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Warframe Concept - Chronos


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This is a very rough draft of the idea. Concept art coming later.




Time manipulation warframe.


Med to High sheilds

Low to Med Health

Low armor

Above average speed (Possibly moving to be close to Loki)

Med-High to High Power


Chronos has a victorian clockwork design.





Applies the slowed effect (like Ice does) to a group of enemies and possibly projectiles withing a radius around Chronos


Haste - 2 or 3

Speeds up allies in mission. Increasing movement speed, reload speed, melee/fire rate and sheild recharge or some such


Dupicate Timeline -


Creates a clone at 25% of Chronus's current health/sheilds/damage that goes out and assaults the enemy. One one can be made at a time. Increases up to 75%.


Time Stop

Freezes a group of enemies around Chronos for a period of time. Something similar to Ash's bladestorm, Chronos creates a group of 'clones' to attack each of the enemies with his melee weapon

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Bad skills?


Like Badass or like "What in the world are you thinking? Those skills will do absolutly nothing you fool of a person!" type bad?


Either way, could you elaborate on why you would think such a thing?

Edited by MacabreHaze
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Time Stop: Lets combine Ash's Bladestorm and Frost's Avalanche


Duplicate Timeline: Lets just make a better version of Decoy.


Haste: Better version of Volt's Speed.


Slow: Rhino Stomp without Damage.





What you want is Unique Utility.

Edited by NBlitZ
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So what you're saying is that because the abilities aren't absolutly 100% new mechanics that they are bad?


Like how Nekro's Soul Punch and Ash's Shurkin thing are very smiliar.


Or Nekros Shadows of the Dead is like a massive improved Decoy ability.





So something that no other warframe can do? Honestly, I'm a little surpised that the Rhino disrupts time by stomping. :/


And that is were The timeline is kinda. Sure Loki makes decoys for 25 power as his number 1 ability. Nekros makes a group of them using bodies of the enemies but for 100 power. This guy though, does it for like 45 power or so, giving a weak unit that can fight back and moves and such.


Rhino can slow down to 2.5% while dealing damage, but it costs a lot to do. Chrono can't reach that levels of slowing, but he does it for 25 power, without damage.


The Haste might be a little too much all together. But can't reach the speed increase Volt does, but does it in more areas. for about 75 power or so.


Time stop would cause a few seconds pause for a few moments as he 'dupicates' striking each of the enemies in the radius. Probally not as much damage as Ash, and not frozen as long as Frost.



But how about this..

Stasis - For X seconds become immobile, but gain 100% damage mitagation.  Basically, you can't be harmed/damaged/effected while under the stasis's effect. Possibly a small shockwave effect as time come back into effect around you. Push the power a second time to cancel prematurely.

Edited by MacabreHaze
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Looking over some of the other warframes.. Like Ash.


Shuriken = Nekros' Soul Punch

Smoke bomb is like a shorter duration of Loki's invisiblity

Teleport is like Loki's Switch Teleport

And blade storm is like any of the abilities that deal damage in a radius. Like Frost's avalanch with just more damage and not freezing.

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I like the idea of a time bandit warframe. Other than obvious moves what about a couple different ideas. Reverse: travels back 5 seconds to the previous location with that moments health shield and ammo in the location he was at the hat moment. this move needs a cooldown. Window in time: opens a small window behind the selected enemy that anyone xan shoot through. This way he geta a small jump on an enemy thats at range. But its a two way window so the enemy can turn around and shoot back.

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