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Volt discharge rework


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I just leveled up volt and volt prime for mastery rank. He has a solid kit and is useful for eidylons and general speed running. But his discharge is servely lacking, it does very little damage and if you wanted to crowd control something, you would just use his shock. I would suggest leaving the ability largely the same, but give it a massive damage boost (4x maybe more). To balance this, give it a long cooldown so he doesn't just become the spam 4 warframe(say 15seconds). I also feel 60%-70% of the damage should be loaded on to the damage over to time part of the ability. That would be more satisfying then hitting 4, and not getting to see the stun animation for very long. Something that has that long and epic of a start up should feel powerful, as well as being powerful.

To further improve this ability I thought of an augment mod. This mod would give volt and all allies in range 50% electric damage to all attacks, slide, bullet jump, 15% fire rate,and 15% reload speed for 15 seconds. This would also add to the all powerful feeling of the ability. Not only does it deal large damage and cc in an aoe, but also empowers your allies warframes and weapons as well. All this would make volt a multi-dimensional warframe, thats usefull in the plains, but now also in endurance missions as well.

All % and numbers are ball park 

Edited by (PS4)xDARKKNIGHTx09
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Volts 4th ability kills most enemies at lvl 50 and below at 100% strength.  I'm actually a bit surprised it hasn't been nerfed yet, so underpowered it isn't. Add in capacitance and you've double the shields for the entire squad.

Edited by Johnny5five
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8 minutes ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

Volt is one of the go to dps frames for ESO

Lol doesn't that top out at level 60-80? My ignis and movement by itself would kill the enemys before volts animation would finish. He can't get the range or damage to compete with the top tiers. Saryn, Equinox mesa etc. So how is he one of the best.

Level 60 enemys are low level, 80 is approaching high level. I was refering to long survival defense missions. 1h kuva farm will get you 115 enemys and thats a standard length run. Saryn still melts them. Volt would tickle.

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3 minutes ago, Johnny5five said:

Volts 4th ability kills most enemies at lvl 50 and below at 100% strength.  I'm actually a bit surprised it hasn't been nerfed yet, so underpowered it isn't. Add in capacitance and you've double the shields for the entire squad.

Ok, so maybe like ember, his damage scaling needs to be tweaked. Less base damage, but a high scaling with mods.

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49 minutes ago, Johnny5five said:

Volts 4th ability kills most enemies at lvl 50 and below at 100% strength.  I'm actually a bit surprised it hasn't been nerfed yet, so underpowered it isn't. Add in capacitance and you've double the shields for the entire squad.

Just tested it. At 100% strength it deals

Level 30-50% health

Level 40-40% health

Level 50-30% health

It ticks for 120 max. Saryn's 4 ticks for 350 max at 125%strength and has a better status effect. 

Edited by (PS4)xDARKKNIGHTx09
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4 minutes ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

you should either

1. stop complaining and learn how to play Volt or

2. stop playing Volt

there was a reason his 4 got nerfed and then tweaked. He is very fine atm


Whos complaining? His damage is not on par with other frames. I'm trying to get him buffed to improve his viability at endgame


2 minutes ago, (PS4)xDARKKNIGHTx09 said:

Just tested it. At 100% strength it deals

Level 30-50% health

Level 40-40% health

Level 50-30% health

It ticks for 120 max. Saryn's 4 ticks for 350 max at 135%strength and has a better status effect. 


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4 minutes ago, (PS4)xDARKKNIGHTx09 said:

Whos complaining? His damage is not on par with other frames. I'm trying to get him buffed to improve his viability at endgame



and why does he need to be 'valid' for endgame, again? also, your definition of endgame is different than anyone else's 

you keep bringing up saryn and sometimes mesa, but these ladies are one good at 1 thing, doing dmg. you are focusing on 1 aspect of volt where he has many different aspects and uses, like eidolon hunting, CCing, speed running AND doing high lvl dmg in ESO, while the frames you keep mentioning are only good at 1 of these 

there's nothing that needs changing about volt. you're focusing on one corner of a painting while ignoring the whole thing entirely 

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15 minutes ago, GinKenshin said:

and why does he need to be 'valid' for endgame, again? also, your definition of endgame is different than anyone else's 

you keep bringing up saryn and sometimes mesa, but these ladies are one good at 1 thing, doing dmg. you are focusing on 1 aspect of volt where he has many different aspects and uses, like eidolon hunting, CCing, speed running AND doing high lvl dmg in ESO, while the frames you keep mentioning are only good at 1 of these 

there's nothing that needs changing about volt. you're focusing on one corner of a painting while ignoring the whole thing entirely 

We'll I would hope the developers would want to make every frames kit viable at end game. Otherwise why would you ever play them. Sure I could use ember at low levels, but I could also use a different aoe damage frame that doesn't fall off a cliff at certain midgame level. Saryn can cc with 4, speed boost with 2 so she isn't good at just 1 thing. I also bet the devs don't even wan't volt sheild to buff amps. Take that away he's a squishy nezha or low damage saryn.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)xDARKKNIGHTx09 said:

so I'll just refrain from trying to have productive discussion here again

No you don't. You are just saying he is bad, he is bad, he is bad

while we - more than once - showed that you are wrong and you don't want to accept this fact.

He may be weak in your eyes, but then it is your fault. Why can so many people do damage and you can't? It has to be your build. I don't know it and I am far from being able to use him perfectly. But show us what your setup is and we can discuss how to improve it.

This community tries to help most of the time. But it depends on the OP. You are only blocking every comment so far 

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1 hour ago, (PS4)xDARKKNIGHTx09 said:

Just tested it. At 100% strength it deals

Level 30-50% health

Level 40-40% health

Level 50-30% health

It ticks for 120 max. Saryn's 4 ticks for 350 max at 125%strength and has a better status effect. 

Well alright.  I've never tested  it in the simulacrum.  I also always run corrosive projection with volt, not sure if that matters here.  I'm just basing this off of a lot of hours in various squads doing various missions so there is a lot to take into consideration.  Too much really

1 hour ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

173% duration, 280 range, 203 strength should oneshot everything in ESO till zone 11.

At least it does for others

I would like to see what this build looks like.  I can't picture it without destroying efficiency. 

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47 minutes ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

So? What's your point? It's an ESO build where you always have an EV in your squad and Eff doesn't matter

  So prickly.  I run just about everything either solo or in a pug so it matters to me.   I need to switch to a clan that is more active I think.   Volt is my main and I'm always looking to improve it or try something different.

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I see everyone cleared out due to hurt feelings, but as a volt main I had to say something. Volt is not a dps frame. He should not be able to nuke maps at high levels. The fact that he can currently nuke lower level stuff is just a bonus, and one that we only just got. Volt's strength lies in his versatility. A shield with no cap, a squad speed boost, localized cc with shock, or widespread cc and shield restoration with discharge. Turning him into a 1-click map clearer would take away from that versatility.

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