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Ideas on making conclave more attractive to players

(XBOX)Dawn Goat

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(NOTE: I play on console. Don't know if that's relevant to any of this.)

I've only played Conclave a few times, and to be honest when I have actually played it I did find it enjoyable. The problem is, I often found myself getting sorted into empty rooms or 2-on-1s, and thus leaving rather than playing. I think Conclave's biggest weakness is a lack of player involvement (as opposed to anything regarding its gameplay) but this has its roots in design. Here are a few thoughts regarding that:

1 - Presentation
Conclave doesn't really stand out in any way when playing Warframe normally. The console in the orbiter is small and off to the side, the relay room can easily be ignored, and even the conclave loadout editor only crosses the player's view when they're on their way to modify their archwing loadout. Essentially the game does almost nothing to actually advertise conclave to the players.

2 - Payoff
For the most part, warframes and weapons must be unlocked outside of conclave to be used in conclave. Players can unlock starter frames in Typhoon rank, but getting to this point still depends on being experienced outside of conclave. Obviously, THIS SHOULD BE THE CASE. However, it does highlight an issue with conclave: it depends on co-op (the main focus of the game), but doesn't pay much back to the co-op experience. There isn't much incentive for co-op players to try conclave.


Compare this to Sanctuary Onslaught.  Even if a player doesn't play sanctuary onslaught, they are made well aware of it by interacting with Simaris and by the presence of a tab on the mission select in navigation. In addition, the rewards from Sanctuary Onslaught are much more often applicable to the game at large. Meanwhile, very few of the conclave rewards are usable outside of conclave, and the ones that are can usually be gotten pretty easily without it.

Now, I've seen players sometimes talk about replacing conclave, rather than fixing it. I don't know which I'd prefer personally, but here are my thoughts on what might work for both:

Before the topic of new modes should even come up, Conclave needs a population boost, so that's what I'll focus on here.
I think Conclave needs better presentation, first of all. Rather than a "select mode" button on the arsenal screen, more prominent tabs for switching between modes might be more intuitive and less forgettable to players in general. In addition, a tab in navigation more noticeable than the tiny console in the corner of the orbiter's cockpit.
As for payoff, I think making more of the conclave mods co-op compatible would help. I don't think ALL of them should be, as that could cause major balance issues, but as most of them have tradeoffs I don't see any harm in making more of them co-op compatible than currently are. In addition, I definitely think making the stances co-op compatible would draw more players into conclave, though I could also see this making it too easy to get stances for certain weapons. Adding a few new helmets to the fashion offerings might also attract more players.
One more thing I think would really help get players involved is the occasional conclave alert... Just, right there in the alert missions, the occasional conclave match with the listed rewards going to the winning player(s).

If conclave were to be done away with entirely, I could see "versus missions" being an interesting replacement.
I'd imagine this as certain nodes on navigation offering either the normal mode or a "versus" mode. The versus game type could coordinate with whatever the norm game type on these nodes might be. For example, a versus defense might involve two teams trying to destroy eachothers' cryopods (think "destroying the other team's nexus").
I don't think all or even most nodes should have a versus mode, however, as players would be too scattered leading to a lot of empty lobbies and thin player distribution. Maybe each planet would have 2-or-3 designated ones? Or maybe they'd move around similar to nightmares?

Anyway, those are my thoughts on moving forward with PvP. Honestly, I'd just like to see some improvement on it. I get that this is a PvE focused game, and I agree that it should remain as such, but I think there's a place for PvP in Warframe and I would like to see that properly blossom.

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Yep, pretty much. As a person in the same boat, but on PC, I find that to be pretty much my situation and solution as well. As noted in general fuss-ups in replies here though, PvE dedicated players really, really, really hate 'being forced' to play PvP to get the stuff they want. As such, I strongly recommend that the stuff conclave gives not be conclave-only. Instead, for its payoff, let it be the same as the PvE grind - credits, relics, resources, warframe blueprints, etc. as it mostly is with sanctuary onslaught as well.

The other presentation thing I could think of is to put it on the star map as an arena node, just like Rathumm or the Index - and perhaps serving similar resource grinding reasons. There's also expanding upon its lore on that front. Here's a link to a similar post I made on the matter: 


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Agree with making it a star chart node, and/or implementing it in the same "syndicate" tab as Onslaught. Also:

4 hours ago, DarkwarriorJ said:

PvE dedicated players really, really, really hate 'being forced' to play PvP to get the stuff they want. As such, I strongly recommend that the stuff conclave gives not be conclave-only.

