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People still hate Limbo a lot...


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  I  hate Limbo for several reasons.   You still can't shoot into or out of the rift and you can't interact with certain important objects while in the rift.  Limbo seems to attract the laziest, most annoying and clueless players out of all the frames.  Even selling Limbo Prime parts to these people can be a test of patience.  On top of all that I absolutely hate his design.  I hate anime and this frame seems to attract those people almost exclusively.

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29 minutes ago, Joe_Barbarian said:

Well you sound like you'll have more fun setting the game to Friends only or Solo

I find myself having to switch to solo in a lot of situations, just because Limbo's playstyle does cause issues if used to its fullest. I don't like hampering myself to avoid hampering my teammates, so whilst I will do exactly that whenever I do need to team up (for fissures and the like), I'll usually play solo.

However, I'd like to ask you this:

If Limbo's biggest issue at present were fixed - I've said it more than once, it's the issue of other players and crossing over - would you stop hating Limbo?

If yes, then why are you yelling as if you hate Limbo regardless of context on a thread about how people hate Limbo regardless of context? You're only proving the OP right, and not getting what you want - the fixes to his mechanics he needs - across to other readers.

If no, then nothing here will please you, and there isn't any point in talking any further, because you'll only be coming from 'I hate Limbo', which doesn't contribute positively to the discussion.

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1 minute ago, FillyRarity said:

You sound like a fun person, it's a real shame that you leave so many games.

Thing is this is only recent behaviour, I now have far less time than I had before. Before it was "well I got an Equinox and now I won't see a single enemy for the next few waves or until the end of this let's wait it out" now days I am working 50 hour weeks (which has opened up A LOT of money which I have been throwing at DE like an addicted junky) but it also means I lack the time I once had to just wait out this type of stuff, but leaving because I see a limbo is apparently accepted, yet if I see anyone else it isn't because people like those frames.

Limbo still needs his Rift fixed, everyone knows this, but at least it's just a few enemies I can't get at. With an Ember running between spawn points on a map I will never get to see a thing, I have been tagged AFK and denied my rotation because Equinox was chewing through things too much (equinox is the worse because Maim has so much range but we can also look at Ember who used to do the same thing), the others yeah I just slowly am getting bitter, which it is sad I leave so much. Often I don't even requeue, I just go off to something else because these days, as stated, I don't have the time I once did to not enjoy myself in Warframe.

I am fine farming up damn near everything in this game, only ever bought Limbo prime access because he was my favourite frame, but otherwise I did the grind for everything and mostly just tossed plat at friends when I bought it to support DE. I am looking at the empty slots in my Profile where I haven't gotten something and eagerly waiting for unvaultings or a weekend off to grind for Broken War parts, or the day I run out the daily tribute to get those weapons. The fact that so many things in this game can ruin the fun for others by leaving nothing to do says a lot.

Nukers are frequently called out and complained about, but we can't complain about them because Limbo is sooooo much worse. I got into this game because it was a game about working together, but due to several builds it is more about denying the others the ability to do anything these days.

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56 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

Well, not being able to shoot enemies on the opposite plane makes sense - it prevents Limbo from being too OP, since he can't shoot cross-plane. You're restricted to abilities being cross-plane, and since Limbo can't just render the whole team immortal in such a case, the Limbo then has special duty to engage the rift on them at regular intervals, which balances it as both players have to cooperate now instead of Limbo applying a blanket effect.

But, this issue demonstrates the problem clear as day: there is no way for other players to interact with the Rift without Limbo's direct intervention. This problem would, although still present to some degree, be drastically reduced to an annoyance at best if players could aim at an enemy they wanted to hit, and then be able to cross on their own. Because then it would simply be managing which battlefield your fighting on, like that one Titanfall 2 level. Nothing much worse than Spectres, where it's easy to mistake them for regular enemies.

I don't want to have to be ferrying people across both sides if ever I want to do more than just a bubble and I doubt my squadmates want to wait for me to turn their attention to their spot to make enemies killable with guns. It's frustrating for all parties involved. I can't play the way I want, and neither can my teammates. 

Don't get me wrong, it does make sense. But it's like you said: it creates frustration for all parties involved, so an alternative method needs to be found.

