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Revenant Themed Warframe "Vlad" Feedback and Discussion


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So Khora was supposed to get an exalted whip, but she ended up being a CC frame. That's fine and all, but now we're getting a sentient/vampire themed frame and it's all about CC as well. I just think it would be a missed opportunity to create a vampire themed frame and not give him more interesting abilities. I don't think it's a bad thing for him to be a CC frame, but his abilities need to be special. Vlad's current abilities just seem very similar to other frames we already have.

One thing I think could be interesting is giving him some kind of connection to actual blood. Maybe he could have an ability that could buff his and maybe his teammates power strength based on bleeds. Or even the same idea for heals. I vampire healer would definitely be different, but it could be pretty cool IMO. I also think you guys should rethink the affliction ability. What if Vlad could actually change the enemies when he afflicts them? If a vampire turns a human into a vampire, that human is no longer a human anymore. They now have the desire/need to feed on other humans and will also create more vampires. That aspect of affliction makes sense, but I would also like to see changes to their strength, speed, etc. Maybe there should even be a physical change to how they look.

Anyways, I think it's fine and inevitable to develop frames that have similar abilities to other frames, but there should at least be something about those abilities that makes them feel unique/special. I guess what I'm saying is use the "vampire" concept and take it further. That's how you can make him more interesting. I understand it's still a work in progress, so this post might be pointless anyways. I just hope you guys are going deeper than what you showed us. @[DE]Rebecca Vlad is your baby. Please make him dope af. I want him to sparkle in the light. 🤩

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7 hours ago, Vlada91 said:

Draugr from skyrim?? 😁 and your Draugr dude he is just similar 2 a Vampire but he is not a really a Vampire.... Did you know that Dracula whose a Serb. And The word vampire is the only thing of Serbian origin that has become common to all the world's languages. 

If by Serbia you mean Sighișoara Romania, The actual name Vampire actually Originated in Hungary with Vampir, but the myth of the Vampire has existed since the Mesopotamians. Im assuming you are from Serbia? 😉


also the Term Draugr is from Norse mythology they have also gone by the names aptrganga or aptrgangr (literally translates as again-walker....see why people keep referencing Draugr as it is a revenant in the same way a vampire is a revenant).


that said this warframe isn't very vampire-like, I personally would have preferred a more emphasized vampire theme to it, being a HUGE vampire fan (the name gives it away huh) this frames current incarnation is a little disappointing, but DE are awesome im sure they will redeem the frame with something cool.

Edited by The_Unlife
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8 hours ago, Vlada91 said:

Draugr from skyrim?? 😁 and your Draugr dude he is just similar 2 a Vampire but he is not a really a Vampire.... Did you know that Dracula whose a Serb. And The word vampire is the only thing of Serbian origin that has become common to all the world's languages. 


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So there's been some debate on how Vlad's themes fit together. He seems torn between 'phantom' and 'vampire'. I think at the moment his appearance and abilities seem a little more superficially like 'phantom'.

Here's another thing. We have no female spooky-frames. We got Nekros, Inaros, and Harrow though.

What if you made this frame the phantom frame, and devoted an entire later female frame to the vampire theme specifically?

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4 minutes ago, EchoesOfRain said:

You guys think Vlad will come before, after, or with the Sacrifice?

After sacrifice,because they need 2 fix and change some powers....

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Are they set on the doppleganger?? I feel like clones and holograms and that have been done already.

I’d love for a monster or something to come out of the warframe or a void portal, like ZWEI from SoulCalibur 5, that’d be so sick, dk how it’d work into the up and coming big melee stuff though



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As long as he stays some kind of swarmy minion master, I’ll be thrilled. The thought of seeing Vladikins vs infested or getting his own twisted little unded bebbies has me on the edge of my cage!

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23 hours ago, Kaotyke said:

Bones are living materials, yes. But having them as conduits integrated in the Warframe is not out of the realm of possibility, like the Amps as @DeMonkey mentioned.

They dont NEED to be alive to do what we want.

There's a skeleton inside you right now.
Part of it is alive, part of it is calcium phosphate crystal deposited between living cells, which is what will remain wwhen the living tissue degrades off of it, therefore bones themselves are only living material when inside a creature, and containing living cells; the amps we use are dead bone... which the second half of your thus contradictory post points out.

They may not be alive in the case of Amps (they literally cannot be; the first few uses would utterly destroy any living Sentient material within), but for a Sentient energy source to be bonded to a Warframe is a direct contradiction, as the two energies do not get along. A Warframe armored in Sentient bones is possible, as the energies won't be mixing, and the materials do not pose a threat to each other.... however, integrated parts pose a couple big problems, as people keep pointing out.

1. If it's dead, that means that we can make our own warframes. That's big news; it means we've recovered enough old Orokin tech that we can design our own, rather than scavenging ancient scraps and cloning them, which is what we've been doing to date. However, no bones; that tech has not been recovered, it's barely even been scratched by the likes of Alad V. This is a no go, as the Orokin were mostly dead by the time the Eidolon was attacking the Unum; the tech was lost before the Eidolon was there to be a theme for the Orokin to build one from. The only remaining scientist who was involved directly in the making of new Warframes is the Silver Grove, and I doubt we'll be enlisting her help on the matter.

