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Overpowered Enemies

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I know DE wanted to give us a challenge, and enemies that can take a beating like Bob the Bombard is a fun challenge, but if you're in a full squad on a sortie, it can get out of hand. What I mean is enemies that give each other buffs, and having so many spawn because you're in a large squad.

Ancient Healers

These guys are no biggy. The only problem is when 3-4 of them spawn and they're all giving each other INSANE extra health, distributing status procs evenly to make them pointless, and giving these buffs to the other 50 enemies in the room. It spells death.

Possible Solution: Ancient Healers should not be within 200m of another.


Nullifiers are everyone's favorite! Sure one Nullifier is not a problem, but when you're in a full squad, I've seen FIVE all close together, protecting 50+ enemies, and if you try to rip their shields, they're covered from their li'l bud. Once you've destroyed all their bubbles, at least 2 of them are back up.

Possible Solutions: Nullifiers should not be within 200m of another, Nullifier bubbles should only be the size of a frost eximus' globe, destroying the bubble should not be based off of the number of hits but damage, and the bubbles should take 2x if not 3x longer to reboot.

Corrupted Crewman

They're one shot, no problem. But so are you. And since they're one of the most common enemies to spawn, in a full squad there can be 20 in a room, making it extremely hard to revive your teammates (especially when there's 4 healers to take the hits).

Possible Solution: Make them as rare to spawn as  a bombard, they pack a similar punch.

Shield Lancers

We've all been there, being constantly knocked into a corner, taking insane damage.

Possible Solutions: Butting with the shield should have a 5-10 second cool down, and butting with the shield should deal small amounts of damage. This next solution might sound funny, but consider how heavy a warframe is; butting with the shield should also knocdown or at least stagger the shield lancer as well.


Keep in mind that I'm not wanting ALL these solutions to take place at once, but at least one solution for each.


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Maybe you should say 'annoying' enemies instead.

For me, it would be those grappling hook enemies like scorpions and ancients. They first thing they do is to hook you. Oh, also those stompers! They are programmed so that they stomp at the right time when you just bullet jump in etc.

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Ancient healers is probably the weakest Ancient there is. There’s the Ancient Disruptor and Toxic Ancient and those two are the bigger threats at high level. Ancient disruptor can sap all of your energy in one grab, Toxic Ancient can one shot you at a high enough level and his Breath attack can kill you even when you are behind him. It’s even worse when there’s Multiple Ancient Disruptors because that means you have a higher chance of your energy leaving you. What i don’t get is there laser accurate Hooks at high level.

Corrupted Crewman can do serious damage with his Strun (Mostly in Mot) but he’s more of a close range enemy unlike the Nullifier which is mid - long range. The Corrupted Crewman can have a much easier time killing you at close range since Nullifier tend to have bad aim at close range.

Shield Lancers, i tend to use Valkyr’s Paralysis to get his shield out of the way before i Melee or shoot him to death. He can be annoying with his shield bash spam though and that should be looked at.

The enemies you Posted is not really Overpowered because there can be even worse enemies. Have you spawned 20 Executioner Dhurnam or Commander before his Teleport got changed?

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The main problem as I see it is the spawn density of 'elite' units simply getting cranked up as an endless mission progresses. There's no noticeable sanity cap on them, they merely seem to follow a fairly simple formula of 'pile it on'.  
This changes them from merely annoying to an actual threat which of course is frequently countered with cheese of our own once the math gets out of hand. It's not difficult but it's lame and unusually lacking in ambition. 

DE need to rethink the notion that elite units spawning in quicker than they can be killed represents actual challenge.

This is obviously exacerbated by the complete and utter design meltdown which is eximus auras, but that merits (yet another) long and loud thread of its own, preferably after Tennocon when people are in a position to see it.
Yesterday's sortie 3 (Defense, Infested, Eximus, on the smallest tileset in the game) had me laughing all the way through because it was so thoroughly ridiculous.

Sanity caps and proper spawn staggering and spawn management would be a start, but at some point DE need to put more time into creating actual challenges rather than annoyances that gradually get dialed up to 11 and then beyond.  

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10 hours ago, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:

Ancient Healers

These guys are no biggy. The only problem is when 3-4 of them spawn and they're all giving each other INSANE extra health, distributing status procs evenly to make them pointless, and giving these buffs to the other 50 enemies in the room. It spells death.

Possible Solution: Ancient Healers should not be within 200m of another.

Radiation. Use their ability against them.

10 hours ago, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:


Nullifiers are everyone's favorite! Sure one Nullifier is not a problem, but when you're in a full squad, I've seen FIVE all close together, protecting 50+ enemies, and if you try to rip their shields, they're covered from their li'l bud. Once you've destroyed all their bubbles, at least 2 of them are back up.

Possible Solutions: Nullifiers should not be within 200m of another, Nullifier bubbles should only be the size of a frost eximus' globe, destroying the bubble should not be based off of the number of hits but damage, and the bubbles should take 2x if not 3x longer to reboot.

Sneeze in the direction of the drone and they go down for quite a bit of time.

10 hours ago, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:

Shield Lancers

We've all been there, being constantly knocked into a corner, taking insane damage.

