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Dojo Decoration Idea's


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Been talking with fellow clan mates and Alliance members and we all have been tossing around some idea's concerning the decorations.

And what we came up with makes sense with the time it takes to "Decorate Your Dojo". Not to mention farming for the materials needed to do so.

Soo here are 2 things that would greatly help With Decorations in anyone's Dojo and 1 Idea for Alliance sharing.

1st Alliance Sharing of Materials via a Alliance Treasury.

     With this option, for possibility purposes, Clans within the Alliance can donate Resources to the Alliance Treasury.. These materials once "Donated" can only be used by Clan Leaders or Architects ( as Deemed by clan leaders ) and Only for use in a Dojo within the alliance for Decorations and Research (possibility on research but not really needed). With this options Clans with in the Alliance can Help one another even more and create some bonding between clans and hopefully friendship, where there may not have been before..


2nd The Magic Button

     We all talk about it.. but why not Give us the option to just do it.. So here is it.. when Placing Decorations or building rooms in the Dojo it is a pain to hold the respective button for each platform down for hours while filling up all those materials.. So here is an Idea I am sure people would LOVE.. Make an "Donate All Available" Button/Shortcut. With this Feature even if your lacking in a material you can still donate everything else with ease. Then that allows your clan mate to top it off, if so desired, faster.


3rd Color Pallet for Place-able Dojo Decorations Only

     Think about all the fun you can have Farming up Materials for new Colors that can Change the color of the Decorations you have placed in your Dojo. Or even a simplified Color Pallet you can only Purchase with plat from the market Strictly for Changing the colors of the Decorations or BOTH. This only applies to the List of items you can choose from when placing decorations provided in the Dojo itself. Does not include Bobble heads statues or anything else that can be placed on your Ship. This would make for some Cool Decorations that people have in there Dojo. and Give Us the freedom of expression through an "Artful Medium", in a way.


Well there you have it.. These Idea may have been posted up for Consideration before. But Honestly I didn't check. I am a PS4 player and i am pretty sure that the other platforms would love this as well. so DE's give these Idea's some Consideration. and Even drop a question about it during one of your "Twitches" to see if others would like it also.. not all of us players read the forums.

Thank your for your Time,



Edited by (PS4)Damontar
i said 3 things when it was 2 thing
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Alliance sharing its a no no. Unless we get the option to build an alliance HUB, for clan members to access/visit other clans, without being able to see that clan lab researchs

the other 2 are things that have been asked several times, as also having
1- living quarters, or a way to enter your and others lisets of people there in the dojo without having to leave the dojo.
2- NPCs
3- More Rooms, including a zoo or something similar to showcase clan members pets
4- The Orokin Tileset/ skin for the dojos back

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Alliance-sharing can lead to heavy abuse with accounts that have been compromised as well as abusive behavior with clans requiring donations from its members to have access to their faculties. These kinds of behaviors have been a problem in the past, and they would return if they were made possible again.

How is this different than the "magic button" they already added?

This would require a lot of work for the devs to add color channels to all of the decorations. Not impossible, just a lot of work. Since DE cant charge for dojo content, it would be heavy grind to compensate, to get players on the game longer to incentivize plat purchase.

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I agree with the Alliance Hub and the ability for each Clan with in the Alliance to enter each others clan's Dojo's with in the Alliance. As long as Each Clan builds this HUB in their Dojo. Any clan who doesn't Build said HUB Cannot share resources period, or allow entry into their Dojo from other clans. Maybe this HUB first and a 2ndary HUB for treasury for Donating Said materials for use with any clan in and dojo who has these 2 HUB's in place.

Maybe a temporary Switch, so to say, able to contribute to that clans Decoration or Treasury. under the Dojo Leaderships main page ( communications dojo etc..) there could be an option to turn on/off Donating to other clans or receiving donations from other clans. and giving each Clan leader a msg vial inbox of said donations.. what each clan does with the materials from there is going to have to be on a trust basis. If you can't trust the clan in your alliance why be in it.

I like your Zoo idea alot.. that has some potential.. and not to mention a digi pocket pet feel to it.. could add a whole new lvl to the game.. Maybe Simiris could help with this?? Zookeeper could be added to the Ranking permissions of the Dojo for feeding and care of said Pets.. maybe?



Edited by (PS4)Damontar
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8 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

Alliance-sharing can lead to heavy abuse with accounts that have been compromised as well as abusive behavior with clans requiring donations from its members to have access to their faculties. These kinds of behaviors have been a problem in the past, and they would return if they were made possible again.

How is this different than the "magic button" they already added?

This would require a lot of work for the devs to add color channels to all of the decorations. Not impossible, just a lot of work. Since DE cant charge for dojo content, it would be heavy grind to compensate, to get players on the game longer to incentivize plat purchase.

1st.i have to agree with you on that..and that was talked about.. but as the title implies it is just an idea. But i do agree with you 100%

2nd On the Ps4 we do not have a "magic button" when filling up the resources needed to build a decoration when it is placed in your dojo.

3rd. Grinding for materials. everyone does it.. this is nothing new to any game that is mmo. Plat purchasable Content..that's for the extra colors for the Dojo. if so desired, i am sure that any member with the authority to change colors wouldn't mind pitching in, so the Clan leader can make said purchase if so desired. could that lead to a problem.. yes it could.. but if you cannot trust the clan leader or leader's then maybe you shouldn't be in that clan at all. a 1 time thing. and it may create more work for the Dev's but a clan wide msg can go out from the market that this color was purchased so all members know the deal is done. or simply leave out the market place and make it 100% farmable.

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