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[PC] Update 23: General Feedback Megathread


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- Umbra Polarisation needs to be formable on Umbra frames
- Fix TAA 8x (High)  => My Warframe/Weapon is vibrating
- Excalibur Umbra's primary color panel seems more like "plasic" and kinda "cheap" (Looks very oily by choosing Black or dark colors.)
- Sometimes the quest (sacrafice) does not " go on" and like "pauses" (friends of mine had this issue, they were stuck in there orbiter without UI or Instructions, they had to ALT-F4 while in the middle of the quest) this kinda broke the atmosphere.
- Please fix the issue where you have an orbiter/ship infront of your orbiter/ship , even if u are NOT in a group, which kinda made me scare my soul away..

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2 часа назад, --END--Rikutatis сказал:

then you get pulled back into the Warframe and die before you can even react or do anything.

yes there is a delay. i'm sure they will fix it. aside from that, there are issues with transference, such as transference static debuff when operator jumps in the warframe and direction operator facing when he jumps out. the more transference player does the more transference static debuff he gets.

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beside the quest which was good (still too short as all the others are too), i noticed you removed the "view last missions results" from the menu in favor of "quest" - this unnecessary since the quests, like i said, too short and far between to give them an extra shortcut in the main menu. the option to view the last mission though is more importan for me and since often i don't have the time to look at it after the mission ended (mostly because some random player was hitting the "replay" button and the timer is ticking) and ioften use(d) this feature. in contary to the quest starting, it also has no other way to be displayed - so at the very least put the option somewhere else in the menu if have keep the lazy people calm who can't even be bothered to go to the codex modul on their bridge to start a quest...

beside that, since the update every host migration in the onslaught (other mission maybe too, i didn't played much else since then) leads to an endless loading screen for the rest of the team, leaving alt+f4 (or killing the process of warframe) and restarting the game the only way to continue. and ofc, everything earned on reward or affinity/focus is lost due to this.

another thing that might be troubling people (and did as far as i gathered from other posts) is the new polarity - i can understand that the mods are only meant for the umbra frame(s) and the weapon(s) that came with it (and likey future one too), but there are people who (inadvisedly) had re-formated one of the slots before they noticed they can't format it back (likely only when they tried to format any other frame with the new polarity) -  either prevent this entirely or at least give a severe warning about the consequences when people try this.

lastly, even though i like the ui-change, i would rather seen some usefull, not cosmetic-only changes like the option to change and save the focus to a specific loadout - that is so obviously needed and so easy to implement, that i get the impression the devs are a bunch of evil masochists who loves to torture us by forcing unnecessary traveling to the ship and abandoning missions because the focus was yet again the wrong one for the choosen frame/loadout...

edit: ok, it seem the "view last mission" is only away sometimes, for i just had it back in the menu... it still would be counted a bug then.

Edited by fr4gb4ll
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On 2018-06-14 at 10:44 PM, LordMakai said:

The quest was fun and I really liked the new orokin consoles.

I have to agree with @Darkkeel about the UI and items' names not showing at first glance.

I'm a bit disappointed with the way Excalibur Prime was handled. He was buffed and has now 300 armor, just like Umbra, however his passive isn't the same (for story reasons).

What I would have liked to see is a slight advantage (stats) for Excalibur Prime since he does not have that passive.

Personally, lemme just slap his helmet on Umbra and I’ll be happy.

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Here is a bit of an inconvenience. 

Conditions: using umbra, be a client (non-host) user. 

Issue: upon switching from umbra to operator, everything works fine, he runs around and shoots stuff while I drop some energy for my squad with a dash. Upon switching back to my frame, the camera moves a bit on its own and goes back to normal. 

Seems like umbra is still controlling your aim for an amount of time after you return into the frame. 

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I really enjoyed the quest. I played after first hotfix and everything went smoothly for me. Playing it with amp crafted by myself (Pencha-Juttni-shwaak) made the experience extremely rewarding especially when umbra joined me in combat and 2 versus world felt just right. (I don't know, how to describe it better).

I'll definitely make a loadout for this playstyle after i'll unbound some focus abilities and after i'll  get more points into vazarin hp regen.


I have one thing that i'd love DE to look into. 

When i saw Virtuvian for the first time i thought that it was akin  to current fragments in that we could acces it at any time and that we could find some more imprints in the word.

If there was such an option, I'd love to see the pictures from it with Ballas narration again without having to replay the whole quest. Also imho ability to hunt for Ballas personal diary could keep lorehounds like me busy while waiting for the next quest. To be fair condensed bits of lore from past and future quests could also be added to our Vitruvian in the same format of narration with some pretty pictures. This way we could recall the most important parts of older quests without having to replay them.

Edited by IHNIFN
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While Capture Missions can still be Successful, they are broken badly.

Upon capturing the Capture Target, no more enemies will spawn. Once the enemies in the area are eliminated, the map will be empty from there on. Making for a very boring walk to the Extraction point. Also a very EASY walk, making for inanely easy missions.

As others have posted, this also prevents the mission success of Capture missions that turn into Elimination missions, due to the complete lack of enemies after the Capture Target has been captured.