Possible Solutions: Butting with the shield should have a 5-10 second cool down, and butting with the shield should deal small amounts of damage. This next solution might sound funny, but consider how heavy a warframe is; butting with the shield should also knocdown or at least stagger the shield lancer as well.

You're being punished for allowing them into melee range. Kill them before they do.

10 hours ago, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:

Corrupted Crewman

They're one shot, no problem. But so are you. And since they're one of the most common enemies to spawn, in a full squad there can be 20 in a room, making it extremely hard to revive your teammates (especially when there's 4 healers to take the hits).

Possible Solution: Make them as rare to spawn as  a bombard, they pack a similar punch.

You have superior mobility. Use it.

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3 hours ago, peterc3 said:

Radiation. Use their ability against them.

Sneeze in the direction of the drone and they go down for quite a bit of time.

You're being punished for allowing them into melee range. Kill them before they do.

You have superior mobility. Use it.

I don't always have radiation procs ready.

Yes one is no problem, but if there's four together, it's practically impossible to shoot the drone.

Sometimes they charge, and running away makes it difficult to hit them through their visor, and to be able to know where you're going.

You don't have mobility when reviving a teammate.

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13 hours ago, VPrime96 said:

The enemies you Posted is not really Overpowered because there can be even worse enemies. Have you spawned 20 Executioner Dhurnam or Commander before his Teleport got changed?

Yes, and I see your point. But I've never seen two together in one room.

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Just now, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:

I don't always have radiation procs ready.

You're knowingly going into a mission with an enemy where Radiation works against it/its effects. That isn't an excuse.

1 minute ago, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:

Sometimes they charge, and running away makes it difficult to hit them through their visor, and to be able to know where you're going.

Punchthrough is a given on near any Primary weapon. No need to shoot it through the slot.

2 minutes ago, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:

 You don't have mobility when reviving a teammate.

CC, kill the enemies around the person dying. Have the person dying crawl to a place out of firing range. There are lots of options.

3 minutes ago, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:

 Yes one is no problem, but if there's four together, it's practically impossible to shoot the drone.

High RoF weapons shred the bubbles. They also are more likely to hit the drone.

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Just now, peterc3 said:

You're knowingly going into a mission with an enemy where Radiation works against it/its effects. That isn't an excuse.

Punchthrough is a given on near any Primary weapon. No need to shoot it through the slot.

CC, kill the enemies around the person dying. Have the person dying crawl to a place out of firing range. There are lots of options.

High RoF weapons shred the bubbles. They also are more likely to hit the drone.


Thanks I didn't know punch-through worked on their shields.

Yes, but teammate might not be a cooperative person.

Octavia is great for that, IK. But everyone complains about my song 😞 (since it's built for Nullifiers).

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1 minute ago, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:


Any weapon with Electricity and Heat either baked in or modded in.

2 minutes ago, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:

Yes, but teammate might not be a cooperative person.

Then let them die.

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Just now, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:

Lol ok, but they can't blame me

They really can't and you should feel free to ignore them if they can't be bothered to help you help them.

1 minute ago, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:

Arca Plasmor, thanks

Sure, also literally any other weapon with both Electricity and Heat mods.

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On 2018-07-07 at 9:38 PM, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:


Thanks I didn't know punch-through worked on their shields.

Yes, but teammate might not be a cooperative person.

Octavia is great for that, IK. But everyone complains about my song 😞 (since it's built for Nullifiers).

I removed the ability for other people to listen to my songs, in fact, I dont have a song, all my notes are 1/1 beats so I have no problem activating her abilities and all sound is muted so you hear nothing but silence. 

Best weapon I have found for nullifiers is the zakti. I have tested it and I can obliterate 8 level 150 nullifiers with 3 shots, if they are stuck together of course but it gives you an idea.

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- If you know you'll encounter Nullifiers (= Corrupted or Corpus mission) => take at least one fast-hitting Ranged weapon OR a hard-hitting Melee.

I never have any problem with Nullifiers if I'm using Ignis or Akstiletto, or any slide-attack-nightmare melee weapon. If you don't have any of these, well, the Operator can go inside the bubble too.

Reviving is also a non-existent problem now that we are cosplaying Limbo as the Operator.

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You mean underpowered right? Nullifiers have been nerfed so many times it's not even funny. Ancient healers are walking meat bags. You've got to get behind the shield lancers. Really, if anything, these poor NPCs could use a buff or two, especially nullifiers.

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My worst situation is a Nox filling me with blobs while I'm getting pulled by a Scorpion. Guaranteed death every time. Rarely happens though.

My favorite general use loadout:
Volt. Directional invulnerability on your shield and can place up to 6. I make myself into a turret. Over an objective if needs defending.
I have a good old Vectis as a primary. Depleted reload, crit, 2 elemental mods of your choice.
Secondary - Grakatas. Cool as Clem. Dump your crit mods on it. Make use of Hydraulic Crosshairs. Pop heads. Shreds through a nullifier in a second or two. 4 of them would probably need a reload. Not sure.
Hirudo as a melee for regaining health.
Vold speed buff helps Vectis and Grakatas a lot since those reload often. And the shield gives every friendly projectile +50% electrical damage mod and +2 to crit multiplier. Oh. And it stops Scorpion ropes.

