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How do you assume the strength of others?


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51 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

I just sorta base in on the frame they're playing, yes I am that sort of person.

Wukong = 10/10 best player, super strong, no need to worry about them.

Anything else = Utter scrub, going to die after 5 minutes and complain when I don't revive them repeatedly, is probably using a top tier gun to compensate for their lack of badassery.

It's worked out pretty well so far :clem:

I would still be a scrub even if I played Wukong. :sadcry:

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I main Trinity, so whoever dealing lesser damage percentage and lesser kill counts than me
While using anything that isn't a Trinity is instantly considered "weaklings"
Since a supportive frame with weapons dealing damage can output more damage and kill counts.

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According to old Polynesian culture, to assume the strength of another, you must kill them. You will absorb their mana, which is measured by the size of their affro, and become more powerful.

On a serious note, you can't really assume anyone's capabilities in this game. There is no real measure of it. Even the end mission stats aren't much to go off of when some players will pick support frames.

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I generally do a gear check/inspection of my teammates at mission start, since that'll give me the best gauge of their potential strengths and weaknesses. For example, MR combined with a mix of underlevelled frame and fully levelled weapon, or vice-versa, combined with mission is usually a pretty good predictor of how much a player will influence the course of a mission. Beyond that, having seen layers of similar power levels many times, you start to notice trends in their capabilities and can guess, to a point, how capable they'll be. It's always a bit of a guess, though. You'll get surprised as often at how bad MR25's play as you do at how well an MR5 might.

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1 hour ago, Harrock86 said:

The "items picked up" stat, obviously.

muhahaha. I always thought that, the items picked up stat reflected on their intelligence. I mean, only a mindless-brute would think about attacking the nearest living thing. It takes a intelligent person to make the most "profit" from the fight, or to have a actual purpose being there. XD

thats funny tho if u look at it. a n00b running around picking up all the stuff cuz that's all hes physically able to do. lol

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vor 14 Stunden schrieb Voltage:

Why assume how others perform? I would rather stick to playing with friends and clan mates as we all know each other and don't have to assume the performance of one another.

sigh......someone miss the  point of this Game!!

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14 hours ago, .Versailles. said:

Generally people get very elitist when they talk about MR but how strong are they really compared to the person that has a higher mod rating than them and has arcane's as to where they do not. 

So how do YOU assume another's strength in Warframe? I am interested in your thoughts!😊

Mod rating means the total overall mods in your foundry. If you sell some, your count decreases. It is not a very reliable metric of measurement long term. Arcanes do make a very powerful and previously largely rare or absent addition to Warframes. It is contextual and depends case by case basis. If said high MR has not done Eidolon hunts then they are about equal or bit stronger than average player will be. If they have done Eidolons and also have the arcanes then quite a bit stronger simply because of power scaling mechanic of this game. Trough experience and knowledge of the game, this may be why some high MR players perceive the situation as they do.

That being said I do not think elitism helps no matter the rank (current: MR 25, soon MR 26) and that is why I never do it. It adds nothing to the situation, not in real life (I may be academic but I never belittle those who are not) or in the game (everyone does their best, not everyone has the same level of experience as I do or someone else does, and that is okay). I make it a point to defend new players from that kind of attitude if I see it, like I once did with MR 14 berating some poor ´new MR 2 player on some defense mission and I told him: " Sit down son and apologize. " - and the player did as they should've.

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You really can't assume the strength/skill of others especially based on MR. 

Warframe is a game of disjointed systems that all somehow come together into a functioning thing. Which is part of what I love about Warframe and also sometimes a thing I hate about Warframe. Love it or hate it, you can't look at any one system because they all function in tandem. 

But at the end of the day a number is just a number some of the worst players I've ever run into have been MR25 Going to show you just can't fix incompetence by slapping a number on it. Conversely some of the best players I've run across have been on the lower end of the MR spectrum. They're just good and it wouldn't matter if they where MR5 or MR55


If people are throwing around MR they are probably either outright wrong or only right by sheer force of coincidence. A stopped clock being right twice a day and all. 

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4 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:


A pretty reliable red flag that someone is either still in their newbie phase (which is fine)
or just never learned how to mod (MR25 with Physique ... Hayden, save us sinful children of the Void).

Thing about this is that it is imo not working as it should. And you have no idea until you do some testing yourself.

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At the start, for like elite onslaught.. i look at what frames they bring and ofc a high MR feels good to me, most likely they have good mods.

And most of the times, a MR20+ performs better than a ~MR10 in that gamemode.

Most other modes i really don't care, bring what you want. But if you're a Limbo, i just can't stand being inside cataclysm.. so i move around on the outside and let you do the work inside the bubble.


