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Please stop staying afk on elite onslaught.


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1 minute ago, Shifty_Shuffler said:

Why? Leeching is leeching, there is no grey area. Stop trying to justify such awful behaviour.

Anyway, it is clear we will never agree on this so lets leave it there. 

Because there is enough grey and even white to it, stop labeling things with such strong words as "awful" and generalizing the different situations under a single term. It adds simplicity, but makes it look like it's all equally bad while if you really look at the situations, they're very different and some of them aren't bad at all.

Ye, I'm fine with that.

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Why do people even care if people either Don't contribute to the team or Can't contribute to the team? I have seen this same argument a tonne, it seriously does not matter if you can literally without effort do it all yourself. This games difficulty is based on the equipment you have and the enemies you are facing but if you have made half decent or the best of your equipment, and you go into a public match you will most likely do 25% or more of the damage in a match. Why complain about people going AFK or not doing enough, when you have the equipment to literally go solo or go into public and do all the work? There is already consequences to going AFK, you lose out on the drops if you sit still for a large portion of the round. 

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9 hours ago, AnGeL_KRoM said:

I agree.

I think the game should kick players out of onslaught if they dont kill any enemy in 5 or 10 seconds. 

A complainer's possible question: "bu... but... but.... I have lag because of a bad connection, a potato computer and that....."

My answer:  "Get a damn better one!!!  This is a shooting game, not a turn based game. "

My answer: "Stop thinking people have money like you do!!! I barely have enough money to live on my own, with profit, much less buy an expensive gaming laptop."

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25 minutes ago, GuezMan said:

Why do people even care if people either Don't contribute to the team or Can't contribute to the team? I have seen this same argument a tonne, it seriously does not matter if you can literally without effort do it all yourself. This games difficulty is based on the equipment you have and the enemies you are facing but if you have made half decent or the best of your equipment, and you go into a public match you will most likely do 25% or more of the damage in a match. Why complain about people going AFK or not doing enough, when you have the equipment to literally go solo or go into public and do all the work? There is already consequences to going AFK, you lose out on the drops if you sit still for a large portion of the round. 

People can get around the AFK penalties, this topic is mostly about leeching, not being literally AFK. And if a game mode suggests that everyone is expected to do roughly 25% of the damage in a match, you should care about leechers. By staying AFK, they decrease the total amount of damage to 75% of what it could be, and in some cases it means that the squad is being 25% less efficient (in the missions that are specifically tied to damage done, i.e. Eidolon runs). The case of "you shouldn't care" isn't true without context. It only becomes true when the numbers or the mission specifics suggest that by doing nothing, you're not letting down your squad in any way.

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36 minutes ago, GuezMan said:

Why do people even care if people either Don't contribute to the team or Can't contribute to the team?

To be honest, I only really start looking at my teammates when we're struggling. That's the time I notice when people never left the spawn area, or still standing outside Cetus without moving. Some maps I can solo, some maps I cannot. I don't play a map-clearing cheeseframe and I probably never will.

Edited by AlMcFly
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1 час назад, Starcanum сказал:

Any efficient ESO farm build is capable of dealing with enemies before the allies can react, especially on the levels where the tileset is huge with a lot of walls and spread spawn points. Unless you play an efficient ESO farm build yourself, your contribution to the kills won't be high. Which leads to the next point.


In ESO, the rewards aren't based on the amount of kills. If the squad is already efficient enough, there's no reason to kill more. Especially to kill 5 enemies per wave, which will just end up in the person who tries to do at least something getting mad and complaining about the efficient frames, leading to their nerfs. And when you're already efficient enough, you don't need that other guy to try his best to get the 5% damage. There's nothing defeatist about choosing to ignore something that doesn't have any negatively effect on my gameplay.

Which is why such builds are nerfed, tweaked, etc. This game was initally designed for 4 ppl to cooperatively work for the rewards. Except the only time you'll need so is on lvl2000 or something, but we aren't getting that. People already complain about armor and such being bullS#&$ every time something is nerfed, so why make even a bigger pile of armor a standart? That's why DE gathers statistics and makes changes to strategies which allow to carry 2-3 dead weights, because that's just not what DE wants to create.

