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People still hate Limbo a lot...


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I tend to just play around Limbo as his rifts don't really bother me that much. They are an obstacle but quite frankly there are very few obstacles in this game so I do find it a nice change of pace where I can't just simply kill everything in front of me. I'm not saying he's fine where he is, I'm just simply sharing my experience. Although I do play Excalibur so his rifts really aren't an obstacle against the might of a fully armed and operational Chromatic Blade.

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Like the concept a lot, dislike the execution a lot. Still plays him and with others who use him regardless. Keep an open mind and expect players to be learning how to use him, already know how to use him effectively, and troll with him due to how easy it is.

The Rift divide is problematic because it negates player weapon attacks in a multiplayer game. That's 3 things in your loadout that is rendered utterly ineffective by dimensional difference with your target. 4 if you count Operator Amps. Abilities work, yes, but not all abilities deal damage and those that do vary in damage amounts capable of killing enemies as effectively as weapon damage, depending on the Warframe you bring plus the mods on it and/or its Exalted weapon/pseudo-melee ability. It's limiting the other players' options heavily, rather than expanding it, while enforcing inconvenience due to Limbo's actions.

And then the Rift also prevents key object interactions like MD terminal database insert and interrupts them like mid-hacking. Roll out only works if Banish was used. If in Cataclysm then you're again at Limbo‘s mercy. The requisite of an Operator with Void mode is at best a workaround, that is not available to pre-War Within players.

If Limbo wasn't using his powers at all, these problems don't exist. If he is using them, then he has to monitor his usage of said powers to avoid stepping on his team’s toes. If he just doesn't care and does his own thing, his teammates are going to have a bad day.

In short, either DE does something about how the Rift behaves, or try your best to be a considerate player.

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12 hours ago, AnGeL_KRoM said:

The thing is: guys please give the Rift a chance, stop the damn hate to limbo.

You're not my real space dad.

Okay real talk, I think I speak for everyone who "hates" limbo when I say this but the vast majority (Not including edge casts) of Limbo fall into one of the following groups:

  1. Uses Limbo to troll, Limbo is niche and not a team friendly frame when there is little to no communication.
  2. Uses Limbo to actually play, reads squad chat and does their best to work as a team instead of against it.
  3. Is new and likes Limbo's hat, oblivious to how Limbo actually works. Which I'll admit his hat is ONLY redeeming feature.

3 is uncommon, 1 is really common and 2 is rare. OP you might be a number 2 but that doesn't change the fact that he is the easiest frame to troll in and then act ignorant. Most players have got to the point they don't even want to wait and see if the limbo in their team is one in a blue moon and a decent player and lets face it, no one wants to really waste their time finding out.

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7 часов назад, squirrel_killer- сказал:

Limbo gets a lot of hate but let's look at my current "leave if I see" list since I am sick of not being able to enjoy myself:

It's like 1/3 of all warframes and 1/2 of warframes people2 usually run in pugs so.


I mean you can at this point just play solo or not play at all judging by the amount if of things that trigger you. Which is hilarious honestly.

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As an avid Limbo player, I've never understood all the Limbo hate. I've seen a few Limbo trolls in the years I've been playing the game but it's very rare, and the majority of the time I've seen a Limbo trolling someone is because they just randomly started hating on the Limbo so the Limbo just started banishing them nonstop. As a Limbo player, I can relate to wanting to do that but I don't to avoid adding to the Limbo hate. The vast majority of Limbo player's I've seen in my time simply aren't a problem. There are very few people who play Limbo just to troll, it seems to usually be them trying to get back at someone who starts hating on them just for playing Limbo. It's much more common to see someone who doesn't really know how to play Limbo and ends up messing things up for people, but that's still far less common than just getting a good Limbo player in the squad. You can't shoot from outside a Frost's bubble to inside it, but people don't hate on Frost. Everyone's just biased against Limbo for no reason. Get over it.

Maybe I've just gotten extremely lucky over the years, but I've seen very few bad or troll Limbo players and I don't get flak for playing him very often, though it's annoying when it happens for no reason.