After the target is captured in Capture missions, the level alert levels will automatically turn to off after 1 minute, and enemy spawns will stop after 2 minutes as well.

Whomever thought this was a good idea in any way, shape, or form......  Well, my personal choice would be mailroom duty until they actually understand how Warframe works. Seriously, this is just a dumb idea, and should never have made it past the suggestion phase, let alone being put into the game.

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After finishing the quest, I dont want to listen to Lotus messages while in mission anymore.

I want Ordis to be my assistant while in mission and not the Lotus.

Please make it possible.

Thank you in advance.

P.S.: Great quest, congratulations. I am in love with this game. Thank you for your hard work.

Edited by AnGeL_KRoM
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On 2018-06-14 at 10:27 PM, Fexxtastic said:
  Hide contents

I really really hoped to get my Lotus back, nearly crying right now. PLEASE don't let me wait for another seven months. I want my Lotus back.
Otherwise, this is an epic Quest. One of the best I ever played in a game.


NO THANK YOU. To be honest, I have long wanted a way to shut Lotus' constant babbling during missions OFF. For instance hive missions: I don't need to have that helicopter parent telling me that I am nearing a hive every time I approach its proximity. 

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6 hours ago, AnGeL_KRoM said:

After finishing the quest, I dont want to listen to Lotus messages while in mission anymore.

I want Ordis to be my assistant while in mission and not the Lotus.

Please make it possible.

Thank you in advance.

P.S.: Great quest, congratulations. I am in love with this game. Thank you for your hard work.

After everything, that would be a amazing option at this point... Ordis has been more help than Lotus, malfuntion issues and normal.


Ordis was even advising us about building Umbra, telling us about danger and worrying about us the entire time, unlike Lotus who sends us in danger without a thought.


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when i installed that thing into Orbiter and Ordis went with a different voice and behavior i was like "oh please DE let me keep it PLEASE!!!" and then it went back to normal and i was like "oh god noooooooooooooooo, whyyyyyyyyy? I suffered enough already, why this torture should continue?"

Edited by Kel_Silonius
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The quest was fun and very doable even with a Tenno using the basic weapon (I didn’t feel like grinding Focus, and I haven’t done the rep stuff in PoE).

The major disappointment/issue for me is having to burn through more than ten forma to get my Warframes with exalted weapons back to where they were before the update.

I feel there should have been some sort of compensation, considering the amount needed and the number of affected Warframes.  It was fine for Khora’s Venari, being a new Warframe at the time, but it feels much less so with having to burn through finite resources just to be back at the general level of power prior Update 23.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey DE folks,

I am yet to play the sacrifice mission itself as I am waiting for my clanmates so we can do it together. But I am enjoying the aesthetics of the new interface and I know you have had a heap of feedback about it so I am.not really here for that.

I just wanted to say thank you for busting a gut to get the sacrifice on console in time for Tennocon. It must have been a huge strain on the console crew and I just want to make sure they know they are appreciated.

Keep up the good work and I hope you get a break soon. <3

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Todays all radiant relics are gone, destroyed in a single corpus survival mission, all of us have uncommon bug, we have to find panel to hack to unlock door to extraction, but there is nothing to hack. I feel like Tenno die inside me, like all my dreams. It's masterpiece of game, i'm spending 8-10 hours daily, don't get me wrong but experiance for long time efforts... Yes.. i can't...

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I could not find where else to put this.


I'm beyond mad at this point.


Fix stalkers teloport omg I get tired of being teleported into a glitch with now way out.


I killed stalker but could not get out.


I tried /unstuck repeatedly and than tried dying twice.


Nothing worked.


Either fix the glitches or take away stalkers ability to teloport.

Edited by (PS4)diarka
I misspelled a word and it bugged me.
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If you see this opinion, I really appreciate it. It takes a little time for you. Although my request is a bit unreasonable, you don't need to reply to me if you don't want to hear it.
Can the ASH's calf grow a little longer, and only a few players know that ash has been set to be a woman, but when it becomes a male, it's too thick to find a way to find his own satisfaction. Including his color area, each color area is too big, so that the lack of certain details, if you can make some minor changes to the ash, I think it will be very happy. I hope my comments can be adopted. Thank you again for giving us such a wonderful game. Thank you.

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First of all, I want to give a big thumbs up to everyone at DE.
What you brought us with the sacrifice, is amazing work.

Time to sit down for a moment and write about the experience
Here is my personal feedback on the sacrifice;



This is as allways, a masterfully crafted piece of art.
It leaves the player confused at first, a perfect way to grasp your attention.
Doing a marvelous job at it.
The moment I started the quest, I just had to know what was coming next.

The apostasy prologue was also a great teaser, playing a huge role in this.
Ever since losing the Lotus, our minds kept wondering; 'where is she, and what happened?'
This feeling encourages even more, to go on a search for the Lotus.

And when you finally do find her, you are given the most bonechilling 'oh my God' moment.
Your mind starts thinking; 'this can't be true, no this isn't real.'
And before you know it, you are on a cliffhanger.

The hunger for how the story will advance further is insatiable.
Especially after seeing the tennocon teaser of the new war.