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3 minutes ago, pavlo555 said:

Which is why such builds are nerfed, tweaked, etc. This game was initally designed for 4 ppl to cooperatively work for the rewards. Except the only time you'll need so is on lvl2000 or something, but we aren't getting that. People already complain about armor and such being bullS#&$ every time something is nerfed, so why make even a bigger pile of armor a standart? That's why DE gathers statistics and makes changes to strategies which allow to carry 2-3 dead weights, because that's just not what DE wants to create.

That's what DE did end up creating though, if they want to create something cooperative, they'd have to stop designing weapons of mass destruction, and for that to happen, they'd need to tone down the hordes of enemies that we have to kill. In the order of "redesign gameplay and the way enemies appear => redesign the way we deal with enemies => introduce more cooperation", not "imply some cooperation => get 1) people who are trying to cooperate and see that it's useless since there're frames that do everything for them, complain about having to basically be afk; 2) people who gave up on cooperation seeing that it's useless and embracing the afk, getting complained about for "leeching" => nerf the current FoTM efficient build => get people who are agitated that they got their build nerfed while the hordes stayed the same => do nothing about changing the gameplay", repeat when another super efficient build appears.

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6 minutes ago, Starcanum said:

People can get around the AFK penalties, this topic is mostly about leeching, not being literally AFK. And if a game mode suggests that everyone is expected to do roughly 25% of the damage in a match, you should care about leechers. By staying AFK, they decrease the total amount of damage to 75% of what it could be, and in some cases it means that the squad is being 25% less efficient (in the missions that are specifically tied to damage done, i.e. Eidolon runs). The case of "you shouldn't care" isn't true without context. It only becomes true when the numbers or the mission specifics suggest that by doing nothing, you're not letting down your squad in any way.

Please stop staying afk on elite onslaught.

Literally the title of the Thread, & 25% is a rough estimate based mostly on having half decent equipment. If I were to base it on what I could use it would easily be 50%+ of damage dealt from me. What I am saying is that with or without their help you would do fine or better, so why do people have to care so much about Leechers or AFKers when they either won't or cannot contribute even close to the Contribution you can with a good setup?

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Только что, Starcanum сказал:

That's what DE did end up creating though, if they want to create something cooperative, they'd have to stop designing weapons of mass destruction, and for that to happen, they'd need to tone down the hordes of enemies that we have to kill.

Or tone down said weapons of mass desctruction to not mass-destruct effortlessly.

If we take that out, we did the job --- there's less mass-killing. The next big thing is probably worse than the last one. Keep doing it, buffing some other plystyles that are not mind-numbing, that allow for cooperation, etc.

Edited by pavlo555
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1 minute ago, GuezMan said:

Please stop staying afk on elite onslaught.

Literally the title of the Thread, & 25% is a rough estimate based mostly on having half decent equipment. If I were to base it on what I could use it would easily be 50%+ of damage dealt from me. What I am saying is that with or without their help you would do fine or better, so why do people have to care so much about Leechers or AFKers when they either won't or cannot contribute even close to the Contribution you can with a good setup?

It being literally the title of the thread doesn't change the fact that with the numbers that you provided, your argument is wrong. If someone is only capable of doing 50% of the damage in the squad, the other 50% should cooperate, since their average of 17% is comparable. When it's about 85% vs 3x 5%, it's not comparable.

1 minute ago, pavlo555 said:

Or tone down said weapons of mass desctruction to not mass-destruct effortlessly.

It's already not effortless, and the amount of effort isn't what should be tuned, it's the amount of gameplay that's accessible by the other 3 people in the squad while the frame in question is mass-destructing.

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Только что, Starcanum сказал:

It's already not effortless, and the amount of effort isn't what should be tuned, it's the amount of gameplay that's accessible by the other 3 people in the squad while the frame in question is mass-destructing.

