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Have You Ever Spent Platinum On Revives?


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Not accurate, 'cause even with Iron Skin you are not completly immune to damage once its gone. But it does make it better - did a defense alert alone - no one joined - versus infested and completed it,but it cost me 3 revives.


The killer seems to be Gineer. the insane ROF and super accuracy + AOE rockets killed me at times when I am not even sure where the enemies are. There was a mission on Grineer Settlement tileset where 4 rather high ranked frames goes into a seemingly endless process of reviving each other every half a minute. And there are times when everybody got killed, or we couldn't reach a team mate in time (we are not spread out), or we got killed again when reviving another downed member. I think I used up 3 revives in that mission alone (non-defense. Capture iirc)


But it felt good after the end (maybe because of successful completion) though if all of us used up our revives, it will be a memorable failure (and hopefully none will go rage-post in the forums :) )

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Nope! Never bought any of that stuff. For people who bought revives, did you guys read the hovertext that says "Warframe Revive Units refill daily." before you click on the button to buy? Or is that a recent addition/update?

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Nope! Never bought any of that stuff. For people who bought revives, did you guys read the hovertext that says "Warframe Revive Units refill daily." before you click on the button to buy? Or is that a recent addition/update?

I admit I bought revives a few times (although not often), fully aware of that fact. Generally when I wanted to keep doing more difficult missions (e.g. nightmare with no shields, soloing bosses that can instagib you) after dying a few times.

But then, I got my plat with 75% discount on one of the larger packs, so 4 revives cost like 10-15 cents, which is really nothing... you'd need to buy that multiple times before it's even as much as buying something as extravagant as bottle of water.

But what I really don't get is the omni ammo boxes. You can't possibly run out of ammo so much that 8 credit ammo boxes aren't enough.

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I've never bought any revives, but I've been somewhat tempted to do so.  I've literally got 3 plat left, it's not like I can spend it on anything else. 



its 12 Plat for 4 life or 1 life = 12 plati?


It is 3 plat per life. 

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Yeah, when I first started and didn't know that they refilled daily (at roughly 5pm... instead of 12am like most games I've played have their stuff refill at) so personally that could be explained better, or a timer put next to the refill button or something.

^ This

And i still spend a little sometimes if i want to keep playing a certain frame.

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I've spent Platinum on some less than sensible purchases, but I haven't bought any revives.  I was, however, pleasantly surprised to find out that revives don't carry over between frames.  So if you do run out of revives on one...it's good to have a second/third warframe to fall back on.

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Yeah, when I first started and didn't know that they refilled daily (at roughly 5pm... instead of 12am like most games I've played have their stuff refill at) so personally that could be explained better, or a timer put next to the refill button or something.


Same when I started warframe I didn't know they refilled so i did spend a few plat on them

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Nope, never bought any of those. I've run out of them on a few ocassions but it's easy enough to switch to another Warframe (if you have one) and get free full revives.


actually i'm surprised they don't let you buy revives in-game if you're dead and out of them. seems like a good way to steal some more platinum

I'm glad they don't. Being able to pay for invincibility would irk me a little bit, unlike the current system.

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Never have and never will. The most I'll spend plat on is resources (for when I feel lazy) and forma. Maybe a helmet if I have enough left over.


(Also I'll spend it on things in the foundry sometimes, mostly when I'm building a warframe. And I mean the actual warframe, not the parts.)

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Used them all for some crazy Pluto run with my mediocre modded Loki.


Then my clanmates come online and want to play important void missions. :/

I was in a pickle. I didn't want to fail my team because of missing revives so I bought them.


It turned out I didn't need them.

Our team was well prepared for T3 defense with Frost, Vauban, Nyx and Nova.

Everybody brought a Snipedal and Despair/Acrid.

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