Quoting this for emphasis.

Moreover, this should probably work the other way around. Someone who likes PvP shouldn't be forced to grind through (a lot of) PvE to get a decently rounded kit, even if it can remain an option. Otherwise, it blockades player adaptability, which is kind of important for PvP.

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Everything said here is great and should be implemented in the Conclave ASAP to keep it alive... But it would be greater if someone could actually put these thoughts into the developers' heads to make this happen, as I sometimes think that the Conclave team doesn't actually care about decreasing PvP player count.

About the 'versus' mode the OP mentioned, isn't this the same Conclave but spreaded across the Star Char? If that, that's not a good idea, these missions will definitely be ignored 99% of the time by PvE players, and spreading PvP across the PvE map just makes access to it more complicated and confuses newer players.

Conclave alerts are great. We even had these like... long ago and I've never understood why they never happened since.

About two-sided PvP and PvE alternative, yes, this is another way to improve Conclave's condition. However, it makes it so players still can never remember about PvP and contimue writing this 'remove Conclave' bs on forums instead of actually learning how to play it. So the amount of grind needed for both of the ways must be carefully balanced.

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I've not been following this forum here much if at all, so excuse me if I'm repeating what someone else has said already:


How about replacing one of the permanent modes with Opticor Variant once every (other) week? E.g. every xth Sunday is Variant day. Rename it to Baro Variant if you must. :P

That would at least address the problem of having to learn about everything that's different between PvE and PvP, as well as any perceived unfairness caused by different loadouts.

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Just now, EGZODYA said:

maybe adding EXTREME CRAZY syandanas and weapon skins wud pull some players

I fear that would pull the exact wrong type of player. Currently, the people who seem most attracted to skins and other things like that are the PvE completionists, who despise PvP with all the toxic bile in their bitter, dark souls. As someone who enjoys playing PvP occasionally, on the other hand, I couldn't care less for skins and cosmetics; I'm here for the gameplay. What would pull me in more is getting those goddamned neurodes, orokin cells and argon crystals, as well as relics and other assorted resources, from the Conclave - because I waste far too much of my time in a mind-numbingly boring PvE grind on the most mind-numbling boring PvE maps - Helene and Hydron. I should probably play other PvE maps to fix that really, but if resource and exp grind was possible in the conclave, it'd receive significantly more of my play time.

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10 часов назад, DarkwarriorJ сказал:

I fear that would pull the exact wrong type of player. Currently, the people who seem most attracted to skins and other things like that are the PvE completionists, who despise PvP with all the toxic bile in their bitter, dark souls. As someone who enjoys playing PvP occasionally, on the other hand, I couldn't care less for skins and cosmetics; I'm here for the gameplay.

Keep in mind though that not all completionists are PvE-only enthusiasts. You love the gameplay and can play a game only for it and that's great, but I for example can not. I just burn out in a week or so if I can't find some distant goal to play for, and most of the time it's 'collect 'em all' kind of goal. And I know for sure that I'm far not the only one with such mentality. So it is always great if a game has a lot of stuff to collect and achieve, even if it's PvP.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2018-09-15 at 9:45 AM, Zach_xeo said:

Remove current conclave and kill teshin, and let us play komi and frame fighter.
Thats pretty friendly towards players

Nothing says "Warframe PvP" like a barely functional 2D fighter and GO.

It's like my other favourite game: Call of Duty: Checkers.

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  • 1 month later...

Not a Necro Bump; Being it's only a few months old. I'd like to see a Gears of War 1 style Game Mode like Execution. 1 team starts at one side of a fairly linear map and the opposing team at the other side.

[(-) Denotes a feature that should not be implemented.]

[(+) Notes a feature that should be implemented.]

+ Limited amount of downs, + Round time limit, - Active Downs, + Executions, + Wall Bounce/Take Cover, + Kung Fu Flip, - Crab Walk, + Delimbing, Decapitation, Blood & Gore, + In-Game Chat; Uncensored, Unmoderated, Unfiltered Graveyard voice chat/Team voice chat/Round Transition Voice chat, Entire social aspect, cross talk amongst competitors, + Custom settings, Clock, Down time, Player Slot Reserve, etc. Lobby style dedicated servers.