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My experience with limbo is you never know if team mates want you to use your powers or not.

eg on a tact alert def the other day. Was using cat and stasis. Guy was mad that I was doing that because he wanted to use his sniper, even though he was doing the least out of the 3 low MRs there, he had steel charge aura, and trying to tell me how to play when I was single handedly carrying and keeping the target alive. I said fine, I won't now but the target will die this next round. Which it did. RIP

Then next I'm on onslaught. The saryn is starts to struggle with staying alive and curses me to use my #*!%ing abilities. So I cat and stasis for the last 3 zones for a no prob win.


Damned if you do damned if you don't. So really best thing to do is troll 100% gglol with limbo and stop caring.

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Friend of mine: "I only hate the PLAYER who is in control of the Limbo if this doesn't read squad chat. I don't mind waiting for the MD objective timer ticking down without having to shoot anything but please do allow your team mates to actually activate the objective"

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Just now, Ghogiel said:

My experience with limbo is you never know if team mates want you to use your powers or not.

eg on a tact alert def the other day. Was using cat and stasis. Guy was mad that I was doing that because he wanted to use his sniper, even though he was doing the least out of the 3 low MRs there, he had steel charge aura, and trying to tell me how to play when I was single handedly carrying and keeping the target alive. I said fine, I won't now but the target will die this next round. Which it did. RIP

Then next I'm on onslaught. The saryn is starts to struggle with staying alive and curses me to use my #*!%ing abilities. So I cat and stasis for the last 3 zones for a no prob win.


Damned if you do damned if you don't. So really best thing to do is troll 100% gglol with limbo and stop caring.

Well, I'd be lying if I said I've never had any experiences with people yelling at me for Limbo, despite being the only person actually protecting the point... My war story's of a pair of idiots who went the whole way to try make my life as miserable as possible, with the worst being the Nova putting portals over me when I went down (Due to being one of the only ones actually focusing on playing the game, as opposed to halfheartedly trolling another player, and thus being a little overwhelmed). I didn't care - I just wanted to play. I kept putting my minimum range bubbles over the point, avoided banishing anything (as if Min-range banish is worth it) and even ressed them when they went down. One of them eventually gave in and ressed me at one point themselves - guess I got through to that one at least :tongue:.

1 minute ago, AlendasNaro said:

Friend of mine: "I only hate the PLAYER who is in control of the Limbo if this doesn't read squad chat. I don't mind waiting for the MD objective timer ticking down without having to shoot anything but please do allow your team mates to actually activate the objective"

Is it bad I sometimes do this in solo? Like, I'm on my own, set up a bubble, and realise I haven't put the datamass in the terminal yet...

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10 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

Is it bad I sometimes do this in solo? Like, I'm on my own, set up a bubble, and realise I haven't put the datamass in the terminal yet...

I was sitting around as limbo in the rift for a few minutes in a sortie waiting for someone to plug the datamass in so I could cast my cata. One person was raging around it not being plugged in yet. Called us every name in the book over voice and text. He had it in his hand. I then cast my Cata and forgot my stasis and we all failed the mission.

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8 hours ago, AnGeL_KRoM said:

Today in kuva mission

That’s the issue right here. But I’ll reference Kuva Survival for this argument.

If you’re not an aggressive Limbo, a large Cataclysm with Stasis activated will mitigate spawns. No one needs protecting in Kuva Survival. What’s important is consistent kills to keep life support pack drops consistent. Life Support towers should only be used for Kuva, and once they’re done sapping Kuva, it’ll provide whatever miniscule life support it can provide.

If you’re not killing anything as a Limbo and you’re halting/holding spawns, you’re being a detriment in that game mode. I honestly don’t care if you’re a Limbo, but if you’re slowing down enemy spawns that is the means to receive those life support packs from enemies, you’re holding the team back.

The same can be said for Frosts, Mag, Slowvas, etc. that use their Warframe powers to mitigate enemy movement. 

Know for a fact that if you’re using a CC frame in Kuva Survival, you need to be a much more aggressive player in that game mode. Anyone in Kuva Survival doesn’t want your protection, they don’t need your TLC or enemy restriction, we need you to kill adds man.

