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Missions Have No Depth. Here's How To Fix It.


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What do I mean by "Depth"? To answer that question, let's look at a standard Raid Mission on a Corpus Ship, beginning to end.


You enter the ship through a vent, Lotus chats your ear off (please shut up), your minimap boots up, conveniently showing you exactly where to go, and you rush to the objective, killing everything on your way there (if you feel like it). As soon as you have the "artifact", you then rush to extraction which is conveniently marked on your minimap as well, killing everything on the way as well.


Now, what seems to be the problem here? Well, I'll tell you with a neatly organized list:


- How do I know exactly where the artifact/objective is, as well as the entire ship layout? I break into the ship, and I magically know where everything is.

- What is the point of every room? Why can't I hack the room's systems and start a lockdown, or a quarantine, or shut off the lights?

- Why should I go exploring? I'm not rewarded for it and there's nothing to find.

- Where are all the ship's vital systems? Where is the life support? Where is the engine room? Where is the bridge? Where is the security room? Where's the armory? Where's the cargo bay? Where's the reactor? Where's... I think you get the idea.

- Why do the enemies not care if their artifact is suddenly gone (provided I was not detected)? This also applies to Sabotage and Capture missions.

- Why is extraction so out-of-place? It always seems that the ship actually accommodates the Tenno spaceships, which makes no sense.


Do you get the idea? Good. Now how do we go about addressing these issues? Well I'm glad you asked. Let's go through the same mission, but with added complexity and depth. Wall of text incoming.


You enter the ship through the same vent, Lotus chats you ear off (again), your minimap boots up, but this time, it gives you an error. "Ship layout unknown". With no way to rush to the artifact, you must explore the ship for a place to download the map. As you explore the ship, the rooms are added to your minimap. You stumble across a computer terminal and you attempt to access it. It asks for identification information. This is where it gets interesting, if you have a Cipher, you can hack it once and get access to its contents at the risk of being discovered, OR you can acquire the ID Info from one of the crewmen walking about the ship. If you are spotted AND detected trying to get the information, good luck finding your map. Now you now have access to the terminal. From there, you can download the complete layout of the ship. However, the terminal also provides controls for lockdown, quarantine, nearby security cameras, and power, among other things. You minimap can now display the layout of the ship, along with locations for control panels and computer terminals for each room you enter, but you still don't know where the artifact is. By pressing 'M', the minimap expands and gives you a full 3D view of the ship with icons for important rooms. From here, you can mark up personal and squad waypoints to areas that look interesting. You can go take out the main reactor, or raid the cargo hold, or take out the life support systems, or attack the bridge. If you're in a squad, you can split up to cover more ground or stay as a group, which might be safer. If you're playing solo, stealth is suddenly a viable option.


At this point, what do you do? Where do you go? Now those are great questions that the player only knows the answer to. You can now mess with everything on the ship. For the sake of this scenario, you attack the bridge. It's close-by, and it could provide all the information you'd need to complete the mission. Naturally, the bridge is full of Corpus mooks, but these are high-ranking Commanders and Lieutenants. Skilled fighters and tough enemies, and don't forget about the Captain. He's a strong son-of-a-gun. You can get to the bridge in a few ways: Walking right in, going in through the vents, or teleporting in just to name a few. You can also sabotage the room by knocking out the lights, shutting off the power, locking them in, turning off life support, or any number of things.


So you take out the bridge and you access the ship's computer. You also salvaged some navigation coordinates from the Captain's corpse to access a new mission. From here, you can finally find the artifact, but why stop there? You have complete control over the ship now, so why not have a bit of fun with it? Take it into Grineer space, or turn on the self-destruct systems, or permanently disable life support, or turn off the gravity plating, or turn the robots to your side, or... yeah. Just go to town.


You find the artifact, grab it, and run toward extraction, which is in the shuttle bay (makes more sense than having a built-in Tenno extraction point).


I guess I could also touch on the Corpus Ship tileset as well, since I used it for the example. It uses Alpha assets (

) and has not been expanded on nor changed since then. It needs work. A lot of work. The Grineer Asteroid Base needs a rework as well.


EDIT: Now with developer feedback (conveniently located on exactly the 4th page)! Even though it accomplishes absolutely nothing!


EDIT: Another thread that discussed this same idea/issue can be found here. Written by Aure7 a solid 2 months prior to this one. Props to you, good sir.