On another note,

A Dynasty Warriors style battlefield NPC's and Tenno Warframe "Hero's" Team Extermination PvP and/or Coop modes would work well with this style of PvP Framework. In my humble opinion...

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PVE players do not want to be forced to play PVP...Warframe is free to play so I sometimes feel De should contract out to another Dev like they did with the Switch and create a "PVP only Warframe" and yank conclave out of this Warframe in general so they can use the space for other things...while the "PVP only Warframe" now has a ton of space for Battle Royale and whatever else floats a PVP player's boat these days...It's not like you have to spend another 60.00 bucks for a F2P and have it on your hard drive if you like both modes...but it would be nice to not have to interfere with PVP players builds while not have PVP players trying to interfere in PVE player's meta as well...

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9 hours ago, Dabnician said:

Maybe make it so i can use the conclave mods in pve?

Well, there are some conclave mods that can be used in PvE, but all of them are available through PvE as well and most of them don't fit the pve meta. Fun enough, you can be sure that if a conclave mod becomes usable in pve but can't be obtained out of conclave, people will come saying "i'm being forced to play conclave. Bad DE, stahp this nonsense!" And many other sinilar things until the mods become available through pve gameplay somehow. It already happened with smaller things without any gameplay impact or already available in other ways back when we had the pvp events (snowday showdown, quicksteel, hearts&arrows). And thanks to this wonderful community we haven't had any of those events back despite putting everyone on exactly the same ground since all we had was predefined weapons and unmodded warframes stripped away from passives, powers with the same mobility and effective health points (warframes were only a "fashionframe" choice because of it)

9 hours ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

PVE players do not want to be forced to play PVP...

No one can force pve players to play pvp. If DE puts some reward you want but don't need behind it and then you jump into pvp only for the reward, it's your own decision. Claiming that DE is forcing you to play conclave just because of that is simple nonsense; i mean, i know Megan won't go to your house and point a gun at you or your family threating everyone with awful things if you (or any other pve player) doesn't play pvp for said reward. 

9 hours ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

Warframe is free to play so I sometimes feel De should contract out to another Dev like they did with the Switch and create a "PVP only Warframe" and yank conclave out of this Warframe in general so they can use the space for other things...while the "PVP only Warframe" now has a ton of space for Battle Royale and whatever else floats a PVP player's boat these days...It's not like you have to spend another 60.00 bucks for a F2P and have it on your hard drive if you like both modes...

So players who can enjoy both need to close one client to open the other instead of being able to jump easily from one to the other? No, thank you.

9 hours ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

but it would be nice to not have to interfere with PVP players builds while not have PVP players trying to interfere in PVE player's meta as well...

Once again this is nonsense since PvP balance is made apart from PvE one. If something, PvE changes such as weapon buffs or frame reworks are the thing that usually breaks pvp balance but it's never the other way. This not destiny were, afaik, both modes make use of the same balance and metas can actually overlap.

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12 hours ago, Stormdragon said:

Well, there are some conclave mods that can be used in PvE, but all of them are available through PvE as well and most of them don't fit the pve meta. Fun enough, you can be sure that if a conclave mod becomes usable in pve but can't be obtained out of conclave, people will come saying "i'm being forced to play conclave. Bad DE, stahp this nonsense!" And many other sinilar things until the mods become available through pve gameplay somehow. It already happened with smaller things without any gameplay impact or already available in other ways back when we had the pvp events (snowday showdown, quicksteel, hearts&arrows). And thanks to this wonderful community we haven't had any of those events back despite putting everyone on exactly the same ground since all we had was predefined weapons and unmodded warframes stripped away from passives, powers with the same mobility and effective health points (warframes were only a "fashionframe" choice because of it)

No one can force pve players to play pvp. If DE puts some reward you want but don't need behind it and then you jump into pvp only for the reward, it's your own decision. Claiming that DE is forcing you to play conclave just because of that is simple nonsense; i mean, i know Megan won't go to your house and point a gun at you or your family threating everyone with awful things if you (or any other pve player) doesn't play pvp for said reward. 

So players who can enjoy both need to close one client to open the other instead of being able to jump easily from one to the other? No, thank you.

Once again this is nonsense since PvP balance is made apart from PvE one. If something, PvE changes such as weapon buffs or frame reworks are the thing that usually breaks pvp balance but it's never the other way. This not destiny were, afaik, both modes make use of the same balance and metas can actually overlap.

