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Oh my god...
Reading this has made my head spin. Folks are seriously mad that this got rereleased after...YEARS?!

It's bad enough the Prime Vault is filled with to the brim with stuff that DE can probably never release frequently enough to appease the playerbase.

The game is seeing a revival & actually gaining new players (who are replacing veterans who left LONG LONG ago) and it's a crime to give them a "Sigil" a freaking sigil.

How about this, DE creates a script that removes the sigil from everyone who wasn't there for the default Tactical Alert, and replaces it with a NEW Sigil but only those who did not get the Sigil in the default alert/releases get the new sigil.

Veterans get to keep their exclusive Sigil, & new players get something nice that is exclusive to them.

Now everyone has something that the other can't get.


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17 minutes ago, (PS4)Zero_029 said:

Oh my god...
Reading this has made my head spin. Folks are seriously mad that this got rereleased after...YEARS?!

It's bad enough the Prime Vault is filled with to the brim with stuff that DE can probably never release frequently enough to appease the playerbase.

The game is seeing a revival & actually gaining new players (who are replacing veterans who left LONG LONG ago) and it's a crime to give them a "Sigil" a freaking sigil.

How about this, DE creates a script that removes the sigil from everyone who wasn't there for the default Tactical Alert, and replaces it with a NEW Sigil but only those who did not get the Sigil in the default alert/releases get the new sigil.

Veterans get to keep their exclusive Sigil, & new players get something nice that is exclusive to them.

Now everyone has something that the other can't get.


You can never appease the jealousy of exclusivity (special item). It's human nature.

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43 minutes ago, (PS4)Zero_029 said:

Oh my god...
Reading this has made my head spin. Folks are seriously mad that this got rereleased after...YEARS?!

It's bad enough the Prime Vault is filled with to the brim with stuff that DE can probably never release frequently enough to appease the playerbase.

The game is seeing a revival & actually gaining new players (who are replacing veterans who left LONG LONG ago) and it's a crime to give them a "Sigil" a freaking sigil.

How about this, DE creates a script that removes the sigil from everyone who wasn't there for the default Tactical Alert, and replaces it with a NEW Sigil but only those who did not get the Sigil in the default alert/releases get the new sigil.

Veterans get to keep their exclusive Sigil, & new players get something nice that is exclusive to them.

Now everyone has something that the other can't get.


Mmm, a new Sigil instead of yet another Rift, yes, please. 

I think I have 3 or 4 of the Rift ones now. 

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I had only done 1 before this 1000swords/blades? I assumed the image was based off the event/combination of events, as it appeared to be a sword, and now looks like slashes of some sort. 

And if a different player did 2 totally different ones it would be entirely different. Completely unlike MR sigils.

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17 hours ago, TheWhitterMatter said:

Shut up. It was not a gear check. It was a joke that DE did and they said they were suprised that people figured out how to beat it. Back then, the game was not filled with so much power creep. Me and friends worked hard to get the sigil and now DE basically just giving it for free.

I'm with you on this as well, 8 rounds of level 150 melee only intercept was something back in the day. No op galatine prime existed at the time (only weapons the tact alert let us use were heavy blades which at the time we only had galatine, gram, and scindo/prime. There were no acolyte mods like maiming strike or blood rush or body count back then. Condition overload did not exist back then, riven mods did not exist back then. So our weapons barely did dmg. No infinite energy zenurik or focus system in general existed back then.

Plus we something called "conclave score" on our mods back then, which were values on our mods dictated by their relative strength. The phoenix intercept alert at the time set a very low conclave score meaning you were really limited on what mods you could equip on your frame and weapon.


15 hours ago, (PS4)Zero_029 said:

Oh my god...
Reading this has made my head spin. Folks are seriously mad that this got rereleased after...YEARS?!

I don't care that the sigil is exclusive or not but at least make it challenging to obtain. With the gear we have now, this tactical alert is an absolute joke of a challenge compared to what we had to deal with back in the day.

Edited by Dragazer
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People only like things if they're rare or exclusive.  That's why they'll wear or use the ugliest of cosmetics in most games as long as they're rare or exclusive.  People don't really care about the challenge, they care that their sigil is no longer "special".

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Hello everyone,

I LOVE new events. Tactical Alerts were a favorite of mine, in fact, my favorite moment in warframe was the first time I completed the Phoenix Intercept back in 2015. Oh my, I was so happy. It was the first time I got Tempo Royale, which at the time was a new stance for Heavy Blades. Also received was a unique sigil called the Rift Sigil. It was beautiful ,and because of the mission requirements, it had meaning and showed a level of accomplishment. To go over the requirements of the old Phoenix Intercept, it was a unique interception with escalading levels. I'll go into a little more detail in the spoiler below/



There were different tiers and rewards for those tiers for each level, much like any other Tac Alert. The final phase was called Escalation, where enemies started at level 100 and eventually escalated to level 150 after 5 waves. The tileset used was the Ceres Shipyard. This tileset had a lot of doors, and thus the spawns were massively inflated compared to other missions. Look up videos of Draco when it was an interception mission. Along with this, you were restricted to heavy blades only. This may not seem like a problem nowadays, but consider this. The strongest heavy melee at that time was Scindo Prime or Regular Galatine. There was no Drifting Contact, no Rivens, no Weeping Wounds, no Blood Rush, and no Condition Overload. The only primed mod was Primed Reach. This means we couldn't get a combo counter past 2.5x This was a 2015 era build. View At Your Risk. There were no exalted weapon that scaled off you weapon stats and we did not have parkour 2.0. Since we had heavy melee only, we couldn't copter either. We had no focus and no operator mode. Rhino's highest iron skin possible was 3408 and had no absorb period. Frost's bubble had a duration along with the health. There's more than this, so I'll display below.

