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I can't even recall the original rift event, most likely it was not hard enough to leave a lasting impression on me... We probably cheesed it with something that starts with C too: crowd control - that much about difficulty.

So let's not glorify past events and begrudge others the stuff we held exclusively for years. Same goes for Vandal weapons, Excalibur Prime etc. If somebody really wants to pay 50 bucks for duckface, let him/her have it. 

Edited by Toran
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It's a common practice. They have done it with all the present invasion weapons, lato & braton vandal etc. The only things left are the founder gear which they haven't go back on their word (there is no legal complications)

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3 часа назад, Jax_Cavalera сказал:

Takes longer on a limited available alert means it is difficult as it is limited time to solve.

It does not because limited =/=so short you only have 1 try. How long it lasted? That's right. Days. To be specific, 5 days. Plenty of time to beat it at least once.


Cool bro ur valk can do defence to 1k we talking interception here.

And your point there exactly? Defense against corpus is harder than interception against grineer. In interception YOU DON'T HAVE TO KILL anything until round ends. In fact, you can only cap 3 points with Limbos and just sit there never moving and have 1 dedicated person to kill eveything by any means. Not a single thing requires you to kill it until it ends to progress. And you don't have to worry about scrambus or nullifiers or objective getting one-shotted. Most people by this point already forgotten but frames like Excalibur in particular could just blind the whole map because there was no los-nerf in place and effortlessly stab them in the back one hit killing.

Just because *some* had to think for a minute or two which frames to get - and variation is far greater tahn just Limbo and Valkyr cause again, Nova existed along with Mesa, Banshee and Loki for example - does not mean the mission was hard. Or harder than what we have now. I mean in reality, there's nothing hard about warframe and never was. And never will be as long as it will be about warframes.

There are some footages of it. None of them look "hard" for any of those who participated. Because it wasn't hard. It's just 5 (5 Carl, 5) waves of high level interception against grineer. Jesus. Seriously. The one with Limbo and 2 Mesas is the cheapest and most braindead of all probbaly, it's something you'd see today as well.






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9 hours ago, FillyRarity said:

The rest of your post is sincere but this part sounds like that US marine copypasta.

I can't really help that. 

My Sancti does several thousand points of damage per shot and it does two shots per press, not to mention if I drop Magnetize on them first I have a 4x damage multiplier. 

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8 hours ago, -Temp0- said:

It does not because limited =/=so short you only have 1 try. How long it lasted? That's right. Days. To be specific, 5 days. Plenty of time to beat it at least once.

And your point there exactly? Defense against corpus is harder than interception against grineer. In interception YOU DON'T HAVE TO KILL anything until round ends. In fact, you can only cap 3 points with Limbos and just sit there never moving and have 1 dedicated person to kill eveything by any means. Not a single thing requires you to kill it until it ends to progress. And you don't have to worry about scrambus or nullifiers or objective getting one-shotted. Most people by this point already forgotten but frames like Excalibur in particular could just blind the whole map because there was no los-nerf in place and effortlessly stab them in the back one hit killing.

Just because *some* had to think for a minute or two which frames to get - and variation is far greater tahn just Limbo and Valkyr cause again, Nova existed along with Mesa, Banshee and Loki for example - does not mean the mission was hard. Or harder than what we have now. I mean in reality, there's nothing hard about warframe and never was. And never will be as long as it will be about warframes.

There are some footages of it. None of them look "hard" for any of those who participated. Because it wasn't hard. It's just 5 (5 Carl, 5) waves of high level interception against grineer. Jesus. Seriously. The one with Limbo and 2 Mesas is the cheapest and most braindead of all probbaly, it's something you'd see today as well.

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My point is that in defense you can take your time to kill the enemies provided you can keep the objective protected from damage. Interception doesn't afford that same luxury, they will continue capturing points no matter how well you have it secured unless you can either A. Kill them or B. Stun lock them. or C. Do something more unique.

