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My Hate for Nef Anyo


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lemme tell you how I feel about this guy okay?

Hes been an annoyance before with his whole "prophet of profit" speak, and like any other corpus his greed is what irks me even more, but after watching the fortuna trailer... omg. Call me a bit much but, what he has done to Solaris United makes me even more aggravated with him. 

Free labor just so you can drown blissfully in all the money from their work? I know probably other high ranking corpus do the same but this coupled with sorta televangelist demeanor towards credits makes him a perfect corrupt and greedy capitalist board member. I'll tell you this:

I hate greedy motherf****rs like him

My props to DE for making not only a few characters but an entire faction I hate solely out of excessive greed.

The infested are feral and seemingly mindless killing machines.

*questionable meh*

The grineer are fighting to survive and eliminating those who stand in their way

*concerning meh*

But the corpus screwing people over just for some metal chip?

*mega no*

In my opinion, they suck (as characters or individuals idk how to put it; not as in DE did a horrible job creating them. they did good,  that's why I'm making this post lol). Nef is the cherry on top of it all, him and darvo's dad, and Salad V (spelt wrong on purpose), but mostly Nef cuz hes too full of himself.

So PLEAASSEE DE give him a boss node. DO IT, so I can have non-stop dates with the stalker. :cool:

That's my opinion, I'll leave ya to it.

Edited by Rauxa9
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I completely agree.  I hated this guy from the very beginning tbh, and Fortuna just made me hate him more.  I just want to blow his body apart with a Tigris Prime so hard that his ancestors dating back hundreds of years will feel it.

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2 minutes ago, Oksanya said:

I completely agree.  I hated this guy from the very beginning tbh, and Fortuna just made me hate him more.  I just want to blow his body apart with a Tigris Prime so hard that his ancestors dating back hundreds of years will feel it.

you and me both, Just to shoot his greedy ass out of all his investments and income.

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I hope when we get the boss fight (And maybe eventual ACTUAL Boss Fight. Looking at you, Vay hek) that we Break him in the end of it. Actually break him. Make him scream that he doesn't want to die for this fake Faith he's so heavily backed up and pushed. Make him, in a way, renounce that he ever believed any of it was actually true, and that he, as we already know, was just in it for the easy money all along.


I want that pompous pig to squeal.

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See I want the opposite. I want a quest (well more a quest line but not have to wait between them like we usually do) where we're forced to work with him. Can be for whatever reason doesn't matter what as long as its compelling but only for him to stab us in the back at the end giving us finally a reason to hunt him down and eradicate his worthless existence....sorry let my inner Grineer out there but you get my point. Would be cool

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24 minutes ago, (PS4)VanTX89 said:

*Waiting on Corrupted Nef. If you thought Vor was bad with his speech, oh boy!*

Look at me, the void chose me as its prophet of profit. The Tenno use the keys and come to my church, but they're mere heretics. Only I, Nef Anyo, know the true profit of the Void. I was cut in credit pieces, destroyed, but through its profit, the Void called to me. It brought me here and here I was redeemed. We cannot blame these scoundrels, they're being led by a false prophet, an impostor who knows not the riches of the Void. Behold the heretics, come to steal our profit in our sacred church. My investors, did I not tell of this day? Did I not prophesize this moment? Now I will stop them. Now I am changed, reborn through the energy of the Void. Let it be known, if these heretics want redemption, they will lay down their arms and GIVE UNTO THE VOID.

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As viscerally fun (and satisfying) as it would be to tear him apart, especially more than once - it would be very easy for another Corpus to just take his place, given how the Corpus have things setup.

I want the option to throw him into a locked room with all the Solaris people, give them full admin access to all of Nef Nayo's accounts and holdings, along with blowtorches, wrenches, and pliers - and tell the Solaris to have fun.  Then, you come back a few hours later and check on things.

Only then would I feel satisfied about putting his head on a spike outside the Solaris city limits.

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Praise the Void with your marvelous credits!

I love Nef Anyo and the Corpus Faction.



Since The Lotus is dumping on us, I no longer care for the Tenno faction.

I say we leave the Tenno Faction and start to work with the Corpus, at least they do know how to make a Profit.

Also robots, who doesn't want a robot army and awesome tech weaponry.

