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Updating Valkyr


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vor 18 Minuten schrieb VPrime96:

It depends on how high you think “high level” is. To me, high level would be 150+ but there’s players who think lvl 100+ is. The higest i reached with her was at lvl 180+ in the Kuva Fortress in a team and MOT in Solo. But that’s when i was using the old account.

Literally any range where it would be worth to trade damage for defense...only to be left with no damage facing scaling enemys in a game where a pure tank just doesn't make sense.

Valkyr is the one frame i have the most playtime with, even after 3 years or so maining all kinds of frames that peaked my interrest trough the years but that there's literally no way to buff or work around her abyssal damage is the one thing that keeps me from playing her 'propperly'... it's just sad.

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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I see what the problem is with this discussion: You folks are pitting Valkyr against difficulties that aren't officially recognized by the developers, much less supported by the game itself. I think we all need to be reminded that the highest this game goes in difficulty is sorties and kuva floods at level 100 max. If you run 1-2+ hour length survivals to get enemies past that point, you're doing nothing short of an endurance run, or you're one hell of a determined farmer.

Of course Valkyr can't handle level 150+ enemies very well, because there's nothing in the game that starts at it. That means warframes, weapons, and mods aren't balanced for it. You can tackle enemies of that strength, yes, but the content you use wasn't inherently made for that purpose. That's why I'm always amused at people who defend blatantly broken content like the Maiming Strike+Blood Rush spin2win meta. There's nothing in the game that needs that ridiculous kind of power, and it only trivializes the experience for everyone not pointlessly grinding endless missions past the first C rotation.

In short: Valkyr is just fine when used at level 100, but it's not fair to compare her to anything higher, which she (and a lot of other content) wasn't developed to handle on account of the fact that nothing better exists.

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vor 50 Minuten schrieb Pizzarugi:

In short: Valkyr is just fine when used at level 100, but it's not fair to compare her to anything higher, which she (and a lot of other content) wasn't developed to handle on account of the fact that nothing better exists.

What's the point of invulnerability then? Of the high drain that's being reasoned by the invulnerability? Of restricting energy management for the sake of the invulnerability?.... i mean you're not wrong but at the same time, that is what she is designed around. And by god. While that may be the case, she's the worst choice for the one kinda content hysteria even makes sense to be used.

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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6 minutes ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

What's the point of invulnerability then?

Just a hunch, but it's probably there for people who want to enjoy facetanking everything and just mash the melee button without any risk of being gunned down. It's still useful as a means of providing health due to the lifesteal, and you don't have Magus Elevate/Nourish set up on your operator.

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vor 15 Minuten schrieb Pizzarugi:

Just a hunch, but it's probably there for people who want to enjoy facetanking everything and just mash the melee button without any risk of being gunned down. It's still useful as a means of providing health due to the lifesteal, and you don't have Magus Elevate/Nourish set up on your operator.

What's of course very usefull for a frame with a high armor rating to begin with, especially when there's not one but multiple mods that do the same and work with all melee weapons. Why not go trough the animation of a ability that drains your energy dry, only so you heal a little bit of health and may or may not end up with more health after its use? ... Sounds reasonable.

I sure can't talk for the others here but me, i'm pushing this discussion because hysteria makes absolutely no sense to me.

If it isn't for high levels then there is just no reason for it to have all those toxic mechanics and restrictions. If it is then there's no point in restricting its damage. Eather way, it is the worst of its kind, if not one of the worst and most restricting abilities in the game the way it is.

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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The Invincibility also helps you revivng your teammate without being gunned down by high level enemies. Who cate about dealing with the enemies when the enemies are focusing on you while you are taking no damage. Oberon, you knock the enemies diwn or rad proc them with hollowed ground, Nekros, you scare them away with Terrify, Excalibur, you blind them, Mesa, you stun Melee enemies and jam the enemies guns, Harrow, you chain them up or go invincible for a limited amount of time, Valkyr, you just go into Hysteria, Revive your Teammate, then kill. When you play Elite Sancturary and you reached lvl 100+, you  would have a higher chance of being gunned down when reviving Teammates since the spawn there is very high so the Invincibility and Life steal help you counter the issue. 

