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Master Forgers - Technocyte Warframe (Pls Help With New Name)


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Technocyte Tenno


EDIT : Link to my primitive sketch: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ez7mmy3o65yxlxc/Technocyte%20tenno.jpg


My Idea on an infested themed Warframe


I don’t really keep up with the forums due to time constraints, yet while sitting waiting for the next update to download update 10 this idea struck me, if it seems too similar to existing ideas, my apologies in advance, but my scroll through the Warframe Fan Concepts Index Thread did not seem to show many existing Technocyte Warframe Ideas (that seemed too closly related) plus I was genuinely struck by inspiration so I hope no one else has had this idea yet. Also need better ideas for name pls and help with stats and balancing (I was thinking higher health, lower shields and low movement speed) And excuse my lack of picture as I can't find a way to include it atm and it is a poor drawing to start with thanks to my limited skill as an artist.


“Long ago the unknown creators of the Technocyte plague created a weapon of untold potency, now with the dwindling Tenno forces a new faction has arose, those who would use this weapon for the preservation of their cause, of their people.

The reclusive Plague Forgers wielding the ancient, volatile weapon to create an arsenal of new weapons pushing research further. With a new Technocyte infused Skana, it’s members collect the living parts to enhance their warframes.


Their leader the Master Forgers inspire fear in their enemies and allies alike, armed to the teeth their strange warframes warped by their numerous “enhancements” are immensely powerful, often confronting innumerable enemies and surviving mortal injuries capable of killing even the most powerful un-initiated Tenno.


As secretive as they are powerful, they are remorseless in their crusade to purge the galaxy of their enemies, and unrelenting in their drive to make the Tenno the sole ruling power in the galaxy. Many rumors persist in their more conventional brethren, including that they do not remove their warframes even to eat or sleep, leading to further rumors on their supposed mastery over the Technocyte Virus.


With the faction tensions rising with many Tenno scorning their zealous brethren they are nonetheless essential in fighting the mounting threats as their insatiable zeal, and unparalleled raw power makes them invaluable allies.

They fight to save all Tenno, for now…”



Documented abilities of Forge Masters


Living Armor pwr 25


Covers the Master in a surge of infested like carapace that damages melee attackers by partially infesting them. This writhing armor appears to be the main source of their incredible survivabiility


EDIT: In a more specific manner, living armor would block say a certain percent of damage for the sake of the argument lets say...
10% Damage put onto living armor which could start 150 hp you lose Living Armor when it blocks that amount of damage


Infest pwr 50


Infest one enemy who suffers accelerated and “controlled mutation” at melee range by harnessing their primarily infested hand

1.       Subject staggers around suffering intense pain while the plague begins to works in the subjects body drastically modifying appearance

2.       Subject is controlled by the Master and begins staggering towards enemies (subject may regain basic abilities to fire weapons)

3.       Massive physical deformation the subject now fights the Forge masters enemies

This appears to be the Masters preferred, and most predictable form of harnessing their strange powers as the subject invariably perishes as their body is steadily destroyed undergoing “modifications”


Spore Explosion pwr 75


Damage or “Infest” enemies in a small cone in front of the master

1.       Chest cavity erupts releasing invasive spores in a small cone in front of them

2.       Subjects hit by enough invasive spores suffer from “Infest” symptoms (see skill 1)

3.       Subjects who are not infested suffer damage over time as the virus cause intense physical pain as a byproduct of a partial infestation as the virus invades and corrupts their system


Ravage pwr 100


The most shocking and powerful ability, it drains all the vitality of a single subject leaving them little more than a husk that will in turn shamble in a horrifying parody of life towards it’s former allies.


The Masters seem to derive sustenance from this process causing their living armor to emerge and completely refreshing health, they are immensely powerful after the short process of intense vulnerability as they are intent on draining their initial foe, Masters often seem revitalized after the process carving the remaining enemies with a horrid, merciless zeal their powers channeling their custom skana causing it to temporarily inflict additional damage to enemies.

Edited by 81rd01
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Decent idea, need some work but an interesting core.


I'm pretty sure all Warframes are build out of the Technocyte virus.

The stable Technocyte virus. This is not so stable by the sound of it.


Maybe change the infest power's controlling function. Change it to being immobilised and incablable of doing anything caused by the pain maybe?


Also, same with the ult. Maybe completly drain of all it's life and flesh, killing it? Leave it as a small pile of dust, weapons and armor? I can imagine that guy sticking his hand into a grineer's skull and having his flesh and vitality sucked out of him, and the warframe getting bigger/more solid.


Anyways, keep working, a good concept!


Edit: Maybe have the ult regenerate energy suplies too? Not much, but enough to use infest again maybe.

Edited by Piranah1
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