[ If that is out of the question, I will just stick with the Perrin Sequence for now. ]

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3 hours ago, Rauxa9 said:

lemme tell you how I feel about this guy okay?

Hes been an annoyance before with his whole "prophet of profit" speak, and like any other corpus his greed is what irks me even more, but after watching the fortuna trailer... omg. Call me a bit much but, what he has done to Solaris United makes me even more aggravated with him. 

Free labor just so you can drown blissfully in all the money from their work? I know probably other high ranking corpus do the same but this coupled with sorta televangelist demeanor towards credits makes him a perfect corrupt and greedy capitalist board member. I'll tell you this:

I hate greedy motherf****rs like him

My props to DE for making not only a few characters but an entire faction I hate solely out of excessive greed.

The infested are feral and seemingly mindless killing machines.

*questionable meh*

The grineer are fighting to survive and eliminating those who stand in their way

*concerning meh*

But the corpus screwing people over just for some metal chip?

*mega no*

In my opinion, they suck (as characters or individuals idk how to put it; not as in DE did a horrible job creating them. they did good,  that's why I'm making this post lol). Nef is the cherry on top of it all, him and darvo's dad, and Salad V (spelt wrong on purpose), but mostly Nef cuz hes too full of himself.

So PLEAASSEE DE give him a boss node. DO IT, so I can have non-stop dates with the stalker. :cool:

That's my opinion, I'll leave ya to it.

Oh you’ve crossed a line tenno and by the void you’ll regret it.

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5 hours ago, (PS4)EpICFreeDoMZz said:

See I want the opposite. I want a quest (well more a quest line but not have to wait between them like we usually do) where we're forced to work with him. Can be for whatever reason doesn't matter what as long as its compelling but only for him to stab us in the back at the end giving us finally a reason to hunt him down and eradicate his worthless existence....sorry let my inner Grineer out there but you get my point. Would be cool

So another Operation: Tubemen or something like it? Except this time he actually does something at the end or as result?
(Not gonna lie, I want another one of those events anyway.)

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seems like you hate Nef as much as I hate Ballas. kinda hoping that maybe the concept for Nef's boss fight is being worked on and maybe we'll get it in the first new event after Fortuna, basically serving as Fortuna's version of Plague Star, but with a focus on the new boss fight, which can then be moved to Phobos. The Seargent has been killed a LOT and he's a placeholder that's just too damn easy. Nef looks like a Fusion Core, so it's time for him to make like a Fusion Core.. and stop existing.

or we can just turn him into Juice (basically what Endo is; Fusion Core juice.)

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I was fine with him until he the Glast Gambit, then Neffy and I had some problems. He stole and made fun of innocent people, just trying to lead happy lives, that didn't continue for long. I WOULDN'T LET IT!

EDIT: Props to DE though, for learning and not making an enemy of the Tenno another meaningless blood stain in our adventures. Nef actually has some depth and meaning and can come back without killing the flow of things. I mean, it kinda makes things feel meaningless when an enemy you got rid of yesterday omes back to try to kill you.

Edited by LightningsVengance
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Corpus are basically what hapens when capitalism and religion mix.

And of course thats a unhealthy combination fo two evils. Nef clearly knows this and takes advantage of it as a con artist while also putting other sin debt to build a personal workforce running on free labor.

Frohd Bek was also a individual I don't like mainly because after realizing all the events we had with him he was merely distracting us with Alad so he could market his new ambulas.

The only one I have mixed views about is Alad. Sure he gave us information in exchange for protecting him from acolytes but he could have left us without any leads to hunhow at all. Only reason I even have a different attitude to him is because he might be able to change.

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11 hours ago, rhoenix said:

As viscerally fun (and satisfying) as it would be to tear him apart, especially more than once - it would be very easy for another Corpus to just take his place, given how the Corpus have things setup.

I want the option to throw him into a locked room with all the Solaris people, give them full admin access to all of Nef Nayo's accounts and holdings, along with blowtorches, wrenches, and pliers - and tell the Solaris to have fun.  Then, you come back a few hours later and check on things.

Only then would I feel satisfied about putting his head on a spike outside the Solaris city limits.

Damn thats cold! :shocked:

But then I haven't encountered Nef yet, so I don't know what all the hate is about.

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