Your right no argument, they don't look "hard" that's the point I was trying to make and will always happen when you have a configuration that works.. it becomes easy. that's why it's a working configuration. An easy mission is something you can bring any frame into and solo. Could you bring any frame into that alert and solo it? I know there were a few frames you could bring in to solo but certainly not all. The implication being it required configuration / combination of frame abilities for the most part.

5 days is a far side less time than we've had to prepare for sorties for players who had just started playing warframe not long before the alert happened. It's apples and oranges, If you work 5 days a week, is that really "plenty" of time to work out a configuration in a game you recently picked up? That's why it's so cool we had a lot of players helping players, sharing what worked, what didn't, taxis and carries etc.

To those new players who started out I don't expect that they'd realise you can pull mobs to stunlock or blind through walls or vortex / bastille them etc. Most probably didn't even know that you could get things that increase your energy efficiency without help from other players, players who had already figured this kind of thing out by playing the game for a while and building up that experience.

All the above aside the challenge was a minor point to my original post which put a stronger focus on the sigil marking a cosmetic timestamp, something you could wear that said "I have been playing and supporting this game since X". DE could have used anything for the new alert, they could have designed a new sigil if they wanted to, something that could have worked as a new timestamp to say, I have been supporting Warframe since 2018. Instead they took the easy road and re-used an old sigil which instantly destroyed any meaning associated with it previously.

It's similar to things like having an Excal Prime, he's not a great frame in my opinion vs others.. like umbra, that said, it's nice to occasionally show newer players a piece of warframe history that they may not have seen in game before too often.  The longer it remains a piece of history the more valuable it becomes. To players that are sentimental, history matters, to others it probably doesn't and that's cool, but in fairness should we really be comfortable taking away something that matters to our friends in this community, considering the thing we take away is their ability to reflect and show how long they've been in support of the game to other players they cross path with?

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On 2018-07-27 at 3:11 PM, Kyoresh said:

some challenge? more like testing your patience....I really dont understand why the missions are so unnessecary long...

I'm just frustrated by all the energy drain enemies.  One of the main points of this game is to use your frame's awesome abilities yet in this case you really can't cause you're always getting energy drained.  

It would be understandable if it was a special attack you can dodge or otherwise defend against, but NO.  It's a frekking AOE effect.  You get in the same area code and fwwwooooommm!  No more energy.  

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There seems to be a major disconnect between the 2 sides here. I hope i can clear it up.

To the ones who oppose those not happy with the new alert, understand 2 things.

1. We are not opposed to the return of the sigil. in fact, I'm sure nobody here wants the rift sigil to remain locked away or behind infinitesimal loot chances. That is very selfish and even though I'm sure there are people who believe it should never return, this doesn't constitute enough majority to even be considered a part of our side.

If you look at it really, it's just a sigil. A fancy light up decal. By itself, it means nothing. Why was it so coveted? Unless your a collector, it ain't just the idea to have it. Ask any player about the story of how they got their sigil. Ask them how the community was during the Phoenix Intercept. If you weren't there, you wouldn't know, so don't claim to. But if you asked, I'm sure you'd find a great story. That's what the sigil represented to those who saw it as such. That's what we oppose now, nothing else. We wanted players to have a story to their grease, and I'm sure they'd use it easy more often.

2. We are looking for something interesting in game. Back when the sigil came out, we had to fight enemies higher than even current content, with gear restrictions, and 1/50th of the performance capabilities we have now. It was an interesting experience and the results paved the way for trials and sorties. Without it, we would all still be fighting level 50s max. Beginner- mid tier levels compared to current standards.

This opportunity was missed for a current version of that. All we got was a scaled down version of one of the Design Council Challenge missions. We wanted something more. With the state of comparison between current accessible levels and veteran arsenals, you can't blame us for wanting something beyond. Opposing this is just selfish in a very lowkey manner. Please get off the backs of the vets. We have done our share. You may have your opinion, but don't play down ours.

Thank you.

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