UPDATE 10 EDIT: (Note: The game has changed since then. Most of what is presented here is out of date.)

I swear Digital Extremes tried to implement some of the ideas presented in this topic. Maybe I'm just being overly optimistic; or paranoid.


With the addition of Nav Coordinates, players now have some reason to explore and find as many chances to find them as possible. It's a step in the right direction, but the drop rate for them is toodamnlow.png to be nothing other than tedious. Well, it's all a tedious grind-fest in the end, but I digress. I now have over 200 of these little buggers. Meh.


Replacing Raid with Survival was a mistake. A big one. It should be painfully obvious common sense to not remove anything this major from the game and replace it with something that can be insanely confusing for new players. Sure, there's the "argument" that Raid and Capture are "too similar", but that is only because the missions aren't fleshed out yet, and you're already making these big decisions? Remember in Arid Fear when players had to capture a target that could run and fight back? This is the defining element between the two. An artifact can't fight back. Capture targets can. Why you didn't incorporate this is far beyond me. Were you too busy making Prime weapons? Why not have both Survival and Raid? Why replace them?


PvP, or as I call it, Pv-appeasement. Did you learn anything from History class? An Appeasement Policy helped start World War II. It didn't work 55 years ago, it doesn't work now. You said yourself that PvP will never be the focus of Warframe, but here we are with Conclaves just because people wouldn't stop making topics about it. Put your foot down and just say "NO". God, I feel like I'm talking to 9-year-olds.


The Orokin Derelict tileset looks great. Lots of places to explore. And then you run into an instant-kill electrical field that came from nowhere. That is a big no-no. There should be no such thing as instant death. Ever. That is called "punishing for exploration", which is a horrible gameplay practice. Save those cheap game mechanics for unfair platformers where they belong. The gauntlet room is buggier than a rainforest. They all reside on the forest floor (the big vine-slide thing you go down if you fall). What made you think that was a good idea? Just make that a teleport trigger and boom, bugs eliminated. I had to attempt the mission 4 times before I could complete it because I got stuck. You also led everyone to believe that you would replace Jupiter with this tileset, but that didn't happen, now did it? Any other broken promises you would like to confess?


So I fought the new J-2000 Golem. It reminds me of a Legend of Zelda boss fight, in other words, uninspired. You played it safe when designing the boss, which is a bad idea especially for Warframe. Its attacks are bland, unvaried, and far too easily avoidable. It's also a painfully resilient bullet-sponge, which does not help at all. Players should be able to damage it at and given time, regardless of weak spot hits. Why do you love moments of invincibility? This breaks the flow of the gameplay into a giant mess of broken glass. The player(s) should always be in danger, likewise for the boss. Weak spot hits should stun the boss after a certain damage cap, causing it to be vulnerable to extra damage, but it shouldn't be helpless during this phase. To reiterate, the player(s) always need to be in danger when fighting a boss by only the boss. Mooks don't count as danger. Also, fix up the toxic cloud effects. I keep running into them when they clearly are not there.


Let's talk about Nekros for a bit. I haven't even gotten to fight the new Golem yet (which I heard was rather unsatisfying) and I can already tell that getting the frame without paying is going to be neigh impossible, worse than getting the Vauban parts from Alerts. His powers are fairly standard. Soul Punch is basically a chance for an instant kill because of the ragdoll falling into a bottomless pit or getting stuck somewhere. Fear is basically a sloppy mash-up of Excalibur's Radial Blind and Nyx's Chaos, which just makes things harder to kill. Desecrate is bad idea, but let me tell you why; it's a power that promotes farming, and only farming. Farming =/= Fun. Farming = Skinner Box. Skinner Box = lazy design and poor moral philosophy. Shadows of the Dead seems rather fun to be honest, and it's the first power that actually summons mooks to fight for/with you. Unfortunately, I can see a lot of bugs coming from this knowing how Digital Extremes likes to rush things. Overall, not a good frame, but not horribly sub-par either, and definitely not worth farming or buying.


Now onto the subject of the "new" Stamina system. I'll be honest here, from a balance perspective, the old system allowed for basically infinite slide-sprinting if you know how to efficiently. This is what rushers use all the time. However, nerfing base stamina regeneration into the ground is not how to solve the problem. You need to give players a reason to slow down. The Nav Coordinates aided that a bit, but clearly not well enough. How can you properly address this issue? I'll give you a hint: You just read it. Issue rectified in Hotfix 10.0.3.


