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How do you assume the strength of others?


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46 minutes ago, .Versailles. said:

Generally people get very elitist when they talk about MR but how strong are they really compared to the person that has a higher mod rating than them and has arcane's as to where they do not. 

So how do YOU assume another's strength in Warframe? I am interested in your thoughts!😊

You play with them, a single mission can reveal alot, the ingame profile also helps to see the bigger picture.

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I regularly outdamage, outkill, outperform MR 1-25s alike. MR is almost meaningless and not a gauge of skill level. Even the most elite weapons you use are garbage if you have sh*tty mods/builds in them.

I judge everyone by how effective, or ineffectual, they are in the middle of a mission. You can't tell anything beforehand.

P.S. I'm MR16.

Edited by AlMcFly
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2 hours ago, FunkJunkie said:

subtle username plus flashy af fashionframe = powerhouse

Fashionframe is the only deciding factor.

I may not make assumptions on how strong they are, but they could go down 50 times in a single mission and I'd still believe them to be a force to be reckoned with if their fashionframe looked on point the entire time.

Edited by Beartornado
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2 hours ago, .Versailles. said:

Generally people get very elitist when they talk about MR but how strong are they really compared to the person that has a higher mod rating than them and has arcane's as to where they do not. 

So how do YOU assume another's strength in Warframe? I am interested in your thoughts!😊

I don't even look. I am the strength and will carry everyone if need be. If it's too annoying i will leave asap

Edited by Talinthis
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I judge how good/bad you are ONLY by how many times you go down in the first minute of the game. Doesn't matter what frame you're using, if you die 5 times before we've left the first tile, you're going to find yourself reviving on your own. However, I do look down harder at tankier frames that die a billion times in one mission that my squishy frame survives with reasonable ease. Why are you...a Rhino....dying more than me....a Nyx? That's the kind of thing I look for in terms of how "strong" a person is. Stats are garbage tools and only really show how many times they got last hit on an enemy.

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A lot of the time, I'll look at their glyph. Whether they've bought a glyph or not (or even just changed it to a free one) says a lot about their dedication to the game and likely skill. While I have seen some good players with the base grey glyph, the guy with the Loki Prime glyph running Loki Prime is probably pretty good at Loki.

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Look up profile. Goto equipments, find Kraken. I can deduce how many forma he/she used on Kraken by looking at its XP count. If it is above 500k then I can assume that tenno have min maxed almost all viable weapons and waframes in the game. Mine says 6 forma.

Edited by (PS4)johnsoigne
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6 hours ago, (PS4)iQuedas said:

By watching:
- How often they get downed.
- How long they take to rush through tilesets.
- How many mistakes they make (Mesa use her ult while under radiation proc).
- Their MR.
- And, on extreme cases, how many kills they get.
Eg.: When you take a single weapon, Daikyu, to level at Regular Sanctuary Onslaught, and still manage to get more kills than the rest of your squad, which are using lv 30 only weapons and frames, one with Amprex and another one with Arca Plasmor, and one of them being a Volt. That actually happened and I'm still puzzled at how bad they performed.

I got top damage in normal sanctuary onslaught using just my operator while levelling the mote amp...

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6 hours ago, MagPrime said:

I defeat them in battle and consume the heart if their Operator and the liver of their Kubrow. 

Their life forces flow through my Operator and into my Chosen, my Warframe, my Mag Prime and I become stronger, wiser, faster. 

What about there Kavat and sentinel? Anyway all MR does it put how much gear you leveled to 30 into a set number. A newbie could just be buying stuff up and quickly leveling them to 30 and going to the next one without ever bothering to learn about how they work or how to mod them at all. Hell there's plenty of times I Maxxed weapons out just having them on my person as I used other stuff that I like all the time. (happens with pistols I don't really like or are only useful in very close range and so forth).

So I personally judge other plyers on how well they perform in the mission over anything else.  You could have a 5 year vet that played since the beginning but doesn't like to level weapons he doesn't like so is still in the teens MR wise. Or you can have a MR 20 that just started months ago.

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vor 7 Stunden schrieb .Versailles.:

Generally people get very elitist when they talk about MR but how strong are they really compared to the person that has a higher mod rating than them and has arcane's as to where they do not. 

So how do YOU assume another's strength in Warframe? I am interested in your thoughts!😊

The choice of Warframe and weapons often give a hint. But even that can deceive. One strong riven-modded weapon can let a freshly forma'd Level 1 Warframe (especially when backed up by the the higher starting capacity points of high MR) outperform his teammates.

You hardly ever can tell before a mission, with the exception of Eidolon runs. If you check the number of Eidolon captures in profile stats, you get a good idea if a guy knows what he's doing.

High MR only indicates that a player probably has the potential for high strength, if he can deliver that is a different thing.

vor 7 Stunden schrieb FunkJunkie:

subtle username plus flashy af fashionframe = powerhouse

Thinking of it, that's actually a good indicator. Fashionist in Warframe are usually pretty (dedicated). :wink:


vor 7 Stunden schrieb (XB1)SilverSurferGuy:

MR means squat. It’s all about the mods and knowledge of the game that separate new from experienced players

Give an F about MR, it only counts for your own personal progress (it has its benefits!). Au contraire! Low MR players are the group where personal skill still matters the most. When your resources and mods are still limited, headshots, faction-orientated damage types and group play still count most when it comes to boosting your progress.

Moaning high MR
Usually suck. E.g.: we had a MR23 on Syndicate Excavation yesterday. He demanded us to do our job and help defending the excavators (why he needs help with Khora in the first place?!). Called me a noob for using Valkyr (some don't pick her for invicibility...) on that mission but didn't realize I found the first 6 medallions thanks to her high mobility (and Ignis) while he was still struggling with the first excavator.


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2 hours ago, saradonin said:

I take one of these for every mission:



But generally I don't care how others perform as long as they aren't jerks.

You must be playing with many bad players to need to know the potency of the "What"s you scream when they underperform.

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I just sorta base in on the frame they're playing, yes I am that sort of person.

Wukong = 10/10 best player, super strong, no need to worry about them.

Anything else = Utter scrub, going to die after 5 minutes and complain when I don't revive them repeatedly, is probably using a top tier gun to compensate for their lack of badassery.

It's worked out pretty well so far :clem:

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11 hours ago, johnxd_ said:

By how much damage they output. Ofcourse unless they are a support warframe then idk.

that's a bad way to assume someone's proficiency with a frame since not everyone likes to barge in and destroy everything in their path.
here's some examples :

  • If I play volt or saryn during any mission that is not assasination or tridolon I'll obviously have the highest damage output if not all damage output in some cases since I'll be spamming my ult to kill everything around me. However , that doesn't mean I'm better than my squad because I didn't even give them the chance to play..
  • If I play EV or bless trinity and my  squad never runs out of energy or health  I'll obviously have the lowest damage output yet that doesn't mean I'm a bad player because I'm actually playing my frame really well and I'm getting the job done (being a support)
  • If I play as limbo during a mobile defense/spy/survival mission I'll have the lowest damage output (unless I hate team play and decide to carry everyone in the squad which is a dic move for a limbo player) but that doesn't mean I'm a bad player either if I successfully hack vaults with no alarms or keep the target/my allies safe with a decent health or energy

damage dealt means almost nothing , this is a game about teamplay , everyone in the squad has his own role , you'll just have to watch them play to see how good they are. I played with some EV trinities in ESO that put my volt to shame because of how good they were.

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