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2 minutes ago, Get_Singed said:

As an avid Limbo player, I've never understood all the Limbo hate. I've seen a few Limbo trolls in the years I've been playing the game but it's very rare, and the majority of the time I've seen a Limbo trolling someone is because they just randomly started hating on the Limbo so the Limbo just started banishing them nonstop. As a Limbo player, I can relate to wanting to do that but I don't to avoid adding to the Limbo hate. The vast majority of Limbo player's I've seen in my time simply aren't a problem. There are very few people who play Limbo just to troll, it seems to usually be them trying to get back at someone who starts hating on them just for playing Limbo. It's much more common to see someone who doesn't really know how to play Limbo and ends up messing things up for people, but that's still far less common than just getting a good Limbo player in the squad. You can't shoot from outside a Frost's bubble to inside it, but people don't hate on Frost. Everyone's just biased against Limbo for no reason. Get over it.

Maybe I've just gotten extremely lucky over the years, but I've seen very few bad or troll Limbo players and I don't get flak for playing him very often, though it's annoying when it happens for no reason.

2 wrongs doesn't make it right.

Hey people don't like random frost bubbles either and there is a different between them, it's like comparing night and day. Everyone isn't biased against Limbo, trying to pretend there isn't a problem with Limbo is just sticking your head in the sand going bla bla bla.

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2 minutes ago, Joe_Barbarian said:

2 wrongs doesn't make it right.

Hey people don't like random frost bubbles either and there is a different between them, it's like comparing night and day. Everyone isn't biased against Limbo, trying to pretend there isn't a problem with Limbo is just sticking your head in the sand going bla bla bla.

Insisting on leaving any game that you see a Limbo in isn't the right way to go about things. How can you possibly know how most Limbo players even play if you never play with Limbos because you just instantly leave? You're simply biased and don't want to admit it.

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Just now, Get_Singed said:

Insisting on leaving any game that you see a Limbo in isn't the right way to go about things. How can you possibly know how most Limbo players even play if you never play with Limbos because you just instantly leave? You're simply biased and don't want to admit it.

I never said that I've never played with Limbo players, I've had my fair share of experiencing them, i might not have thousands of hours in this game but I've had enough time wasted because of ignorant players playing frames they either 1) go out of their way to troll or 2) they have no clue what they are doing.

More power to you if you stay in a match with a random Limbo and it turns out to be someone with more than 2 active brain cells. I don't want to waste my time finding out, it's not a bias, it's valuing ones self worth.

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8 minutes ago, Joe_Barbarian said:

I never said that I've never played with Limbo players, I've had my fair share of experiencing them, i might not have thousands of hours in this game but I've had enough time wasted because of ignorant players playing frames they either 1) go out of their way to troll or 2) they have no clue what they are doing.

More power to you if you stay in a match with a random Limbo and it turns out to be someone with more than 2 active brain cells. I don't want to waste my time finding out, it's not a bias, it's valuing ones self worth.

Sorry, but that is quite literally the definition of a bias. You've decided that all Limbo players are simply not worth playing with because they MIGHT possibly troll you or not be good at Limbo when that is very rarely the case. You're prejudiced against Limbo players outright. That's all there is to it.

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1 minute ago, Get_Singed said:

Sorry, but that is quite literally the definition of a bias. You've decided that all Limbo players are simply not worth playing with because they MIGHT possibly troll you or not be good at Limbo when that is very rarely the case. You're prejudiced against Limbo players outright. That's all there is to it.

Only so many times you can let something keep smacking you in the face because you say enough is enough. Maybe instead of getting upset about people not wanting to deal with Limbo players maybe focus on making him more of a team player instead of a team breaker.

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1 minute ago, Joe_Barbarian said:

Only so many times you can let something keep smacking you in the face because you say enough is enough. Maybe instead of getting upset about people not wanting to deal with Limbo players maybe focus on making him more of a team player instead of a team breaker.