Her LifeSteal can be a instant heal if you use Paralysis and perform a finisher in hysteria when you are low on health. She got other abilities to use with Hysteria. Not by itself. But with the hidden Mechanics in her makes her more Complex than lets say, Excalibur.

Edited by VPrime96
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The only problem valkyr has is the energy drain from hysteria. And still a very good and playable frame. Dont know why always people focus on frames that dont need changes or reworks and forget frames that are completely useless like titania, khora or now ember. Im not trying to be mean and if it reads that way im sorry.

You need to play more with her, know builds and so. Test her on simulacrum she can easily kill high lv enemies without a problem.

1- Rip line: Its truth her skill now is not that usefull like with old parkour but you con still use this.

2- For warcry you need a build for that and a her augment. (a very cool build for farming the new mode: onslaught)

3- You uses paralysis when you cant kill with hysteria or with your weapons normally making the enemies open for finishing.

4- Hysteria is your main dmg dealer you only need a good wpn and a good build (with max effi)

Dont know why the hate of her passive its so cool: you dont know what landing is anymore XD and that recovery from knocked can be save you from death on high lvs.


Nullifiers are a threat for 90% of the frames dont test frames with this broken units.

PS Love valkyr more she is awesome right now. Test her, test her more!!! and more!!! you will love her trust me.

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12 minutes ago, MiriaChan said:


1- Rip line: Its truth her skill now is not that usefull like with old parkour but you con still use this.

2- For warcry you need a build for that and a her augment. (a very cool build for farming the new mode: onslaught)

3- You uses paralysis when you cant kill with hysteria or with your weapons normally making the enemies open for finishing.

4- Hysteria is your main dmg dealer you only need a good wpn and a good build (with max effi)


This is similar to how i think of her Current Kit. One of the cool things about Hysteria is you can create a finisher while charge Attacking and the attack can Paralize the enemies around the enemy you performed a finisher on if they are tightly packed. So she got two different ways to perform a finisher and paralize enemies. 

Edited by VPrime96
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4 hours ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

Might as well not dragg your squad down with results that equal afk.

You do realize some people play this game for fun, right? Remember fun?

4 hours ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

Or are you really convinced that 250 basedamage with no scaling or status whatsoever are gonna cut it against high level armored enemys where invulnerability makes sense?

I've never, ever encountered an enemy I couldn't kill with Hysteria, even bosses like Kril with his own invulnerability mechanic. And I've been playing this game since closed beta. (And yes, before you ask, I've been to every node on the map.)

4 hours ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

This isn't even about rivens. This is about basic melee mods that won't work due to its reset mechanic.

Oh really? So you start every match with a full combo counter then? I mean anything short of that would drag your squad down with results that equal afk, right?

4 hours ago, Pizzarugi said:

I see what the problem is with this discussion: You folks are pitting Valkyr against difficulties that aren't officially recognized by the developers, much less supported by the game itself.

This guy gets it.

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vor 7 Minuten schrieb HanShotFirst:

You do realize some people play this game for fun, right? Remember fun?

Fun is a little subjective wouldn't you say? I for example find it fun fiddling with frames to draw out theyr full potential, what i consider impossible for Valkyr as you may have allready noticed..You can make fun characters in singleplayer games where it just doesn't matter how OP, underpowered...in short unbalanced something is but in multiplayer games you gotta have eather roles with respective stats or some kinda balancing point. Hysteria, that one is both above and WAY below this point. Above in defense, what's the reason for all the toxicity in this ability and below in damage.

I've been around too btw, not essencially from the closed beta but i was around when it released on the ps4. The reason i deleted my original Valkyr was because hysteria was unable to kill in longer games cause its damage was even lower then it is now....The typical endgame of that time revolved around long tower runs because of rotations so...sorry what? What was that? 

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14 minutes ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

Fun is a little subjective wouldn't you say?

"Hey guys, it's been a whole five minutes already and CoolD2108 doesn't have a full combo meter and 450x multiplier. Let's reset and kick him from the team before he drags the rest of us down."

But no, you're right... Hysteria is 'toxic'.

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