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Been Playing For A Couple Weeks And Have A Couple Questions



So, I started the game a couple weeks ago and so far I'm loving the game.

I started with Excalibur and have managed to farm up Banshee, Trinity, Rhino, and Ash..which are all cooking in the oven and my "plan" is to only buy plat to unlock a few color pallets and warframe/inventory slots here shortly..kinda been waiting to hit a decent coupon for the daily reward to maximize buying power.

Anyhow..I'm a bit confused on Formas. Can anyone explain their use and polarizing? I've backed out 5-6 times now because I don't want to waste the one Forma I've managed to craft up.

Second question is..are catalysts market/alert awards only or do they come from the void?

Speaking of the Void..I have about 7 keys saved up ranging from T1-T3 but haven't stepped in because I don't want to waste the key to find out U'm extremely under geared..is there a "level" req and if so what do people suggest.



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14 answers to this question

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Platinum discounts are only for 7day+ daily reward, but its random, so good luck. Keep those 3 stars up.


Forma. Sets slot of weapon/warframe to polarity you select. This polarity halves the energy cost of same polarity mod. Also resets the thing to rank 0. And no, mastery doesnt add up, when re-leveling it.


Catalysts/reactors come from alerts or 7+ daily reward, but thats rare. They are guaranteed after each community livestream aswell in 24 hour alert.


T1 - enemies are levels up to 20

T2 - enemies are levels 20-50

T3 - enemies are levels 50-100

T3 Defense goes up to level 140.

-> reflect by yourself if you can beat those levels in galaxy map or try getting some help from other players in recruitment chat.

Edited by eStecko
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1. Forma - There are a couple different uses.  One is to "Polarize" a weapon or warframe.  This will reset the level of the item to 0, and allows you to add a polarity to a slot or change an existing polarity slot.  The other use is building clantech weapons.  You need a forma in order to make them.  You can also buy these on the market (20 plat I believe).


2.  Catalysts (potato) - Daily login bonus, alerts for blueprint, or the market (20 plat)


3.  Void - T1/2 voids are pretty easy, stay away from defense unless you have a group.  If you're in a clan, you can prob hit them with clan mates at whatever level you are with a full group.  T3 voids get a little tough unless you have your gear set up pretty well.  I would say you can hit voids as long as you have your frame and primary up to at least 20 with a group, 30 if solo.

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Once a weapon/warframe is at Rank 30, you can choose to reset its ranks and change the polarity (polarise) of one slot. Clicking Polarise will bring up the UI, where you can click on any mod slot to cycle through the polarity signs. Polarised slots halve the mod cost  of matching signs, and add a quarter to mismatching signs.


Personally I'd recommend to not polarise anything unless you really really reallllllllyyyy like playing with it, to the point that if a Prime, Vandal, or whatever the eff that could be considered as "replacement" for that particular weapon/'frame comes by in the future, or they completely rework a weapon to its core, you'd still keep that.


This saves you from the "I've polarised X like 6 times because it's super OP, and then DE releases / tweaks something which invalidates my hard work and made it pointless drivel".



Platinum discounts are only for 7day+ daily reward, but its random, so good luck. Keep those 3 stars up.


Catalysts/reactors come from alerts or 7+ daily reward, but thats rare. They are guaranteed after each community livestream aswell in 24 hour alert.


There are Platinum coupons at 1/3/7++ days, but they vary in discount percentage and validity period. IIRC 1 day only allows for 25/50% one-day coupons, whereas 7++ could potentiall give out 25/50/75% coupos with up to two days validity period.


Disclaimer: Livestream special alerts aren't guaranteed to be Catalysts or Reactors, they're whatever the DEvs wants to make them. We've had a few times where DEvs wanted to make it Forma.

Edited by Shion963
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Thanks for the info. Looks like I'll be smashing some T1 heads after work :)

Think I'll save my Forma for now and get a Warfeame that really sticks to me. I like Excal but I think Rhino is going to fit my playstyle a bit more.

Question though..what do you mean by keep the 3 stars up?



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Forma's been explained in detail in the above posts... I'm curious what it is you "backed out several times" from and why. You can complete any and all missions without the forma being used. You have to use it yourself for it to be either consumed, or built.


A few tips with void keys: (unless these have been changed recently, which I doubt)

1. You have to use the key to create a lobby, once used you invite people to the lobby. Unless of course you're going solo.


2. EVEN THOUGH YOU "USED" THE KEY IT'S NOT LOST!!! Leaving the lobby will return the key to you. Losing the match returns the key as well.


3. If someone you invite fails to join there is a chance he will create a "ghost player" in your lobby, this ghost player takes up a slot and will cause the lobby to have a maximum of 3 players until you remake the lobby. (this is where knowing about tip #2 helps)

Edited by AXCrusnik
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Thanks for the info. Looks like I'll be smashing some T1 heads after work :)

Think I'll save my Forma for now and get a Warfeame that really sticks to me. I like Excal but I think Rhino is going to fit my playstyle a bit more.

Question though..what do you mean by keep the 3 stars up?



Make sure you log in every day, that way you get the 7 day login bonuses.  If you miss a day, you go back to 1 and have to build it up again.

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Backed out of using my Forma on Excalibur is what I meant by that :)

I take it you can make your own 1 man clan etc for a dojo/clan weapons etc? Or is that really a waste and better off served to join a clan?

Appreciate the info..region chat is about useless for anything and I check out the wiki but there are so many varying opinions on what drops where and if it's bugged or not it's almost a waste to check out, unfortunatly.



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Backed out of using my Forma on Excalibur is what I meant by that :)

I take it you can make your own 1 man clan etc for a dojo/clan weapons etc? Or is that really a waste and better off served to join a clan?

Appreciate the info..region chat is about useless for anything and I check out the wiki but there are so many varying opinions on what drops where and if it's bugged or not it's almost a waste to check out, unfortunatly.




I forma'd my Banshee because I really like her playstyle (not to mentione I bought that with plat), and currently that's the only 'frame I have Forma'd.

I recommend looking around for a 'frame that sticks, and Forma that.


You CAN make a one-man clan (and nice trivia here: about 25% of clans are one-man). I've personally built a complete no-frills dojo with just two active players (and quite an amount of Market-bought Forma), so it is possible, but difficult alone. IIRC there are some clans that don't mind people joining for just getting clantech BPs, but making your own Dojo is kinda a satisfying process.


The wiki is a good source of info, but because of the recent implementation of Drop-Table 2.0, some info pertaining to item drops are kinda a jumbled mess for now. it'll be straightened out eventually, but for now take things with a grain of salt, and ask around the forums for confirmation.

Not saying to straight-out ignore the Wiki as a source of information, though.

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