None of us Limbo players have any control over what his abilities do, that's on DE not on us. Maybe instead of just leaving every time you see a Limbo, maybe give him a chance and try being a team player instead of a team breaker.

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1 minute ago, Get_Singed said:

None of us Limbo players have any control over what his abilities do, that's on DE not on us. Maybe instead of just leaving every time you see a Limbo, maybe give him a chance and try being a team player instead of a team breaker.

I'll give Limbo players a chance when he's reworked to not be able to block objective points. Until then, I know myself and many others will rather leave and reform group, I'll be nice next time and play a small violin as I leave group.

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Just now, Joe_Barbarian said:

I'll give Limbo players a chance when he's reworked to not be able to block objective points. Until then, I know myself and many others will rather leave and reform group, I'll be nice next time and play a small violin as I leave group.

Well go ahead and leave then. We don't want people like you in our games anyway and losing you doesn't do anything to us -shrug-

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Honestly the Limbo hate is unwarrented now.

With the ability to both shoot & melee enemies in the rift he's honestly OP as all hell.

You fight enemies who literally cannot fight back nor are they are threat to the Objective.

People complaining that they should be able to shoot enemies no matter what plane of existence they are on are pathedic.

These are often the same people who complain the game is "Too Easy". Yet they want to be able to shoot Rift enemies from normal space & normal enemies while they are in the safety of the rift. Basically...

"Because Limbo's mechanics can't make me invincible I do not want him in my group using his powers." Is really what that translates too.

Then comes the arguement:

"Well players should have the ability to leave & enter the Rift at will."

Umm....how about you ROLL or oh...I don't know...walk out.

Cataclysm is easy as hell to go in & out of. The enemies are frozen in time I side it anyways so I don't understand why you want to leave the rift outside if ammo/mod pick ups which take all of 1 second to pick up as Cataclysm shrinks by the second.

Honestly, at this point the truth is that the Community "liked" hating Limbo & now it hates Limbo out of sheer Spite.

If DE removed Limbo I bet folks would have a tantrum then move on to some other frame to hate.

His Rift is literally not an obstacle anymore. Most Limbo players just use Cataclysm now. I can't remember the last time I saw a Limbo use Banish.

All the Frame hate in this game is out of control.

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)Zero_029 said:

Honestly the Limbo hate is unwarrented now.

With the ability to both shoot & melee enemies in the rift he's honestly OP as all hell.

You fight enemies who literally cannot fight back nor are they are threat to the Objective.

People complaining that they should be able to shoot enemies no matter what plane of existence they are on are pathedic.

These are often the same people who complain the game is "Too Easy". Yet they want to be able to shoot Rift enemies from normal space & normal enemies while they are in the safety of the rift. Basically...

"Because Limbo's mechanics can't make me invincible I do not want him in my group using his powers." Is really what that translates too.

Then comes the arguement:

"Well players should have the ability to leave & enter the Rift at will."

Umm....how about you ROLL or oh...I don't know...walk out.

Cataclysm is easy as hell to go in & out of. The enemies are frozen in time I side it anyways so I don't understand why you want to leave the rift outside if ammo/mod pick ups which take all of 1 second to pick up as Cataclysm shrinks by the second.

Honestly, at this point the truth is that the Community "liked" hating Limbo & now it hates Limbo out of sheer Spite.

If DE removed Limbo I bet folks would have a tantrum then move on to some other frame to hate.

His Rift is literally not an obstacle anymore. Most Limbo players just use Cataclysm now. I can't remember the last time I saw a Limbo use Banish.

All the Frame hate in this game is out of control.

Limbo is still a problem because of his cataclym can still block terminals from being hacked, lets say for example the ambulas fight, Limbo can fail that mission for all involved because of ignorance. This isn't just a one time thing that's happened, I've been in missions where a Limbo got so salty that they kept Cataclym up on a terminal because he just wanted to ruin everyone else day.

So yeah, this hate isn't out of control or unwarranted. Oh and claiming "but you can just go into operator and hack" that's not always an option, I wasn't aware of it until I came onto the forum as well as why should countering a Limbo's troll / ignorance be locked behind player progression? Not advocating for more changes to his cataclysm is narrow minded and in my honest opinion, elitist. 