I have no relevant opinion on scarves, but I will address what people are saying on them. Scarves are cosmetic, and only cosmetic. Paying only Platinum for them makes sense. It's like sentinel parts. People are just being unreasonable about it because "they came up with the idea", not the developers (to my knowledge). Unfortunately, the scarves don't 'flow' too well. Their physics are a bit all over the place.


After taking all of the changes and additions presented in Update 10, it has become blindingly obvious to me that Digital Extremes has no god damn idea of what to do with Warframe. Broken promises, Skinner Box reliance, nasty Power Creep, avoidance of fixing huge and persistent bugs and glitches, outdated content, unaddressed performance issues, brain-dead AI, stiff and clunky UI, and to top it all off, blocking out crucial community feedback, all point to this assumption.


Relevant posts in-thread:

So let's say that adding that kind of depth becomes an "option". After doing every possible scenario with approaching a mission type is exhausted, what then? Would it not become another "choose" which method is the fastest to complete the missions more efficiently?


I like the ideas, but it becomes monotonous after a while with a lack of wide of mission archtypes. Your suggestions reminded me a lot of Deus Ex:HE and I enjoyed the game minus the bosses, as a matter of fact, I ended doing the most efficient method to complete each mission because it became time consuming for me. This could be implemented on more specialized missions or even an alert instead of adding it to every single mission just for a change of things every now and then.


 I want to explore every nook and cranny too, just not wanting to do it everytime.


My idea is to make playing through each mission a fun and satisfying experience while still being rewarding. Diligent players who like to explore would find this very satisfying. Rushers would still be able to quickly complete a mission (for whatever reason) as finding the objective is fairly easy to do.


Currently, this game is running solely on the Skinner Box Effect for replayability, which is painfully disgraceful. Players should want to play missions over again just because it was fun to sabotage the life support or have another faction board the ship or just to rush through it. This is what I mean by Depth.


I think you, Boatsniper will enjoy the proposal following as much as any...


This game does have a struggle with how deep the actual mission is (Retaking the Origin), and the depth of it's lore itself.  Unless you read the forums are have looked into Dark Sector, you lack nearly half of the knowledge of gameplay and what the actual goal is.  When you ask someone to describe Warframe, they kind of scratch their head and are like, "Uh...Hurrr Space-Ninjas!"  If that's all this game is to them?  They are the burn-out community for one, and secondly, they don't care for the depth as much as it's complexity, they enjoy the smooth gameplay and mechanics.


Therefore to reference some posts in this thread about how we are (very) limited to missions types, there would be a simple solution to abide both parties in reality.  People want hard missions, some want just MORE for VARIETY's sake, and some like them how they are but would like some more reasons to look around and enjoy the beautiful tiles they've spent time into (truly speaking).  To simply just make all tile sets set in stone would of course cause too much repetition and consequently R.I.P. Warframe, but if you created a unique mission type (two birds with one stone) called Adventure or Quest (Suggested names vary but the idea is clear), where they will tinker around the ship with caution to figure out what's going on (since you lose connections with Lotus), or be briefed before hand.  On topic re-post of a thousand Warframe members....we need more Lotus sound files, I don't want to be told on *@$%ing Phobos, that the "SHIP" is in lockdown....


As for the in-depth tile sets I fully agree and thus everyone should, it's logical, really fun to see Warframes DE's tile sets, and it could pose for a more much 'interesting' per say, way to farm materials or end up with a higher-end reward for exploration.  Let's say for instance, that you run into the ships engine room, what's one resource easily attributed to disabling or 'looting' from an engine?  Real-life terms even, "Salvage," easy rewards for exploration and therefore expanding content along with depth with little complexity.  Or let's say the Reactor of the ship could reward high content of "Circuits," or "Polymer Bundles."  This list of expanding your in-game content with depth is easily implemented through the creations of said rooms by Boatsniper.


I conclude that in-depth missions isn't a hard concept and wouldn't scare away much or any of the community, thus inviting some back or providing more content for the gamer currently (mind you is never a bad idea).  Also, to just have that orange dot is the issue, I'd say we add those kinds of perks to our Sentinel mods, since we have two extra spots all the time anyway, allowing them to have the downloaded layout of the map, and only through certain scenarios playing out (like a more in-depth hacking system [only accessible outside of lockdowns] to access such data) would be a more logical way to follow how the system and lore works.  Overall the little depth proposed in such detail by Boatsniper is highly encouraged to read / propose further feedback, this content/depth issue is direly becoming an issue for long-term players.


