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Orokin Catalyst/reactor - Credit Version!


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The idea as a whole is stupid really if you think about it.


The platinum version may be better, but it's not free.


Fact is, it'd need to be significantly weaker then your suggestion, or the platinum version would need to be stronger in order to make the difference actually worth the upgrade.


I appreciate the whole thing you're doing, but as someone who hasn't bought a founders pack, (and also assuming you haven't bought platinum) it sounds like you're suggesting this for your own benefit so you don't have to spend money.


And it's not the first time someone has tried this sort of stunt.




Compromise -

  1. agreement: a settlement of a dispute in which two or more sides agree to accept less than they originally wanted



There is no dispute, you want free stuff.

You're not accepting less then you originally wanted, you want free stuff.

Funny, yes i have purchased platinum (£30, to me is justified), but no, i havnt spent £100+ on a beta game.


One could even turn the tables and say you have simply spent so much money on this game, the thought of someone getting a sub-standard item for free upsets you?


You need to accommodate everyone's wallet sizes.

The option i suggested would allow that, whilst, still ensuring the platinum version is prefered.

No matter what way you try to justify yourself, my suggestion makes sense. Your just annoyed that your £200+ purchases wont make your characters overpowered ;)


I believe you will never compromise due to your current purchases. I understand you would be annoyed, but, think of the game as a whole instead of yourself?

Edited by Fourdee
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I just remembred something...we already have that kind of thing with the auras why do we need something like that when we have the auras 14 mod points  

- Auras only apply to your frame, thats only 1/4 of available options.

- You would still be 15 points short of the platinum version, regardless.

- Platinum version would still be prefered, those 15 extra points would make all the difference.

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- Auras only apply to your frame, thats only 1/4 of available options.

- You would still be 15 points short of the platinum version, regardless.

- Platinum version would still be prefered, those 15 extra points would make all the difference.

Well ok lets factor in your idea of the pseudo potato,if I use an Aura and your potato ill be left at 59mods points.Ok now I use formas and bam I have no reason to spend money because I just did everything with credits+ time . Hell I only need 1 forma to change my frames aura to -- for energy syphon i guess(since everyone loves that)  and I have 1 less than buying a potato.

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Well ok lets factor in your idea of the pseudo potato,if I use an Aura and your potato ill be left at 59mods points.Ok now I use formas and bam I have no reason to spend money because I just did everything with credits+ time . Hell I only need 1 forma to change my frames aura to -- for energy syphon i guess(since everyone loves that)  and I have 1 less than buying a potato.

You would still be 15 points short of of a platinum version.

I think you fail to see the logic.


Those 15 extra points would still make a huge difference.

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You would still be 15 points short of of a platinum version.

I think you fail to see the logic.


Those 15 extra points would still make a huge difference.

If I was obsessed with min/max when its not needed then yes..yes they would except you're forgetting that people did more than fine with just 60 points before the forma or the aura were introduced so they only make a difference if like I said you really want to min/max when its not needed.Heck I didnt even change my setups when the Auras came,I just have 14 or 7 points just sitting there and I don't even forma frames because I think its a waste of time. 

Edit: not to mention I can make up the difference with forma IF I really wanted to so in a sense you would remove an incentive for buying potatoes when I can just use free forma that doing the runs for would in turn let me buy  more  pseudo potatoes

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Funny, yes i have purchased platinum (£30, to me is justified), but no, i havnt spent £100+ on a beta game.

One could even turn the tables and say you have simply spent so much money on this game, the thought of someone getting a sub-standard item for free upsets you?

You need to accommodate everyone's wallet sizes.

The option i suggested would allow that, whilst, still ensuring the platinum version is prefered.

No matter what way you try to justify yourself, my suggestion makes sense. Your just annoyed that your £200+ purchases wont make your characters overpowered ;)

I believe you will never compromise due to your current purchases. I understand you would be annoyed, but, think of the game as a whole instead of yourself?