DIdn't you just say how meta builds destroy enemy spawns before allies even notice it, let alone the caster? I quoted you just a couple replies ago, or go two pages back

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Just now, pavlo555 said:

DIdn't you just say how meta builds destroy enemy spawns before allies even notice it, let alone the caster? I quoted you just a couple replies ago, or go two pages back

Isn't that just being super-efficient though? Doesn't really have anything to do with effort.

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Только что, Starcanum сказал:

Isn't that just being super-efficient though? Doesn't really have anything to do with effort.

well, why being efficient is so effortless? Isn't that the problem (not exactly with this thread)? If being super-efficient means your allies can't do anything, that's just wrong.

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10 hours ago, Starcanum said:

This is not a shooting game, this is an efficient horde-slaying grind game. If you want to fund people to get them better PC's, go ahead, until then, get out with your elitism.

Also every single ESO pub I've played had someone who was using that super-efficient horde-slaying build, you got 1.4k kills between the two of you, obviously you didn't have much use for him anyway. People who play the super-efficient builds are fine, but if they're crying about someone else not contributing, that's super counter-intuitive. Those people just adapted to the meta of saryn/equinox/volt/etc. carrying every single pub game, no reason to complain.

Bottom line: Stop complaining about how the others play their game and just #*!%ing play the game. The afkers aren't sabotaging anything in most of the missions, if anything, he saved you the effort to revive him over and over.

I know right, it's like you physically can't play the game but if you don't play the game then you deserve to get banned. Warframe has basically turned into a race of whoever finds out what kills enemies faster and whoever doesn't is excluded and treated as a "griefer", "afk", whatever. Ridiculous people, you all deserve everything that's coming to you.

God i hate elitists

I understand if the case is a really hard mission that needs everyone to contribute and you're struggling to pull it off, if the dude isn't helping then he's straight up being a bad person, but if he literally can't help because you guys are too strong and nothing he does matters then have some empathy and put yourself in his place, you entitled brats.

Edited by Learicorn
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3 minutes ago, pavlo555 said:

well, why being efficient is so effortless? Isn't that the problem (not exactly with this thread)? If being super-efficient means your allies can't do anything, that's just wrong.

It isn't effortless, you have to grind for the right build (although the people who have played enough already have all the necessary pieces) and the gameplay itself usually takes more effort than the common run and gun. And yes, the fact that being super-efficient means your allies can't do anything is wrong, but they shouldn't just blindly keep nerfing stuff until it magically fixes itself without trying to boil it down to the reasons why it is like that and trying to come up with a way to make the game playable for everyone involved, and actually cooperative to some extent.

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They probably are new players or coming back from long time break. I never seen outright afk players, they have to keep doing something to prevent from the extream afk flag system this game has. Probably they are lazy but you can’t suspend an account for being lazy.

So why did you guys told them to nerf nuke trin and spin2win is beyond me. Well enjoy world without nuke trin and scoliac and just don’t play pugs 🙂 you guys wanted this. I thought you guys wanted to be the most damage inflicted at the end of a mission. Well there you have it!

Enjoy the challange and hundreads and hundreads of repeated farming sessions for khora and vandal parts and things coming in the future. I won’t carry a team anymore, I’m not gonna show anyone any more any true efficient builds that’s left. I’ll join the winning team. Feels good.

I’ve watched ps4 stream while doing an EOS. I’ve done like 16% damage don’t sue me for that 🙂 Daniel is so cool !! let’s talk about the new Nidus skin !!! 

Edited by (PS4)johnsoigne
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2 minutes ago, (PS4)johnsoigne said:

I never seen outright afk players, they have to keep doing something to prevent from the extream afk flag system this game has. Probably they are lazy but you can’t suspend an account for being lazy.

The other night I was in a group doing Ostron Bounty level 50+ and we had a teammate running around the whole time close to Cetus gate mining ore and fishing I think.  His MR was in the 20's.  He was unresponsive when asked about it.  The minute we cleared the last round of mission, they left group.  They knew what they were doing.  

