in a game I enjoy and I'm sure everyone else doesn't either! 

Grow-up, admit you acted like jerks, and let's have a decent time discussing how we can make things better for everyone here. Otherwise get lost! 

The thing everyone was provided during the time of the game's early existence was founder packs.  Everyone during that time had a chance to get those, and whatever special stigma came with that would have remained until this game's end.  Some people, like myself, existed back then, but i never bought it because i did not think Warframe was worth the investment.  I can't remember the exact pricing, but it was a lot of money.  Do i wish i bought the founder pack?  No.  However, you will never see me demanding or asking for DE to bring them back so i can buy one.  Doing so will insist that i am special despite the legal situation behind that Founder Pack offer.  It would also be disrespectful.

Lato and Braton Vandal were free.  Nothing special was done to get them.  No money was paid.  There was nothing sacrificed to get them.  It was DE being nice and friendly and even loving to the players by saying "hey, thanks for supporting us and keeping our lights on in the studio."  So now, what is it, five years later?  (I'm not keeping track.)  People discover that Lato and Braton Vandal existed, and some new players (or even old ones that somehow missed this opportunity), are saying "hey, a lot of old weapons that were fun are coming back, so why not bring back Lato and Braton Vandal?"  Others are saying "Hey, i missed getting the weapons that day, i would sure like to have them."  DE thought about it, did a poll, and over 80 percent of the community that took the poll said "yes, bring them back".  So they did.

Now.  Let's talk about your so-called "disrespect".  After all of this, DE decides to make everyone feel special with the same "hey thanks for supporting us and keeping our lights on".  Most of the community wants to be gifted and feel special too by such thanks, and then suddenly there's people like you and the original poster that says "hey I'm special because i was actually there during closed beta and the beginning of open beta, i actually got the weapons, and no one else i know did, so give me something else since i don't feel special anymore.  If everyone is special, i need to be even more special, because i was here first."  As if you suffered a loss or something.  The weapons were free.  They are still free.  You lost nothing. You did not have to work for them or pay for them.  You were given something out of good thanks and now you demand more just to feel better than everyone else.  Now look at this from DEs perspective and ask yourself, "How can they respect this?"  They can't and they won't.

In the odd chance they do give you what you demand, you will just turn around and demand something else, because you have clearly outlined that your attitude is "i must be better than others in some way or another, and i want to be reminded of that superiority, because i am special."  Misguided self-entitlement.

So thank you for helping get the answer to my original question.  This thread is not feedback at all.  It's a self-serving complaint.

And on top of that,i am told to "grow up," while in the same breath, i am told that if i don't team up with this childish sense of self-entitlement, that i should leave.:facepalm:


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On 4/20/2018 at 11:34 AM, Maniac523 said:

In short, they had greater meaning than just a minuscule amount of MR.

Now that anyone can get them, they mean nothing.

To you yes. To people like me who really got into Warframe before Plains dropped, it's just purely MR and another weapon to play around with. 

Do you know how many times I've seen people care about the shoulder items for beating the raids before their removal from the game? None. 

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1 minute ago, Fire2box said:

To you yes. To people like me who really got into Warframe before Plains dropped, it's just purely MR and another weapon to play around with. 

Do you know how many times I've seen people care about the shoulder items for beating the raids before their removal from the game? None. 

Most of us who did Raids still have the Arcanes from it. So the glyphs were just a nice surprise.

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7 hours ago, (XB1)ZenithLord 42 said:


The OP is not displaying a sense of entitlement because of these weapons are no longer Beta exclusives.

literally asking for something more for whatever that is. To be exclsuive to closed beta players is by definition exactly that. 

The literal definition of entitled "believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment." and the only person in game who deserves that is Clem. 

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1 minute ago, Fire2box said:

literally asking for something more for whatever that is. To be exclsuive to closed beta players is by definition exactly that. 

The literal definition of entitled "believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment." and the only person in game who deserves that is Clem. 

Honestly don't think the same. If it was something cosmetic instead it would still share the same sentimental attachment. Having and item like that is like saying "I was there." We didn't get to keep anything we did in Close beta either.

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18 minutes ago, Arkken said:

Honestly don't think the same. If it was something cosmetic instead it would still share the same sentimental attachment. Having and item like that is like saying "I was there." We didn't get to keep anything we did in Close beta either.