Other than that:
Inaros. Can't die. Just bought augment so he can't be crowd-controlled either. No scorpion ropes here, either.
Vaykor/Hek for Justice. Heals my sandboi. Helps. And deals enough damage to deal with sortie-lvl enemies.
Grakatas because I love em.
Hirudo because I can't die while whacking with them.
a quadruped pet of your choice. Link Health, Pack Leader and Hunter Recovery. More heals for the sandboi. Also, 10k+ HP pet.
My current is a Helminth Charger. Proboscis and Trample are hard disable mods and are useful for chewier enemies. Her name is Yasha and has a Helminth Degenerate skin (you can buy it for credits). It's creepy so it goes with Inaros.
Edit: And I keep the Helminth cyst on Inaros' neck. Goes well with the theme.
Can be a Kavat instead because... Noble Egyptian theme loadout.

Duration and range mods. Mallet deals damage proportional to how much it recieves. Enemies deal a lot of damage, so I just plop it on an objective, stealth up and let the enemies kill themselves. It whacks the nullifier bubble down, too.
Also, my favorite frame for stealth missions. Unlike Loki, she can recast invisibility while it's active. Can't break it with movement like Ivara can and best of all - energy regeneration while invisible. If you have Energizing Dash (can get it after The War Within quest), you can keep all 4 of her abilities up constantly.
Invisibility also helps against getting pulled by a Scorpion.

Corrosive Projection on everything sortie-related. Especially with Hirudo.

Edit2: I played only 7 Warframes. Surely, there are even better ones.

Edited by Uthael
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Im sorry but theres challenge and theres bullS#&$. And Corrupted Crewmen (and Detron Crewmen tbh) are the latter. Over 700 health protected by 600 armor and i got instagibed. While moving. This is not something that can be pinned to "Oh, its hard content, you are a scrub, gtfo" category. Enemies on god damn sorties tickles in comparison. SORTIES. Lv 60 do 100. If level 45 Corrupted Crewmember does more damage than level 100 Lephantis, youve did #*!% up. 

The best part is, it wasnt always like that. Ever since what I think Planes certain enemies just deal ungodly ammount of damage, capable of one shotting everything that doesnt have cheesemunity. I dont want to roll with Rhino or Inaros every single time i need an argon crystal or theres sortie for Corpus or what have you. This should be adressed, cause it smells like a bug, that got overlooked because everybody and their mother uses cheddar to plow throu content without even thinking about it. 

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Anything that's not tanky or doesn't have cheesemunity should be parkouring like a ninja or keeping the enemies crowd controlled before they realize they exist.

The game doesn't have anything difficult to offer to people who try to squeeze out the best from their frames. Sorties are the next best thing.

Just now, I did elemental mobile defense, radiation excavation and physical raptor assassination. All 5 in my favorite Volt. As far as I can remember I've been downed 3-5 times. At least one of which was due to radiation friendly fire.
That's 3-5 times over 3 end-game missions. And I'm not even bothering about adjusting damage to enemy types or taking the right warframes for the mission.

The dailiy sculpture is guaranteed to always be the highest value sculpture. That's 3 missions for 3400 endo (stars are a source of endo, too 😛). The missions are easier than they should be.

But I agree that the formula of 'pile enemies on' is a wrong approach.
Edit: but many weapons, stats and abilities seem optimized for dealing with that (AoE, punch-through, spread, chaining). I would like to have to pay attention to what I'm killing, though. Most enemies just... Die... And then we're left with units which react differently to kill-em-all such as nullifiers or ancients. And for me, those electric Corpus crabs. They ignore Volt's abilities -.-

1 hour ago, Zawisza666 said:

If level 45 Corrupted Crewmember does more damage than level 100 Lephantis, youve did #*!% up.  

Lvl100 Lephantis could use a buff to damage and nerf to durability imho.

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2 hours ago, Zawisza666 said:

Im sorry but theres challenge and theres bullS#&$. And Corrupted Crewmen (and Detron Crewmen tbh) are the latter. Over 700 health protected by 600 armor and i got instagibed. While moving. This is not something that can be pinned to "Oh, its hard content, you are a scrub, gtfo" category. Enemies on god damn sorties tickles in comparison. SORTIES. Lv 60 do 100. If level 45 Corrupted Crewmember does more damage than level 100 Lephantis, youve did #*!% up. 

Not just because the Crewman do crazy damage, you have the 3x damage on top of it. Also, If you use a Squishy frame like Titania, a lvl 100 Lephantis can one shot you. If you use a Tank, then he would hurt you but not as much as a Mot Corrupted Crewman.

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Am 7.7.2018 um 18:28 schrieb peterc3:

You have superior mobility. Use it.

Area denial and hitscan weaponry make that harder than it sounds in some occasions, although I mostly agree with you 😄 .The only enemy type I really hate are the Scrambi with Angstrums. That gun is simply too strong in AI hands. And Harpoons...

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