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I never really assume. You cant really get a good picture until after the game. But at that point you also need to take into account the frame choice along with weapons etc.

I mean it isnt fair to play someone like Saryn and assume other players are bad because they are far behind in damage, kills and everything else really when you play a defense, survival or other mass slaughter content. Just as you cant go after the kills/damage when you do a spy mission or rescue for that matter.

MR is the last thing I consider. A low MR player can be just as good as a high MR player.

When I play I'm more concerned about pure leechers and those that have an unhealthy hate towards certain frames they dont understand.

A player with high "strength" for me would be someone that brings Mag to a boss fight so everyone can get a massive damage buff and be protected from all ranged attacks, or someone bringing their Slow Nova to Lephantis or Phorid sorties. Things that are done to benefit the efficiency of the group.

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7 hours ago, Toran said:

The choice of Warframe and weapons often give a hint. But even that can deceive. One strong riven-modded weapon can let a freshly forma'd Level 1 Warframe (especially when backed up by the the higher starting capacity points of high MR) outperform his teammates.

You hardly ever can tell before a mission, with the exception of Eidolon runs. If you check the number of Eidolon captures in profile stats, you get a good idea if a guy knows what he's doing.

High MR only indicates that a player probably has the potential for high strength, if he can deliver that is a different thing.

Thinking of it, that's actually a good indicator. Fashionist in Warframe are usually pretty (dedicated). :wink:


Give an F about MR, it only counts for your own personal progress (it has its benefits!). Au contraire! Low MR players are the group where personal skill still matters the most. When your resources and mods are still limited, headshots, faction-orientated damage types and group play still count most when it comes to boosting your progress.

Moaning high MR
Usually suck. E.g.: we had a MR23 on Syndicate Excavation yesterday. He demanded us to do our job and help defending the excavators (why he needs help with Khora in the first place?!). Called me a noob for using Valkyr (some don't pick her for invicibility...) on that mission but didn't realize I found the first 6 medallions thanks to her high mobility (and Ignis) while he was still struggling with the first excavator.


Keep in mind that the OP was talking about how you determine one’s abilities, strength, and skill in the game. MR only shows how many weapons and frames you’ve used throughout your game time. Nothing more. It says nothing about the mods you have, the builds you use, or your over all skill in the game. You’re not wrong about the benefits of increasing MR though. Unlocks new gear, more daily trades, more daily rep, loadout slots, void traces, and more capacity for builds at the start. But once you get to MR 16 you’ll have unlocked everything, you’ll likely never trade more than 5-6 times a day, you get to mod your weapons and frames more at the start but you’ll have to level it up either way therefore making that advantage redundant, and how many load out slots could someone possibly need? The only benefits left are the amount of void traces and daily rep which doesn’t seem worth it to me beyond MR 16. 

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By how chill they are.

strong player pubbing while not trying to carry.

This is not something you can figure out in a single mission.

Mhhh...using underused gear.

I consider myself a quite strong player yet i don't have alot of arcane.

Using the best gear in the game to do a casual mission will only slack you off.





Unless they are shinning using absolute crap, you can't tell if they are actually good or if they look good because they do exactly what they have been told to do.

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look i usally brag about my MR, as a joke, XD we all know MR is just a number who, sure it gives you some benefits but doesnt make you better, i mean not like it matters much in a PVE game, if it was a pvp game, then yes MR could be an indicative of skill..

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16 hours ago, S0thaSil said:

what strength? fashionframe is true endgame goodnight.

And TBH that is absolutely horrid that is even a true statement... #WFNEEDSAENDGAME! But that will never happen until they can fix enemy AI so they don;t just run single file down a hallway to their doom like the cannon fodder they are.

OP you can't accurately gauge someones warframe strength. I have seen players that are MR25 that run around in their Excalibur prime and do not have the foggiest idea how to mod a weapon and get out damaged and out played by a mr8 Loki. Then I have seen MR10s that have taken the time to farm the correct mods, multi-forma their favorite weapon and frame that could leader-board run MOT with no problems with a sub-optimal build.


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10 hours ago, Andaius said:

What about there Kavat and sentinel? 


Kavats are too much Power, I can't handle it.

Sentinels don't have livers.

6 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

I just sorta base in on the frame they're playing, yes I am that sort of person.

Wukong = 10/10 best player, super strong, no need to worry about them.

Anything else = Utter scrub, going to die after 5 minutes and complain when I don't revive them repeatedly, is probably using a top tier gun to compensate for their lack of badassery.

It's worked out pretty well so far :clem:


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