This is the list of warframes we had:
Excalibur (Pre exalted blade), Ash (Pre nerf-buff), Volt (Pre Buff), Trinity (Prenerf), Banshee,  Saryn (Pre buff-nerf/buff), Frost Prime (Pre Buff).Vauban (Pre buff), Nekros (Pre buff), Mag Prime (Pre buff/nerf), Ember Prime (Pre buff), Valkyr (Pre buff), Oberon (Pre buff), Zephyr (Pre buff) Rhino Prime (Pre buff), Hydroid (Pre buff) Loki Prime, Mirage, Nyx Prime, Limbo (Pre buff), Mesa (Pre buff), and Nova Prime. As you see, the frames have changed dramatically and were much weaker back then. We also missed a lot of frame that would've been nice tohave like Chroma, wukong, inaros, or nidus.

Compare this build to any build today. Now consider that this is a fully decked build for the era. Along with this, we also had a conclave limit of 400. Conclave rating use to be the grade of all your gear according to DE standards. A fully decked loadout could get you up to 1800, so at 400, most people had to use either unmodded frames or weapons, or not even use a fully modded weapon. It was generally hard, and aggravating, YET, the reward made it all worth it.


For years, those who walked around with a rift sigil showed a level of prestige and accomplishment, as well as age. Now, this has been lost. I am extremely happy the rift sigil has finally made its return. A new era of players can complete their fashion frame with it, but the newest tactical alert has only a level 50 enemy, with the only thing out of the ordinary being magnetic procs caused from some Hyenas, no restrictions, and you get it for free. What do we have now that can show accomplishment? This may sound like the rant of a crusty salty vet who got the rift sigil, but you must understand that this is not my gripe. Only thing in game that really shows age is Excalibur Prime, so I have no quarrel there, but the idea of an item that shows prestige and accomplishment, it's vanishing very quickly. No longer can you look at a guy that has the Rift Sigil and say either "Man, that guy did the Phoenix Intercept, respect." or "That guy farmed the hell out of those events". Now, player who can finally get the rift sigil, don't have that story behind it like it use to. It's just another item in the arsenal.

I would like for future alerts to consider this with its rewards, and for those who had earned the sigil before in the trenched of Phoenix Intercept Escalation, I wish for us to get something to show for it.

EDIT: This post is not directed to the community. This is my opinion given to DE through the forum. You can comment your opinions below, but keep this on an even playing field. No unnecessary jabs thrown at me for having my opinion as I've seen.

Edited by (PS4)Crixus044
Wanted to clear some things up
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Stop crying. Unless DE specifically states something is exclusive - i.e. Excal Prime - then it is not exclusive. End of story.

I started this game while it was in its closed beta, and obtained many items/cosmetics that, at the time, were very hard or rare to come by. Do you see me complaining up a storm because other people have the chance to obtain them? Please.

Not only that, those of you who are saying this event is "easy" need to get out of your damn max level fully maxed gear "I can just press a button and everything dies" mindset. The majority of new, mid level, and even some higher level players will find this event - especially the last mission - difficult. Alot of players don't have the ability to mitigate the amount of energy drain that goes on; much less the damage output these enemies are dishing out. So get off your high horse - this isn't just "given", and it does provide a tough challenge for the majority of newer players.

You got it during the "joke" event? Congratulations, you can lord that over everyone still if you seriously want to. Just know you're going to continue to make both yourself and our veteran community look bad.

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The rift sigil has been pretty exclusive for 3 years. It is past time that it was brought back. As for difficulty, most if not all of us that "earned" thew sigil in the past, did it not with skill but with cheese. As far as I am concerned there is no place for this elitist mentality here, and all it does is divide our community against itself. 

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Already put it up in another thread but I'll paste my opinion here too >.<


In my opinion exclusivity should not be a thing. Rarity however is fine. Just like with the Proxy Rebellion and the rift sigil we're seeing now.

When possible, cycle events and rewards like this around, so other people can get them as well. It's something to look forward- and work towards to. Those who invest the time, keep tabs on events like this, and put in the effort to get the rewards, can still be considered a "veteran" in community circles.

(Except for Excal Prime of course, which is a founders' exclusive, and that's totally fine)


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You got something to show for it. The Sigil! It was just a tactical alert reward.

Yeah, it was a much tougher level mission when we did the mission but, this is actually the 4th appearance of the sigil, and it's not something to write home about. I'm a closed beta tester, got Lato Vandal for having created my account during the closed beta, and now it's out publically and no way to show you were a closed beta tester any longer. Oh well.

This sigil, is minor and not even an issue in my eyes, nor everyone else actually getting it for the first time. It's not exclusive, and was never meant to be.

Edited by Alcatraz
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Having just obtained it, there is literally nothing special about it but the former exclusivity.

38 minutes ago, (PS4)Crixus044 said:

This may sound like the rant of a crusty salty vet who got the rift sigil, but you must understand that this is not my gripe.

It is the entirety of your gripe. The only prestige lost is the invented bit in your head.

39 minutes ago, (PS4)Crixus044 said:

"Man, that guy did the Phoenix Intercept, respect." or "That guy farmed the hell out of those events"

Nobody has ever noticed the Rift sigil and thought either of those things, I can guarantee it.

40 minutes ago, (PS4)Crixus044 said:

I would like for future alerts to consider this with its rewards

The Stratos emblem is exactly what you want, it morphs with every TA and you can't "catch up" so it reflects your ability to sleep through all the TAs that have awarded it.

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