Similar post in reference to this topic:


Edited by (PS4)Lei-Lei_23
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32 minutes ago, Loza03 said:


Is it bad I sometimes do this in solo? Like, I'm on my own, set up a bubble, and realise I haven't put the datamass in the terminal yet...

To both of us me and to my friend. That sounds like a honest mistake one either of us could do or anybody. Since this situation happened in solo mode you didn't bother other players just yourself. You don't need to feel upset about this mistake but I hope you agree this was a silly mistake.

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Just now, AlendasNaro said:

To both of us me and to my friend. That sounds like a honest mistake one either of us could do or anybody. Since this situation happened in solo mode you didn't bother other players just yourself. You don't need to feel upset about this mistake but I hope you agree this was a silly mistake.

When it happens, I'm generally just privately embarrassed and move on :tongue:.

I'm more careful in squads, since, as you say, there's more people at stake.

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Since the change to Stasis to make Limbo more "team friendly", I actually run into more Limbos than ever before(which is theoretically good). As someone who had absolutely no issues with how stasis used to work, I think Limbo is more of a nuisance now. The most salient point I remember is a Defense where the Limbo kept spamming Cataclysm with Rift Surge and I wasn't able to shoot and kill the last few enemies on a wave. It was literally the most annoying thing I've ever seen while playing Warframe.

I think the Rift Surge use(ignorant or malicious) is a worse problem than Stasis forcing melee ever was.

Also, I've never hated Limbo. I never had a problem working around Stasis. I literally can't work around Rift Surge if I'm not in the Rift myself.

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Dude who cares?  All these people that hate limbo probably bring Saryn, Volt or Mesa and don't let anyone kill anything.  Yeah that's far less aggravating.  It's cool to hate Limbo just like it's cool to hate Rhino as a noob frame no matter how you play him.  Don't put much thought on public opinion because most are wrong or following others.

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Limbo is still a grief frame, the rework did nothing to address that but to be fair, preventing limbo from causing grief was not the purpose of the rework.

DE wants a frame that infuriates group mates, so it is unlikely limbo will ever be useful outside of a few rare instances in a group.   He still good solo though.

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For me, it's that limbo players just like loki/ivara players think they're being smart/useful by virtue of picking their warframe for a specific game mode.


Like pal, even on a sortie level defence mission, we didn't need your bubble. We don't need your powers to do the spy vaults. Chances are, is if you think these frames are necessary, that you're just inherently bad at shooting or parkouring and use them as a crutch to make up for your lack thereof.


Also on a siphon it seems just plain annoying to put up a cataclysm. Double annoying if it's on eris tileset.

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I don't hate him anymore. I'll get annoyed occasionally if they throw up their bubble before you can initiate the next location via data mass in mobile defense but that's really it. He's still a horrid frame in the hands of a new player though. Waiting for when he gets nerfed if they ever refine operator or make them strong because as immortal as he is now he'd just make the game a complete bore to walk through.

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6 hours ago, cghawk said:

His 3rd ability seems to be there purely to make the game hell for anyone who isn't limbo as it will randomly put enemies in the rift which is just annoying.

Can you please explain what the heck it even does? I still can't figure out what it's intended to do, much less why the fanbase hates it

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I get where the general public come from, but as someone who mains Oberon with the sole purpose of continual heals and an armor buff, I let my guns and my sword do my talking. Luckily in that situation, limbo doesn’t have too much of a problem for me. Now if I was playing anyone else who has mass AoE effects, i would feel as though my role has been dampened. But again if you’re I a public group, I feel that you should be ready to have to deal with just about any warframe combination that could be throw. At you. 

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Yea, attempted a mot survival the other day and the lovely limbo on the team just used 3 the entire time: we ran out of LS in record time and we failed b/c of this. Had a similar thing happen in a mobile defense where the limbo would drop his cata on the console preventing us from putting in the lunch box, it went on for 10 minutes before the rest of the team simply just left the limbo by himself since he refused to listen to us. Limbo is still to disruptive to team members despite the recent changes. ie. his 3 is a troll button still / cant shoot through cata / cata makes mobs just sit at the edge doing nothing so you have to do this dance back and forth to hit them. Don't get me wrong, a limbo can be a great addition to a group if played correctly it's just that I feel he still needs some tweaks to be more team friendly and less of a headache to others when played poorly.

Edited by iuki.
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