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[PC] Update 23: General Bug Report Megathread


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The Dojo decorations patch came out and there's multiple instances of the same bug where the new decorations cannot be selected for removal.(They can't even be highlighted upon placement) Theyvalso cannot be built.

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(Patched) The Dojo decorations patch came out and there's multiple instances of the same bug where the new decorations cannot be selected for removal.(They can't even be highlighted upon placement) They also cannot be built.

Edited by Yverou
Patched :)
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On PoE other players have pre-second dream animation for operators and frames, they also spawn their copy of their siting warframe each time when they go out. So by the end of Terralyst hunt there usualy like 20 of each warframe siting around battle area. Looks kinda creepy, and decrease fps a bit.

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Phahd Scaffold doesnt get damage or crit damage buff through volts shield even though it passes through now. Mine always said 6100 damage and pre nerf max crit with virtuous strike and unairu wisp active was 5987 on eidolon shield with lohrin brace @ 3.6 multiplier i believe. After nerf at 2.6x multiplier it does only 2k dmg with same buffs active. Math says should do 4k. Also the crit rate only dropped from 50 to 42 with lohrin brace even though i crit a decent amount(as 50% should) i rarely crit. The crit stats seem like its ungilded and not affected by lohrin brace.

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Just remembered they changed the damage to impact and explosion. So dmg is correct. The problem is you will NEVER be able to get it to explode when you want it to with its target random enemies and follow them and bounce everywhere. Basically its a damage stat thats useless for anything requiring targeting 1 enemy. Like stalker, senitients, eidolons, and assassinations.....

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An idea to change it would be have the projectile bounce X times then explode and explode on first enemy hit also take away the random homing feature. That way you get to keep a bouncing projectile and people will be able to use its damage effectively. Just my thought on the matter.

Edited by Dragon89071
grammar and typo
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Not sure if it's a bug, or intended, or some tech limitation, but Riven mods you unlock in a mission won't pop up on screen if you started the mission from the Observatory in the Dojo, another issue with the Observatory is that you can't go to relays from it, I realize the Observatory doesn't get much use more than likely, but it would be nice to have those functions if this is intended and not a bug.

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im a gamepad player on pc and i still get the sprint state reset after using certain abilities (inaros 2 and 3, hydroids 3 f.e ).

also, often at the start of a mission, when i enter operator mode for the first zenurik void dash, the controls bug out in a way that is hard to describe. its as if the game thinks rb is held down and also lb becomes rb until i reenter and exit operator mode again,then its fixed for the rest of the mission.





the chat controls for the gamepad are buggy, too. i cant select the name in the tab of a concersation, instead i have to select the players name in the actual chat to be able to bring up the menu that lets me close the tab, or all, invite etc.

Edited by VanPwn
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There is this Kuria I found in Titania, could not scanned. Test everything, change angle, using the scanner in other things then check Kuria. Nothing. 


If it helps, there was an ALREADY scanned fighters fragment near extraction, found it after complete mission.

Other theory is: Water blocks scanners now.

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Bug with the timer on Gara's "splinter storm".

When casting Gara's splinter storm ability on just yourself resetting the timer is normal. As in when "mass vitrify" is cast it will reset the timer. However if you have placed splinter storm on others the timer will only reset for yourself after it reaches them as well. It feels like the timer sould reset for you instantly and for the other player whenever the wall reaches them. This seems to no tbe the case. Furthermore if the wall from vitrify does not reach the other player with splinter cell the timer will not reset visually but after it runs out it does reset. This seems to be a visual glitch and/or a problem with the coding in the background when splinter cell has been cast on multiple players.

If need be i can provide video proof in the future me and a friend of mine dedicated an hour or two debugging it 😛 sadly though my OBS crashed as it usually does...

Thanks for all your hard work and i hope this helps out in making the game better for everyone ^^

PS: after some more testing there also seems to be an issue with the ability timer resetting after you cast it on others. Basically the timer on gara herself shows the timer for the last cast of splinter storm (on an ally for example). This is very misleading as you would think the timer on gara herself would show the time left on her own splinter storm not another players one.

Edited by ShadowFoxBE
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since the last patch i found several bug and happen quite often :

  • the orokin drone, who previously have explosive sound when killed now doesn't produce any sound when getting hit & killed ( i feel like hitting nothing & didn't feel my hit connect)
  • inaros negation swarm doesn't activated properly when tested on simulacrum, i'm still getting thrown away by shockwave (but luckily it active normaly on mission)
  • most of the time my kavat doesn't attack and just meowing at the enemy, it just kinda a waste to make them doing this animation over and over instead attacking

ty for the time DE & keep up the good work

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Gara Issue:

Mass Vitrify doesn't seem to actually trigger until the first energy tick after the initial cast. If you manually end the cast before it occurs, Mass Vitrify does not refresh Splinter Storm and cannot be shattered by Shattered Lash.

Mass Vitrify also ONLY explodes horizontally. The explosion will completely miss Gara/enemies if their elevation is even slightly below the wall.

Edited by Tockity
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