So, if the material is dead, we have a lore conflict.

2. If it's alive, the conflict is even worse, as I've already pointed out; you cannot properly integrate Sentient and Void-capable Technocyte; the creatures are directly poisonous to each other.

If, as you proposed before, the Eidolon's scattered shards grew into an inactive warframe, that doesn't help. The probability of survival of such a warframe when it is activated and starts channeling Void energy again is infiinitesimal; it has bits of a now-dying creature that have integrated themselves with key systems, which means that these systems will no longer function. Yeah, have fun without that lung, that kidney, that section of your liver, your left ventricle, and several scattered sections of intestine... or whatever equivalent is available. It's even worse once the living material is corroded away, because now those pieces are solid, and likely sharp. You will injure yourself further by so much as moving.

Thus, again; lore break.

The only way to reconcile these two problems is to have the two forces come together afterward, to avoid the history lore contradictions, and have them be separate forces working together (non-integrated) to avoid the biological lore contradictions.

Vlad does not look like he's just wearing Sentient bones; their energy output systems and organs appear to be integrated, to the point where he has the appearance of active Sentient tissue flowing out of one arm, off his head, and out the middle of his chest.

I'd be perfectly fine with a Warframe wearing what amounts to Amp armor. I'd love to see a Sentient pseudo-pet that interacts with the warframe's base abilities, as I theorized in my proposed rework. I have issues with a warframe that breaks the lore in at least two key places in a clumsy attempt to integrate a theme.

Am I perfectly clear?

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On 2018-06-04 at 2:56 PM, Kaotyke said:

Bones are living materials, yes. But having them as conduits integrated in the Warframe is not out of the realm of possibility, like the Amps as @DeMonkey mentioned.

They dont NEED to be alive to do what we want.

One important thing to note about that Amps made from Sentient bones thing; its a fan theory; one with a good amount of visual weight to it considering the giant Sentient arms with similar adornments but the game lore doesn't say that; in fact describing us making them mostly out of minerals and metals from the plains proper and only using Gems for the focuses. Still lots of Wisps used which may be related to the Eidolon Sentient like the Eidolons and Vomalyst but are not confirmed to be so.

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First thing first, Revenant is a fine name and I would not change it.  It suits the theme of the Warframe just right, unlike others who should not be named…... Gara!  Main topic of interest this is only a suggestion, for the New Sentient Warframe based on what we've seen.



First ability – Mark

If you were to cast it on the ground could it affect a small area of enemies instead of a single target.  Casting on allies should grant a BUFF such as More Damage, Movement speed, Damage resistance or perhaps even make an ally immune to status effects just as an example.

Rather than what's been shown castings needs to make the "infectious" afflicted, the cast has to have a small AOE of affliction, these enemies that walk by will be automatically be afflicted, actually infectious and are trying to spread it, casting on previously afflicted enemies will make them switch to a passive state and after that, a state where they attack other enemies (if cast again) and then after this it cycles back to infectious (think Venari's three types).  In a fast pace, multiplayer game such as Warframe you cannot always rely on your allies giving you time to cast your abilities.  Which is why I supposed to remove the double cast for Mark and, instead give it a functional similar to Khora Pet (Venari's has three commands that you can give it).  This way you won't have to fight your allies to build your army.


 Second Ability - Sentient Pack

This is a very underwhelming ability and for my present opinion it should be part of his first ability or a passive ability.  Curious, will Sentient Pack also work on allies the same way within Infinity range?


When [DE] Rebecca demo this ability, she used melee combat-based units.  What if their projectile based enemies?

         Will the enemies be stunned from afar?

         Will the damage be observed and converted into additional damage for Revenant (New Warframe) and allies?

         Reflected at twice the damage?


Third Ability – Affliction

Based on what I seen when [DE] Rebecca Transform into a cloud of mist she was unable to control the direction in which she travelled.  Not only that but it seems that her movement speed was decreased.


What if when players became a cloud of mist they would be able to control their Direction of travel while being drained of energy overtime.  As well as a slight movement speed BUFF while in Mist form.

Magnetic damage will be applied to enemies that pass through the mist, as well as a portion of their health drain.  The ability will ignore armor and shields and only drain health overtime.  Health will continue to drain once the enemy is covered by the mist, the magnetic status will remain, even if they're no longer shrouded by the mist.  The magnetic prock only applies to enemies that have not been affected by the affliction (First ability – Mark).  Enemies that are affected by Mark will not receive a magnetic prock.


In addition, allies who come in contact with the mist would have all negative status procs stripped as well as a 10 second immunity to new negative status procs.


Fourth Ability

It looks good so far, I wonder will it deal damage over time?


A New Passive – (codename) Sentient Defense

After a status effect does 15% damage or 35% to Health, Vlad could become immune to thet damage type for 5 to 20 seconds (Revenant can only be immune to 1 damage type at a time).