P.S. On a side note - Since the community is nearly always having a "This-is-too-easy/hard," whine-fest, we as part of the community should be pushing for options of choosing a difficulty (Room Leader) for each mission, for everyone can get their fix at their level of experience or preference.


**Edit: typos


A simplified version of the OP's idea would be a nice compromise.


Right now missions are repetitive and dull, not to mention that they give lame rewards. They need a rework and I think these ideas go in the right direction.



This is the 31st centry or more... lol   Its called intel. The lotus has survived this long and she cannot tell what the inside of a ship looks like, or where they have the artifacts?! Really bro... Intelligence. The Foundation war and logistics. 



Not that hard to explain.


And by that same logic, you should be detected the moment you set foot on the ship.

Technology counters technology. Not that hard to explain.




I've been thinking about your proposal. As stated before, a simplified version of your ideas could be what this game needs - more freedom, but still with defined objectives to acomplish.


An and idea crossed my mind - how about alternative objectives? Take as an example a simple sabotage mission. Instead of running your way to a fixed objective following the indicator and then getting the f... out, your team is deployed on the ship/planet and you receive your orders, "There are X vital spots in this ship/complex - 1,2... find and destroy as many as you can". The only indicator avaible from start is the exit point, marked in blue. As you go near an objective (let's say 5-6 rooms away from your current position), you are informed by Lotus and it is marked on the minimap. You only need to destroy it and get to exit zone.


Where's the difference to what we have now? That there is more tan one direction you can go deeper into the complex/ship, so you are not forced to follow a given path.


And now the most interesting change - instead of retreating to exit point, you can continue deeper into the ship/complex in search of more objectives. As you get close to the second one and it is marked on your minimap, enemy lvl scales, making it progressively harder to eliminate all objectives. The lvl increase is not triggered by time or waves but fixed, an increase for each objective located. if you finish them all, or when you have enough, you can make your way to the exit room to finish the mission.


And, of course, secondary objectives can be triggered as usual - lotus could inform you it has located a prisoner, or data you must obtain, etc.


Mission rewards should change, too - the better your performance was, the better the prize (it's not the same to blow a power node than blowing two power nodes, engineering control room and an arsenal, although both ends are a success).


To me, this seems a simplified version of your idea - freedom of choice instead of forced paths, but still following predefined orders and objectives. And a bit more challenge.


Your opinions? Critics? Thoughts?

So in short, making exploration actually mean something. A simplified version of my idea might work out better, like what you suggested. However, I would still like some form of destructible/interactive environments. What's the point of a giant contraption that serves no purpose whatsoever?


If I could touch on the issue with the early tilesets (Corpus Ship and Grineer Asteroid); they are horribly out dated. The Corpus Ship has never gotten an expansion or modification since the Alpha. Similar facts can be said about the Grineer Asteroid map. These two maps were the first tilesets in the game, and it is painfully obvious. You're running through the same rooms over and over again but starting from a different door (sometimes the same door). If you're lucky, you won't encounter this on the Grineer Galleon map or the Void, and maybe the Corpus Outpost if you're really lucky.


In short, the existing maps need an expansion with some form of depth at some point in the future.


I'd like you for these ideas if it wasn't actually a one thing. I've posted similar things with nicely organised text previously and all I received was like 20 likes. And everyone else just attracts readers like a magnet and receive hundreds of likes. I seriously want the same things but somehow people (AND ESPECIALLY DEVS) keep away from my threads.

Everyone who did read, said that suggestions were very good, but it's just that devs won't give any feedback.

You are going to have a different opinion than mine. I fully understand that. Go ahead and let me know what you have in mind. You may think I'm being too harsh. I will tell you that I am a cynical bastard. The world isn't made sunshine and rainbows.


Recent events have caused a rather large uproar within the community and tensions are running high. I want to provide at least some form of solution for Digital Extremes that players, new and old, can thoroughly enjoy. Granted, this would take a lot of work to get right, but it is badly needed if people will keep playing the game.


