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[PC] Update 23: General Bug Report Megathread


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Steps to reproduce:
-Only works with a single secondary+glaive
1. Join any mission
2. Press Space
3. Just before hitting the ground hold E-Melee, press down LeftClick, then RightClick
4. Then immediately release LeftClick, RightClick and E-Melee in that order while still above the ground
5. Turn around, hold S
6. ???
7. Profit

This is the easiest way to recreate it, however the only requirement seems like to be  that you have to be falling.

Rolling/Throwing Glaive breaks the bug.

Edited by ValeAventura
Removed Bulletjumping as a way to break the bug, my bad.
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On 2018-06-14 at 5:34 PM, [DE]Danielle said:

We will be using this thread to house your Update 23: The Sacrifice bug reports. Our resident bug master, [DE]Saske, will be monitoring this thread and relaying prevalent bugs to the DE team for fixes. 

With any update, we focus on fixing the priority issues first as soon as we can! Lower priority bugs that can be reproduced are logged to be fixed when we’ve squashed the monster bugs.  

Bug report guidelines: 

  • Be as detailed as possible! The more information we have on the issue, the better we can track down the cause. 
  • Provide steps on how to reproduce the bug that answer "How was I able to produce this bug, and can I do it again?"
  • If possible, provide video and image of the reported issue.  
  • Be respectful - We understand bugs can be frustrating, but the better you can report the bug the better we can get to fixing it.

Thank you! 

I get stuck in every loading screen. EVERY. Like for real... I was about to make a trade and get 60 plat... the guy invited me to his dojo and i got stuck and so i didnt get my 60 plat... 

If this bug continues to appear im gonna quit because its just too annoying...

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Not exactly sure if this is a bug or more of an oversight. There is a tile on orokin moon (I was on plato when I encountered it) where you can get outside the map through a little hole in the rocks, was going to try and get out so that I could see if it was reproducible, but got stuck in some terrain that was underneath the level and had to leave the mission, this occurred extremely early in the level. Will give more info if I run across the spot again.

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Was doing a Cetus mission moments ago with my new Zephyr Prime, came in for a landing with the first ability, and never actually landed. Hovered inches above the ground for the rest of the mission. (this happened before the end of round one) Could move, shoot, and (oddly) still jump. Seemed to be considered airborne still though as my aviator and agility drift mods seemed to be mitigating damage. Tried /unstuck twice, just moved me back a little in my path, still in the air. Completed mission, in Cetus, still airborne. Considering this happened with a Zephyr I'm not sure I can even be mad? Still, bugs are bugs! 

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I'm having problem completing 2 riven chalenges on Plains of Eidolon, the first, is to kill 8 enemies with headshots from 100+ meters, and the second, is to kill 8 Tusk balistas with a headshot.

as it stands every single enemy I killed respecting each riven chalenge on Plains of Eidolon does not register (even when counting normaly for the afinity mission), and yet when I play on another map (some corpus missions have a nice valley on the end to do this, where I scored all 5 of those 100+ meters kills), however for the tusk balista one its simply impossible since they only appear on eidolon.

I used on all instances the Snipertron Vandal with the build that is on the screenshots>O8wTzxr.png



I'll await for some fix / answer to this issue. Thanks.

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My warframe was killed while I was in operator mode

I was Limbo in a kuva mission.

Casted cataclysm and switched to operator mode.  Then I activated "void mode" (so there was NO WAY for me to get damaged).

Suddenly my operator did like he took too much damage (but his life points were at 100%)

So, when I was forced back to my warframe, it was already lying on the floor!!  And I had to be revived.

This is obviously a bug as the warframe is invulnerable while in operator mode.

There was an umbra excalibur in the squad (it might be an interesting detail to know).


Edited by AnGeL_KRoM
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Umbra's Exalted Blade Stance and an equipped melee weapon's stance gets combined in a buggy way sometimes when you were previously using your equipped Melee Weapon then switch to a Synthesis Scanner and finally activate your Exalted Blade. It was pretty cool doing the Vermilion Storm Stance on Exalted Blade it was very weird lmao.

Finally there's a bug with Mesa when you're switching in and out from Peacemaker quite quickly that if you're using a Melee weapon the sheathing animation gets in the way of you using your Regulators. My most notable experience was with Sarpa since the sheathing animation is quite a bit long. =3

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i'm not sure if this started in U23 but fishing doesn't work properly if you have gear slot hotkeys on keys 1 2 and/or 3, not only that but the special fishing gear wheel is gone too. it's pretty easy to reproduce, just set some gear hotkeys to 1, 2 and 3 and put stuff in them.


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(eh idk if I post here the bugs but whatever xD). There is a bug (at least for me) that I don't get a lot xp like go for 20waves on hydron and take only 10k in total 😕 , Don't know how this will help but still 😄 , OH also sometimes enemies just ignore your 1st ability as Octavia and starts hitting you even if they are on range or they don't shoot it at all

Edited by YeaBoyyyy
forgot a bug
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First bug: dead bodies start flying around from swarm fields.

How to reproduce:

1.go into infested mission with swarm mutalist MOAs.

2.Kill infested when they are under the swarm buff or close to someone with it or close to swarm field itself.

3.Now you got yourself body missiles that spread swarm everywhere.


Second bug: corpus turrets inside orokin ones.

Honestly i got it in weekly ayatan mission and its strange.


theres a corpus turret inside the inactive orokin one.

Edited by Eyn_Sof
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Doubled sensitivity if not more on archwing. Sometimes the sensitivity stays when leaving water as well but does not affect when in operator mode.

I believe everytime I played archwing the sensitivity went double if not beyond but feels as if the horizontal sensitivity is stronger than the vertical one. 
Sometimes the bug of the sensitivity staying that way after leaving the water disappears from itself after a short time, sometimes it won't.  Quickly switching forth and back on operator helps a few times but switching to operator again could  give me that raised sensitivity again.

As for me I usually run the game at 12% sensitivity with 1600 dpi. (Testing of lowering it slightly for myself.)

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I was zephyr and climbed into a tusk dargyn in PoE, got stuck in this position, can manoeuvre normally but cannot get out


I tried to get out by slamming the dargyn into water, I end up dead with no option to respawn


While spectating my teammates, I can still fire my gun somehow (there is still sound, I was using tigris so it was pretty obvious), I can also use my first ability for some reason

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Possibly 23.0.8 related bug: Ash sometimes gets 4-th ability blocked(visual symptom is having "0" on ult counter) after use(using a lot).

Steps to reproduce: 1) Go to a mission 2)use 4-th ability often and at some point it will appear.

Tested on infested alerts, can be related to enemies not having correct finisher animations(log messages "Sys [Error]: Hand parameter out of range: 4 (should be less than 4)" , "Game [Error]: FinisherAction::Execute() failed due to no anim for victim." and "Game [Error]: Invalid finisher index (40), 19 finisher(s) available.").

If needed i can send full logs(saved file).

P.S. On solo derelict i was unable to reproduce it. Not sure if it is derelict or solo mode.

Edited by Zilotz
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Zenurik Energy Pulse is not working.  I have ranked it up a few times, and it is not adding the bonus energy to my pool.  As I understand it (And please correct me if I am wrong):

1. Warframe collects the Energy Orb

2. Orb bonus applies over 6 seconds or whatever the rank is

I am getting no bonus.  I have tried via the Warframe, the Operator, and Multiple Warframes, and I am unable to get this bonus to proc.  Zenurik is currently set as my primary school, and I double checked this.  Is there a trick to getting this to work that I am unaware of?



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