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August 23Rd: Community Hot Topics!


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Megs does hottopics now! What does Bex do these days then O_O



She's at Gamescom, which is why she's not doing the Hot Topics this week, and likely why the list of Hot Topics is pretty short. But Update 10 news is good!


And as for the community's actual hot topics, like lore/interesting missions/end game, Scott has already mentioned more focus on end game, eventually. I am not sure what more people need. Also tired of seeing that Cells thread, which is a lackluster end game to me at best. It would be a nice stop gap, but it won't keep any interest for long. Have you seen how many threads get hundreds or thousands of up votes? It's hardly an indicator of anything. Hell, someone posted a hex grid mod drawing, and people were screaming "genius" even though it's not even an idea.


DE said they definitely want to address end game eventually, and right now they are working toward fleshing out the game, getting rid of the old boring missions that have barely held up the game for months now. They may finally build something interesting to do on top of the nice core ninja game they started. What's the word? The word is stop rushing them because they have said multiple times they're working on stuff, and you know it takes a long time. Do they need to pet everyone on the head and say "don't worry, we're listening directly to you, Jimmy" for every thread? They read all the threads. They're busy cranking it out.

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She's at Gamescom, which is why she's not doing the Hot Topics this week, and likely why the list of Hot Topics is pretty short. But Update 10 news is good!


And as for the community's actual hot topics, like lore/interesting missions/end game, Scott has already mentioned more focus on end game, eventually. I am not sure what more people need. Also tired of seeing that Cells thread, which is a lackluster end game to me at best. It would be a nice stop gap, but it won't keep any interest for long. Have you seen how many threads get hundreds or thousands of up votes? It's hardly an indicator of anything. Hell, someone posted a hex grid mod drawing, and people were screaming "genius" even though it's not even an idea.


DE said they definitely want to address end game eventually, and right now they are working toward fleshing out the game, getting rid of the old boring missions that have barely held up the game for months now. They may finally build something interesting to do on top of the nice core ninja game they started. What's the word? The word is stop rushing them because they have said multiple times they're working on stuff, and you know it takes a long time. Do they need to pet everyone on the head and say "don't worry, we're listening directly to you, Jimmy" for every thread? They read all the threads. They're busy cranking it out.

Thanks for your (rather lonely) opinion. Very few threads in Gameplay Feedback get 100s of votes. Cells is one of the most upvoted threads in GF.

Use the search feature and verify for yourself. Maybe in off topic or random anime pics etc.

Anyway, Cells is a quest mechanism - saying it wouldn't hold your attention is saying quests in general wouldn't hold attention. If you have better endgame/meta game ideas please post them. But telling us not to post ideas bc "they are working on it" isn't helpful. DE created this forum to hear our opinions. Why should we not ask if they are listening?

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True.... upvotes don't mean S#&$, anyone can do fake accounts or rally clans,friends, teams, etc into upvoting the thread.... it means nothing and claiming that it does it's plain stupid.


But why are you so bent on rejecting ideas? I mean, it's true that there are lots of idiotic worthless ideas... probably more than half, i know i can point a lot for you..... but if you have read notionphil's ideas... you'd see that all of them are distinctively well presented and written, thoroughly explained and very detailed. Maybe some are better than others or don't fit the game, but so far, none of them have been a waste of time to read.

In the particular case of Cells.... why are you tired of seeing them? It is true that without a change on the gameplay and the infusion of challenge in the game, Cells idea could have a minor impact..... but with a revamped gameplay, Cells would make a very nice, easy to expand additional feature to the game.


Also, you state how they already build something more... yet the gameplay has been the same from mercury to pluto, nothing changed... and they keep releasing meaningless content like weapons and dots (more missions) that nobody really cares about and get burned in a day, and it's the same dull thing that we've been doing forever. That's the problem and why people burn-out/quit.

About update 10... we can't talk, we only know what we saw on the livestreams... and until we actually play it and see exactly what's what.... there's no point in discussing that without factual gameplay.