"Some" parting words: Wisdom and Intelligence are two different things that people often get confused. Intelligence is, for example, knowing how to make a game (coding, animation, models, etc.). Wisdom is knowing how to make a good game (gameplay, level design, bugs, flow, etc). People can have one, both, or neither of the two, but Wisdom is the most important to have. Adolph Hitler was an intelligent man, but he had the wisdom of a rock, which led to his ultimate demise. Digital Extremes is a group of intelligent game developers who know how to make a game. Unfortunately, they lack some crucial wisdom to make a good and enjoyable game. This is where the community comes in. We can provide all of the feedback and ideas needed to make this game fantastic, but it's up to the developers to act on those ideas or to ignore them.


TL;DR: Repeat after me: "I have no attention span, patience, or respect for people who have taken time out of their day to write long and in-depth responses for a game I care about."

Edited by Boatsniper
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I love this! I really do. Each mission cant be a 30-60min thing, but I agree the missions have no depths. I really hope we will see something like this in the future. It would make everything much more enjoyable!


Well done comming up with this!

Edited by Zareek
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Right now, players only have four types of rewards: Modules, Experience, Credits, and Materials.  (And blueprints, though those are unique rewards from bosses or alerts.)  For any particular type of reward, players are just going to grind the most efficient way to get any of them until they have enough, and, once they have enough, those players are going to ignore anything that gives that type of reward in favor of something else.


This seems like a diverse idea on its surface, but how tedious does it become once a player is doing the same sequence of events in the same order ten times over?

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The only huge problem with this is that the maps can be very confusing for people. Remember nightmare mode when it removed minimaps? Remember how many people said they got lost for 40 minutes because they couldn't figure out where to go?

Now there's no need to preach to the choir. I like exploration and also don't have much trouble with the maps (although I don't think it would be fun to "explore" the Grineer map sections with the 5 floors of stair cases just to find the green door). Unfortunately, the maps were build with a minimap in mind; they made some of them purposely convoluted and depended on that little orange dot to help us along.

So I get why you suggested this, but it's also not going to work with the game currently, and I don't expect too many "tile sets" to be redone to accommodate no map.


Also, this barely changes anything with missions not having any depth. It just makes you wander most of the time. I do agree the missions should have more depth, and I'll wait for DE's new modes and mode revamps and see if they need some feedback there.

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The only huge problem with this is that the maps can be very confusing for people. Remember nightmare mode when it removed minimaps? Remember how many people said they got lost for 40 minutes because they couldn't figure out where to go?


Now there's no need to preach to the choir. I like exploration and also don't have much trouble with the maps (although I don't think it would be fun to "explore" the Grineer map sections with the 5 floors of stair cases just to find the green door). Unfortunately, the maps were build with a minimap in mind; they made some of them purposely convoluted and depended on that little orange dot to help us along.

So I get why you suggested this, but it's also not going to work with the game currently, and I don't expect too many "tile sets" to be redone to accommodate no map.


Also, this barely changes anything with missions not having any depth. It just makes you wander most of the time. I do agree the missions should have more depth, and I'll wait for DE's new modes and mode revamps and see if they need some feedback there.

I never said anything about no minimap. I just said that the layout of the level was not known to the player. As you explore, the minimap adds rooms that you have entered, and bringing up the 3D map will show you which rooms have open doors you haven't gone through yet. It's more Metroidvania in that sense. The design of most of them don't need to be reworked to accommodate this system.


The bare minimum that you need for rushing is the ship layout and the objective location. If people still want to rush, let them. The scenario I provided was through the eyes of a new player. You can find the objective easily by accessing a computer terminal (the same terminal where you get the datamass), which also gives you the layout.


Exploration is not rewarded and player choices mean basically nothing with the current system, which doesn't work. How else would depth be added to the game?


Also, have a video on the subject:

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I like this idea. There should be way more depth and I've done just about every mission in the game. Ceres aside, every mission is pretty much the same. The only ones that take forever are the settlement marathons and wave 40 defenses. I wish there was this much depth in the game because it would make me think; Which is something I don't have to do on these missions.

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That is a whole different game altogether. Deus Ex: Tenno Revolution? No thanks, this is primarily an action-oriented game. A lot of people wouldn't be playing it if it was like that.

Edited by Pekku
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One big thing that needs to happen to give missions more depth is making the maps much less linear, fixing the AI to actually be good, and adding more tiles to make each mission seem different, and hell, each mission seem different to itself (there are some where you go through one tile to enter the... same tile.)


I like your suggestion a LOT too, but it's something that'd get stonewalled by the community, so sadly it'll probably not happen.

