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Gameplay/xp/reward Suggestions


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 Basically some things that i thought/think of while playing.



When we get reach the end of mission screen showing what we have obtained, sometimes it is greeted with a cheer yet others greet it with a curse.

I honestly find nothing more annoying or irritating when i (for example) finish a Void mission and get given a Item blueprint or part that i have multiple of, especially when i am aiming for a different part of the blueprint req's.


So what am i asking?

       Well i would like it if when i get to end of mission and see that i have obtained the 8th of the part XXX, that i could select that part and 'reroll' or select from a list of potential droppables for that level. I would even be happy to pay a fee in credits if it allowed me to avoid the repetition of doing that same level to obtain what i wanted ( or the more likely obtain a 9th copy of the item).



XP Conversion

This is a feature that the game 'Star conflict' uses. In that, once a player maxes the xp on a ship, then the xp becomes available for conversion which with a fee can be converted and then applied to other ships to level them up.

          Basically in the case of Warframe what i would like is that any xp that we earn for an already lvl30 item be able to be given, for a small fee of credits preferably, to one of the other items equipped during that mission.

 EG. a lvl 30 warframe earned 20k XP in a mission then it could be applied for xxxx credits to the melee weapon that you are leveling up.




Make the system more specific. Due to the current drop tables many players are obtaining multiples of the same mod, now this would be nice if it was rare mods, but instead its things like reach, fast hands etc. Unfortunately with the way the transmute system currently is, for the cost of 4 of that mod and 12k (or more) we are more likely to get a single copy of that same mod or another of the other very common mods than to get a mod that we actually need.


What would i like?

Make the system more specific. It could mean that the player transmutes a certain recipe of mods in order to get a specific mod, or could be a simple case of increasing the cost but allowing the player to select a mod or range of mods by preference of what they'd like to get.



                        Basically with this game the RNG gods reign supreme. But after a certain point it starts to get ridiculous, repeating your actions 10s or 100s of times on the off chance of the item you want dropping is not fun. Not saying make it easy, just more practical. Players leave when a game becomes repetitive or tedious.

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1 - Maybe if its only one reroll, and if only the price is like 100,000 Credits or higher. ( And rare stuff have 0.1% chance of being the prize, no picking from list.) I would say no because I'm not a big fan of Slot machine.

2 - No. 

3 - This is make it too easy, No.


This could make the game too easy.

Edited by jakmarston
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How does it make the game too easy? The point of the game is to run through missions defeat enemies. Its not to spend hundreds of hours obtaining trying to get your mod or item to drop.


Yes it makes the mods or items that a person wants to obtain easier to get, but if your telling me that the point of this game is to for all intents and purposes to gamble every single mission on the chance of getting the wanted item or items then this game may as well be an oversized intricate slot machine. 


The challenge of this game as i understand it, is to complete the mission/s and objectives. It shouldn't ( and i hope it's not) be in getting an item or items.


The point i was making with -1- was that repeating the exact same mission and objective eventually becomes more frustrating, boring and tedious. This is a game not a job. Considering that for some void missions there are 20 odd different potential drops per type then there is going to be enough repetition as it is. I'm not saying that a person should be able to get all the items they want in one mission with enough money, i'm saying that IF the person already has that item then they can pay credits in order to get one of the items that could have dropped in that mission instead.


As for -2-, it was only an idea that i thought of when i saw that my lvl30 earned 30k of wasted xp in a void mission.


In regards to -3-. I meant that transmute as it is currently, is a waste of credits. Money sink or not the feature should at least be practical and for the most part its not. I have spent well over 300k and appropriate mods on it and i have yet to recieve a mod that i did not already have. Honestly, i'd prefer if i could transmute the mods into the appropriate level of fusion cell.

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"then this game may as well be an oversized intricate slot machine."


Isn't this what this game is now ? 


All of those ideas are only like giving a second chance to the RNG, and personally, I dislike having something to mess with that.


In my opinion, its pretty amusing to see people get what they didn't want to get cause my friend and I always compete with each other like that, and I would rage at his reward was what I wanted.


I'm not saying these are bad ideas, its just doesn't feel right. And the Dev already working on improving the drop table. For transmute, you can already have a chance to get a rare mod, its just really RNG.


And No,no no to the first, this game should never have that, its like a second chance, and that just make everything easy.

Edited by jakmarston
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