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I hope when you release Necro frame that the drop rates of new beast Golem 3 will not be like a Raptors of that dual Bosses at the beginning.

I still think you will not make same "mistakes" again.

Edited by histori
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I'm not bent on rejecting ideas, and I even said phil's idea would be fun, but I don't consider it much of an end game. It's just better game than running raids over and over right now.


I also never said you shouldn't post ideas. This is a forum for discussion. But I do get tired of people asking DE for a response to their thread, or any thread really but of course people will post their own for obvious reasons.


Threads that mention end game are extremely agreeable, even if the idea is lackluster. People want end game, it's generally agreeable that everyone wants some form of it. So any suggestion that is an improvement at all is easily upvoted.


I'm going to be frank and say that the reason why DE hasn't responded to those threads is likely that they don't want people to think DE is stealing any ideas, or that they don't think it's very good. People tend to think "the developer added my idea to the game!" when often it's not true. Similarities exist and devs don't want to give someone false credit for acknowledging one single thread. I know this because I avoid this exact thing on my own forum (I work at Obsidian Entertainment). Everyone's got ideas, and as nice and Canadian as DE is, as responsive as they've been on this forum, the exact reason why they don't reply to many of those bigger threads is multifaceted, but mainly they can't really acknowledge something they're already working on. They address it in a general scope, saying they're working on end game. To wish for them to do more is wishing for disappointment.


So of course, post your ideas, and hope DE reads them. Just know the grander your idea, the less likely DE is going to give you a response. The most you'll get is a nod that they're working on end game.


As for any specifics, the mission revamp is a start, so no, it's not always going to be the same missions from Mercury to Pluto. They even mentioned how they were going to have a mode where they tie multiple missions together, with multiple boss fights (hey that's a little like the Cells idea). They also mentioned questing, getting a quest and knowing the reward beforehand, and venturing out to complete it. The whole random missions thing was said to be just how the game got started, not how it's going to end, or even be at release (they said "release" is later this year).


So there you go. I'm not saying to stop posting your suggestions. I'm telling you DE won't reply to your end game threads like how some level designers reply to the maps threads (they reply a lot more in that section). So don't get your hopes up, but I get tired of seeing people ask for DE to address their idea. It's not going to happen. You can take solace in knowing that if later you see something similar to your idea, maybe you influenced them, or maybe they were on the same wavelength as you.

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I hope "User Friendly Game Play." also means that you will make sure to fix Strict NAT, so that people won't have to play alone anymore.


Also, have you even thought about fixing some of the broken weapons like the Miter before adding more stuff into the game? 

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I'm going to be frank and say that the reason why DE hasn't responded to those threads is likely that they don't want people to think DE is stealing any ideas, or that they don't think it's very good. People tend to think "the developer added my idea to the game!" when often it's not true. Similarities exist and devs don't want to give someone false credit for acknowledging one single thread. I know this because I avoid this exact thing on my own forum (I work at Obsidian Entertainment). Everyone's got ideas, and as nice and Canadian as DE is, as responsive as they've been on this forum, the exact reason why they don't reply to many of those bigger threads is multifaceted, but mainly they can't really acknowledge something they're already working on. They address it in a general scope, saying they're


As for any specifics, the mission revamp is a start, so no, it's not always going to be the same missions from Mercury to Pluto. They even mentioned how they were going to have a mode where they tie multiple missions together, with multiple boss fights (hey that's a little like the Cells idea). They also mentioned questing, getting a quest and knowing the reward beforehand, and venturing out to complete it. The whole random missions thing was said to be just how the game got started, not how it's going to end, or even be at release (they said "release" is later this year).


I'm not saying " put cells in the game and call it cells and throw a big notionphil diorama up on the launcher. Lol. I'm saying can we get a reply on what hundreds of players have indicated might be a good set of ideas for metagame/endgame. The previous dev reply was "We have nightmare mode ao yhay is pretty much cells" which to me showed DE didnt read it or understand it.

It's great that you have some insight into the reasons developers might be hush-hush on forums. I don't think those are good reasons.