If this were to be implemented, it would just mean more potatoes for me, so your statement is a bit idiotic, though I guess any wild animal backed into a corner fights for it's life right?

But as the point stands, a free to play game needs a source of income, potatoes, forma and slots are the primary sources of income, your 'compromise' reduces the incentive/impact of platinum potatoes, as a result, sales of them will most definitely fall, negatively impacting sales.

I'd suggest you brush up on economics and indirect influences of your suggestion before posting.

Edit : My characters are far from overpowered because I spent money, money was spent to support the game, everything I have can be obtained for free, so that statement is well. It's just plain stupid.

You make the game sound like it's pay to win, which is silly. Please think about the influences on sales and the company before thinking of yourself.

Edited by TerataiHancur
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I think the orokin reactors and catalysts are already affordable, they are cheaper then everything else in the store, except for avatar packs.


You buy them in larger quantities too so in terms of quantiy, they cost more.  Also, making things cheaper in the store would allow for more people to buy more potentially making more money for DE.

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You buy them in larger quantities too so in terms of quantiy, they cost more.  Also, making things cheaper in the store would allow for more people to buy more potentially making more money for DE.

This I will agree on,Ive never agreed with most of the prices in the market and always felt they might get more if they tweaked the prices to encourage more impulse buys or more bundle buying.I'm assuming the current prices are working well so they just went with "if it ain't broke,don't fix it" .

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If this were to be implemented, it would just mean more potatoes for me, so your statement is a bit idiotic, though I guess any wild animal backed into a corner fights for it's life right?

A animal in a corner?

Honestly, is that the way you work, try to put people down who simply have a different opinion than you?

If you cant debate an issue without resorting to childish bullying, i have no time for it.


We agree to disagree, either way, none of us are right.

Without the sales figures, or, knowing the buying behaviour of players, you and i will never truly be able to make a "correct" assumption.


Regardless of what you and i think, its down to DE (with maybe some influence from the current players) to make a choice.

Edited by Fourdee
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A animal in a corner?

Honestly, is that the way you work, try to put people down who simply have a different opinion than you?

If you cant debate an issue without resorting to childish bullying, i have no time for it.


We agree to disagree, either way, none of us are right.

Without the sales figures, or, knowing the buying behaviour of players, you and i will never truly be right.


Regardless of what you and i think, its down to DE (with maybe some influence from the current players) to make a choice.


Eh, I took a hostile reaction when you implied I had selfish motivation in your first reply, you threw the first stone, though I guess I did the same thing, point stands though, 30 points is more than enough, I did just fine before I spent money on the game, and if this is implemented then platinum potatoes will definitely need to be buffed or their incentive will be reduced.

Edited by TerataiHancur
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The time some of you have wasted typing out posts begging for free stuff you could have put into even a minimum wage job and gotten a potato. This is a business not a charity. And even charities provide for essential items not fluff like video games. This is a first world "issue", nothing more.

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De doesn't hand out cash only items like candy. if you want it, you are going to work for it by checking twitter constantly through the dedicated app. On average, catalyst alerts occur about twice or three times a month but it is usually due to livestream alerts. I think that is plenty considering the time it takes to forma a weapon to make it perfect. If you truly want to make your weapon perfect, either buy it or be patient.


From a competitive standpoint, aside from slots, free players can EVENTUALLY be as competitive as a platinum spender but they will have to be diligent about the first 50 plat spent and must check alerts often.


For example, I have been playing for almost 3 months and I have 6-7 potatoed guns and 3 potatoed warframes... and did not use a single plat. However, I enjoy versatility in the game so I bought weapon slots to ensure that I can keep all the weapons I'd like to hold.

That's not working for it, that's not having a life and hoping the RNG favors you when you happen to be online. You have to 'work for it' more in getting a jackpot from a digital slot machine in Vegas than you do getting a tater in Warframe.
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