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So let's say that adding that kind of depth becomes an "option". After doing every possible scenario with approaching a mission type is exhausted, what then? Would it not become another "choose" which method is the fastest to complete the missions more efficiently?


I like the ideas, but it becomes monotonous after a while with a lack of wide of mission archtypes. Your suggestions reminded me a lot of Deus Ex:HE and I enjoyed the game minus the bosses, as a matter of fact, I ended doing the most efficient method to complete each mission because it became time consuming for me. This could be implemented on more specialized missions or even an alert instead of adding it to every single mission just for a change of things every now and then.


 I want to explore every nook and cranny too, just not wanting to do it everytime.

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The reason missions have no depth, is because they are randomly generated from tiles.


If you want actual depth to the missions, you just have to construct them by hand, at least to a degree. I'm rather surprised that DE didn't move away from random tile sets into crafted missions as the game progressed, because its a big cause of boredom since all missions play the same.



 I want to explore every nook and cranny too, just not wanting to do it everytime.

What if its the missions leading up to the boss of a system, and the system boss?

All the other paths and missions at the entry to a system can still be your standard slap-dash missions. The ones closer to the boss are structured, expound upon the lore of the area and have a nice build up to confrontation.

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Missions feel generic becose they are generic.


They are generated in same way over and over again.


Rooms are linked in same way. It is basicly one way from start to end. Some dead end rooms with loot on side of road.

Problem is not in complexity of gameplay. I like gameplay like it is. ( i want more silent weapons, shut down lights by teminal would be nice, some

mini bosses would be nice too ...... blabla )


Way of generating maps is not about idea. Some programer has to make generator works better.

Not link everthink in same way all over again.  Make way to dead end loot rooms linked by some long room or hall. Not just open a door do 2 steps and loot.


Yes this is in game already. But not much. I feel little bit dept only in data collection missions.




Another solutions it will be some minicampaing.

Like Operatin Arid Fear. You have to do one mission to get key to next mission.


Imagine if someone build few missions and pack them on minicampign.

First mission: Corpus ship - collect data. - data will give you location of corpus officer.

Second mission : Corpus ship - capture. captured officer give you location of Hyena boss.

Third mission: Corpus base - assasination. kill Hyena she will drop some blueprint.






One missions doesnt feel like there is a ship. It feel like rooms generated and likned together.

Maybe if players can make maps same way like they build dojo rooms ( no resource need ).

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So let's say that adding that kind of depth becomes an "option". After doing every possible scenario with approaching a mission type is exhausted, what then? Would it not become another "choose" which method is the fastest to complete the missions more efficiently?


I like the ideas, but it becomes monotonous after a while with a lack of wide of mission archtypes. Your suggestions reminded me a lot of Deus Ex:HE and I enjoyed the game minus the bosses, as a matter of fact, I ended doing the most efficient method to complete each mission because it became time consuming for me. This could be implemented on more specialized missions or even an alert instead of adding it to every single mission just for a change of things every now and then.


 I want to explore every nook and cranny too, just not wanting to do it everytime.

Why rush through a mission when the real reward is hidden somewhere in the level? The cargo bay, for example. The Corpus are merchants, right? There has to be something good hidden in their cargo bay, be it a collection of mods, a weapon part, a Warframe BP, a hoard of resources, or even a Void Key. You'd never know unless you explore, and this will offer a real and true incentive for exploration. Yes, you can still go through each mission in the most "efficient" way possible, but keep in mind that every level is randomly arranged. You could be closer to the robotics facility than the main reactor. That's the beauty of the RNG.


On the subject of the other factions: The Grineer would have rooms and such similar to the Corpus, but depending on which tileset it is (Asteroid or Galleon) different rooms will be available.


Now the Infested... This one's a bit tricky to deal with. The whole ship is in a blackout, meaning there's no power to run anything, including the computer terminals. To get everything back up and running, the player(s) would need to repair/reactivate the main reactor. Don't worry, you won't be blindly going from room to room searching for the reactor. Since the ship is in a blackout, you have already scanned the interior, giving you the layout as well as the location of the main reactor. You just need to get there. Once it's activated, the Infested will become more aggressive and alert due to everything suddenly coming back on. Now here's the fun part. If you're on a Corpus ship, you can reactivate the robotics facility and have the ship start producing Moas to attack the Infested. By default, they will attack anything that isn't Corpus, including you. With the main reactor back online, you can then find your objective and leave. Of course, all the other rooms are available too.