PVE players are collectors and drawn to cosmetics as well as power fantasy mods....putting cosmetics into PVP only is basically gating them off from content...a PVP player is currently not gated off from solo play to attain anything in the game, even the three eidolons can be soloed for rewards since trials were removed...yet a PVE player has to play with other players to obtain the item...add the same rewards to the index...or just pull the cosmetic rewards out...I remember players just vying for a ranking of 50 in Halo 3...over all other rewards...but cosmetics and how PVE players hunt for these rewards...yeah, some are forced to participate in order to catch them all due to the compulsions gamers are known for...


You say no thank you now, but if you had open world battle royals and all the space affordable for PVP content open to you that was previously taken up for PVE and it did well enough to be a stand alone game...you'd be fine switching out...I can switch between Warframe and any other game downloaded in a few seconds...it's no where like it was in 2007 with mandatory removal of discs and overly long load screens...and being free makes it even easier on the conscious..





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13 hours ago, Stormdragon said:


To be honest i wish they would just remove PvP from this game because it's not done well at all. This game has little hope in real PvP mechanics because the power sets will never be balanced for PvP.

There are already mods that are conclave only and there are certain missions that get harder depending on your conclave rank so it's kinda like why bother.


That's coming from a DayZ, infestation, fallen earth, insert any other full loot shooter here... player. The PvP sucks so just remove it, it's like if they added a trading card game using the mod cards it would probably suck too

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2 hours ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

PVE players are collectors and drawn to cosmetics as well as power fantasy mods....putting cosmetics into PVP only is basically gating them off from content...

DE should not cater towards the completionist mentality, players should instead learn to live knowing that not everything will be at an arm's reach and move on or simply do what's required to get. The rewards are there available for anyone at any time while players decide to gate themselves away from it and blame DE. It's as silly as if i wanted the 3 ludoplex posters without scanning frame fighter data, without reaching the goals set for FlappyZephyr and Wyrmius and started blaming DE because I decided that i don't like those parts of the game and don't want to play them; similar thing for someone who wanted the john prodman poster without playing the Index, and i'm sure you could find plenty of other examples.


a PVP player is currently not gated off from solo play to attain anything in the game, even the three eidolons can be soloed for rewards since trials were removed...

Actually you're wrong. There's a difference between a pvp focused player (no interest in pve due to its lack of challenge, but still engaged on warframe thanks to things like the parkour system and its uses in combat) and someone who can enjoy the game as a whole disregarding some of its flaws on both, the PvE and PvP side. This could be fixed by adding alternative pvp ways to obtain gear that's already available in pve, like they did with the starter frames, but then we have jewels who refuse to go as far as letting conclave provide affinity in a thread where someone posted to have been told weapons don't rank up in pvp (which is a blatant lie told by some players with the sole purpose of discouraging others from playing pvp).

Even tough all of this is still player decision, some ways to help with the retention of pvp focused players would be much appreciated.


yet a PVE player has to play with other players to obtain the item...

Didn't you just say that even eidolons can be played solo? And yeah, everything in pve can be obtained doing things without any help. However, i'm pretty sure that PvP (aka 1 player versus another player, or group of them) everyone needs other player to play, otherwise it becomes pve, which defeats the purpose of having pvp.


add the same rewards to the index...or just pull the cosmetic rewards out...

Once again, realizing that not everything will be easy to reach would be a better choice. The rewards are mostly stuff available through pve (relics, exilus bp, starter frames) mods available for pve that are available through it, mods that can be used only in pvp, and a few cosmetics so you aren't missing out on much. You don't need these rewards, you only want them because you refuse to do what's needed to get them


I remember players just vying for a ranking of 50 in Halo 3...over all other rewards...but cosmetics and how PVE players hunt for these rewards...yeah, some are forced to participate in order to catch them all due to the compulsions gamers are known for...

You said it yourself, the issue is player compulsion making people victimize themselves claiming that they are being forced to do something they don't want to get a reward they desire even if they avtually don't need it.


You say no thank you now, but if you had open world battle royals and all the space affordable for PVP content open to you that was previously taken up for PVE and it did well enough to be a stand alone game...you'd be fine switching out...

I still say "no, thank you" because i can enjoy the game as a whole, so i don't care about having my hard drive disk with Fortuna and PoE in it even tough conclave is more challenging content. I also don't like the trend of battle royale and don't think it would fit well in warframe, so i'm fine with DE not investing in it. 