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24 minutes ago, AlMcFly said:

The other night I was in a group doing Ostron Bounty level 50+ and we had a teammate running around the whole time close to Cetus gate mining ore and fishing I think.  His MR was in the 20's.  He was unresponsive when asked about it.  The minute we cleared the last round of mission, they left group.  They knew what they were doing.  

I thought you were talking about EOS.

Well they are a bit annoying but bounties are so easy you can’t possibly fail solo anyway.

They are much much better human beings than people who actively slowing down a mission by playing rq banshee or discharge volt and such in wrong places or hanging far back in a fissure so that other people have hard time finding reactants or not coming to extraction or something like that and I thought it was wrong to tell people how they play.

So I’m totally fine with them fishing or mining they don’t even slow me down. It’s nothing different than those guys but it’s just more outright in your face type of annoyance but much less harmful.

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)johnsoigne said:

I thought you were talking about EOS.

Well they are a bit annoying but bounties are so easy you can’t possibly fail solo anyway. They are much much better human beings than people who actively slowing down a mission by playing rq banshee or discharge volt and such in wrong places or hanging far back in a fissure so thay other people have hard time finding reactants or not coming to extraction or something like that and I thought it was wrong to tell people how they play. So I’m totally fine with them fishing or mining. 

Eh, yeah, it depends.  I'm pretty well geared but I don't play a cheeseframe that can solo absolutely everything.  If one of those OP people are in my party and we are destroying the bounty, I don't really even care about my squad.  In contrast, when my other two teammates are bleeding out every five minutes and look up at the map seeing our Fourth member just wandering the other side of the Plain, I get a little annoyed.  

EOS I haven't seen afkers yet but I would treat it the same way depending on how good the rest of the team is.  

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1 minute ago, (PS4)johnsoigne said:

I thought you were talking about EOS.

Well they are a bit annoying but bounties are so easy you can’t possibly fail solo anyway. They are much much better human beings than people who actively slowing down a mission by playing rq banshee or discharge volt and such in wrong places or hanging far back in a fissure so thay other people have hard time finding reactants or not coming to extraction or something like that and I thought it was wrong to tell people how they play. So I’m totally fine with them fishing or mining. 

what i dont understand is, how can one go afk in ESO, after all he would be left behind after that round.
So that person just notices that he doesnt need to do anything during those first, or several, rounds
specially when he ends up in a team with SARYN or Volt, or other frames that simply can wipe the room alone with no problem
no one can fault or blame that kind of afk /leeching

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12 часов назад, -.SP.-G43riel сказал:

what i dont understand is, how can one go afk in ESO, after all he would be left behind after that round.
So that person just notices that he doesnt need to do anything during those first, or several, rounds
specially when he ends up in a team with SARYN or Volt, or other frames that simply can wipe the room alone with no problem
no one can fault or blame that kind of afk /leeching

He can keep banishing saryn/volt to give them needed energy. He can stasis scary groups of eximus in banish, etc. Nope, he will stand around being completely useless. We need a reward/exp system dependent on grades. Then ppl will also just leave when super cheeseframe is eating all the rewards, which makes cheeseframes lonely....

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24 minutes ago, pavlo555 said:

He can keep banishing saryn/volt to give them needed energy. He can stasis scary groups of eximus in banish, etc. Nope, he will stand around being completely useless. We need a reward/exp system dependent on grades. Then ppl will also just leave when super cheeseframe is eating all the rewards, which makes cheeseframes lonely....

So you're suggesting that it's people's responsibility to not play the super efficient frames, that those who get matched with them should be forced to leave, that limbo has to banish saryn/volt while energy isn't problematic while finding the right group of targets is, and by banishing a saryn he can potentially prevent her from popping the spore that had to be popped, that he can "stasis scary groups" while the only groups that aren't dead are those with nullifiers in them, and those aren't affected by stasis either? We need you as a game dev.

Edited by Starcanum
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