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On 2018-07-17 at 9:24 AM, Erl-King said:

Here is my idea slash theory on upcoming gore themed warframe - Garuda.

Passive: Have exalted-style arm-wings weapon, which deals damage when Garuda bullet-jumps through enemies.

1 - Execution: Cost - 25 energy.
Garudo teleports onto targeted enemy in range and unleashes flury of blows, striking once per enemy in line of sight (max 9) with her arm-wings. Sucessful kills leave a lot of body parts. Overkills heal Garudo by 10% of overkill damage.

Visually it looks similar to Ash bladestorm, with Garudo teleporting to target and slashing through him in multiple directions. After execution Garuda returns to her original position.

2 - Flesh garden: Cost 50 energy, range 20m, duration 15sec.
Turns all corpses (and corpse parts) in 20m range into stationary wailing and shrieking decoys (very gore looking) for 15sec, drawing enemy fire. When killed, flesh decoys explode in meaty gore, stunning and dealing damage to enemies. Also each destroyed decoy increases Garudo's max health by 20% (up to +1000% max).
Additional max health decays by 1% per second.

3 - Skin Walker: Cost 50% of Max health + 1% of max health per second.
If Garuda's health is reduced to 0 while Flesh Walker is active, she respawns with 10% of health from a closest available corpse (or flesh decoy) in affinity range, exploding all corpses (decoys) around. Each consumed corpse gives +30% arm-wings damage boost for 10 seconds. Upon respawn Garudo is invulnurable for 5 seconds.
If closest corpse is stuck or somewhere unavailable Garuda respawns on spot.

Visuall effect - outer layer of Garuda armor dissolves, revealing muscles'n'bones underneath. On respawn she jumps out of ground/corpse in fountain of gore, blood and stuff covering her and dripping on ground for duration of damage buff.

4 - Echoing Pain: Cost 100 energy, range 30m, duration 10sec.
Single target ability, paralizes target for 10 sec. All damage dealt to the target is applied as Slash damage (with 100% status chance) in chain to all enemies in 30m range, gradually diminishing by 10% per jump (90%, 81%, 73%, etc) from closest to farthest.
To prevent huge number of projectiles in case of high firerate weapons chained damage is stored and applied once per second (or on target's death).

Visually it might look like a blood wave (similar to Excalibur energy wave) projectile chaining between targets.

Overall idea is the frame focused on being in thick of it and capitalizing on mutilating enemies. Not exactly melee frame Garudo is able to deal immense damage with her 'flying blender' style, shredding enemies just by jumping through them. As battlefield is getting covered with more and more corpses Garudo gets more powerful. Even if you manage to kill her she will return stronger than ever.
Her ultimate ability allows to turn an enemy into inversed Well of Life. This opens lots of combos for killing high number of enemies with slow hard hitting guns and abilities.


Me likey! Sounds great, hopefully the actual frame does stuff like that, pure gore and speed. If she behaves anything like you described I'm going to use her a lot, just like my sweet hot babe Khora, the BDSM Queen.

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  • 1 month later...
On 2018-07-16 at 8:24 AM, Chewarette said:

I've never seen a bird killing its preys with its sharpened wings which are somehow attached to its forearm

That doesn't seem practical.

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "garuda warframe"

birds wings are there arms irl so they don't have arms like we do.


looking forward to this WF

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2018-07-16 at 1:53 AM, Wataterp said:

Why does everyone think that everything about Garuda is the same about Valkyr. Seriously, Valkyr is a warframe full of rage, and Garuda is A GODDAMN BIRD. Garuda is a Legendary Bird in most of the mythologies in the South East Asian countries. SHE'S A BIRD!!! THOSE "CLAWS" ON HER WRIST ARE WINGS!!!

garuda is her codename, not her actual name so trying to say she will be some kinda #*!%in bird makes 0 sense. it has been stated that she will be similar to valkyr but instead of having a ferocious theme she will be more of a calculated and cold blooded killer.

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1 hour ago, OrcaWhale52 said:

garuda is her codename, not her actual name so trying to say she will be some kinda #*!%in bird makes 0 sense.

Try looking at Valkyr. Cat Design, name of a Female Spirit, and a Berserker Play Style. Garuda would probably be a mix like Valkyr

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  • 3 weeks later...
On ‎2018‎-‎07‎-‎16 at 3:52 AM, Datam4ss said:

I don't see airplanes flapping their "wings" to fly, you know? 

Ornithopter. A sci-fi staple, particularly if you've read Moorcock or Modesitt. 

This warframe is a work in progress. DE has said practically nothing about her, so speculation is going to be rice paper thin. 

My impression--and that's all it is--is this is going to be a terror 'frame, possibly that vampire 'frame that many have been asking for. From what very little DE has said, her powers might be based around blood or exsanguination. 

Valkyr is a berserker. She's vaguely cat-like and her schtick is running down her prey and killing them. She uses claws so it's going to be messy, but it's a side effect of how she does business. 

Garuda could potentially be about demoralization and/or mass destruction, possibly something on par with Saryn, Ember, or Equinox. 

And...it's lunchtime and I've lost my train of thought. Nevertheless, it's a name and might not be that indicative of what the warframe will actually be. You have to call it something. I wouldn't get too excited about what it's called. 

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