I can switch between Warframe and any other game downloaded in a few seconds...it's no where like it was in 2007 with mandatory removal of discs and overly long load screens...and being free makes it even easier on the conscious..

Luckily i have a quick computer that can close warframe and open something else quickly, but i also know of players with computers where restarting warframe takes longer than swapping between games in a PS2 when the disk is already old. Having everything in the same client is a nice QoL.

1 hour ago, Dabnician said:

To be honest i wish they would just remove PvP from this game because it's not done well at all. This game has little hope in real PvP mechanics because the power sets will never be balanced for PvP.

To be honest, to see a player who has never touched conclave and still has a clean 0:0 kill record talk about its balance is as weird as a fifa player making bad reviews of a NHL game because it has different rules and he can't get into it.


There are already mods that are conclave only and there are certain missions that get harder depending on your conclave rank so it's kinda like why bother.

For fun? I could make a similar point of "why bother" with anything. "Videogames are a waste of time, so it's kinda like why bother." But that still won't make any of us to stop bothering with videogames... "so it's kinda like why bother."


The PvP sucks so just remove it, it's like if they added a trading card game using the mod cards it would probably suck too

That's a really unfair comparison since warframe is far from a tcg, which would not make use of any of warframe's mechanics (just like frame fighter, flappy zephyr or wyrmius), whereas conclave is the only place of the game where making actual use of things like the parkour system, your weapons, energy management, saving your powers for the right moment and many other stuff that's easily trivialized in pve. 

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1 hour ago, Stormdragon said:


De... should've ...could've... would've...knock yourself out with all the work arounds here,...PVE players like cosmetics and items they can obtain and they are gated off from the  PVP content by their own apprehension of PVP while De has not provided them an alternative route, they got close with Lunaro, but Lunaro failed because De failed to understand basic supply and demand over Rocket League's popularity...but we'll get back to that...

I've seen it countless time throughout the forums players complaining they want the PVP items, but they do not want to have to play PVP with other players...You're struggling with the concept yourself missing the point that a large portion of PVE player base plays this game solo...jumping only into pugs when the difficulty is ramped up...or they want a better chance at a better drop rate by upping their chances with other players and RNG...of course there's friends and all that jazz, that will always be there, yet....

...From bots to alternatives PVP suggestions it's always the same and I've thrown in on plenty of these threads with ideas on side by side competitive alternatives for PVP that would entice on the fence PVE players in Warframe from halo's Indiana Jones, GTA's Jets vs. Motorcycles..ect ect...on and on..yet everyone suggests something fun and then the traditionalist have a cow about it because it's not straight up death match where they can't pounce a noob...a few years ago a lot players wanted Rocket League with warframes...for months they carried on...we got instead Lunaro, a long forgotten Microsoft desktop sports game nobody wanted...they wanted Rocket League that's what they wanted then...they want Battle Royale now, they want a lot of things, and they certainly want PVP to be more of a presence on Warframe than what it is...

Also De counts on the completionist mindset...they charge for inventory slots...and tied mastery rank to item leveling...not that anything in PVP is tied to that...but a PVE player has a codex and those PVP mods are listed and dark unless unlocked always niggling away at that OCD...and only a few of them drop into PVE while no PVP weapon skins are available for purchase in the market save the Lunaro armor set...while every PVE weapon skin is available to a PVP player...


Trust me I wish PVE players had a viable PVP route that was as intensive as facing other players head on to unlock the items so they retain their value so conclave was more active...Been suggesting all kinds of alternatives to the tired old death match mentality..but as to date... PVE player are still gated due to not wanting to fight other players...and PVP would rather choke on a stick than allow for anything other than team Death match...



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1 hour ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

PVE players like cosmetics and items they can obtain and they are gated off from the  PVP content by their own apprehension of PVP

Exactly, it's PvE players locking themselves out of pvp rewards simply because they don't want to bother with pvp.

1 hour ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

 while De has not provided them an alternative route, they got close with Lunaro, but Lunaro failed because De failed to understand basic supply and demand over Rocket League's popularity...but we'll get back to that...

Since the rewards are there to encourage players to participate in pvp, and anyone is able to get them anytime as long as they jump in pvp... do we really need an alternative route? I know players who started pmaying for skins and stayed because they enjoyed the gameplay, with an alternative route, players like them would probably not even give a try to pvp in the first place, which would only undermine the existence of conclave.