I could see DE making a Beta badge, glyph, or warframe skin. But a weapon or warframe, absolutely not. DE made the glyphs for raids for those who did them. They even created a Dex skin for Excalibur. I’m sure if beta testers asked nicely and not demand then I’m sure DE wouldn’t mind making a beta glyph, beta skin, or even beta attachments, so when other players see them, they will know that they’re beta testers.

Basically they are the very first warframe players. It could be a unique prime armor set and prime glyph. I’ve seen many glyphs and armor sets and I’m seeing prime versions of them now. Maybe DE could make a Prime Lotus sigil and armor design?

Either way, what is being asked for is nothing more than attention for A GAMER!!! “Hey I played this game before anybody else so acknowledge me as a God of Warframe” blah blah blah. If DE announced they were gonna make some unique item or weapon for currently maxed ranked players I wouldn’t care. If anything I would feel that it is not fair for new unranked players. I’ve helped a few players out and gave them some advice so they would not waste their money such as buying rhino off bat. I wouldn’t want to be granted a weapon or weapons that nobody else could have. 

Playing a game before everybody else doesn’t earn respect. All it is, is showing that they have no life outside of video games, especially if they think a video game should earn them respect. 

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)chris1pat8twins said:

I could see DE making a Beta badge, glyph, or warframe skin. But a weapon or warframe, absolutely not. DE made the glyphs for raids for those who did them. They even created a Dex skin for Excalibur. I’m sure if beta testers asked nicely and not demand then I’m sure DE wouldn’t mind making a beta glyph, beta skin, or even beta attachments, so when other players see them, they will know that they’re beta testers.

Basically they are the very first warframe players. It could be a unique prime armor set and prime glyph. I’ve seen many glyphs and armor sets and I’m seeing prime versions of them now. Maybe DE could make a Prime Lotus sigil and armor design?

Either way, what is being asked for is nothing more than attention for A GAMER!!! “Hey I played this game before anybody else so acknowledge me as a God of Warframe” blah blah blah. If DE announced they were gonna make some unique item or weapon for currently maxed ranked players I wouldn’t care. If anything I would feel that it is not fair for new unranked players. I’ve helped a few players out and gave them some advice so they would not waste their money such as buying rhino off bat. I wouldn’t want to be granted a weapon or weapons that nobody else could have. 

Playing a game before everybody else doesn’t earn respect. All it is, is showing that they have no life outside of video games, especially if they think a video game should earn them respect. 

It's nothing about respect. It's kinda like going to a convention and getting the convention swag. Just like some clans having the Ignis Wraith research.

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2 hours ago, Arkken said:

Honestly don't think the same. If it was something cosmetic instead it would still share the same sentimental attachment. Having and item like that is like saying "I was there." We didn't get to keep anything we did in Close beta either.

it doesn't matter if you think OP is entitled or not, the definition is just an matter of fact. Asking for something and asking for that thing to never be made aviable to anyone but closed beta users is entitlement. That's exactly what OP was asking for. Demanding at worst. 

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9 hours ago, Maniac523 said:

That doesn't address the issue. Knowing DE drop rates will probably be changed anyway.

Never happened with Harrow. They never changed the outrageous Hema research costs. 


They changed the vandal drop chance for whatever faction thing about blowing up relays, but those events are rarely in game and it's drop chance is like 2%. 

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2 hours ago, Arkken said:

It's nothing about respect. It's kinda like going to a convention and getting the convention swag. Just like some clans having the Ignis Wraith research.

It's really not. Going to an convention entails spending money to do so, traveling to the convention again spending money to do so. Finding a place to stay, again spending money to do so. And the cherry atop of this? Tennocon digital ticket. Do people who go to Tennocon IRL whine that Baro's relay is up for anyone who gives DE 20 USD? I haven't seen any. 

As for the Ignis Wraith, DE could very well and should just add it to research for all clans. Much like beta vandal's, it's been exclusive long enough and some people are trying to sell ignis wraiths for 20p while other's try to give it away for free since their clan got it free as well.  


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It's really "My gun is not special anymore because everyone can have it".  You don't like the gun if the only reason you use it is because others can't have it.  I love the "loyalty" argument for beta testers.  You got to play a game you thought looked cool for free for a weekend.  Most games send out beta codes because the amount of people who wanna play exceeds the amount of room available.  You didn't do anything special and if others being able to have a gun upsets you then stop using it like we know you will because it's no longer "special".

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