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Yeesh, sounds like you're trying to make the missions themselves fun. Don't you know that they're just there for us to grind, ya noob? *Eyeroll*


Yes, this type of thing would be great. Make me want to play the mission because the mission is FUN, not because I want a new gun.


Also, it would only work if the layout generator was better. Right now we only have one way to go, and one way only. Instead of making a marathon of individual rooms, they'd need to have the generator create a functional ship. Maybe not an efficient one, but functional.(Has engines, controls, life support, all that jazz.) Can't be that difficult, just modify the generator to use a few different parameters, add more doors to rooms, perhaps a little more verticality(Fix that minimap before you do.) and just make sure that all rooms are accessible. Well, as I'm not a programmer, I wouldn't know how hard that is, but using a roguelike generator and apply it to the current system(It builds using the rooms we have.) and I don't know, could work.

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I'd say this idea is genius and goes along with the idea of us being "Ninja" very well, as it accomdates everything a Ninja could and should do. However I'd say this really would almost need the game to go through a complete overhaul, maybe even to the point of having to shut down and come back up to make this idea happen.

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building off what I've read in the OP


Capture mission


"our target must not know we're here"

you hear lotus say it all the time but it really doesn't matter does it?


now it does


on top of needing to find out where the target is (through hacking and exploring) if you're detected the target will start to move towards the escape pods/fight deck w/e and leave, you can prevent this in a number of ways through teamwork by having someone split off and hack the doors to cut off escape ahead of time or finding the main computer (mini boss there) and putting in new coordinates to all the escape pods or say the target has his/her own shuttle then enter in the new coordinates directly, poor s o b thinks they've gotten away from the tenno only to fly right into the lotus's waiting hands


but lets say you're spotted

the target leaves

missions not over


now you're to eliminate the crew and blow the ship/evidence that you were there

pull this off and you're still rewarded

pull off a flawless stealth capture and the RNG chances for rare rewards would be a bit better




going back to

missions not over


start an infestation on the ship, infect a crew member and avoid futher detection while you make your get away after you've stolen the ships records

there are just so many ways to add to this game it makes me hopeful and depressed

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All of the above needs to happen. This game has SOOOO much potential. If it was fully realized I wouldn't be choosing to play Call of Duty over Warframe would I? Alas, most of this potential will not be realized for more these reasons.


1. Free to play. As this game is free to play, The money it would take to implement those features would most likely take a entirely new engine which would not be anywhere near cheap.


2. Graphics. You are suggesting destructibility, hundreds of entity existing at once, etc... They need to make sure this game will run on a average budget computer, Those feature only run on higher budget gaming computers.


3. Time. This game is scheduled to release on PS4. That's only a few months away and this would take quite a while to program, produce, polish, and debug.


Now don't get me wrong I love your ideas, and I would die to see them placed in the game, but unless a miracle occurs I doubt that these drastic changes will have a chance to be implemented.

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I mean no ofense but are you sure about this?

adding that type of game modes would be repetitive,if many ppl complain because the game is repetitive,do you imagine how is going to be if they add a LONG and REPETITIVE game type?

you are not going to spend 10 mins in the mission,you are going to spend 60 mins (by example) and doing the same thing over and over again only for one drop would be really anoyying

at first i thought it could be a good idea but if you think about it,it's not that good.


I saw a guy posting something abou a labyrinth or something like that, why would you do something like that and whit out a map.


I know i might be wrong,but is what i think about it...

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I mean no ofense but are you sure about this?

adding that type of game modes would be repetitive,if many ppl complain because the game is repetitive,do you imagine how is going to be if they add a LONG and REPETITIVE game type?

you are not going to spend 10 mins in the mission,you are going to spend 60 mins (by example) and doing the same thing over and over again only for one drop would be really anoyying

at first i thought it could be a good idea but if you think about it,it's not that good.


I saw a guy posting something abou a labyrinth or something like that, why would you do something like that and whit out a map.


I know i might be wrong,but is what i think about it...

My idea is to make playing through each mission a fun and satisfying experience while still being rewarding. Diligent players who like to explore would find this very satisfying. Rushers would still be able to quickly complete a mission (for whatever reason) as finding the objective is fairly easy to do.


Currently, this game is running solely on the Skinner Box Effect for replayability, which is painfully disgraceful. Players should want to play missions over again just because it was fun to sabotage the life support or have another faction board the ship or just to rush through it. This is what I mean by Depth.

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