What will happen? Will we end up fighting against our mother?
Is this part of her plan? Or has the sentient overmind taken her will away?
So many questions, and the anticipation for the next quest is through the roof.

Umbra escapes, due to aftershocks from Lua being moved out of the void.
It becomes clear that Ballas was planning an uprising against his Orokin masters for a several millenia.
And he used Hunhow, with whom they first formed an alliance, to reach this goal.
It becomes clear how Hunhow learned of our location in the second dream; it was Ballas who showed him the way.
The question wether Margulis and Natah are one and the same person, remains a secret.
Even though Ballas mentions 'seeing her die', nothing is really certain untill revealed in time.
Then our dear Lotus comes to take away a dying? Ballas.
All questions, get partially answered.
As now, hundreds of new ones open up.
And it keeps you wanting for even more.
You can feel how powerless you are in this situation, and crave for everything to be fixed.
Lighting that inner fire, which desires to bring the Lotus back even more than ever now.

And also; will we see more of Ballas?
Has he somehow been able to heal his wound, and not succumb to it?
Or was this his final moment?
Only time will tell.
And the answers cannot come soon enough.

Art & cinematics:


These are as allways, a true blessing as well.
Masterfully crafted cutscenes that perfectly immerse you by displaying your own operator/warframe in them.

Seeing Umbra break free from the arsenal, and for the first time; threathening the operator in our own orbiter.
It gives a moment of fear to the player, real anxiety of seeing yourself getting harmed.
This moment was very surprising, and gave a real sense of dread.
Which thankfully, the operator knows how to solve, by making contact with Umbra.

The area where Umbra is first found, and the story ends, is a true work of art.
The colors, lone tree on a beautifully decorated scenery, and Lua shining bright in all her glory...
It perfectly sets the tone for these mysterious encounters.

Also the new codes part on Lua is a fine diversity from the usual hacking stations we are used to.
You know the second part is going to be big, and start taking notes.
Just like Ordis said; memorize it.
But after writing down the first two, you start seeing the code.
Which even luckily doesn't need to be noted down in the end.
As the cipher shows the combinations, which are memorized for us by our own operator.
This saves a whole lot of paperwork, and still keeps us looking at the pieces for a moment to see which one goes first.



The first mission perfectly integrates ghouls into a mission for the first time.
Not only do they appear on the plains it seems, as some sacks are strewn about in this forested area.
A refreshing moment to what we allready know.
Though after thinking a bit deeper on it, you wonder why this specific location has so many ghouls lying in wait.
And they don't really have a connection with Umbra himself either.
A nice change of pace nevertheless.

The mimics are also a nice refreshment to the conculyst and battalyst designs we allready know.
Seeing an orokin crate turn into a sentient for the first time (or even an ayatan sculpture; 'Nice, loot... Eeps!' *gulp*) was definately a welcome surprise.
And their role even fits perfectly in this part.
Their appearance probably connected, with the Lotus turning to her 'sentient self'.

The fight against Umbra, was a bit of a...
I can't quite put my finger on the exact wording of how I feel about it.
Definately loved it, that is undeniable.
But being hit while you are in void mode felt a bit like being cheated upon.
Especially when you are being stunlocked by Umbra.
Mashing your buttons to either transfer back into your warframe or make a void dash, and neither works.
This made the fight a bit unlikeable.
Being able to blind us, that is fine for me.
But the stunlock... that was just...
It turned me off a bit, and caused losing attention to the story briefly.
This was even with a fully upgraded operator.
Also the only bit of criticism I might have though.

The last encounter was not bad at all.
You expect Ballas to come with something extremely difficult.
But as the coward he is, lets the sentients fight in his stead.
And a last fight doesn't necessarily have to be harrowing.
Our minds are just used to seeing 'bossfights' at the end (as movies and other games seem to do a lot).
But this one made more sense, seeing the Orokin cower behind his shocktroops.
And the feeling that's given when that smirk turns into an awestruck emotion; Abosuletely perfect.

Music & sound:


As usual, the sound is a joy for the ear.
Especially after seeing the sound team their work and George Spanos' deeper look into everything.
The theme fits the tone perfectly, and brings those shivers down your spine.
It is very powerful, setting the tone just right.

Also the tune that plays when eventually calming Umbra/completing the quest...
It is so beautiful, and a perfect moment to make the player stand still for a moment, reflecting on all that happened.
A tune I'd love to have in my mandachord as well.
But perhaps it was too short for this case.
I would definately love to see an extended version of it, like the masterpiece 'this is what you are'.

Max Howarth also does an amazing job for Ballas' voice.
Fitting the character perfectly, his warm sound and accent put the tone of Ballas accurately.
He really makes the Orokin come to life, an astounding performance to say the least.


A rightful addition to the questline of warframe.
Not excruciating long, and yet not too short either.
It is just as it should be; a perfect balance.
And a darn good apetizer for what is to come.

Both teasers and actual quest;
They gave me goosebumps and chills of excitement.
A feeling I haven't had for years.

A job most magnificently done.
Thank you, everyone at DE.
For giving an experience, never to be forgotten.


Edited by Guest
Typos, allways dem typos >.<
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