Also I haven't seen any DE posted info abt questing, mission blocks, multi boss encounters. Can you link to them? If those are in livestreams, they should def make their way to the forum discussions or hot topics. Again, I'm asking for communication. I refer to Cells specifically bc I haven't seen any better endgame mechanisms in my opinion. Most endgame threads are rants abt lack of endgame

If DE has some ideas on the table I would love to see those as a part of hot topics - which would be a sufficient answer to my orig question.

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How about finally implementing proper ingame weapon/warframe stats - you know, one of the things we are asking since the beginning of alpha.

By proper stats I mean visibly and clearly showing all necessary stats of warframes/weapons in the arsenal screen (although we already have some stats there for weapons, reload speed, pretty important stat, is still missing there) and especially in mod equip screen, where we can clearly see the default stats and also the differences the mods have on the stats.


I have this little "concept" I created back in April. It has to be changed a bit, because of the way the mod equip screen looks like now (forma, aura added) and there were not all stats written down, but I think to get the basic point this is enough.




Some related threads, but there are much more on the forum - check it yourself.


Why Do You Ignore "reload Speed" Stat In User Interface?



[suggestion] Warframe Stats...




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She's at Gamescom, which is why she's not doing the Hot Topics this week, and likely why the list of Hot Topics is pretty short. But Update 10 news is good!

Ayeayeaye... I completely forgot about gamescom :3 Hope they release some footage soon.

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Frame balance has been heating up a lot in the past month. People complaining certain frames are too weak, certain frames are too strong, some abilities are nigh useless while some are straight upgrades from others, why isn't that considered a Hot Topic?


If you guys are avoiding it, at least give us a "Yes, we understand, and we want to keep it the way it is". Ignoring it is just gonna create desensitized players, turning it into a Nexon game.

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I'm not bent on rejecting ideas, and I even said phil's idea would be fun, but I don't consider it much of an end game. It's just better game than running raids over and over right now.






For one thing, in my experience, unless they specifically ask for the community to come up with ideas to implement, game devs don't really care about suggestions from their beta testers. That's not necessarily a bad thing -- game development is a profession, and professionals are generally better off not taking the advice of non-professionals. This is especially true if the suggestions are major changes to the game, such as the creation and implementation of entirely new game mechanics. Small changes like "allow players to buy multiples of the same item from the market in one purchase" or "allow queuing multiple blueprint builds in the foundry" are good things to bring to DE's attention, but creating their endgame content (plot, mechanics, etc) is another story.


Past that, there are legal concerns. For example, take Tangerine's HUD mockup thread. This is a popular thread and there's almost unanimous agreement that implementing the idea would be a very good thing; some DE employees even posted in the thread agreeing with everyone else. But Digital Extremes is a business. That means they can't just take someone else's work. Even if Tangerine wouldn't care to press charges and gave DE express permission to use the material in that thread freely, DE as a business can't make itself liable.


That's why I try to limit myself to giving detailed feedback rather than idea suggestions. I think it's best to fixate on a few specific problems that I think are the most pressing, then whine about them incessantly for weeks until eventually they get acknowledged in a community hot topics and/or addressed in a livestream.

Edited by litlir
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Actually, companies ask for user feedback and advice because their users tend to use their product more than they themselves do. I may not be one of those 500 hr players but I can assure you that many forum posters have played far more hrs than the dev team combined. Does that mean they take out ideas verbatim and ignore their own? Of course not. But yes they want to know how we feel about their product and ways to improve it.

And no, there are not legal concerns for inmplenenting ideas that were posted in a public forum. That's simply not how intellectual property law works. Now we are getting into my domain. Business are legally able to copy ideas from wherever they like so long as they do not infringe on copyrights trademarks or patents. Posting ideas on this forum for express purposes of sharing with DE would invalidate any claim. How do you think things like quests and level ups appear in so many games?

The arguments that you are presenting; that DE doesn't want us to suggest things is simply not based in fact. If you don't like a particular idea that is legitimate. But suggesting that we shouldn't share ideas is silly.

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