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Is This What Can Be Concidered A "maxed Out" Excalibur?



I would like your opinion on my Excalibur setup. I've maxed out pretty much everything, except from the Redirection and Vitality. I've heard Vitality isnt to good; so im jumping back and forth between that and Fast Deflection.
Is there anything wrong? Whats good? What can I change/improve to make it better? 

Im going to forma it two more times btw... Guess where ;P


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i would recommend replacing stretch with heavy impact as stretch dosent benifit any of excals powers except range on radial blind also vitality is well worth leveling if u dont have good health when your shields reach zero u die almost instantly as well as it being good to have high health in nightmare mode missions where you might have no shields at all

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You shouldn't have formaed him that much, stretch is useless on excalibur, use continuity, ( continuity is V polarity)

You see... first slot to polarize on excal is his aura slot.

We cant change anything now, because you polarized the slots.


If you really want some changes


Remove : Stretch ( first comment )


Add : Continuity


Assuming that you have only 8 points ( im not sure, its 8 or 3?) left then Continuity uses 11 points, (2 points left ) and constitution ( 13 points + wrong polarity ) or fortitude cant fit there, im not sure about fortitude polarity.


Dont trust people that say stretch is good on excal, its useless, it does nothing.

And put 3 more ranks in vitality, +120%  health, to get the health that you lost when removing vigor.

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Stretch doesn't do anything on Excal... Remove it.

Stretch increases the AoE of Radial Blind. That is all it will do though, so keep it if you like having more range on Blind. If not, you could replace it with Constitution, Enemy Sense, Fortitude, Hand Spring, Heavy Impact, Master Thief, Rush, Steamline, or Thief's Wit, as they all have a Bar Polarity. Of those I would recommend either Streamline for casting those powers more often. Master Thief and Thief's Wit are useful when farming for resources, so it migh be good to keep them on hand for when you feel like using them. Rush is obviously nice for speed runs. I have heard that Heavy impact will work with Super Jump when you have Focus and/or the Pendragon Helmet, so you could use that if you so please.


I would also recommend the Pendragon Helmet. +15% Power Strength is quiet significant.

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Excalibur is my favourite frame too :)


First of all, stick with Vitality. It is far superior to Fast Deflection, because there are damage types that bypass shields completely.

Ditch Flow for Streamline. Spending less energy is better than having high max energy, because with that you can use your abilities sooner, and can be efficient with less energy orbs around. 

Replace Stretch with Continuity. Not only does it enhance Dash range, it also affects your Radial Blind, which is your most usefull ability on higher levels. 

I alsowould change Focus for Rush. Ability damage is not that important on higher levels? and I prefer speed.


You can have a lllllot of fun with Focus+Heavy Impact+Pendragon Helmet combination though, sbecause Focus makes you Super Jump even more Super :D

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Stretch doesn't do anything on Excal... Remove it.

It works for Radial Blind but not that worth it imo... (both mods on excalibur)

also on radial javelin, but its a skill that you usually use when it get crowded upclose.



i got another build with my excalibur prime (has extra V slot compared to excalibur)

forma'd it once (aura to - for energy siphon)


Pendragon Helmet [i found a color combo that matches the helm to prime]


Aura: Energy Siphon

Slash Dash =

Radial Javelin =

Super Jump =

Fortitude = [bAD SLOT]

Redirection D

Focus V

Continuity V [add's extra distance to slash dash; worth it in my opinion, could swap for Flow on normal Excalibur or forma it away for Flow]


Streamline ((ow so important you should get this will cut slash dash to 18 energy, super jump to 7, radial javelin to 70]

Heavy Impact (inb4 it sucks; nice knockdown and at low lvls a killer)


74/74 used


hp 740

shield 740

shield recharge 93.6

sprint 1.00

armor 47


Radial Javelin dmg: 1450 per javelin (on a boss with bullet attractor; all javelins will hit the boss combining to 21750 dmg)

slash dash: 725 dmg and 20.8m instead of 16.0m


slash dash 18 energy cost and since it deals serated damage its a good spam skill.


tl;dr bout skills:

enemies in line = slash dash

surounded: javelin time

jump= to many enemies escape trick with giving team also time cause of KB at landing tnx to heavy impact

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Whoever says remove Radial Blind has no idea how to play an Excalibur to its most... just sayin.


If you are willing to reforma one slot, Id take out that 3rd defense slot and fit in a V slot.


Id go with all 4 powers, and then slot the 6 slots like this:


1 - Redirection

2 - Fast Deflection/Vigor/Vitality, depends on the situation, faction, mission type.

3 - Flow, 150 energy at max level on most high level missions isnt enough, this is a must.

4 - Focus, More damage on Slash Dash and Radial Javelin + bigger Super Jump, also a must

5 - Continuity, more blinding time, bigger slash dash, great synergy with Excal

6 - Streamline, Use more Slashes and more of any other skill? Another great mod for him.


Depending on the mission change around Streamline/Continuity for Heavy Impact, along with Pendagron, Focus and Super Jump its a powerful combo.


Thats why I said to leave a bar and a V, that way if you remove Streamline, it will be on a non polarized slot, making room for Heavy Impact, same with Continuity.


Id never polarize the Aura, that way Excal continues to be the most balanced frame, it allows him to actually change auras to better suit the team :)

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