2 hours ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

I've seen it countless time throughout the forums players complaining they want the PVP items, but they do not want to have to play PVP with other players...

I've seen that too, and still think that it would be really weird to be able to play Player Versus Player but without any other player. It doesn't make any sense since pvp requires interaction with at least one more player.

2 hours ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

You're struggling with the concept yourself missing the point that a large portion of PVE player base plays this game solo...

You're missing the point of what does PvP stand for.

2 hours ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

jumping only into pugs when the difficulty is ramped up...or they want a better chance at a better drop rate by upping their chances with other players and RNG...of course there's friends and all that jazz, that will always be there....

I play pve mostly solo unless i'm going for relics, perhaps some other content too if i'm in the mood for carrying a team, want to goof around, or simply want to change the pace, so i know exactly what you mean.

2 hours ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

From bots to alternatives PVP suggestions it's always the same and I've thrown in on plenty of these threads with ideas on side by side competitive alternatives for PVP that would entice on the fence PVE players in Warframe from halo's Indiana Jones, GTA's Jets vs. Motorcycles..ect ect...on and on..yet everyone suggests something fun and then the traditionalist have a cow about it because it's not straight up death match where they can't pounce a noob...a few years ago a lot players wanted Rocket League with warframes...for months they carried on...we got instead Lunaro, a long forgotten Microsoft desktop sports game nobody wanted...they wanted Rocket League that's what they wanted then...they want Battle Royale now, they want a lot of things, and they certainly want PVP to be more of a presence on Warframe than what it is...

The most common ideas posted here are "warframe battle royale" and "turn warframe into csgo" aka "remove mobility", along some other ideas that change the gameplay too much for it to remain as warframe. 

Also, i wouldn't mind some other ways of pvp, but would really love it of those other competition modes had different rewards even if it means i never get them if i don't like the mode, for instance, i also think that Lunaro should have been a different syndicate with its own rewards because its current implementation created more issues than those it solved. And that's coming from someone who played a couple of lunaro matches, did not enjoy it, and decided not to play it.

2 hours ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

Also De counts on the completionist mindset...they charge for inventory slots...and tied mastery rank to item leveling...not that anything in PVP is tied to that...

And then PvE powercreep encourages getting rid of older weapons so players have to worry about less weapon/frame slots, while in conclave players are better off keeping every single oiece of gear even when an upgrade to it is released, and that happens simply because the way weapons are balanced in pvp makes them sidegrades, allowing for further gameplay customization depending on the player's choice.

2 hours ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

but a PVE player has a codex and those PVP mods are listed and dark unless unlocked always niggling away at that OCD...

Once again, that ocd is a personal issue. If you don't want the mods to stay dark you can always trade for them and still call it a day. 

Also i have a codex too and have no issue seeing many mods in the dark (like auras obtained from earth sanctuary specters) because i chose not to run around scanning flowers to farm for them and don't care enough to get them from someone else.

2 hours ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

and only a few of them drop into PVE while no PVP weapon skins are available for purchase in the market save the Lunaro armor set...while every PVE weapon skin is available to a PVP player...

Same rules apply for both PvE and PvP players. Want a market skin? Go get some plat and buy it. Want a conclave skin? Go play conclave until you can get it. The difference is not availability of the skins, but the mentality of the player getting them; PvP players will usually get the skins as rewards for playing normally while pve players will see it as a grind and usually do it in a bad mood or straight up look for workarounds to get them with minimal effort (not surprising in a game that encourages efficiency with a big part of its community being allergic to challenge).

2 hours ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

Trust me I wish PVE players had a viable PVP route that was as intensive as facing other players head on to unlock the items so they retain their value so conclave was more active...Been suggesting all kinds of alternatives to the tired old death match mentality..but as to date... PVE player are still gated due to not wanting to fight other players...and PVP would rather choke on a stick than allow for anything other than team Death match...

If DE added alternative pvp ways to get conclave rewards, I wouldn't mind tbh. It would feed some of the issues with the current system just like lunaro did, but many players "might" be happy with it while the hardcore vocal anti-pvp crowd might still come to the forums screaming "hurr durr, muh pve reources" as they do everytime conclave gets a balance tweak in the patch notes. 

However, i think it's rather childish to see how many community members seem to be fixated with the conclave skins simply for being the one thing out of their reach, to the point of asking for the removal of the fun of other players simply because they want its rewards without actually playing the content.

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