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Kepler Teh Warframe Of Space


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Kepler is a warframe that manipulates space/dimension, now i know there are space-time warframe concepts but here is the thing they are two completely different aspects that most people classify together as one to simplify physics calculations. Time is a person's perception of events, mostly relative to our sun and how we view the movement of light and is the 4th dimension a theoretical dimension. Space on the other hand is a boundless 3 dimensional extent of the three planes X,Y, and Z which are physical. Kepler Manipulates the 3 dimensional planes for area control and damage


Skill 1: Spatial Dissection: Kepler sends out a wave of spatial energy in a verticle line infront of him for a  short to moderate distance, enemies directly hit by he wave will be erupt in half as the universe splits apart in two directions inside them


Skill 2: Expansion:  somewhat similar to  banshees sonic boom but longer range, Kepler fires out a ball of energy  when it comes in contact with surface whether a floor, ceiling, wall, pillar, ally or enemy it begins to expand in a 360 radius around that surface pushing enemies backwards disorienting them. As it expands it will also go through cover,since it has a longer life than sonicboom, players can use this to trap enemies against walls or ceilings. enemies cannot fire as they hit the wall of expanding energy as they will be staggering as they are pushed back. allies can walk unphased through the expanding bubble of energy


Skill 3: Focal Point: Two possibilities


1: Kepler shortens space between himself and a point on any surface, when activated he is instantly pulled there if he hits the ceiling he will anchor himself there for a few seconds, you can then aim yourself and press jump to leap to another position


2: Kepler initially marks a point or ally with a homing point which wears off over time or by distance pressing the skill a second time teleports him back to the location he marked (if an enemy is targeting during his teleport they become confused for a bit) if he marks an ally when he teleports to them they regain some health, note that while the initial cast costs energy if the teleport is not used during it's duration of the points life a percentage of the energy is returned to Kepler when it ends.


Skill 4: Banish  2 possibilities


1:  Kepler sends all enemies in a small aoe to another part of the universe removing them from battle (they do not count towards the kill total at the end of the mission) also a possibilty is that it doesn't affect heavy units.


2: Kepler sends them to another part of the universe but they do return after a  period of time now there are two possibilities to the return part

      A: They return with half their health, no shields and permanent reduced damage




      B: if there are any enemies in the area of effect where the aoe was cast when the banished ones return it causes an explosion as the new matter and old matter collide as they take the same space, this causes damage to all enemies even if there is one enemy in the aoe when they return the explosion still happens affecting all enemies, if there are none in the aoe the enemies return stunned with no shields.

Edited by Rada13
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Hey bro, wassup? I saw your concept and the science is familiar so I wanted to have a look. Overall, when I read it, it kinda felt like Nova.


1. Well, for your first skill, you might wanna add something that isolates the particular target so that only he is affected. I suggest they be encased in a bubble or aura and that the physical form of the whole encasing gets sliced then the two pieces shifts in different directions.


2. Shooting a ball of energy sounds like Nova's skill Antimatter Drop, only this energy expands and pushes enemies away. Does this push enemy projectiles away too like Frost's skill Snow Globe? As for holding people, I think Vauban's skill Bastille already does this for us. Also, they already nerfed Bastille, they won't allow a skill that holds ALL enemies again. My point is, it has to have a limit on how many enemies it can push.


3.1. Uhm, isn't this Nova's skill Wormhole? Though I wouldn't mind doing a ceiling run (like a wallrun except on the ceiling, for reference check Prince of Persia 2008)


3.2. This is also a variation of Ash's skill Teleport. Also, there is no justification for the health recovery, perhaps you can replace this with energy?


4.1 I don't know how to comment on this, since it just removes enemies. You do understand that you will lose loot, affinity and credits this way and your teammates will hate you. This will ruin survival and exterminate missions.


4.2.A. This is doable, since they'll lose shields and health in open space (if that's where you're sending them, what if you sent them to another planet or a star?). I think the damage should remain, but the shield recharge and decrease in damage resistance (I think this is what you meant and not damage reduction, which is a buff) should be replaced since they survived intact and the skill is no longer in effect.


4.2.B. I think them exploding would just be a variation of Nova's skill Molecular Prime.

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I can agree on one but

Bastille only levitates  Keplers 2 pushes them back, they would only get caught if they just happened to be stuck between the expanding field and another surface that impedes their movement like a wall or pillar, enemies being pushed back wouldnt be able to fire because they are disoriented but enemies not hit by the wall could still fire through the bubble and hit you as long as they don't come in contact with the expanding wall of energy. this ability could be modified that initial contact with the expanding bubble disorients  and knockbacks the enemy on initial contact


for the first teleport skill in relation to wormhole

for the first alternative: wormhole is an established 'tunnel' so to speak you can only go through it at an entry point you don't instantly tp there, also enemies can use the wormhole as well. Kepler would have to target an established surface not just thin air and it just pulls him there instantly.


for second alternative and  it's relation in relation to ash's tp not entirely, ash's tp is offensive to move him closer to an enemy (usually he can use it to escape) and it requires an enemy/ally target, focal point again would require a surface or an ally not an enemy and would be used more as a support ability. It actually would have more in common with loki's switch tp, but again that requires an object like an ally or enemy or decoy to use. An example of the use is being chased by enemies, you mark a point or an ally, you lead the enemies along then activate the skill again and  you are recalled to your marker which is now either behind them or to your fellow ally without having to use line of sight like ash or loki, and if it is to an ally they regain (either health or energy) while the enemy is disoriented.


for the ult

sure we can go with the  status one, and i never specified where kepler sends them, actually it could also work that he banishes them to an inhosptiable planet and they come back with one of the damage status effects like cold, fire, poison, blinded or electric (could be one at random, or it could apply all at once) just because they are wearing protective suits doesn't really gaurentee they are guarded from sudden climate environment change

Edited by Rada13
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another possible idea for a skill


Planar Distortion: Kepler distorts space making unfathomable distances for projectiles to hit, kepler distorts space in an area debuffing enemies with greatly lowered accuracy as their bullets are caught in poket distortions of space. melee enemies will have their accuracy reduced as well but not as much as ranged enemies. this does not affect abilities.

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