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Necro's Design Stands Out (Too Much)


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Dont get me wrong, I LOVE THE DESIGN.... it's sooo detailed!

Almost too detailed that it makes all other warframes look... kinda poor.

Especially when you compare Nova with this new Necro.

I also doesnt feel like a suit, it's more or less like a creature itself.


What do you guys think? You think he fits the other warframes?

I think he sets a higher standard for any upcoming warframe which also kinda worries me with the current warframes we have,

cause then they just look dull.

this is drawn, the 3d model is dramatically less attractive, and this seems ok, about tiem they get a unique warframe into the game

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You do realize that this is just concept art, right? Of course it's going to look like a mess compared to the other warframes. This is just hand drawn art. The in-game model will much better resemble the other warframes.

The concept art for Nova and Volt (posted below your own post) were fine. Necromancer frame looks like it should be the boss of a JRPG.

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Yeah I agree the design is awesome, but doesn't give the off that suit feel, maybe it's because it actually has an eye.

But I trust the finished 3D model will feel like a necro warframe, not a straight out undead.



Don't blame this all on DE it's mostly the Council's fault.

You're not too bright on how the voting works it seems. WE voted one things THEY accepted as suitable THEMES. we had NO part in actually MAKING anything. (Nova skills were sort of made by us though and they are awesome because SCOTT put the effort in to make them awesome!)

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whatever the looks, at least I hope it is not a "port" of the fantasy magical Necromancer. (some of the existing frames also suffers from this "magic" thing...)

The name is ok, but the basis and powers should be more based in sci-fi/sci-fantasy, rather than "magic".

I can swallow "raise dead" IF they could give a convincing explanation how that is done...


Still, nice dangly-like things. Will be interesting to look at it in a descending elevator (which makes many of the dangly helms look.... cute.. lol)

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whatever the looks, at least I hope it is not a "port" of the fantasy magical Necromancer. (some of the existing frames also suffers from this "magic" thing...)

The name is ok, but the basis and powers should be more based in sci-fi/sci-fantasy, rather than "magic".

I can swallow "raise dead" IF they could give a convincing explanation how that is done...


Still, nice dangly-like things. Will be interesting to look at it in a descending elevator (which makes many of the dangly helms look.... cute.. lol)


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

The third of Clarke's Three Laws. Remember that.

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"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

The third of Clarke's Three Laws. Remember that.

What it really means:

People give up trying to understand because its too f****** advanced. :)

But it is really not a healthy thing to promote. Or we will have Gandalf frames fighting fire-breathing dragons with magic sword/staff and spells by the time we reach Update 1X....

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What it really means:

People give up trying to understand because its too f****** advanced. :)

That's a separate corollary actually. This is the whole thing.

Clarke's Law: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Ghem corollary: Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.

Heterodyne corollary: Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from technology.

Ambrose corollary: Any insufficiently analyzed technology will be mistaken for magic by those who do not understand it.

I should also point out the Frames powers are intentionally space!magic, and DE_Steve specifically mentions Clarke's law as his reasoning.

Q: The mythological influence in the game is clear. What drove the decision to have the warframes based off of various pantheons?

A: It’s suggestive of an ‘older’ universe and touches on legends. The Warframe universe is supposed to feel old to create authenticity. We wanted the Warframes themselves to have more in common with mythological weapons, like Excalibur or gods like Loki, than a cyberpunk vibe of Exo-X123. My personal influences are Dune, which is set in the ridiculously far-future and plays with the Arthur C. Clarke idea that sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. We wanted Warframe to have a bit of magic in it!


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im excited if they dangily bits whirl when you turn i can see using this frame as melee purtyness if its not too caster orientated (it probably will be but i can dream)..... this character will be interesting to try putting a scarf on lol

I am already sort of imagining this....

in a descending elevator, all the frame's dangly bits and scarves will "float" upwards....


Well, it will be entertainment for a while for long elevator rides :)

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Yeah I agree the design is awesome, but doesn't give the off that suit feel, maybe it's because it actually has an eye.

But I trust the finished 3D model will feel like a necro warframe, not a straight out undead.



Don't blame this all on DE it's mostly the Council's fault.


Yeah... jeez, try to be informed before opening your mouth.


If you were "in the Council" you would see how close te Zero influence is there:


"Nova looks Bad" - yeah we got the ready-made concept to look at.


"Novas powers suck" - yeah we voted on some fancy names, implementation and Numbers were Devside.


"The Necroframe is Bad/Good/Sucks" - Its not even discussed there right now.



Blaming "the councel, damn casuals" for anything is kinda nailing the tail to the wrong donkey.

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To those that want a technocyte warframe, HE is probably the technocyte warframe, and will probably use this ntechnocyte to use his skills.

exactly... I think he is an infested warframe... maybe he had other powers, but when his pod or Blueprints were swallowed by the Golem it changed, or evolved...

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Honestly he just reminds me of the .. ugh it's to late in the night for me to recall - but the Dark Sector with the scythe hand warframe creature .. thing  > Anyway! I think it fits perfectly, in every way. If nothing else it'll mean they may come back around and re-work all the old warframes into more unique appearances.

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That's a separate corollary actually. This is the whole thing.

Clarke's Law: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Ghem corollary: Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.

Heterodyne corollary: Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from technology.

Ambrose corollary: Any insufficiently analyzed technology will be mistaken for magic by those who do not understand it.

I should also point out the Frames powers are intentionally space!magic, and DE_Steve specifically mentions Clarke's law as his reasoning.

Q: The mythological influence in the game is clear. What drove the decision to have the warframes based off of various pantheons?

A: It’s suggestive of an ‘older’ universe and touches on legends. The Warframe universe is supposed to feel old to create authenticity. We wanted the Warframes themselves to have more in common with mythological weapons, like Excalibur or gods like Loki, than a cyberpunk vibe of Exo-X123. My personal influences are Dune, which is set in the ridiculously far-future and plays with the Arthur C. Clarke idea that sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. We wanted Warframe to have a bit of magic in it!


Random parallel just for fun:

Patchouli Knowledge - "The essence of magic is to determine the root cause of all things. There's no distinction between science and magic."



It fits his theme, having an elaborate design for something that will most likely use an Orokin weapon (Technocyte Plague) which gave rise to a completely new race (The Infested) is almost mandatory. I just hope they rework Trinity's "dangles" to have same amount of "oomph" as Necro will have...if Necro will have it. Just acquiring Trinity made me realize how stiff her skirt is. (they're supposed to flail about in speed, not get stuck to her thighs like it was glued there)

And for those who think Nova isn't stylish...FLAT IS JUSTICE...Could use a spiffier new helm tho, but that's the only irk I feel with Nova.

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I for one will be upset if his Ultimate ability doesn't cause those spines on his back to extend in a skeletal wing formation.

Or if he doesn't get to use his Dementor... esque... orifice... to cast some kind of life drain.

Or if he doesn't have idle animations that just focus on curling his fingers in a sinister fashion, full Bela Lugosi style.



Otherwise, I think his appearance is very fitting, from the bony figure to the Grim Reaper hood (though I don't expect the spines hanging off the back of the hood to make it, but I'd have to see the official render).

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