Vlad will not be immune to 1 kind at a time, but maybe can only be affected by one kind of stat effect at a time, so while not immune, the stats effects cannot stack and only the latest status effect will be the one that he's immune to.


This way revenant will be more sentient like in his behavior.  This is not overpowered, as most enemy factions deal 3 different kinds of damage types.  Example A Ghouls:  Ghouls, uses Ice and Toxic damage

For the second part of this passive it could go 1 of 3 ways.  These bonuses are only in effect so long as he's invulnerable.

         While in vulnerable Revenant could receive an armor BUFF

         Passively regenerate lost health and shield

         Deal additional damage

         Or apply this principle to the existing passive



Just a few side notes

As a side note  Could you also make some adjustment to help the Warframe be an alternative to healer Trinity?  

Also make a new death animation for the sentient Warframe.  EX: he would leave behind a part of himself

Edited by HawkFang022
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Aside from his Passive and 3rd, I absolutely hate his abilities. His 4 is ok but cast time is suicidal.

His 1 and 2 however... dear god, talk about useless in a mass-murder game like this. Nothing will EVER spread. It's not SARYN! Needs to change to actual useful abilities like gaining damage resistances when hit like proper sentients, being able to channel enemy procs onto your weapons as 50% damage or something... Revenant's supposed to be an Afflicter but all he'll aflict is the chamber wherever warframes are stored.

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In my eyes, except for the passive, it share ressemblance with eidolons/sentient only by its look, none of his active powers reflect anything related to sentients in any shape or form.

Turning enemies into mindless puppets that spread the "infection" ? Could fit to Nyx,  could fit a support oriented infested frame, it doesn't fit a sentient frame.

What I would have hoped, is like, maybe lasers ? Maybe using parts of his body/armor to create drones/assistance during the fight, I don't know.

But at least something that reflect this part of his identity.

This could imply that Sentients that came back from TAU, can't "reproduce"/Duplicate themselves, but this frame could have been there since the beginning of the frame's project.
As the Orokins created the sentients & the frames, mixing both of them was actually a good idea.

But please, give it some sentient-ish powers.

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1 hour ago, Cyberhazard said:

Turning enemies into mindless puppets that spread the "infection" ? Could fit to Nyx,  could fit a support oriented infested frame, it doesn't fit a sentient frame.

actually it does fix with a sentient frame as all the lore has stated the reason the orokin turned to the tenno to fight the sentients was because they were adapting and taking over the orokins other weapons.


also my biggest question for the frame comes from the part where if an enemy dies while under the effect of his 4th ability and explodes, granting him health and energy. is he the only one that gets it or does every other ally in range also get health and energy? cause if they do it would make him a pretty decent support frame(depending on how much health and energy is gained).

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OK, first I'm gonna ask like this

"What do you think about him? "

The first thing in my mind is he look like a badass oldman (his face look like oldman to me for some reason) 

And I highly think he is what happened when DE ran out of fresh ideas. I mean, his abilities are basically alter version of other frames abilities. His 1st is Nekros 4th in a nutshell, 2nd is (well I don't know), 3rd is Wukong 3rd but a shorter version and 4th is Equinox night form 2nd.

I know Vlad haven't been finalized yet,  so his abilities maybe even his name might change because he is called Vlad[PH] which I think it's just a temporary name. 

Oh yeah, Vlad is the newest frame introduced in previous devstream if you don't know yet. 

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Lucky for me i have Vampyr new game 2 playe and with that game I satisfying my vampiric needs 😁 im more in 2 vampire frame then ever before. I hope his power will be more powerful and darker looking... And if not then just please @[DE]Rebecca please livi his name I know its your baby frame...and it would be perfect to live him with name Vlad... please please please please please please amazing 69 times please Reb. 😏👌 

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4 hours ago, SixDimensions said:

I'm curious on the lore explanation for this frame since void energy used by Operators and Warframes are antithetical to Sentients (and by extension Eidolons) or at the very least toxic to them.

Amps use sentient parts and they amplify void beams by operators (along with the sentient-like aesthetic). If that can exist what's wrong with a warframe built around using sentient energy against sentients.

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12 hours ago, KiryuKusakabe said:

also my biggest question for the frame comes from the part where if an enemy dies while under the effect of his 4th ability and explodes, granting him health and energy. is he the only one that gets it or does every other ally in range also get health and energy? cause if they do it would make him a pretty decent support frame(depending on how much health and energy is gained).


CC and Support huh. Might have a new fave.

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1 minute ago, ShadowExodus said:

Amps use sentient parts and they amplify void beams by operators (along with the sentient-like aesthetic). If that can exist what's wrong with a warframe built around using sentient energy against sentients.

Amps, from what we can tell via aesthetic and description, use sentient bones or sentient-infused materials as a structure to hold crystals in place. This is not the same thing; the void energy is added in afterward, and focused through a crystal, the sentient parts, if any, don't seem to be part of the function of the structure more than as an inert base.

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