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15 hours ago, TARINunit9 said:

Can you please explain what the heck it even does? I still can't figure out what it's intended to do, much less why the fanbase hates it

It spreads the rift to enemies outside of the Cataclysm. Which means that even after your Cataclysm ends, some enemies will remain outside of the rift indefinitely, so if Limbo doesn't send you in the rift, you won't be able to kill him with your weapons. Depending on Limbo's energy color, it can be also quite hard to know whether they're in the rift or not

Honestly his "new" 3 is completely messy, unpredictable, and useless (except in solo mode). It has completely no point gameplay-wise, and is a nonsense lore-wise (Limbo is supposed to be a Master of the Rift, his 3 is chaotic, he doesn't master anything)

Edited by Chewarette
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3 часа назад, Get_Singed сказал:

None of us Limbo players have any control over what his abilities do

That's cute. You picked a warframe that you can't properly play and claim that you can't control it or rather restrain yourself. So other people should bow down to you and "become team players" smh.

Somehow whenever (not often) I play it, I have control of it 99% situations out of 100 and literally NEVER heard anyone saying anything negative about him like getting in the way and seen no one leave the team because of me playing Limbo.

Oh that's right. I bring him in missions where he has a plase and don't spam cataclysm+stasis combo, unless it's mobile defenes (and even then I can just solo the thing) or an interception.

 And for the record. Just because you have 4 abilities dosn't mean you should use all 4 - it's like that one slova that came to JV and outright refuse not to spam her 4 despite being told by several peopel he cripples the spawns, that no one needs it and he makes mission longer. Holy hell that was so stupid I still can'tt forget it.

Also doesn't mean you should slap 250+ range on it as well, just because you can.

Edited by -Temp0-
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playing with limbo in your team is just boring.
having to go inside cataclysm and shoot enemies that dont move IS Boring. warframe is a game were you have to mvoe a lot to not get killed and limbo changes that gameplay.
why would i want to play with a warframe(in mt team) that make me enjoy less the game. I prefer to leave the squad and ahve fun than tolerate a limbo 

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playing with limbo in your team is just boring.
having to go inside cataclysm and shoot enemies that dont move IS Boring. warframe is a game were you have to mvoe a lot to not get killed and limbo changes that gameplay.
why would i want to play with a warframe(in mt team) that make me enjoy less the game. I prefer to leave the squad and ahve fun than tolerate a limbo 


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playing with limbo in your team is just boring.
having to go inside cataclysm and shoot enemies that dont move IS Boring. warframe is a game were you have to mvoe a lot to not get killed and limbo changes that gameplay.
why would i want to play with a warframe(in mt team) that make me enjoy less the game. I prefer to leave the squad and ahve fun than tolerate a limbo 

LOL sry for the other post dunno know how it happend

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Always depends on the build IMO. High range on a Defense mission is just stupid, especially if you use his freeze skill.

If i play Limbo, which is rare, i use a low range, high duration skill for Defense/Excavation missions and a middle ground build for everything else.

Like i don't really care in a MobDef if enemies get close or are frozen far away, it's just about sitting the time out anyway. But on Defense holding enemies far away is just a hindrance

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You drop in to a public mission try to shoot enemy only to realize they are banished. Its wasting your time and effort. Being in cataclysm is annoying too, you cant see what is properly going on. It ruins your whole visual of the game.

Think about it, if players really wanted to fight in cataclysm, they would use limbo.

For me, in pub, I often just leave. Just an inconvenience. No big deal tho.

I use limbo, but to me, I treat him as a solo frame. Like a mad dog, doesnt play well with others.

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I have a simple system for using Limbo: I only ever touch his 2, and 4. 1st and 3rd abilities each have the potential to render a target unreachable for someone, making the odds of whining alarmingly high, even though no one whines about Vauban and Nekros for whatever reason.

Beyond that though, I do what I want. 

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